The Chaos Saga

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The Chaos Saga Page 23

by Samuel JT Pratley

  6: Zac Vs Sam, Not A Fight To The Death

  As Sam backed away from Zac he wondered how he was going to fight such an opponent - or not fight, as the case was. Sam couldn't fight him without making it clear who he was, but no-one knew who Sam was underneath his helmet and he wasn't going to risk it. He backed away and found a pair of hands touching his back. He was pushed back into the ring of Chaos Marines that formed around Sam and Zac.

  "What's the matter, Ace? You won't fight Chaos' second in command?" Zac asked as he walked calmly around the circle.

  'Horus, what should I do?' Sam asked in his mind.

  "I'm not sure, Master. You've strayed from the course my creator had instructed us to help you stay on," Horus said.

  "I'd fight you, Zac, but Lord Chaos would lose his second in command," Sam taunted.

  "Hah! You have no idea who you're fighting against!"

  'I have a pretty good idea, Zac,' Sam thought.

  "Master, please don't get carried away. You are not the one who is supposed to kill Zac," Horus said in his head. "Let me handle it."

  Zac wore his standard Chaos General Armour and carried his chain sword in his left hand and a bolt repeater in his right. Zac wanted to use his repeater but he wasn't sure what Lord Chaos would say if he mowed down a few Chaos Marine trainees. Sam only carried a sword in his right hand. Zac pointed his rifle at Sam just to test Chaos' reaction.

  "Don't even think about it, Zac," Chaos said from high above them.

  "Oh, but Lord Chaos…"

  In that second Zac took his eyes off Sam, who darted forward and kicked Zac in the stomach, sending him sprawling back. Sam jumped in the air and drew a Chaos Pistol he carried by his side. Sam let off a few shots, all of which bounced off Zac's armour. Zac pointed his rifle at Sam who was now falling towards him. As Zac pulled the trigger, Sam blinked behind him.

  "It seems we have an elemental in our midst," Zac shouted, turning to Sam. "Don't worry though. We'll get that part out of you when we turn you into a Chaos General," he continued.

  Sam launched himself off the Chaos Marine behind him and flew towards Zac. Their swords connected again and again. Zac swung at Sam and Sam felt his body move without his control. Horus had taken over all of Sam's motor functions. Sam moved around Zac and fired his pistol at his hand, shooting his sword out of his hand. Zac ran at Sam when a voice echoed through the hall.

  "Zac! You're been defeated! Get up here!" Chaos yelled.

  "Yes, Lord Chaos," Zac said back.

  Sam watched as Zac used the Chaos Element to launch himself up to the platform Chaos stood on.

  'If we become a Chaos General how are we going to stop the Chaos Element from taking control of us?' Sam asked Horus.

  "I will counter it. My powers amplify your powers so we can use the Light Element to cure yourself. We could also turn into the Darkness Element to turn your eyes black, but that's if you have to take off your helmet," Horus replied.

  Zac used the Chaos Element to launch himself up to the platform Lord Chaos was standing on.

  "My Lord, why did you stop the fight? I was about to win," Zac asked.

  "We need to make him a General, and quickly."

  Zac could hear fear in Lord Chaos' voice, but it couldn't be fear. Lord Chaos couldn't feel fear, could he?

  "Why, my Lord?" Zac asked.

  "Sam and the marines are getting stronger. I may not survive our next bout and I need someone to take host of when this one dies. He's the one I want to be my host next," Lord Chaos said, pointing down to the trainees.

  Zac saw he was pointing at Ace. Zac also noticed that Ace was staring at them too while the other trainees surrounded him.

  'Who are you under that helmet, Ace Anderson?' Zac asked himself, leaning against the rail in front of them.

  As Matthew and his team walked into the General's throne room, they found him yelling at Brin and Nathan, probably for fighting in the holo deck. Matthew held his team back at the doorway while he went in to talk to them.

  "Ahh, Matthew. It's good to see that a team leader finally showed his face," the General growled as he saw his son walking up to them.

  "I was on a mission for you. Don't complain about me not being here if you're the one who sent me and my team away," Matthew retorted.

