Sapphire, A Werewolf Love Story

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Sapphire, A Werewolf Love Story Page 10

by Dawson, Devyn

  He grins at me, and I swear I am a sucker for a his grin. “Look who’s standing up! Sam that’s fantastic.”

  Can a wolf smile? I can walk too, wanna see? Like a child I want to show him that I’m human and not to kill me. Teach me how to shift Beta. I wish I knew his name. I sit down on the concrete opposite side of the bars.

  “Sam, you’re able to shift. Think about your human self and your body will begin to phase back. I’m trying to keep the human in you alive, don’t lose your grip kid, or things won’t turn out well.” His hand moves slowly through the bars until he stops and rests it on my head.

  Fear for his safety causes my chest to rumble and I hear a growl coming from me. He doesn’t pull away; he must know I’m not going to hurt him.

  “I’m only petting you because as wolves we console one another. We’re pack, we need and crave to be around our pack-mates.” He strokes my head in long slow strokes; my eyes get heavy with every touch. “You’re a beautiful wolf. Once you get control, you’ll love your wolf and she’ll always be a part of you. It feels good doesn’t it? I’ve always enjoy having my ears scratched. I’d never tell the guys though. You better not squeal on me!” He says jovially.

  I’d never squeal on you.

  He stayed on the floor with his hand on my side through the night. Without any control, I know my tongue flopped out of my mouth. I smell someone coming and I open my eyes, and I’d drooled all over the floor and my tongue was on the ground.

  “Dude, you running this morning?” A girl I’ve never seen before bangs on the desk to get our attention.

  “Can you keep it down, you’ll scare Sam,” he replies as he gives me a reassuring pat and stands up.

  “You’re sleeping with the lost girl now? How weird.”

  “Watch yourself. I’ll meet everyone in the clearing.” He stretched his back as he took his keys off the desk. “Sam, you be good in here. Remember to think about shifting. I’ll be back later.”

  As he walks out the door, I want to yell out for him to stay with me, instead I lower my head and go back to sleep.

  Sometime later in the day, I’m frustrated I can’t figure out how to change…shift…phase, whatever it’s called, I can’t figure it out. The heaviness begins to wear on me. The ticking of my own claws on the ground is driving me insane. I pace back and forth, again and again, until I’m literally freaking out. Without any control over it, I begin to howl. It is the single most insane thing that’s happened since I woke up in the woods. I’m fully aware what I’m doing, and unable to stop.

  It’s less than a minute or so, and I hear another wolf howling in response. I stop and cock my head to the side and hear the howl again. I respond with a louder howl. Whichever werewolf is responding to my howls, they are calling to me. I’m not even sure what that means, but I know that’s what’s going on. My heart clenches with every response, the sound is so sad and I want nothing more than to go to that wolf. As quickly as it began, the howling stopped from both me and the other wolf.

  Yet, I realize I’m still as restless as I was before; rest is nowhere to be found. How much longer will they give me before I’m killed? I’m not acting rabid, maybe eventually I’ll turn or whatever they call it and they won’t kill me. Logic checked out on me the moment Oakley turned into a giant wolf.

  I wonder where he is. He said he’d be back later, it feels like he’s been gone a thousand years. I don’t have proof, but I think the other wolf was him. I wonder why he’s sad. What does a beta do?



  Her wolf cried today. I’d been out for a run to clear my head after a budget meeting with our accountant when the sounds of her cries echoed through the farm. The sound of her cry, sent my wolf into a frenzy. He answered her call without hesitation. It is impossible to have two people your true mate.

  What’s her story? It’s pissing me off we haven’t found the person biting innocents. Pru took pictures of Sam’s bite. The size measured smaller than the other rogues we’ve found. A part of me wishes Pru took a picture of Sam’s face. Not that it matters follow-up, but I’m curious. She’s a small and delicate wolf. I’ve sent a couple of the guys out to on leads we were informed of from the Dallas pack.

