Sapphire, A Werewolf Love Story

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Sapphire, A Werewolf Love Story Page 13

by Dawson, Devyn

  “Tatiana, you’re on house arrest for a month. You will only be able to run with the pack once a week. You will take your dinners in your room. We don’t tolerate spoiled brat attitudes here in Oklahoma. If you’d like to say a smart comment, you can pack your bags and leave. Is that understood?” Dolly scolds.

  Tatiana lowers her gaze and quietly says she understands.

  I excuse myself for the evening to go to Sapphire’s house. Dolly wished me luck and gives me a quick hug.

  Sapphire answers the door, her eyes look happy to see me. Her lips curve up in a smile, and my heart pleads for her to have me. I’m taken off guard as she tells me that she wants something between us. She believes me about not wanting to leave her years ago, and she gets it about me not wanting to turn her. I’m amazed by her. We kiss our first kiss in almost three years, and I’m catapulted into the memory of meeting her. Our first everything happened in this house, and I’m ready to be that couple again. Sapphire’s house stirs my memories into a jumble of desire. Her hair, still long and beautiful, is tied back into a braid…a braid I want to pull and tilt her head back and devour her.

  Even though I assigned two weres to guard the house, I won’t allow her to be alone in the house tonight. Thankfully, it will only be the two of us and Storm.

  The moment the door opens, I have no doubt our son Storm is a werewolf. He’s on the road to shifting for his first time. Thankfully, if the first shift is before the fifth birthday, it’s painless and happens randomly. We’ve learned not to take a toddler wolf in public. One minute they’re in their stroller a happy bouncing human baby, the next they’re a curious little wolf.

  After Sapphire regained her memories a synergy flowed through us. We weren’t touching, but we linked. Nothing prepared me to literally become part of another human being. Every aspect of her life from the first minute we met until this very moment sizzled through my brain. By the way she is fidgeting in her chair, I detect she’s experiencing it too.

  Everyone says their good-byes and Sapphire and I can finally get some alone time. Ruby insists on taking Storm next door so he won’t wake up to a strange man in the house. She’s going to be a pain in the ass to convince that this is a forever thing. We mate for life.

  “I’m going to go put on some yoga pants. Can I get you anything?” Sapphire asks.

  “No, I’m content right here.”

  She disappears to her room and I’m surrounded with the sorrow I brought her. I’m unsure if I’m happy the sex, and our talks, kept her fire alive, or if it makes me sad. She used those memories to ease the pain. The day Storm was born, she asked Ruby to find me, but she refused. Sapphire’s tears streamed down her face as our son entered the world. As she cradled him, she made promises she’d find me, and we’d love him forever.

  Like me, she threw herself into work. The more successful her shop got, the more determined she felt. Will I ever be able to fill the void that consumed her for almost three years.

  If I could have been there for her the day she found out she was pregnant, the joy and fear could have been shared with me. Damn, I have so much to do to fix this, to fix the pain.

  “Beta, are you lost?”

  I smile up at her smiling face. “No, I’m never lost when you’re so close.” Taking a chance, I stand up and pull her to me. One step closer to our forever. “I could hold you like this for the rest of my life. Shutting out the world and dying in your embrace. If I could strip away your fears, and the heartache I caused, I would bear that burden and leave you with nothing but love. You’re such a good person. You’re kind to people even when they don’t deserve your kindness. Please, I beg of you, let me make it up to you. We’re perfectly amalgamated to each other.” I kiss her forehead.

  “You’re right, I had pain. Keyword, HAD. You weren’t without pain Parker. I know how much it hurt you to hurt me. I understand… we have time to make-up for lost time. You haven’t a clue how much I hope you have a bag of tricks with you.” She pulls her head back and looks up at me with a mischievous grin.

  “Darlin’, anything you want, I’m obliged. Do you have anything in mind?”

  “Oh, do I ever. Let’s get out of these clothes! How can you stand being dressed? My sensory system is overloaded.”

  I nuzzle her neck, the softness of her skin on my lips, I’m intoxicated by her scent. “I need to run out to my car. Don’t go anywhere.”

