RHINO: A Bad Boy Sports Romance (With FREE Bonus Novel OFFSIDE!)

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RHINO: A Bad Boy Sports Romance (With FREE Bonus Novel OFFSIDE!) Page 38

by Abbey Foxx

  “I’ll make sure I kiss it better for you.”

  “That was fucking insane.”

  Jasper nods. “Something’s working, huh?”

  Through a mess of football helmets Jasper’s hand finds mine.

  “I didn’t think you’d be like this.”

  “That good?”

  “No, like this.”

  “Football players have emotions too.”

  “Maybe they do after all.”

  For a while we just lie like that, hand in hand, hearts beating wildly, neither one with a need to say anything.

  “I’ve got a joke”, Jasper says after a while.

  “Go on.”

  “I used to date a girl with a lazy eye. It turns out she was seeing someone else the whole time.”

  “You fucking idiot.”

  “It’s good huh.”

  I shake my head but I can’t stop laughing. Earth shattering sex and shit jokes, I think I’ve found my perfect man.



  I’m out for three weeks with a busted up ankle and we lose both of the games that I can’t play in as a result. Into the bye week we carry a record of 2-4 and there’s some serious work we need to do to put things right if we want to get past Christmas with a positive lead and even start thinking about the possibilities of playoffs.

  I hate not being able to play almost as much as I hate seeing my team lose. Alright, more than I hate seeing my team lose. I’m built for sport and keeping me out of the game is like cutting the wings off a falcon. Moxlin Tiger’s aren’t the only team falling apart without me either. Corsham Riders are sixth in the league after their worst start to a season in years. They miss me and they know it, but there’s nothing I can do about that from here. Right now, this is where I belong and it’s not just because of the football.

  Penny and I have gone 16-0. I guess that football expression doesn’t work quite so well talking about fucking, but we are deep into it and showing no signs of holding ourselves back. I’ve got to say I’m falling for her in a big fucking way. It’s stupid, I know. Not the falling for her bit, but the letting myself do it. We both know I’m on limited time here, and we both know that if this continues we’re going to have to make some careful decisions so we don’t get hurt. There’s that word again, careful. It sits alongside shouldn’t on the shelf by the bed staring at me in that uneasy, knowing way. If Penny and I fall for each other hard, and I have to go back to England at the end of the year, what the fuck is going to happen to us? It’s at the back of my mind but I’m trying to ignore it. I don’t want to think about anything else but the fun Penny and I are having, fun I’ve never experienced before, and fun she hasn’t experienced in years, the game, Moxlin, getting myself fixed up and ready to play again and everything else but what will happen when that day comes and my contract runs out here.

  Penny’s never been to England, but there’s no way she’d give up Moxlin. This is her life, her whole life, and I’m the dick that’s walked into it and come along and said, you. I want you, and I’m not giving up until I get you.

  I kind of did do that I suppose. Penny’s a hot girl, what else was I meant to do? Not only hot, but seriously likeable as well. I’m showing my sensitive side here, but when I’m with Penny, I feel like I could forget about everything else and it would be alright if none of it ever came back. That’s how I know I’m serious about her. I would choose Penny over rugby. Fuck, that’ a hell of a scary thing, but if it feels right there is no point in hiding from it.

  So, after that day in the locker room, and we lay there for as long as it felt right, Penny gave me a lift home and we fucked again. We fucked so hard in fact that three separate hotel guests complained to the concierge about the noise, and we were eventually interrupted mid session by the manager and two members of staff. That was a little embarrassing, but we worked it out in the end.

  I’m now at a completely different hotel, and Penny and I fuck much more often at hers. I am still planning on moving out to a proper place, I just haven’t had time with all the extra training and reading up Harrison’s had me on, and then all the extra curricular activity Penny’s had me on afterwards. It’s on the list with a lot of other things because there is only so often Penny and I can sneak into a public building and then scream so hard we get chucked out, before we both get caught, the press gets hold of the story and Harrison and Topher both go ape shit.

  To be fair, although he hasn’t said anything yet to either of us, Harrison probably already knows. I think as long as Penny’s happy, which she never seemed to be with Topher, Harrison is happy too. Seriously, I’m not the only one noticing it either. She’s got a spring in her step she didn’t have before, she’s got a fucking glow that those in the know know only comes from one thing and she’s happy man. Like seriously fucking happy.

  Topher knows she’s fucking someone else too, he just doesn’t know it’s me yet. Part of the reason we lost those last two games is because Topher’s been throwing like a blind seventy year old. Alright, most of the reason we lost those games is because I couldn’t do anything to save them, but Topher is well off his game. He’s trying to hide it, but that guy is pining and as much as I hate to see it in someone, it serves him right. He’s not pining because he loves her either, he’s pining because he doesn’t get to have her anymore. He treated her like shit and this is the result. Penny fucks the next guy. That net guy happens to be me, and Penny is so much happier for it.

