Sapphire, A Werewolf Love Story

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Sapphire, A Werewolf Love Story Page 4

by Dawson, Devyn

  My body is perfectly molded to the curves of his, and my arms are rested on his shoulders.

  “Oh the things I’d like to do right now,” Parker’s voice is low and makes his chest rumble as he talks.

  I pull back to see his face, to know his reaction, to hear what he wants to do. “What would you like to do?” Our eyes lock, and I see the depth of his passion. I know what he’ll say, and I’ll comply. My inner voice is telling me I might screw up a good thing by having sex with him on our first date. It isn’t like that though, something about him tells me he’s different. We’ve connected at a deeper level. We stood there for almost a whole minute before he answered me,

  “I want to fuck you, right here….right now, and when I’m done….I want to do it again,” he whispers to me.

  What did he say? Like a Virgin, by Madonna runs through my head for a second. My body is butter, and I’m melting. I don’t know if it’s the alcohol, or his words, but my body is burning with excitement. “I’d like you to do nothing more than fuck me right here…right now…and if you’re good enough, I’ll let you do it again.”

  His fingers grip a handful of my hair, and tugs my head back, his eyes bore into mine. They say a thousand words with one look, before kissing me again. “Good enough huh? I’ll have to make sure I bring my best game.” He says against my mouth. “Don’t think for a minute that this is a one night stand. You’re mine - I hope that doesn’t scare you away.”

  “Are you sure?” I don’t want to put too much thought into it. Something deep inside me believes him though. What does it matter anyway? I’m not innocent, and it isn’t as though I don’t want to have sex with him. I want nothing more than to feel him inside me. “I can promise you that I’m yours right now, but forever is a long time, and time isn’t always kind.” He doesn’t give me a chance to say anything else before he places both of his hands on my waist and pushes me an arm length away.

  “Life is short, and I’m happy to have you in mine right now.” His smile is seductive, and I can barely keep it together. “Sapphire, I’ve been dying to see that pretty ass of yours again all night. I wanted to take you as you were bent over in your car. I wasn’t sure if you’d find me not so gentlemanly if I did, so I didn’t.” He pauses before saying, “If you don’t want to do this, you don’t have to…I won’t get mad.”

  What, is he crazy? Hell yeah, I want to do this. He wants a show, I’ll give him one. He turns me around with my back to him; he puts his chin on my shoulder and breaths slowly in my left ear. His hands slide across my belly and down my thighs, he scoots down until his hands are under the hem of my dress. I suck in, and my body screams for him to move faster. He doesn’t though, no, he’s slow and calculated with every move. The baby oil I saturated my legs in before I left the house is allowing his hands to glide across my thighs. He rubs his whiskered chin across my jaw, I take mental note that I like whiskers on my face. Note taken.

  “I need to see - bend over,” he demands.

  I bend forward, slowly….seductively…. I turn my head back to see over my shoulder, the look on his face when he sees my tattoo.

  His lips hum together and he pulls me to the point my ass is barely scraping the edge of his pants. I drop it down low and give him the full effect as I rise back up with my back fully arched. “Is it to your liking Parker?”

  “Oh, I do like….and soon I’m going to tap it. Scoot back, I want you to feel what you’re doing to me.” He pulls me backwards in one quick move. “I do believe you have my attention.” Parker leans forward and whispers seductively to me. “Sapphire, you’re in control. I won’t hurt you, and I’ll stop doing anything you ask me to. I noticed you have a tattoo on your ass; I’d like to spank you for marking your perfect ass. Sapphire, have you been spanked before?”

  “No,” I say shyly. “You’re not going to use a wooden spoon or anything like that are you?” My head is reeling as I absorb the words he’s saying. He wants to spank me for getting a tattoo? This is new to me, and the screaming going on in my groin area is saying it will like a nice spanking. Who am I to deny such begging going on between my legs?