  Chapter 20. Fairy Tale


  The clock is ticking too loud, my skin is aching to be touched, my heart is pounding, pulse racing, desire…causing tingles. Oh. My. God!

  I run into my room and rip off my clothes and slide on a cute silk robe from my store. I’m so glad I shaved my legs this morning. I run my hand down them to make sure I don’t have any stubble. I take a lady cloth and freshen my girlie parts. I fluff my hair and get on my bed in my most seductive look possible.

  What is taking him so long? He should be in here taking advantage of me. A tapping on my bedroom door sends my nervous system in overdrive with excitement.

  “Come in,” I whisper, knowing he can hear me.

  His eyes glide over the length of my body, his eyebrow arches slightly as he continues the seduction. I want to rip my robe off and throw him to the floor, exploring his limits.

  Parker comes to the edge of the bed using his knees and the bed to keep him stable. He reaches for the silk tie on my robe. It took one tug and it fell open. His hands slide under my butt and in a single motion he has pulled me to the edge of the bed and wrapped my legs around him. My robe is bunched up under me and my hair is splayed across the bed. Using both of his hands, he caresses my sides up higher and higher until they’re at my breast. He cups them and bends to give each a light kiss.

  For the love of all things sacred, will he lose the boxers and take me already! I let out a soft moan as he continues his caressing torture. I arch my pelvis up a little. A grin spreads across his face and heat spreads across my body.

  “Shhhhh, my little wolf. We’re going to savor every single little moment. It has been a long time since I’ve touched you, and I’m going to enjoy it one hundred percent.”

  He lightly blows on my belly, giving me the shivers. Who would have thought it was several hours ago and I was a wolf? I’m human again, with my memory, and I’m in bed, about to have great sex and my life colored wonderful.

  I wrap my arms around him, pulling him down on top of me. My breasts are smashed against him, legs around his waist and heat running through my veins.

  “Phire, I must remind you that we’re werewolves, we’re strong, and resilient. You won’t hurt me, this I promise you.

  I look at the clock, 9:30 p.m. “You don’t worry about me, I have lethal hands after all,” I tease.

  In a matter seconds he flipped us over, and now he’s on his back. “Hmmmm, that’s a turn on…lethal hands and all.”

  I open my mouth in surprise, “I’m serious.”

  “Me too.”

  “You’re about to find out what tricks I’ve learned since you’ve been gone.” I wiggle around, enjoying the filling of my nipples rubbing against his bare chest.

  “Take me, I’m all yours, love. Defile me with your lethal hands.” He spreads his arms out on the bed.

  I lean forward and gently bite his chest.

  “Oh, I do like that. What other tricks do you have?”

  I sit up, I’m straddling his belly, on my knees, careful not to let my girl parts touch him. Not yet, at least. “You want to play do you? Good, because I’m playful right now.” I jump up in one movement. Oh, I like my cat-like reflexes. That doesn’t make much sense, I’m a wolf. Should I say I have wolf-like reflexes? He cocks his head over to the side and flashes me a sexy smile. The kind of smile that gives a new meaning to hot-flash.

  He casually sits up and grabs me by my wrists, “You’re biting off more than you can chew, beautiful.” He wrestles me around until he is behind me and he’s pinned my arms to my side. “God, Sapph
ire, I’ve missed you.” He whispers in my ear.

  My breathing quickens as I feel his breath on my ear. “I’ve missed you too.”

  “I want you.”


  “Yes,” he says and spins me around to face him. There’s me, on the floor, in a puddle. He gently kisses my mouth, within moments our kiss is deeper and deeper. His hands are touching me everywhere. My body responds as I tentatively rest my hands on his shoulders to steady myself. He takes his foot and guides my feet to spread apart. I suck in my breath, knowing he’ll touch me there, as in there…the places that are begging to be touched. Demanding in fact, yes, my body is demanding for this man to make love to me.

  “Parker, I can’t stand much longer.”

  He dips down and picks me up, cradling me in his arms. “You will never stand alone again. I’ll always lift you up….right now, I’m going to set you on your bed and ravage your body for the next seventy-five years.”

