Westlake, Donald E - NF 01

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Westlake, Donald E - NF 01 Page 26

by Under An English Heaven (v1. 1)

  colonization of, 15-16, 21-22 Earl of Carlisle acquires, 18 political entities of, 21 See also specific islands Caribs, 15

  Carleton, Canon Guy, 36, 197, 199

  Carlisle, Earl of, 18 Carriacou, 172

  Carroll, Lewis, 119, 145,152, 206

  Castro, Fidel, 112 Catch-22 (Heller), 68 Cayman Islands, 21 Cellini, Dino, 89, 188, 189 Chaguaramas, 23 Chapman, Donald, 145-51, 177 Charles I, King of England, 18

  * * *

  Chase Manhattan Bank, 132 Christiana (ship), 43-44 Christophe, Henri, 27 Clay pole, Stephen, 215 Cobbett, William, 158 Colonies

  in Caribbean islands, 15-16, 21-22

  See also specific colonies Columbus, Christopher, 14, 17 Commonwealth European and Overseas Review (periodical), 51, 53 "Complaint Against the Judge," 155

  Conservative Party (British),

  45, 46 . Constitutional Conference

  (1966),30 Coup theory about PAM, 63-64 Crawford, Robert McKenzie, 62,

  84-85, 242 Crocus Bay, 11, 12, 20 CS gas, 243 Cuba, 112

  Cumber, John, 238, 239, 246, 262

  Daily News, St. Thomas

  (periodical), 66 D'Avigdor-Goldsmid, Sir H., 221

  Dawnay, Lt. Col. Richard, 204,

  205, 207, 210 Declaration of Grenada, The, 261

  Declaration of Independence, Anguillan, 78, 79,170-71 Defence Force, 66, 85, 175, 182, 197, 199-200 during British invasion (1969), 224

  De la Touche (French commander), 12 Deportations, 82, 197-98, 211-

  212, 231, 235 Detentions, 61-63, 81-85, 87,

  153-57 Dias, Basil, 30 Dickens, Charles, 201, 213 Diego, Robena, 158,159 Disraeli, Benjamin, 13, 259 Djermakoye, Issoufou, 120, 121 Dominica, 21, 24, 261 Donaldson, Roderick, 238 Douglas-Home, Sir Alec, 251 Douglas-Home, Charles, 215 Draper, George, 91

  Economy of Anguilla, 16, 20 Edgings, Sgt., 55, 63, 65 Embargo of Anguilla, 102 Emergency Regulations, 57, 60,

  82-85, 156 Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 222 Esfandiary, Mohsen Sadigt, 125 Esso Oil Company, 141-42

  Fabian Society, 60 FCO, 184-85

  Feigen, Dr. Gerald, 90, 92-93,

  95, 96, 99,114 Fifth Conference of Heads of Government of Commonwealth Caribbean Countries, 171 Finances of Anguilla, 139 Fisher, Nigel, 145-51 Fisher, Roger, 77-78, 81, 108, 112

  advertisement for Anguilla

  and, 130, 132 firing of, 160 McDonald and, 140-43 Newhall on, 137

  * * *

  Fisher, Roger, continued at United Nations, 123-25, 130

  Flag of Anguilla, 97-98,116,

  136-37, 207 Fleming, Campbell, 262 Foot, Sir Dingle, 220, 251 Foot, Sir Hugh, see Caradon,

  Lord Foot, Paul, 188-90 Fragmentation, 171 France, invasions by, 11-13 Frederick the Great, 187 Fuller, Thomas, 176

  Gaskell, James Milnes, 46,

  61-63, 82-84,152 Geography of Anguilla, 14-15, 20

  Germann, Walter, 162-63 Gilbert, W. S., 58, 106, 193,

  195, 217 Giles, Col. Norris, 247, 263 Giniger, Henry, 127,133 Glasgow, Judge Eardley, 152-53 Glass, Sir Leslie, 124 Godber, Joseph, 254, 259 Gold, Herbert, 97 Gooday, Jack, 237 Goodge, Freeman, 165, 166, 170

  roundup of, 210-11 Goodhart, P. C., 219 Gossage, Howard, 90, 92-94, 97, 114,115, 119 advertisement for Anguilla

  and, 127, 128,133 birthday of, 132 Webster and, 133, 134 Greatorex, Cecil, 146, 147, 226 Grenada, 21, 24, 172, 261 Griffiths, Eldon, 243 Gumbs, Benjamin, 12, 13