  "I forgot about that. Oh, well, let's just get down to it then. These two members of your team have been fighting and I won't allow them to stay on this base if you're not going to take control of them."

  "Well, I don't know what I can do, Sir. They're both incredibly powerful marines and I want them both in my team but ultimately it's up to you."


  "Yes, Sir." Nathan stood at attention as the General spoke to him.

  "I don't know who authorised you to be on this base but I don't want you here. I don't trust you or your team because of your Chaos past."

  "But, Sir…!"

  "No, Nathan. I want you and your team off this base now!" the General yelled.

  "Yes, Sir," Nathan said, walking off on a slump.

  "Matthew!" the General continued to yell.

  "Yes, Sir?"

  "Brin will be on your team from now on. Treat him like one of your own."

  "Yes, Sir."

  "Your team is now excused, Matthew."

  "Yes, Sir."

  Matthew's team left with Brin, leaving Matthew with the General.

  "I've heard that Sam has become one of Chaos' top Generals."

  7: Attack

  Sam stood in the Chaos throne room after becoming a Chaos General, or at least it seemed like he'd become one. In reality, Horus had amplified Sam's light powers to cure the Chaos as it streamed into him. Chaos sat in front of him.

  "Ace, I made you one of my generals because I am planning an all out assault against the marines," Chaos said.

  Sam tensed as he heard the words. "Why, though, my Lord? Why me?" he asked, his mind reeling.

  "Because I want you to lead. You will create a portal leading to the base and will lead the assault alongside Jareth. The two of you will command my entire army against the heathens."

  "Yes, my Lord."

  "Now go and get ready. I want to be ready to attack them within the hour."

  "Yes, my Lord," Sam said, walking off.

  'Holy shit, Horus. What're we going to do?' Sam thought as they walked the halls of the Chaos base.

  "Master, I can sense that your pulse has increased and so has your breathing. You are clearly nervous about this. I have an idea though."

  'Let's hear it then.'

  "Ask Lord Chaos if you can go through the portals first. As soon as you step foot through the portal I will detach from you and go and tell the marines your plan, whatever that may be. What is your plan, Master?"

  'I have a vague idea but I know that I won't be in the battle very long. Can you sustain yourself being so far from me?'

  "Where will you be going, Master?"

  'I'm going after Jareth.'

  Bravo and Kaylin (now known was Sigma) finished up recruiting another Unbound Elemental. After the extraction team retrieved the elemental, Bravo and Sigma walked through the grassy field outside the farmhouse in which they'd found the young elemental. Farm animals littered the landscape. The field and surrounding mountains were dotted with white wool and black and white splotches.

  "So where are we going now?" Sigma asked as he walked through the long grass. He knew Bravo couldn't respond but he thought it was fun to see Bravo's response. Sigma now wore a bright gold armour, the same as the rest of his team, but his had the Sigma symbol on his right leg.

  Bravo grunted in response, which Sigma recognised as his "Blink us home" grunt. Sigma grabbed his arm and they blinked back to their base. Sigma had been training with the other Unbounds for the last few weeks. Through training his powers had grown exponentially stronger and he'd learnt to control them with precision. He was now officially on Theta's team too.

  Sigma and Bravo appeared in the mess hall of the base. Si
gma blinked on the floor while he blinked Bravo slightly above it. Bravo fell to the ground with a thud and Sigma let out a laugh. Bravo groaned at him as he got up and left. Sigma followed. They found Delta and Omega standing in the command centre with Alpha behind them.

  "Hey, guys, weren't you supposed to be recruiting Sam?" Sigma asked as they walked in.

  "We were. We've been following him from when he left LA. We followed his blink trail right to Chaon, where we saw him join the Chaos Marines," Omega replied.

  "We also found out that the Chaos Marines are planning an attack on the marines' main base. Sam will be leading the attack," Alpha said.

  "But, Sir, if Sam's leading the attack, what does that mean in terms of recruiting him?" Sigma asked.

  "I'm not sure, Sigma. I hadn't anticipated this," Alpha said as he turned around. "I want you all to be at that base when Sam and the Chaos Marines attack."