  After that, we’ve been running through her favorite spots at work, which she seems to have a healthy kink for exploring, and every single room in her house including the swimming pool outside that Topher had designed into the shape of a football. That was a particularly good fuck actually, Penny with her legs wrapped around my back, my dick deep inside her, both of us looking at the stars as we came.

  Penny’s good like that. No matter how many times we do it, we always seem to be in sync. I don’t even need to tell her I’m about to come now, neither does she need to feel like she needs to hold on for me. When she comes, I come, and the same the other way round as though one sets off the other and even if we wanted to we couldn’t do anything to stop it.

  It’s fucking magical, and that’s coming from someone that doesn’t believe in magic at all. I believe in Penny. I believe in what I can feel and touch and see and what I know is right, and believe me when I say it, I’ve never felt anything more right in my life.

  “The red or the black?”

  Penny’s at the end of the bed holding up two outfit choices for the day. It is the morning, just about still at least by a few minutes, the weekend, our first few days off in months, and the first time she’s allowed me to stay over here. I feel fucking great. I feel on top of the world and about to conquer the universe.


  Black would be just as good but red is a happier color for the weather we are having. She’d look incredible in a trash bag.

  “You know they know?”

  “I know who knows?”

  “The team.”

  “You think someone saw us in the locker room?”

  “Possibly. Someone might have seen us in your office.”

  “Or out on the ten yard line.”

  “Remind me again why we did that? Middle of the night, freezing our tits off.”

  “Come on, don’t tell me you’ve never wanted to?”

  “We don’t have a ten yard line in rugby.”

  “Then you’re missing out, clearly.”

  “I’m serious though.”

  “So what? Let them know.”

  “And Topher?”

  “With any luck Dad will ok his transfer request and we’ll get someone else in.”

  “We can always play Dillhunt.”

  Penny gives me her don’t be stupid look. Our backup quarterback Dillhunt is like forty five years old and looks like Sloth. I have a feeling they keep him locked up in the basement below the club but Penny vehemently denies it.
  “Fuck Topher anyway.”

  “I’m glad to see you two are working out your differences.”

  “Real mature, huh?”

  “I need someone to pass me the ball. He’s been moping around like a sick puppy-.”

  “What do you think?”

  Penny presents herself to me, poured into the red dress so perfectly it looks like it’s painted on.

  “Wow. I mean holy shit wow.”

  “Not too much?”

  “Would it be wrong to rip it off you?”

  “It wouldn’t be wrong to want to, but you’re going to have to wait.”

  “Damn you look good.”

  Penny smiles. I love naturally attractive girls that let their beauty shine through without the need for makeup or mascara or whatever other cosmetic enhancements. I went with a model a few years ago that had fake tits and they made a big thing of it in the paper that really jerked me off because they were describing exactly the opposite of what I look for in a woman.

  I hate seeing girls cover themselves up with so much foundation and powder their skin can’t even breath. I like a hint of eyeliner if it has to be anything at all and would much rather just see a pretty face shine through on it’s own, naked and clear as it was always meant to be. Penny’s like that. I don’t know whether it’s because she was a bit of a tomboy growing up or whatever but her makeup bag has condoms and ticket stubs in. Make up is not part of her getting ready routine and I love her all the more for that.

  “Time to get up.”

  “I am up.”

  “Not like that.”

  “I can’t get dressed with a hard on, Penny, it won’t fit in.”

  “Have a cold shower.”

  “You sure I can’t tempt you?”

  I lift the duvet so she can fill her eyes with it.

  “That is awfully tempting.”

  “It’ll take two seconds for you to slip out of that.”

  “I know it will, but that’s not the point.”




  “Uhuh. Today I’m going to make you work for it.”

  “You make me work for it every day.”

  “That’s just as it it should be. The cornerstone of every good relationship is-.”

  “Sex and bad jokes.”

  “Now you’re finishing my sentences for me.”

  “Since when are we in a relationship?”

  “Since the day you couldn’t resist anymore.”

  “Hey, you came to me.”

  “I felt sorry for you, alone in a strange world.”

  “You’re right about that. There are weird people around here.”

  Penny’s waiting for me to get up and all I want to do is pull her back to the bed and lose myself in her until game day rolls around again.


  “That’s more like it.”

  “It’ll be worth it.”

  “You know it will be.”

  “I like it when you’re so horny you can’t do anything but get my dick inside you. I like that about you. You’re straight to the point, like a vampire feeding.”

  Penny has her mouth open now in mock appall. “I cannot believe you just compared me to a blood sucker.”

  I kiss her and it feels so good that I instantly want more. Penny pushes me away.

  “I’ll shower then.”

  “Ice cold. That dick doesn’t look like it’s going anywhere fast.”

  “Horny vampire, Penny. There is a difference.”

  “I go around sucking people’s dicks not their blood, is that what you’re saying?”

  “Just one dick I hope.”

  “You’re lucky I enjoy it so much. Some girls hate sucking dick.”

  “You’d complain if I rationed you, and for the blow jobs thing, you know, I reckon mouths are just wasted on some girls. Not just for the sucking dick part either. Although some girls know how to talk, they clearly don’t know how to form the right words.”