  Gumbs, Charlie, 223 Gumbs, Emile, 104,174 Gumbs, Jeremiah, 70-78, 89, 93, 94, 96, 114,116-18,129, 194

  Anguillan flag and, 136-37 bank idea of, 142-43 at Barbados Conference, 103 on British invasion, 199 on Holcomb's proposal, 167-168

  hotel of, 73,128 on independence, 165, 170 at Lee's farewell dinner, 239 loans from, 144 Newhall on, 136 in San Francisco, 97-99 United Nations and, 119-23,

  195,198, 227 Webster and, 164, 240 Guyana, 21, 23,109, 111, 172, 261

  Hall, Henry, 46, 47, 49, 51 Harcourt, Capt., 15 Harley, William, 208 Harrigan, Atlin, 35-37, 40, 43, 44, 47

  at Barbados Conference, 103 editorials by, 150, 157 on independence, 165, 170 as leader, 107, 108 open letter to Shepherd by, 161

  opposition to, 248 on San Francisco Group, 134 Webster and, 160, 173, 175, 245-46

  on Wooding Commission, 252 on Wooding Report, 253 Hart, Mrs. Judith, 45, 46, 51,

  53, 76,101 Haskins, Lewis, 165-66, 170

  * * *

  roundup of, 210, 211 Haskins, Raymond, 210, 211 Haskins, Sherman, 210, 211 Healey, Denis, 243, 244 Heath, Edward, 218, 220, 221 Henig, Stanley, 217 Henry, O., 126 Herbert, Sir Alan Patrick, 241 Herbert, George, 88 Herbert, Dr. William, 31, 33, 40, 41, 45, 46, 64 arrest of, 61, 84 attempt to replace Bradshaw

  by, 256 false statements about, 154 trial of, 155 Hodge, Collins, 153-54 Hodge, Urban C., 75 Hodge, Walter, 67, 76, 78, 79, 81, 95

  at Barbados Conference, 102, 104

  finances run by, 139 as leader, 107 Webster and, 236 Holcomb, Dorothy Jean, 174 Holcomb, Jack, 166-67, 170, 173-75,178,191,194,198-199

  deportation of, 211-12, 231 roundup of, 210, 211 Horace, 114

  Hyde, Dr. Jeffrey, 54,159 Hynd, John, 220

  Immigration, illegal, 256 Imperialism, 17 Independence for Anguilla, 25 Associated Statehood and, 29-30, 32-33, 35, 37-42, 44-46, 49-51 opposition to, 52-57 rebellion and, 58-80

  Inniss, Probyn, 81 Interhandle, 162 Interim Agreement, 149-51,

  159-61,164-65,169,177 International Commission of

  Jurists, 156 Invasions of Anguilla by French, 11-13 in 1969, 13,196-221 in 1967, 44-45 Parliament and, 217-21 press reactions to, 213-16 Whitlock denies, 244

  Jamaica, 21-24,109-11, 261 Jamaica Conference, 110-11, 119

  Jellicoe, Lord, 46 Johnson, Lyndon, 68 Johnson, Samuel, 178 Johnston, Peter, 35, 37,

  39-41, 46, 51,121-22 Joseph Kennedy Foundation, 143

  Jukes-Hughes, Col. Robin, 263

  Keller, Peter, 82 Kennedy, Ethel, 143 Kennedy, Maj. Leslie J., 263 Kerr, Mr., 226 Key, Ivor, 199

  Kidnapping of Bradshaw, 64-65 Kipling, Rudyard, 101 Klumb, Henry, 92, 93 Kohr, Dr. Leopold, 90-95, 126,131-33,137