  "All of us, Sir? Gamma and Theta aren't even here yet," Omega said.

  "They have their own mission! And now you have yours!" Alpha yelled.

  "Yes, Sir," they all replied.

  Matthew stood in front of the General, not wanting to believe what he'd just heard.

  "It isn't true, Sir, is it?" he asked, nearly in tears.

  "I'm afraid it is Matt. I'm sorry."

  "Sir I … I want to be the one that kills him," Matthew said, holding back the tears and trying to look strong in front of his father.

  The General seemed taken aback by Matthew's request. "If that's what you wish then you I'll let it be so, Matt. But are you sure you want to do it?"

  "Yes, Sir. I've given up on him. If he's really gone so far as to become a Chaos General then he's accepted the Chaos Element and has truly become our enemy. I want to be the one to kill him."

  "That may not be necessary," a voice came from behind Matthew. He turned to see Omega standing behind him with others.

  "Who are you?" the General asked.

  "My code name is Omega and this is my team: Bravo, Sigma and Delta. We're here to help you stop the attack that's about to come," Omega said.

  "What attack?" the General asked.

  "We have information that Chaos is launching an all out assault on this base. He intends to kill everyone here."

  "Matthew, get S1 ready. I want Hades and Apollo up here too. They'll have to defend me if any Chaos Marines get through," the General ordered. Matthew ran off.

  "Sigma and Delta will stay here too, General. They can help protect you," Omega added.

  "Ay? No! We want in on the action. We want to help too, Omega," Delta said. "We're part of this team too."

  "We are not a team! Not unless Theta and Gamma are here with us, which they're not," Omega yelled.

  "Who is leading this attack?" the General asked.

  "Sam is, Sir, alongside his brother, Jareth."

  "We're here, Sir," Matthew said, running in with his team in tow. "What do you want us to do?"

  "I want you all on the front line. Head down there now."

  "Yes, Sir."

  Matthew's team headed down to the front gates to prepare for the attack.

  "Matthew, Sam is the one leading it. Are you sure you can handle him?" the General asked.

  "I think so," Matthew responded, not sounding too sure.

  "I'll help if you want. I knew Sam a long time ago. I'm not afraid of him," Omega added.

  "Very well, Omega. You, Bravo and Matthew head down there. Make sure no-one gets past you," the General said. He clicked a button in his chair. "Attention all marines, the Chaos Marines are readying an attack against us. We all need to be ready for when that happens. Prepare for battle."

  Sam couldn't believe his eyes. He was standing in front of what looked like the entire Chaos Army. Thousands of Chaos Marines stood before him and he was about to lead them all into battle. He was standing atop a podium that looked out upon the whole army. Several but not all Chaos Generals sat behind Sam.

  "Fellow Chaos Marines," Sam spoke into a mic. As he spoke a loud cheer took over the crowd.

  "We are here to attack and wipe out the Unworthy. We are here to cleanse the base of all non Chaos Elementals. I am here to lead you on this assault."

  Another cheer came from the marines.

  "We will open several portals and I will step through first. Wait a few seconds and then follow my lead through the multiple portals I and the other Generals open. I will not be the only one leading you, my … Jareth will accompany me on leading you all to victory."

  More cheers came from the amped up crowd. Had Sam really rallied them?

  "We will storm the base and kill everyone. Those who we do not kill will become one of us, one with us."

  "Not entirely true," Jareth said as he stood and walked over to the mic. "We will leave S1 alive for Lord Chaos to kill. They and the General are the only ones we do not kill."

  Sam couldn't help but look in fear at his brother, at what he'd become. Unlike Sam, Jareth had fully given into the Chaos Element.

  "Don't worry, Master. I will protect you," Horus said.

  'No, you will be helping the marines. I'll be alone,' Sam thought back.

  "Lead us to victory, Ace," Jareth said silently as he, Sam and the other Generals stepped off the podium and walked down in front of the Chaos Marines. They each held out one hand and several Chaos portals opened.

  "After you, Ace," Jareth said.

  Sam stepped though the Portal. As soon as he was through he let Horus separate from him and fly to the base which was only a few hundred metres away. A second later Jareth stepped through, followed by the other generals. Each one stepped through the portal they had created, followed almost instantly by the thousand Chaos Marines.