  “I don’t know how I went for so long without it.”

  “I know, right? I mean, what the fuck were you doing with your vagina before I came along to fill it for you?”

  “Wasting it.”

  “Exactly. Wasting it.”

  “Thank God you’re here to save me.”

  Penny hands me a towel, her eyes wide at my dick again.

  “What the fuck, Jasper?”

  “It’ll go down, sometimes it just takes a while.”

  “How long’s a while?”

  “I don’t know, a bit. It’s normal.”

  “That’s not normal.”

  “It’s a dick. They swell up in the morning. It’ll soften when I take a piss.”

  “Then take a piss. You need to get dressed so we can go.”

  “I love how intimate we are with each other.”

  “I said take a piss, I didn’t say I’d watch you do it.”

  Penny and I have lunch planned. A romantic meal for two in a swanky restaurant out of town and then a weekend of dirty sex in a house somewhere she’s rented where we can get all of this out of our system and fuck each other like the horny dogs we are. I can’t think of anything better. The whole team have the weekend off and I got invites to all kinds of exclusive parties, but would much rather do what Penny’s got planned for us. The rest of the team think I’ve turned into some kind of nerd that doesn’t drink alcohol and spends all of his time at home working on football strategy, which is super weird, considering I’m here because of a one year ban, and I have the reputation as a hell raiser at home.

  I haven’t socialized much with the team because I’m just having far too much fun with Penny, but when our secret’s out, which I’m sure it will be before too long, I’m going to change all of that. I want all of us to be able to go out together as a group and everyone be alright with it. It’s likely they will, everyone except Topher that is.

  I piss and true to form, my dick begins to soften. I head back into the room, dig around in my bag and hold up two near identical pairs of sweatpants, different only in color.

  “Grey or black?”

  “Dead meat grey or tarmac black?”

  “I’m thinking the grey.”

  “To match your pallidness.”


  “This isn’t the kind of restaurant where they have plastic benches screwed into the floor.”


  “No, they even give us a waiter here.”

  “You are broadening my horizons, Penny. Blowing my mind.”

  “Not just a pretty face.”

  “Or a big dick.”

  “It’s gone down.”

  “It’ll go back up if you keep looking at it.”

  “Fucking hell, Jasper, you’re like a toy.”

  I can’t help but laugh. “I better get dressed if we’re going to go anywhere.”

  “I’m going to pack my bag.”

  “Keep your eyes off my dick, Penny. I know you’re side glancing it.”

  “Side glancing isn’t even a thing.”

  “It’s a thing, of course it’s a thing. Don’t be embarrassed that you can’t help it. That glance that you’re doing, that’s a side glance.”

  “I’m not even moving my eyeballs.”


  Penny straightens up to face me. She’s trying to be serious but she can’t. I have my leg in one of the holes of my boxer shorts, but apart from that I’m naked and swinging in the wind.

  “Just get dressed, Jasper. I’m getting hungry.”

  “Alright, but it’s not my fault if you can’t stop looking at my dick.”

  I put the suit on that I’ve bought especially, my back turned away from her while I do it, so she can’t see the finished thing until I’m turned around. I rarely get dressed up like this, but once in awhile it’s a hell of a lot of fun.


  Penny pulls herself away from packing to look over at me.
  “Oh my.”

  Result. Even ugly men look good in suits. Me? I look like a fucking God.

  “Oh my?”


  “That it?”

  “For now.”

  We both look a million dollars, and nothing like we work in football. You might guess it from my build, but other than that, we look like billionaire business people.

  “You might be a little overdressed for KFC.”

  “I wanted to impress you.”

  “I’m impressed by you if you wear a T-shirt and torn jeans.”

  “That’s good to know, because this is not my usual look.”

  “You do look good.”


  “Fuck, Jasper, it’s going to be fun playing with your dick through all that expensive wool.”

  “Tailor made.”

  “I’m getting horny.”

  “Now you’re getting horny?”


  “What about lunch?”

  “I suppose we could delay things for a while.”

  I can’t help but laugh. I should take the opportunity while it presents itself but it’s almost as fun taking control and resisting. I shake my head boldly.

  “You’ve got to earn it.”

  Penny pulls her sulky face. “I’ll suck your dick.”

  I shake my head again.

  “I’m offering to deep throat you and you’re refusing? Are you feeling alright?”

  “Lunch first.”


  “I’m hungry.”

  “You’re lying.”

  I am lying. The truth is, I would love nothing more than to fold Penny over the bed and fuck her, but now I know she wants it, it makes it even more important to resist her. I’ll fuck her hard later and she’ll appreciate me for it, and for a lot longer too. This is the long game, the killer pass that cuts out the rest of the field right into the outstretched hand of the wide receiver.

  “I am hungry.”

  “Not about that.”

  “We’re going to be late.”

  “You’ll pay for that.”

  “I might enjoy it when I do.”

  “Kiss me then.”

  “Will you stop complaining if I do?”

  I don’t get a chance to hear an answer because Penny grabs me by the tie and pulls me towards her.


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