  Is it possible to faint if you’re already on your back? He pulls off his boxers and climbs into bed with me. As he entered me, my legs wrapped around his back, and my heart bursts into a million shards of love. If anyone tells me this is wrong, I’ll tell them I never want to be right. I arch my back as we both explode and reconnect as one single soul. I am without a doubt meant to live this life.

  I curl up next to him on the bed, his arm around me and my finger lightly tracing his chest. “This is almost like a real fairy tale.”

  “Hmmmm, I like to think of us as a love story….a werewolf love story.” He kisses the top of my head, and I convince him we have more time to make up for.



  5 Months Later

  “Run! Faster Storm! Almost there!” I yell out.

  Storm runs over to the table to get his cup of water. “Mommy, did you see? I almost make a touchdown. Did you see? Huh?”

  “I did, you will be playing with the Dallas Cowboys before you know it,” I say as I hand him a napkin to wipe his chin.

  “You think? I wanna play wid the Cowboys. They have purty cheer weeders.”

  “You are like your father. Go in the house and wash up, you’re spending the night with grandma.”

  “Oh no, she always says I act like a wild man. I not a wild man. No uh-uh, I wild WOLF! Roar!” He holds his hands up like claws.

  I laugh at his theatrics. “Okay, go clean up. Estelle will help you.”

  Dolly brings a fresh pitcher of tea to our patio table. Parker is helping Abel train for the werewolf Olympics this winter in Ireland. Storm loves ‘practicing’ with all of his ‘uncles’. He thinks he’s one of the guys when they let him help. Pru is trying to organize a pee-wee event for the children under five to compete in. There’s one more approval to get and it will be approved. We’ve found there are ten under-fives in the world, Storm is one of the ten.

  Pru and Oakley have been busy with wedding plans, as well as training in agility and some other sports. Parker and I got married the week after we found each other again. Neither of us found the need to have a big wedding. We were married downtown at the courthouse, and had a reception a few weeks later. Ruby finds every excuse under the sun to come to the farm. I don’t think she wants to be a werewolf, I think she wants to do a werewolf. Parker has threatened the whole pack if they go near Ruby. Michael flirts with her in front of Tatiana to aggravate her.

  Parker and I found an architect to design our house on the farm land. The General left Parker some acreage on the farm when he died. It’s far enough away we will have privacy, but close enough to be with the pack in a moment’s notice. Parker insisted on buying me a ridiculous golf-cart that looks like a hotrod to ride between properties on.

  Ever since we found out I’m pregnant, he’s been a wreck. Abel’s mom Natalie is living at the farm and will deliver her when she comes.

  We ended up not having to give out the twenty-five thousand dollars for Pedro, he turned himself in when he heard of the bounty. In his twisted mind, he thought if he turned himself in, we’d give him the money. It didn’t work in his favor. Josie came out and with Pru and Dolly they were able to bind him to the pack. He won’t give up any information about who sired him, so he’s been banned to the cage. He’ll be locked up until he comes clean, if he ever does.

  “Babe, are you okay?” Parker asks as he leans down and kisses my head. He pulls my top out to peek down my shirt. I slap his hand away.

  “Parker!” I tease.

  “What? I wanted to sneak one little peek,” he pouts.

  I stand up and run my arms around his sweaty back. “I’ll let you have more than a peek, come on.” I take his hand, tugging him away to the house.

  “I love you, Phire.”

  “I love you, Park.”

  Stay for excerpts from some amazing authors.


  Could someone pinch me? No seriously, could you wake me up? I can’t begin to tell you how many nights I fell asleep while typing this book. I guess you don’t want to hear me complain about sleep. Let me start this stream of gushing by saying thank you to my daughter Paris for being such a huge help with this story. If I made her blush, she never said anything. Yes, I was reserved about it, but in the end I think we made a great team. Imagine me in a fancy gunmetal gray evening gown at a podium with million dollar jewels dangling from my ears. Thank you to my girls at YA at Heart Books for making me realize sexy stories are fun to write. That means you Tressa Messenger, Natalie Star, and Daniele Lanzarotta for late night chats and tons of LOL’s. Lacey Palmer for being the most fabulous lovie, you are amazing. Thank you, Christina and Lorrie, for being my friend and believing in my stories. Special thanks to Amber Clark for your hawk-eye, you saved me a couple of times. Thank you to my friends in New Bern for supporting me. Most of all, thank you to the fans for your encouraging words. Trust me, when I say I’ve almost given up a couple of times, and I’ll get an email or review that reminds me why I do this. Thank you to all the bloggers that have pimped my books - you are really what makes a book fabulous!