  Sam felt concern as he and the other generals slowly walked toward the base while the Chaos Marines stormed ahead. Sam could see elements erupt from the base - Ice, Lightning, Earth. It was clear that S1 was there to defend the general.

  Sam knew that Chaos would step through the portal any minute. He had to plan it just right so that he'd enter the portal just as Chaos stepped through it, so they wouldn't see each other. He stopped walking and bowed his head. He felt Jareth's presence hover over him. He looked up and faced his brother.

  "What are you doing, Ace? We need to advance for Chaos' entrance," Jareth said.

  "No we don't," Sam said.

  Jareth gave him a confused look. Sam blinked behind him and tackled him through a Chaos portal. It was up to the S1 marines now.

  Horus collapsed once Sam was through the portal. As he fell Anubis caught him. Anubis had separated from Lachlan as soon he had felt his brother's presence.

  "You must rest, Brother. Your master is no longer here and you must conserve your energy until he comes back," Anubis said, putting Horus down in the General's throne room.

  "Is he okay?" the General asked.

  "He will be fine but we need to keep the Chaos Marines away from here. I will head down there and help the other marines," Anubis said, jumping through one of the windows that lit the room.

  Anubis found Matthew and the S1 team barely holding back the Chaos Marines from entering the base. He found Lachlan and fused with him.

  "What're you doing, Anubis?" Lachlan asked as they fused without consent.

  "I'm sorry, Master, but I must do something to help," Anubis answered. "Tell everyone to get back."

  Everyone backed away as Anubis floated above the ground. With a few strokes of his hands a staff of ice appeared in front of him. Lachlan didn't know what Anubis was doing but he could feel the power that he contained.

  "Tundra Blast!"

  Anubis slammed the staff into the ground and a thick sheet of ice formed from it. The ice spread out into the Chaos Marine army, freezing them solid.

  "That's awesome," Lachlan said, amazed at the power Anubis contained.

  "Lachlan, look out!" Matthew yelled.

  An Elemental Chaos General floated about the same height as Lachlan did. He was using the Fire Element t
o stop the ice. Lachlan could make out a grin on the Chaos General's face. Lachlan found out why when the General descended and a golden beam hit Lachlan square in the chest, sending him flying backwards into the base.

  "Lachlan!" Matthew yelled. "Marines, we must keep fighting. We must believe that Sam knows what he's doing. Attack!"

  8: Brothers Face Off

  Sam tumbled through the portal with Jareth into the hanger they had come from. It was now empty. Every Chaos Marine and Chaos General had stepped through the portals and they'd closed, leaving Sam alone with Jareth in the hanger. Sam's helmet had flown off as they had passed through the portal. Now he was exposed.

  Jareth stood up and saw just who was under the helmet.


  There was a hint of confusion in his voice, mixed in with anger and disgust.

  "I should've known it was you. Oh well, now I can kill you here," he continued.

  "Jareth, wait. Please hear me out. You're not thinking straight. You've let the Chaos go to your head and it's making you crazy."

  "I don't want to hear it, Sam! You let Cheyenne die and now I'm going to kill you. Chaos Chimera!"

  Jareth turned into his beast form, although this time he was a deep shade of purple with black wings and a black mane. Pure Chaos wafted off of his body like plumes of smoke. He jumped at Sam with his claws and teeth barred. Sam rolled out of the way.

  "Golden Defender Armour activate!"

  Sam's Chaos Armour shattered as Defender activated underneath it, the shining gold armour bursting from within it.

  "Do you honestly believe that the legendary Golden Defender will protect you from the Chaos Element?" Jareth asked sarcastically as he slowly walked towards Sam. "You think a suit of armour will protect you from Lord Chaos' wrath? You could imbue all of your armours with light and it wouldn't work! Nothing can stop Chaos! Not you! Not me! And certainly not that General who sat on his throne while the rest of us went out and did his job for him. If he hadn't sat on his arse, Cheyenne would still be alive!" Jareth yelled as he stood in front of Sam.


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