  Dolly and I Skyped earlier and they’ll be home in two days. A part of me wishes I was with them and being the wolf I’m meant to be, instead of babysitter. The other part of me is glad we’re here keeping an eye on the farm, and Sam. What has hurt her human so bad, she doesn’t want to remember the pain. That is all I can figure out about her, she’s running away from pain. We all do it, we hide behind a curtain and put up a good front until something happens and shoved in our face.

  A knock on the office door jars me from my thoughts. “Enter.”

  Tatiana saunters in the room, dressed to kill in a sexy red dress. “Are you going to ignore me forever?”

  “I’m not ignoring you. I don’t have time to play games with you. We had fun, it was fun, trust me. You broke two rules. The first one was lying to me. We said from the beginning we’d inform the other when we started dating. Two, we don’t cheat on one pack member for another member. If that isn’t enough, you’re in here acting like a scorned lover. I don’t have time for your childish ways.” I look up to meet her gaze as she glares at me.

  She crosses her arms and starts ranting and raving. “You’re so arrogant. I don’t want a fucking relationship with you. Our agreement never said anything about another pack member. You’re the beta, I’m here to help you with your sexual tension.” She starts unbuttoning her shirt and turns to lock the door.

  I lean back in my chair and prop my feet on the enormous desk, minding not to crush any papers. “If you continue unbuttoning your shirt, I will write you up and put you in front of the pack council. As you may, or may not know, if you are found guilty we will strip you of your pack rights.”

  “You wouldn’t dare,” she growls.

  What the hell has gotten into her? One minute she’s a cool sex buddy, now she’s a lunatic horny werewolf. “Sweetheart, you’re lucky I haven’t called a meeting already.”

  “You BASTARD! You’re just as guilty, Parker,” her words drip with venom. “If I go down, you go down.”

  “Are you crazy? You’re disobeying a direct order from me, who happens to be in charge of the pack. Pull yourself together and leave with dignity, and I’ll forget this ever happened.” Tick-tock.

  Her face turns red and tears start streaming from her eyes. “I HATE you!” She turns to leave.

  “Get in line sweets, I’m hated by the best of them.” I need to get out of this office.


  I was happy to get out of the office, so I could check on Sam. My phone buzzes in my pocket; I ignore it and keep walking. Barely audible, I hear whimpering in the cell. “Hi Sam. Are you okay love?” She looks up at me but doesn’t move from her position. Her chin is resting on her front legs and her tail is flat on the floor. “You look defeated. Don’t fret, you’ll shift soon. I’m certain you will.” I’m not certain, but I can’t burst her hopes to be human.

  She stands up and starts to pace. Finally, she stops and looks right at me. I imagine her stomping her foot and jabbering about not checking on her all day.

  I grab a pillow from the supply closet and sit down in the same place I slept last night. She watches me intently making me wonder what she’s thinking. Most were’s can hear each other when we’re wolves, not Sam, she’s silent. The ability is only available to people in the same pack, Sam wasn’t bitten by us so we have no control over her.

  I sat there for the longest time, holding her gaze. A million things ran through my head trying to find how to help her. Finally, she walks over and sits down by me.

  “Well, not that I don’t find you a pretty wolf, I’d like to meet you Sam,” I say as I pet her head.

  Sam looks at me, her eyes hiding her secrets. I know she’s still human, by the fact she walked over and let me touch her. She’s craving the one on
one touching. So am I.

  For a moment, I wonder if she and I would be compatible when she’s human. I talked to Oakley earlier and he said she’s pretty but scared. I can’t begin to imagine waking up and not knowing who I am, or how I got there. What I find really interesting, is how she stayed here after she saw Oakley shift. Who does that? Why? I’m sure she didn’t figure she had anywhere to go and deep inside she knew they were telling her the truth. Suddenly, it dawns on me! If she’s still human, she can answer yes/no questions. Brilliant!

  “If you can understand me, blink once.” I watch, crossing my fingers, and without hesitation, she blinks. Excellent! “We’ll do one blink for yes and two blinks for no. I want to ask you questions, maybe we can figure out how to get you back.”