  Labe, (assistant to Germann), 163

  Labour Party (British), 45, 46

  * * *

  Labour Party (on St. Kitts),

  30, 31, 34, 46, 257 Lambton, Lord, 150, 189, 220

  Lamour, Dorothy, 15 Land Registry, 177 Lansky, Meyer, 89, 188, 189 Lapwing, H.M.S., 13 "Last Years Bradshaw,"

  188,189 Laudonniere, Capt. Rene, 15 Leadership of Anguilla, 107-8 Lee, Anthony, 145-47,149, 159-61,164,169,178, 180-82

  Caradon and, 232, 234, 235, 238

  Holcomb and, 231 ineffectiveness of, 222-23 invasion leaflets mention,

  210, 223 opposition to, 226-27,

  236, 237 powers of, 229, 233 replacement of, 238, 239 responsibility of, 230, 236 Webster and, 223-27, 229, 234, 236 Lee, Thelma, 230 Leeward Island Air Transport

  (LIAT), 62 Leeward Islands Federation, 20-21

  LIAT (Leeward Island Air

  Transport), 62 Limestone Bay, 69 "Little Eight," 24 Lloyd, David, 53-54, 78,199 Lloyd, Mrs. David, 117 Loans, from Gumbs, 144 Lowell, James Russell, 169 Lowrie, Henry, 174 Lucey, Martin N., 203

  Lutz, Herbert B., 139-41 Lynch-Wade, John, 55, 61, 75 Lynx, H.M.S., 109

  MacArthur, Douglas, 229 McDonald, Frank, 140-43 Diego's murder and, 158 firing of, 160 McEwen, Andrews, 196, 207, 210

  Mafia, 111, 112, 188-93,

  195-96,215, 218 Mail to Anguilla, 52, 54, 56-57, 74,102,139 Malliouhana (Carib name for

  Anguilla), 15 Margaret, Princess of Great

  Britain, 23 Marine Midland Trust, 143 Marten, Neil, 243, 244, 254 Martin (M.P.),219 Medical supplies to Anguilla, 52, 54, 56-57, 68,102, 139

  Lutz donates, 139-40 Mid-Atlantic Bank, 161-63 Military

  of Anguilla, 66, 85-86, 175,182,197,199-200, 224

  of Great Britain, 201-5,

  207-9, 234, 247-48 of St. Kitts, 85-87 Minerva (ship), 197, 201,

  203, 205 Money of Anguilla, 98, 99,

  114-18,120,129,135, 136 Montserrat, 21, 24, 30 Murder,

  Naipaul, V. A., 16, 64 Naming of Anguilla, 14-15

  * * *

  Nevis island, 21, 32, 149, 260

  Bradshaw and, 150, 171-72 political parties on, 31 New York Times (periodical),

  59, 68, 121, 123, 131 Newhall, Scott, 90-92, 95, 97-99, 114-16,118, 135 advertisement for Anguilla

  and, 126-27, 130-32 writings by, 136-37 Nicholls, Harry, 211, 235 Nigerian Federation, 22, 56

  Oil, 141-42

  Ojukwu, Chukuemeka Odu-

  megwu,* 163 Onassis, Aristotle, 89 O'Neill, Sir Con, 235 Operation Sheepskin, 202, 215 Osborne, Sir Cyril, 220

  PAM (People's Action Movement), 30, 31,33-35, 40, 41, 45, 46 arrest of leaders of, 61, 66 coup theory about, 63-64 Foot on, 190 unpreparedness of, 257 Pan American Airways, 112 Paratroops, 201-5, 207-9, 234, 247

  Parliament, 217-21, 251 Parris, Fred, 31 Peacekeeping Committee, 56, 67, 70, 74-77,120-21 Kohr and, 91 Peacekeeping force for Anguilla,

  109-11, 185 People's Action Movement

  (PAM), 30, 31, 33-35, 40, 41, 45, 46 arrest of leaders of, 61, 66

  coup theory about, 63-64 Foot on, 190 unpreparedness of, 257 Phillips, Sir Fred, 41, 47, 51, 70, 75