  “No Sapphire, this time, I’m going to use my bare hand. It isn’t the same as getting spanked by your siblings on your birthday. This is a grown up spanking that will turn your ass a lovely shade of red.” He takes his hand and rubs around my ass barely. I counted out fifteen circles on each cheek, as though he was trying to find the perfect place to smack. The anticipation has my nipples as tight and rigid as a snow blizzard would. I start to reach for my drink, but Parker placed his hand on my back. “You’ll have a drink when I say you can, and right now, you can’t.” His voice was firmer, as though he was turning into another person. It was at that moment, his hand came down hard on my left buttock. I squealed in surprise.

  “Sounds like you liked it. I think you’ve been naughty with this beautiful ass. I need to punish it to make it aware that I’m the only one that will see your ass…ever again. Grab your ankles,” he demands. Four hits, two on each cheek, and each was harder than the other. I almost fell forward but he wrapped his other arm around me. Every time he hit, he’d bend over and kiss the spot. I’ve never in my life, been turned on so much.

  “Turn around and look at me.” His voice is husky but steady. I notice his eyes are smoldering, his Adams apple goes up and down as he swallows. “Before I fuck you, I’d like to go to my car and grab my overnight bag. You stay here, and think about what you’d like me to do to you.”

  I can’t talk, I can’t think, and for reasons I don’t have, I don’t mind that he has an overnight bag.



  Walking into her house, I turn and notice a cat lurking around the corner. His tail twitches and ears fold back as it hunkers down behind a bush. I grin to myself every time I see a cat’s reaction to me. I take a deep breath, memorizing the surroundings like a mental photograph through smell.

  Her house smells like pine cleaner and vanilla. Her essence is everywhere, enveloping me in a big Sapphire bath of pheromones. Next, there’s her family, they are similar but different. Ruby smells like honey and eucalyptus, which is everywhere. If it were humanly possible, I’d imagine she’s rubbed her hands on every single surface of the house. Even if she has touched everywhere, I’ll always be able to distinguish Sapphire’s scent. Her brother Stone smells of the outdoors mixed with something spicy.

  I’m keenly aware of every move she makes, from the way she reaches for the glasses to the way she rubs her tongue across her teeth. My body is screaming to touch her…enjoy her…merge with her. The General is going to kill me when I tell him she’s human. It is frowned upon to mingle with humans in the ‘biblical’ way if our wolf is calling the shots. My wolf is fighting with me to accept the fact the General doesn’t need to know right now. Sure, we can have a good time, and even date humans, as long as we remember our duty is to our pack.

  Things would be simpler if we weren’t about to bring the Great Wolf to the farm. Shit! I think to myself. I’m not thinking about that right now. No, tonight I’m Parker...a man and my werewolf family will have to live without me for the night.

  I text Oakley, another pack member, to inform him I won’t be home tonight. Typically, I spend the night at the farm to guard the General. As his second in command, I don’t like to be too far away, but tonight my wolf is in charge. We’re allowed time away from the farm, but as pack members we yearn to be around each other. I don’t mind being away though; it isn’t as if I’m in Egypt or anything.

  Closing the trunk, I look up and see the cat on the other side of the garage, sitting on a shelf. His ears are flat to his head, and he flashes his teeth as he lets out a juicy sounding hiss. He doesn’t like me, probably because he knows I can kill him in one bite.

  Sapphire is standing where I left her, next to the sink with her drink in her hand. Something about her is alluring, so much so it clouds my brain with nothing but her. Before I went to my car, I was stru
ggling to keep things calm so I can savor the moment. The General’s wife Dolly is always saying I’m too focused on my duties that I forget how to enjoy myself. I intend on enjoying myself for a while tonight.

  “I can show you where my room is, you can set your bag down in there.” She absently licks her lips, another one of those things she does with that tongue to entice me.

  I grin at her innocence, it makes my job easier. I tend to over-think things at times. I can tell she hasn’t ever had another guy spend the night. I can also tell, she’s never experimented with sex. Thankfully it means there won’t be a lot of images of her doing anything with someone else running through my head. I won’t pick up the scent of someone else in her bed, which would send my senses two steps from the edge. “You’re still dressed,” I state the obvious. Her eyes widen at my blatant reply. “That’s okay, I’ll enjoy watching you disrobe.”