  “Do you remember who you are?” Blink blink. “Are you scared?” Blink. By the fear in her eyes, she’s petrified. “Have you lost consciousness or time?” Blink, blink. “Good, that means your wolf hasn’t taken control. I’m sure we can overcome this Sam. I’m going to the main house to grab dinner. Estelle made lamb and chicken, would you like chicken?” Blink. “Would you like lamb?” Blink, blink.

  I literally want to jump for joy about being able to communicate with her. I head back to the main house to eat dinner. I stop and check on the General’s dog, Alistar, an Irish Wolfhound. Alistar outliving the General is interesting, since the dog is at least twenty years old. The life expectancy for an Irish Wolfhound is about seven years old. Only Dolly and Pru know Alistar’s story, so we don’t ask any questions. He’s a sight to be seen, especially when he’s on his hind legs. We figure he’s almost seven and a half feet tall. If he doesn’t intimidate you, the werewolves will. We’ve said for years we will have a sign made up for him with that saying.



  A couple of days ago, Beta figured out how to talk to me. He asks yes and no questions and I answer by blinking. It’s been strange having a one way conversation with a person. He said he had to go into the city to get some things for the farm today. The people, who went to Paris will be home this afternoon. I haven’t seen Beta since last night. He didn’t sleep in the prison area, he said he needed to get up early and didn’t want to disturb me. A girl named Josie took his place. She too liked playing the grill the werewolf game. She isn’t nearly as fun as Beta, but she’s my only option.

  Having a fur coat is really itchy. Damn, I wish someone would come over here and scratch me. I can’t imagine having fleas, I’d drive myself insane scratching. I wonder if me not taking a bath makes a difference to the human side of me? Beta smells amazing, Josie doesn’t. She isn’t a wolf, and wears too much of everything. Scented perfume, soap, hair products, every product makes Josie smell like a department store perfume department.

  Josie disappeared an hour ago to make phone calls, leaving me in silence. A clock was installed when Beta realized I have no concept of time. When I’m alone there’s little to entertain me. In the corner of my cell is a semi-walled off area for a wolf-toilet. It’s a French toilet, the kind that’s a hole in the floor with a pedal to step on to flush. I play a game where I run laps around the cell and run to flush the toilet. I try to run as many laps I can before the toilet finishes the cycle. I’m a wolf, and at this point I’m trying to fight off insanity. It’s possible, insanity has already stolen my brain.

  When I run, I like to sing a song that plays in my head.

  It was a stormy night when you were born,

  Lightening wouldn’t scare me away,

  From meeting you,

  Because you stole my heart,

  And broke it too,

  Because there isn’t anything I wouldn’t do,

  Including running through the rain to find my way back to you.

  Storms wash away my tears,

  Storms comfort me through the night,

  Storms are what make my life full of love again.

  Without warning, I fall to the floor. Pain ravages my legs and paws, fire cascades through my muscles. No matter how hard I try to stand, I fall to my side gasping to breathe. Fear of the unknown is speeding up my pulse, to the point a heart attack is in the near future. I wish Beta was here, he’d tell me if I’m phasing back to human. My stomach churns, nausea threatening to add vomiting to my current state. My head twists and turns, convincing me it will explode with brain matter all over my cell. I try to howl, but my vocal chords are already changing. I try to relax and let it flow, easier said than done.

  Hands are on me shaking my shoulder. “Sam? Sam, are you okay? You shifted sweetie, everything’s over.”

  My eyes open to Josie in my face. I try to talk, unsure if it will come out a howl. “Ah, oh,” I clear my throat and try again. “Hi.”

  Josie exhales in relief. She holds a robe out for me; I sit up and take it from her. “You’re human, Sam! Come on, let’s get out of here and go into the house to get you cleaned up. Everyone is going to be here soon, they’ll be happy to find you. Do you remember?”

  “Are you kidding?” I spit out. “Thank God, I never thought I’d shift.”

  “Let’s go in the house.”

  Chapter 17. Guess Who

  Wiping the steam from the bathroom mirror, I take in the sight of me…Sam, a werewolf woman. My hair looks fuller, my eyes are brighter, and my skin is flawless as I rub lotion over my bare arms. Everything about me is me, but better.

