The Chaos Saga

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The Chaos Saga Page 18

by Samuel JT Pratley

  "See, this is why we need him to be on our side. He's too powerful. You all need to learn to control him."

  "Lord Alpha look out!" Omega said, seeing Kaylin stand and create another spear pointed at Alpha's heart. Alpha flicked his wrist and Kaylin dropped to the ground. He was struggling against Alpha's hold but he wasn't going anywhere. Alpha was the strongest gravity elemental around. There was no escaping his hold.

  Zac entered the prison block of the old abandoned Chaos base. It was abandoned so no-one had thought to look for the only prisoner locked up in the underground prison.

  Strip lighting shone along the two edges of the long rows of cells, creating a dark eerie blue hue upon the black stone in which the base was built.

  Zac approached the far wall of the prison and found the only person to ever be held in a cell since the base above had been destroyed. The prisoner was held by eight chains, two for each appendage, which shot out of each corner of the cell. He was wearing tattered clothing.

  "So how does it feel to be Chaos' prisoner and know you'll never see the light of day except for when you're executed?" Zac asked.

  "How does it feel to be a part of a dying breed of marines - a faction which won't last very long? How does it feel to know that everything and everyone you loved will be killed or has been killed by the Chaos Marines?" the prisoner asked back.

  "Oh, please. I have no need for anyone now that I have the Chaos element. Lives don't matter anymore."

  "Poor, poor Zac. When I recruited you I had high hopes that you'd turn into a strong marine. Now look at you. You're a pawn of Chaos' plan. I'm disappointed in you and I'll be glad when my son pierces your heart and makes you watch as he kills Chaos."

  "Chaos killed your wife, prisoner, and he'll do the same to both of your sons, although I want the pleasure of killing both that Matthew boy and your son Sam. Hahaha," Zac laughed as he left the prisoner, thinking about how he was going to kill Sam and serve up his head on a platter to his father.

  8: Chaos Element No More

  Matthew saw a Chaos portal open not far from where everyone was standing. Sam and Nathan came sprawling out. Nathan got up and saw that his team wasn't fighting anymore.

  "What the hell do you think you're doing? Get back in there and fight these fucking Light Marines!" he yelled.

  "No, Nathan, we're done fighting for you and for Chaos. We've taken too many lives to live with and now we want to make things right by fighting alongside these guys," Alexis said.

  "Alright, then. It just means I'll have to kill you guys as well," Nathan said, kicking off the ground and sprinting toward Alexis. Matthew stepped in front of her and blocked Nathan's blade from piercing her heart. Nathan began to put all of his strength into trying to get Matthew away but he wouldn't budge. They were both beginning to struggle.

  "Nathan, stop this!" Sam yelled, only just getting up from being tackled through the portal. "They're your team. You shouldn't be trying to kill them."

  "But they're not my team … not anymore … not since you Light Marines brainwashed them!"

  Nathan managed to get past Matthew and point his sword at Alexis' heart when a wall of ice erupted out of the ground and created a dome around Nathan's team and Apollo.

  "Thanks, Lachlan," Sam said as he ran over to his team. Brin landed beside them.

  "I want to handle Nathan by myself. Is there anything you guys can do?" Sam asked.

  "We wanna watch," Matthew said eagerly.

  "No! We can go and help Nathan's team's parents. C'mon guys," Lachlan said, turning and walking off. Brin and Matthew followed.

  "Looks like it's just you and me," Sam taunted.

  "How unlucky for you. You had a tiny chance of beating me with the four of you but now … ohoho … you have no chance."

  Nathan created an orb of Chaos in each hand and threw them to the ground. A Chaos portal opened and Chaos Demons began streaming out them, heading right for Sam.

  Sam switched into attack mode and threw his chakrams. Since the demons were storming out of just two portals, the chakrams flew straight for the portals, slicing up anything and everything. A few demons made it to Sam but they were quickly killed with a swing of his tail.