  “Will you now?” Sapphire says as she twirls her finger around the hair which has fallen in her face. She’s an expert at flirting, I’m pretty certain she’s an expert at a few things.

  “Yes, I’ll take great pleasure in it as a matter-of-fact.” I set my duffel bag on the kitchen counter next to the bottle of Jack. The bottle of rum is closer to where she’s standing. She’s poured herself a fresh drink; hopefully she didn’t over do it and get drunk on me. Liquid courage isn’t something a werewolf needs. We’re naturally driven by sex and food. Being with a human does take a little more control than it does if we’re with another werewolf. We’re stronger than humans, but we do a good job at hiding that fact. Dolly has the strangest classes for us to do to understand our strength. She gives us a paring knife and makes us peel a tomato without squeezing it into tomato sauce. Once we master tomato peeling, we graduate to cracking eggs and separating the yolk.

  “Would you like another drink?” She asks as she swirls her drink around with the swizzle stick.

  “No sweetheart, I’m more interested in getting you naked. Put your glass down and come here,” I say gently as I coax her to me. Once she’s an arm length away, I take her by the elbow and pull her to me. She’s pressed against me, her breasts are nice and round, but I can feel her heartbeat quicken ever so slightly. Her nails feel longer than they look, as she digs them into my back. To hell with slow, I need her, I want her, and I’m going to make her scream for more. I close my eyes as I kiss the top of her head.

  “You feel so good, I can’t get enough of you.” I worry I’m going too fast for her, but in my world it isn’t fast. I scoot down so I can look her in the eye. We’re nose to nose, her lips almost even with mine. “Sapphire, I’m going to ask you a question, and whatever the answer is, I will respect it one hundred percent.”

  She presses her body closer to me, for a moment I envision her as one of me, as my mate. My true mate, the one to be my lover forever. I’ve heard other mated wolves say their body knew who their mate was from the moment they met. I feel that way towards her. None of the couples in our pack were humans, so I don’t know if it’s just horny or I’m really that drawn to her.

  “Whatever may I do for you Parker?” She does her best Scarlett O’Hara impression and bats her eyes.

  “I want to do bad things to you, are you game?”

  She grins up at me and raises an eyebrow. “What do you have in mind?”

  To rip her clothes off and have my way with her…she’s not that kind though. She needs it shocking, but slow. She needs to be protected from the other half of me, the half that wants her more than I do. Hell, what am I doing? My hands slide down her body until I come to the edge of her dress. I hear her let out a small gasp when I grab her panties and pull them down.

  Chapter 7. Sunrise

  “Do you know this is our first sunrise? Sapphire says and wiggles up closer to me.

  “I do. Do you realize you fell asleep for twenty-seven minutes?” I take my finger and tap the tip of her nose. I laugh at the look of horror on her face. “What’s wrong, I was fine. I enjoyed watching you snore; it was cute.”

  She tucks her forehead into my chest and shakes her head back and forth. “I don’t snore,” she proclaims.

  I chuckle at how embarrassed she is about snoring. “It wasn’t too loud…I thought it was cute.” We brought a sleeping bag out to her back patio to fulfill a fantasy of hers. She’s never had sex underneath a night sky with nothing but the light of the stars and moon. Earlier we both had huddled up closer and laughed when a neighbor’s dog started barking. I guess we were too loud. The owner never came out to check why the dog was barking. “I don’t have a problem being naked on your back patio, but you were telling me you have people who go fishing in your backyard every morning. I’m sure they won’t mind seeing you naked. Hmmmm, on second thought, we better go inside.”

  Sapphire stands up first, giving me a view I’d rather not disturb. I sigh to myself and reluctantly get up, dragging the sleeping bag with me. I pull her to me, unable to resist her perfect mouth. Kissing is an intimate experience for a werewolf. We use our mouths to kill our prey or play with a pack member. Our senses are completely acclimated to the needs of the other person. If she were one of us, she’d be even more attractive to me…which is hard for my brain to wrap around. As much as I want to stand outside and ravage her incredible body, I’m aware of someone nearby. I take her hand and pull the sliding glass door open.