  Voices in the hallway remind me everyone is coming home today. I wish I had a better story to tell than my existence began the minute I woke up in a tent. I put on a pair of jeans and a fitted t-shirt. No matter whom I am or was, something about everything going on feels so normal and right. Maybe that’s what I tell myself to keep from falling to the floor and shaking all over from the weight of my new reality. Someone approaches my bedroom door.

  “Sam, anyone home?” Josie calls as she opens the door a crack.

  “Yeah, hey, I was just cleaning up and getting ready to come out. It sounds like the people are home from their trip.” I sweep lip-gloss across my bottom lip and smack them together.

  Josie is speechless as she stares at me with her mouth hanging open. “Damn, you’re gorgeous. Wait until the pack sees you, they’re going to have a cow. Pru better hold tight to Oakley, that’s all I’m sayin’ bout that.”

  I smile at her and walk over to where she’s standing. “Thank you, trust me, I didn’t look like this before I turned.”

  “Either way, you’re beautiful. Estelle, the chef is off today. I had food catered in; I hope you’ve worked up an appetite. Come on, everyone’s waiting.”

  “Hey you, you feeling okay? The first time burns like hell, but the second one is easier. Looks like you survived, is everything cool? Were they good to you?” Abel asks as he crosses over to give me a hug.

  “Oh yeah, everyone has been nice.”

  Beta came in and sees me for the first time. “This is the girl I’ve watched?”

  “Yeah, she’s Sam,” Josie replies.

  “No it isn’t, that’s Sapphire,” Abel’s mom announces.

  “You know me?”

  “Yes, I do too. Sapphire, what happened?” Beta asked.

  “Yes, Sapphire, I bet your sister, Ruby, is worried sick,” Abel’s mom says as she comes closer to me.

  “Her name is Sapphire and her sister is Ruby? That’s…well, interesting.” Oakley says as he pulls off his cowboy boots.

  “Her mother is Pearl, and has a wicked sense of humor,” Beta says. He walks over to me with a bewildered look on his face. “You left me without a word. I tried and tried to call you, but you changed your phone number. Why?”

  Abel’s mom stared at Beta like he was insane. “This is Parker, the Parker? I never even put it together.”

  “Would someone mind telling me what is going on?” Pru demands.

  “I wonder where your son is. I hope he is with Ruby and not stolen by the werewolf who bit you. Damn, I changed phones since I saw you last. I was your nurse throughout the
pregnancy. That was what, two years ago?”

  “Pregnancy?” Beta and I said in unison.

  “Yes, you have a son. Oh, what was his name? I can see him, oh, oh…I remember! His name is Storm. He should be about two years old. He was a New Year’s baby. Is there a phone book around here?”

  “Two years old? A son? You were pregnant. Oh crap, I’m a dad. It’s mine isn’t it? Storm, we have a son named Storm? No, I like it, I do,” Beta rambled it all together.

  “I dated you? Why wouldn’t I tell you about a baby? Why did we break up?” I ask.

  “Parker has a kid? Now, I didn’t see that coming,” Oakley announces.

  “Your name is Parker?” I ask. Suddenly, it’s as if I’m under a microscope and everyone is staring at me like a bad science experiment. I stare at him, waiting for an answer. He steps in closer, so close in fact, we’re almost touching. “How would I have your child and you don’t know?”

  His arms go out and he pulls me in for a hug. He kisses the top of my head and keeps whispering, “I’m so sorry I wasn’t there for you. I didn’t know.”

  Beta is hugging me, he smells familiar, but my radar is telling me to push him away. “Something’s wrong. If I know you, and I have a son, who says it isn’t my husband’s child.”

  “What husband? I thought you don’t remember your life. And for the record, you’re not married. I read the paper every day, and your name has never come up in the records area for applying for a marriage license.”

  “You stalk me, but aren’t aware we have a child? That doesn’t make sense. I need to get in touch with my family.” I back away from him until I can turn around and sit down on the couch. Shaking my head back and forth in disbelief, I want nothing more than to break down in tears. I’m not going to give anyone power over me.


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