  Sam felt a sharp pain in his left side. He looked left and saw Nathan standing there with his sadistic smile on his face. Sam looked down and saw the sword hanging out of his rib cage. He pulled the sword out with a groan and began to study it. The blade was pitch black with a red line on both sides going down the middle of the blade. The handle was also black but had a white line going down the hilt. Sam's blood was still trickling off the top of it.

  Sam looked up at the sun and began to feel his pains and aches disappear as he began to heal himself. Nathan stood motionless in shock. Sam took the opportunity to run towards him and throw his own sword at him. The sword hit Nathan right in the chest, and he collapsed onto his knees.

  Sam walked over to him and placed his palm on Nathan's forehead.

  "Now you're one of us," Sam said calmly as he began to force light into Nathan's body, the same way Chaos had poured darkness into it. Sam could see in Nathan's eyes that the Chaos was fighting back. Nathan began to scream as the two opposing elements clashed within him. Sam forced more light into his body and Nathan's screaming stopped as the Chaos was purged from his body.

  Sam fell backwards and hard on his arse, panting from exhaustion. He'd never healed someone else's Chaos and he was afraid that it wouldn't work.

  Nathan began to look around. He seemed confused.

  "Sam?" he asked softly as if not sure what to say. "What happened?"

  Sam got up and walked over to him.

  "You had the Chaos Element within you. It was making you do crazy things," Sam explained as he helped Nathan onto his feet.

  "Yeah … yeah, I remember that part," he said softly. "I could see and hear everything that I was doing but I couldn't do anything about it. I couldn't stop it."

  "It's fine, Nathan, the Chaos is gone from you now. You're free. C'mon, we have a something we need to take care of."

  9: Failed Rescue

  Sam, Matthew and his team waited outside where Nathan's teams' families were being held by the Chaos Marines.

  "Doc, how many are in there?" Sam asked through the comms.

  "I can't tell. The heat signatures are all bundled together," Doc replied.

  "What about you, Nathan? Can you tell how many there are in there?"

  "Nope. The weight is evenly distributed so I can't tell one from another," Nathan said from underneath the base. He was an earthen elemental and he'd gone underneath the base to find out how many people were in the base.

  "Alright, Nathan, get back here. We'll have to figure out a way to see how many people are in there," Sam said.

  Nathan appeared out of the ground next to Sam and Matthew's team.

  "What's the plan, Sam?" Matthew asked.

  "I guess we're just gonna have to storm the compound and try not to kill your team's families," Sam said, standing.

  "That's a stupid idea, Sam. We don't even know what the families look like, so we wouldn't know who to kill," Lachlan said.

  "Well, I'm gonna go and try it anyway. You can come and have some action or you can sit there and not do anything," Sam said, walking toward the Chaos Marine base.

  Matthew got up and followed him with his team in tow. Nathan and his team brought up the rear.

  "How do we know this base isn't rigged to explode when we get near it?" Cheyenne asked as they neared the main wall which encircled the base.

  "Because," Sam said, turning to face his marines. "If it was then it would've…"

  Sam was flung forward as the base became engulfed in a fireball of explosion. He landed hard in his front while the rest of the marines were thrown onto their backs. Nathan and his team fused together into a mecha beast form. Nathan's normal beast form was a giant rhino made entirely of earth, but when his team fused with him they each formed one limb of the beast. Each of Nathan's
team activated a purple armour which had turned into either an arm or a leg which fused with Rhynos, creating a purple armour for the beast.

  Nathan skidded along the ground with his hands and feet, digging into it to slow him down. He looked up and saw Chaos emerge from the fiery rubble of the base.

  Sam got up and saw the same thing. He looked back at Nathan and they both nodded. Nathan went underground while Sam ran for Chaos.

  Omega's eyes felt heavy as he waited in the med bay for Kaylin to regain consciousness after Alpha had done something to him to knock him out. Omega drifted off into a sleep. A dream came almost instantly.

  Omega looked around and saw Kaylin, Bravo, Delta, Gamma and Theta all fighting other elementals. The ground was cracking as earthen elementals used it as weapons. Fire columns erupted out if the ground and fire balls were being thrown about by the fire elementals. The air was thin because the air elementals were trying to suffocate everyone. All of the water in the nearby lakes was now being used by the water elementals to drown their enemies. Every element was in use on the small open field that was surrounded by mountains.