  Phillips, Lemuel, 155 Phosphate, 20 Pine, Sir Benjamin, 20 Plaid Cymru, 137 Police

  on Anguilla, 54-56, 185-86 British arms for, 67, 85 Political parties on Anguilla, 31 on Nevis, 31 on St. Kitts, 30, 31 Population of Anguilla, 15, 16 Power of Lee, 229, 233 Present Crisis in the State of St. Christopher-Nevis-Anguilla (Bradshaw), 81 Preventive detention, 83 Prior-Palmer, Diana, 61, 82, 87, 152

  Private Eye (periodical), 187-190

  "Proposal to the Government of Anguilla for Basic Building Materials, A," 167

  Racial balance on Guyana, 23 Radio station on Anguilla, 245 Ramphal, S. S., 105 Randall, John, 154, 207 Randall, Vera, 154, 207 Raphael, Adam, 196, 238 Rebellion, Anguillan, 58-80 Bradshaw's reaction to, 66-68, 81-82

  Cabinet Statement and, 58-60 Caribbean Fact Finding Mission and, 66, 68-70, 75

  * * *

  Rebellion, Anguillan, continued detentions during, 61-63,

  81-85, 87 Peacekeeping Committee and,

  70, 74-77 referendum on independence

  during, 76-80 theories about, 63-65 Red Devils, 201-5, 207-9, 234, 247

  Referendum on independence,

  76-80, 170 Rendezvous Bay, 12 Rendezvous Hotel, 73, 128 "Republic of Rupununi," 172 Responsibility of Lee, 230, 236 Rey, Wallace, 165, 168, 170,

  178, 199, 247-48, 261-62 Rhodesia, 218-19 Rhyl, H.M.S., 237 Rickards, Colin, 69, 75

  Bradshaw and, 159-60 Roberts, Stuart, 82-83 Rodgers, Sir John, 181, 244 Roebuck, Roy, 221 Rogers, Clarence, 154 Rogers, Clifford, 132 Rogers, John, 103-4, 116, 117, 199

  Ronald Webster's Park, 159 Rose (M.P.), 219 Rothesay (ship), 201, 203, 205 Roundups during British

  invasion, 210-11 Royal Engineers, 234-35, 247,

  263-64 Royal Marines, 201 Rushford, Anthony, 180, 182-84 Ryan, Sgt. Thomas, 185, 186, 238

  Saba island, 20

  St. Barthelemy island, 20

  St. Bernard, Judge, 153, 155 St. Christopher island, 260 St. Christopher-Nevis, 21 St. Christopher-Nevis-Anguilla,

  21, 24, 30-32 St. Eustatius island, 20 St. Kitts, 18-21, 24-28, 37-39, 48 on Anguilla Act of 1971, 261 on Anguillan revolt, 58-59 mail and medical supplies to Anguilla denied by, 52, 54, 56-57 military of, 85-87 police of, 54-56 political parties on, 30, 31 state of emergency on, 57 St. Lucia, 21, 24, 261 St. Martin island, 20, 61, 242 St. Vincent, 21, 24, 261 Salisbury, H.M.S., 44 San Francisco group, 90-99,

  114-20,126-37 Sandy Hill, 13 Sayles, Barry, 235 Schwann (assistant to Ger-

  mann), 163 Sea Ranch Lakes, 166 Shakespeare, William, 138 Shearer, Hugh, 109, 241 Shell Oil Company, 141 Shepherd, Lord, 101, 102, 104, 110-13, 119,159 Beacon on, 248-50 Harrigan's open letter to, 161 on Mafia, 190 Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 245 Slave plantation economy, 16 Slave rebellions, 17 Slavery, 16, 17 Smith, Clive, 248 Smithers, David, 59-60, 76 SNOWI, 184-85, 203, 210 Solar Research Enterprises, 166

  * * *

  Southey, Thomas, 16 Southwell, Paul, 26, 30, 49, 58, 77

  Adams and, 60-61 arms procured by, 86 Special Committee on Colonialism, 120-25, 130,195 Special Patrol Group, Scotland