  Last night, which lasted until forty-five minutes ago; I was interested in knowing every inch of her body…now I want to know her. I want to know what makes her tick. She mentioned community service, is she a scrapper? Does she like to swim, or ride roller coasters? Does she crave sweets or salty foods? What’s her favorite song and does she sing karaoke often? Who was the first boy she kissed? I want to know if she’ll always shudder when I touch her, and if she cries at Disney movies. I want to know every aspect of her life. I can’t scare her away, I don’t want to sound like a stalker by asking her a million questions. Her backyard is small but backs up to a pond which makes the scenery beautiful. To have a part of nature in the middle of the city is incredible. She doesn’t have any trees though, nowhere to run. I couldn’t ever live so close to my neighbors. It would drive me crazier to be without her. The living area and dining room are at the back of the house with views of the water. The living room has a large stone fireplace flanked by bookshelves, giving the room a cabin feel. Family photos and well-worn books fill one shelf. I bet she’d find our shelf with pictures of wolves odd.

  “That’s my mom Pearl when she was twenty-one,” she says and points to one of the photos. “We’re close with our mom. She’s always been there for us, and now we’re there for her. She owns both sides of this duplex.” She suddenly lifts her hand and smacks her forehead. “Crap, I didn’t put any food out for Jackass.”

  “You have a Jackass you set food out for?”

  She laughs when she realizes how it sounded. “My mom’s cat’s name is Jackass. Don’t ask… she has a knack for names.”

  “Ughh, I swear that cat has it out for me. Every time I’m in charge of the cat, something happens. One time, I accidentally locked the cat in my closet all day. When I got home, I found he had clawed my carpet into a giant pile, leaving a hole. Last time I took care of him, I gave him catnip and he went crazy. I’m not talking about oh ha ha, the cat loves catnip. No, he flipped out and ran laps around the house. He jumped up on the shelf with all the photos and knocked over most of them…breaking their frames. I can’t imagine what his retaliation will be this time. I hope you don’t mind, I need to run next door and get the food.” Her eyes dilate as she talks about the cat.

  “I saw a cat last night when we got here. He was in the garage when I was getting my bag out of the trunk.”

  “Oh yeah? He has a little door to come and go as he pleases in both sides of the house. I bet he got himself locked in the garage. I always set the door to not let him in, but I think I do it the wrong way…I’ll be back in a minute.”

  “Take your time.” I pull out my
phone to see if anyone is looking for me. I know everyone at the farm is waking up and going for a morning run. There’s a chef who usually does our cooking, especially the pack breakfast. There’s a pool-house with dressing rooms and doggie doors to enter and exit. In the movies, werewolves shift back to human form in their clothes. In real life, we’re naked and we have all seen each other at one time or another. The guys give the girls privacy if available. My stomach rumbles as I think about breakfast. Maybe she’ll want to go grab something to eat.

  My voicemail had one message from the General. He wants me to hunt down a rogue wolf that’s been causing problems down in the south-east part of the state. It’s a guy by the name of Avery, he’s a real dick. He’s old for a rogue, probably in his fifties if not older. We age slower than humans. Rogues live a hard life; they are usually drunks and take part in illegal acts after years on the run. A few years back, Avery got into trouble with the law for illegally selling horses. I close my phone, not before turning off the tracking device. Rogue-chasing can wait until Tuesday, right now I have a jewel to polish.

  The patio door slides open and Sapphire has an armful of food and a bag of cat food. I go over and help her with everything.

  “You did some grocery shopping at your mom’s I see.” I set the pack of bacon and carton of eggs on the counter. That counter, the one with my special memory of seeing Sapphire completely naked for the first time. I smile to myself and reach up to the pan rack and pull one down. “If you’d like, I’ll make us omelets.”


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