  Omega was too busy scoping out the situation to notice the ice spear heading for him. The ice spear grazed Omega's arm, shattering the armour and causing blood to flow out of the cut. Omega saw who had thrown the spear at him. It was only a young boy, eight years old at most.

  "I hit him! I actually hit…"

  The boy was in the middle of what looked like celebrating what he'd done when a pillar of earth smashed down on him, crushing his bones and killing him instantly. Omega looked around and Theta ran up to him.

  "Come on, Omega, get your head in the game. We're in the middle of a war and you're just standing there doing nothing. Do you want to get killed?" Theta yelled at him.

  An ice spike erupted out of the ground and pierced Theta's armour, through and through. His blood began to trickle down the spike, dying it a deep shade of red. His body went limp as his life drained out of him. Omega stood there unable to help.

  One by one, Omega's team began to fall. Gamma's skull got caved in by an earthen elemental, Bravo was burnt alive, Delta shocked himself to death when a water elemental covered him in water, and Kaylin's body was torn in half by a saw blade made of ice.

  Omega looked on, horrified to see his death coming at him in the form of a bolt of white lightning. Omega cloaked his arms in earth and absorbed the bolt. He brought his arms down to his side, the crackling of the lightning still emitting from his hands. He ran for the nearest water elemental - a young girl with long dark hair. Omega grabbed her by the back of her head and let the lightning from his hands surge into her body, killing her instantly.

  Omega felt sharp pain in his back and then a chilling cold. An ice spear had lodged itself in his back. More and more pains came from his back, and he turned to see four ice elementals firing at him. He quickly erected a wall of earth to stop the spears but pretty soon more and more elementals surrounded him. It became too overwhelming for Omega so he dropped the wall and let his death come.

  "Omega! Omega! Wake up!"

  10: Imprisonment

  "Hayden, stop this! You're just gonna end up killing everyone you love!" Sam yelled at Chaos.

  "Oh, Samuel. You know so little. I am Chaos, the Chaos Overlord, not the pitiful human you call Hayden. He is the body in which I inhabit, but he is under my control."

  Nathan burst out of the ground behind Chaos and slammed into him, throwing him towards Sam. Sam activated defender and threw his trident at Chaos.

  Chaos opened a portal in front of him and flew through it. He reappeared behind Sam and closer to Matthew and his team. Chaos got up and walked over to where Matthew and his team were still on the ground from the explosion.

  "Oh, no you don't," Sam said, blinking in between Matthew and Chaos.

  Sam readied his chakrams by his side to throw at Chaos, but he had turned his attention to Nathan. Sam was weary about doing anything as Chaos could manipulate Chaos Portals at will. Chaos had his hand outstretched toward Sam with a chaos orb swirling in his hand but nothing was happening - nothing Sam could see.

  Chaos taunted for Nathan to attack. Nathan charged for Chaos at a full sprint but Chaos dodged out of the way and still had his hand out. Sam threw both of his chakrams at Chaos and created two Chaos constructs in front of him to block them, all while still keeping his hand outstretched towards Sam.

  Nathan created a wall of earth that hovered above Chaos, threatening to fall at any moment. Sam threw his chakrams at Chaos while he was distracted by Nathan's earth wall. Chaos opened a portal with his other hand and the chakrams flew through it. He then turned back to Nathan and jumped out of the way just in time to dodge another one of Nathan's charges. Nathan turned once he was beside Sam. Chaos reopened his portal and the chakrams flew out toward Sam and Nathan.

  Nathan dropped the wall of earth above Chaos' head down onto him but he was too far to the left for the wall to hit him.

  "You're probably wondering what I've been doing with the portal I've opened with my hand," Chaos said, facing Sam and Nathan. "Turn around and you'll see."

  Sam hesitated to turn around as he was sure that Chaos was up to something. Sam turned to see nothing. No-one was lying on the ground. Matthew and his team were gone. Sam turned back to Chaos but before he could say anything he was engulfed by a Chaos Portal.