  You can read more about the Phelan Pack by picking up The Legacy of Kilkenny.

  Follow Devyn on Facebook

  Twitter: @devyndawson

  Email: [email protected]



  The Legacy of Kilkenny Series

  The Legacy of Kilkenny - Book One

  The Seduction - Book 1.5

  Malevolence - Book Two

  The Great Wolf - Book Three (Fall 2013)

  The Light Tamer Trilogy

  The Light Tamer - Book One

  Enlightened - Book Two

  Light Bound - Book Three (Summer 2013)

  The Wisdom Series

  Trust - Book One (Summer 2013)

  The Following book is NA 17+

  Insatiable - A Mermaid’s Curse

  By Daniele Lanzarotta

  He’s smiling down at me and all I can do is look away. Happiness seems to be such a rare emotion for him, it always has, and I know it’s only a matter of time until I become the one responsible for that smile turning into something dark.

  He places his finger under my chin, lifting my head up. “Well, do you regret it?” he asks.

  I want to tell him the truth, that I don’t regret it, that I’d rather have had one day with him than none at all, but the words don’t come out at first. I take a deep breath and I know that I have to lie. I have to push him as far away from me as I can, because I have no other option. So I focus on the part that I do regret. I focus on the fact that when offered my dreams to be made true, consequences didn’t even cross my mind. Not just consequences to myself, but I also never once stopped to think about how my choices would impact those around me, how they would impact him.

  All I can think is that my next words are going to shatter everything that both of us have lived for in the past f
ew weeks.


  There was only one thing that I ever wished for: to be human. I always felt like I didn’t belong. My dad used to tell me stories about the human world and how lucky I was to live in a place even humans considered magical. I used to believe that to be true. Everything seemed so fun: swimming all day, seeing the different colors around, and exploring the ships that ended up on the bottom of the ocean. One day, I stopped feeling like that.

  My dad and I lived near an island, which seemed to be owned by one family only; after all, they were always the only ones there. Every summer when they came, I would swim as close to the island as I could and hide behind the rocks to watch them. I wasn’t trying to be creepy, I was just curious about their world.

  Years ago, when I was eleven years old, I was hiding behind the rocks when I saw the boy who looked a little older than me. He seemed so mad. I saw a woman coming out of the house yelling, ‘Blake! He didn’t mean it!’

  The boy just ignored her and ran toward the other side of the island. That was the day my life changed. I hated what I was because I wanted to go after him and see if he was okay, but I couldn’t.

  All I could do was swim back as fast as I could and hide in one of the wrecked ships that wasn’t too far away from my home. I was so mad about what I was and how limited I was because of it, that I didn’t want to see anyone.

  I finally decided to go home when it started to get dark. It was only a matter of time before dad decided to send the whole kingdom to look for me.

  On the way back, I ran into my friend Desiree. Like me, she liked to watch the humans every once in a while. She came to tell me the humans were leaving and to ask if I wanted to watch them go. I told her I had to get back and that was it.

  That was the last time I saw him that summer, but they always came back. Year-after-year, I watched the boy come back to the island. I knew that whenever he was alone, he was the saddest being I had ever seen. I also knew that there were a few things that always made him smile. He loved reading and writing, spending time with his younger brother, and years later, his little sister. I caught myself laughing with them several times, as he played with her at the beach. And then there was this year, the most horrible year of my life… the year I turned eighteen. That was when I saw him with a girl, both lying down on a blanket at the beach, and I felt things that I had never felt before. When he leaned on top of her and I saw his lips touching hers, I wanted to be that girl. I wanted to have legs instead of a stupid tail. I wanted to be the one he kissed.


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