  Yard's, 202 Special Volunteer Constabulary, 67, 85

  Spector, Dr. Felix, 159, 235, 236 Standing Closer Association

  Committee, 22 Statement to the People of

  Anguilla by Their Government,' 108, 109, 120,123 Stewart, Michael, 217-19, 224,

  238, 241-44, 251 Sunday Times, London, 60 Swift, Jonathan, 51

  Tacitus, 255 Taylor, Edward, 244 Telephones on Anguilla, 27 Thant, U,58,68, 119 Theirs Not to Reason Why

  (Marten), 244 Thomas, George, 52 Thompson, J. W. M., 239 Thompson, Willoughby H., 246-

  250, 252,262 Thomson, George, 151, 243 Times, London, 122, 124 Tobago, 21, 24,109,111, 172 Tourism, 128, 131 Trials of detainees, 153-57, 188 Trinidad, 21, 24, 109, 111, 172, 261

  Trinidad Guardian (periodical), 164

  Tshombe, Moise, 163 Tudor, Cameron, 112

  Turks & Caicos Islands, 21, 22 Tweed, William M., 258

  UDI (Unilateral Declaration of

  Independence), 214 Unemployment, 256 Unilateral Declaration of Independence (UDI), 214 United National Movement, 31 United Nations, 119-25, 195,

  198, 227 United States, 68, 86

  illegal immigration and, 256-257

  mail to Anguilla and, 139 medical supplies from, 139 Updike, John, 38,147

  Valencia, F. Scott, see Newhall, Scott

  Van Gurp (U.S. entrepreneur), 189

  Venture (periodical), 60 Vestry, the, 19 Virgin Islands

  illegal immigration to, 250 medical supplies from, 139 Virgin Islands National Bank, 132

  Wade, Lawrence, 90, 115-18, 121

  Walwyn, Eugene, 30, 31, 58

  at Barbados Conference, 102 Walwyn, Ira, 81 Watson, Mr., 262 Waugh, Auberon, 244 Way, Andrew, 202, 209, 226, 235

  Waymark, Col. John, 263 Webster, Alfred, 103 Webster, Ronald, 35-37, 40, 43, 44,47, 55, 70

  * * *

  Webster, Ronald, continued advertisement for Anguilla and, 127, 128, 131, 132 at "Anguilla Day" ceremonies, 262

  arms acquired by, 144 Aspinall and, 248 Barbados Conference and, 103, 104, 106, 108,116 Beacon press and, 194 on British army, 147-48 on British invasion, 196-200, 206

  calming influence of, 239 Caradon and, 228, 232-33,

  236, 237, 252 Cumber and, 238, 239, 246 Declaration of Independence

  read by, 170-71 Esso Oil Company and, 142 followed to St. Martin, 242 Foot on, 188-89 Gumbs and, 164, 240 Harrigan and, 160, 173,175,

  245-46 Hodge and, 236 on independence, 165, 170, 199

  island defense headed by, 56,

  81,107, 109 on Kohr's theory, 133 Lee and, 223-27, 229, 234, 236

  money for Anguilla and, 117, 118

  Newhall on, 137 Nigel Fisher on, 151 personality of, 224-25 return of, 231, 235 speech to British Delegation

  by, 147-48 support of, 232 Thompson and, 247, 248,

  250, 252 United Nations and, 227 Whitlock and, 164, 176, 178-

  186, 223 on Wooding Report, 253 Welsh nationalists, 137 West Indies Act 1967, 260 West Indies Federation, 21-25,

  29, 30, 110 Whitlock, William

  Bradshaw and, 164, 176-77, 187

  British invasion and, 204-5 Caribbean tour by, 172,176-177

  invasion denied by, 244 Mafia and, 190-91, 195-96, 215

  M.P.'s question, 219-20 Webster and, 164, 176, 178-186,223 Wilde, Oscar, 81 Williams, Dr. Eric, 29, 111-12, 241

  Wilson, Harold, 46,101, 218 Wood (M.P.),53 Wooding, Sir Hugh, 252 Wooding Commission, 251-53 Wooding Report, 32, 37-40, 53-56, 59,103,109 impact of, 259 on Jamaica Conference, 111 reaction to, 253-54 Work, Henry Clay, 29

  Zaki, Nabil, 214

  * * *




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