  Sam struggled against the pull of the portal underneath him. He could see Nathan struggling next to him as well. Sam's vision became blurry as the portal swallowed him whole.

  Apollo blinked to a city-covered planet, appearing on a stone rooftop high above the busy streets and skyways that were the main transport hubs of the cities, with Brin holding onto his shoulder. Brin let go as the harsh light faded and shuddered at the cold wind that blew at such a high altitude.

  "Why are we here, Apollo?" Brin asked, peering over the side of the roof top.

  "This is where we brought the others of your team, back when the Chaos Marines attacked the park and killed your team," Apollo replied, looking up into the grey sky. He could see a space station above them, close enough to touch.

  The planet was far more advanced then Earth was and it was hard for both Brin and Apollo to take in what surrounded them. Apollo spied more and more space stations littering the sky while Brin saw hover cars zooming past below them across the skyways at a speed unachievable by ground vehicles. The building they stood upon was far taller than most Earth buildings. They appeared to be constructed out of a kind of stone metal substance unbeknownst to Earth scientists. They were atop one of the highest buildings on the planet, far above the cloud layer but not the only one above it. Several more grey stone buildings shot out of the clouds.

  "You mean Cameron?" Brin asked, taking his eyes off the obliviousness of the world below and looking at Apollo with a concerned look.

  "Yes, although it seems that he is not here anymore," Apollo replied, looking around the roof for any access port into the building but finding nothing. "How does one get off the roof of a building too high to jump from and with no way of exiting?"

  "Maybe he did jump."

  "How could he?"

  "Well he had the same armour I have, so he had wings. Plus Cam is a chain master. He knows how to use his chains to do just about anything."

  "I'm sorry that you two were the only ones we could save. Alpha would've wanted us to save more of you," Apollo said, his eyes showing signs of regret. He was just an armour but that didn't mean that he couldn't feel emotions.

  "Don't worry about it. Our quests had been done. We were kind of separating anyway. I wish you'd saved Lucy though," Brin said, leaning on the tail that ran the length of the roof top.

  A long silence followed. The wind and the sound of hover cars were the only things to be heard at such an altitude. The wind battered Brin's face. He put his helmet on and began to scan the nearby buildings for Cameron.

  "I've found him," Apollo said, pointing up at one of the space statio
ns above their heads.

  Brin followed Apollo's hand and saw he was pointing at a larger station. It was clearly made as a prison station. Barred windows littered the only wall that they could see.

  "Let's go get him then."

  Matthew awoke when metal banged against metal. He stared at a plain grey stone roof, and shook his head to make sure that he was awake. He sat up and faced a grey stone wall with a single window in the centre. The window was barred with black metal bars. The two walls on his sides were both plain grey stone. He turned and faced more metal bars that reached from floor to ceiling and barred his way to a large hallway.

  "Good to see you're awake," a voice said from a cell across the hall. Matthew had to squint to see into the cell as the lighting of where they were was horrible and lit very little apart from the walkways. Matthew didn't recognise who was in the cell across of him. He realised that he was no longer wearing his gauntlet or any of the clothes he'd worn before. He now wore orange prison rags.

  "Matthew … anyone … does anyone respond?" Sam's voice came through Matthew's comms which was luckily still in his ear. Being microscopic, they were inserted into the ear lining to ensure no-one could easily take them out.

  "I'm here, Sam. I read you loud and clear," Matthew responded. There was a short silence where no-one else checked in.

  "Where are you?" Sam asked.

  "I dunno. I'm in some kind of prison cell."

  "Same here. Is there a number somewhere around you? Probably outside the cell."

  Matthew walked to the edge of his cell and looked at the roof. He could see there were at least another three levels of cells above him. A large '6' was painted on the doors at each end of the cell block.

  "I got number six where I am," Matthew said, walking to the back of the cell.

  "Okay, I've got number one. Actually I have no idea what the numbers mean but I'm guessing that if either of us get out then we should free the other one."


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