Fighting for Chloe

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Fighting for Chloe Page 4

by Eva Jones

  Biting her lip, she smiles. ‘Thank you.’

  I make my way back down the stairs and wait for her in the living room. I’m tired as fuck after the fight so I pull the lever at the side of the sofa until it reclines to just the right angle. I must doze off, because I wake up to Chloe nudging my arm. I sit up and quickly realise she isn’t at all because she’s also fast asleep, her head resting on me. The TV must have timed out again, and the room is dark except from the light coming from the hall. I check my phone. Shit it’s four a.m. I think about leaving her to sleep on the sofa but quickly change my mind. My nan likes to be up bright and early, so it’s best I put her in the spare room upstairs. I debate on carrying her up. The likelihood of her waking while I try to lift her is high, and that would make for an awkward situation. Not wanting her to freak out on me, I gently nudge her shoulder instead. A small whimper leaves her lips followed by a low, ‘Nooo.’ But her eyes don’t open. I try again, and I get nowhere. I figure she must be exhausted and go with my original plan of carrying her up the stairs. I slide my hands under her body and as they get all the way under I tilt so she rolls up my arms, and against my chest. Jesus, she’s light as a feather. I stand and move toward the stairs. I get her all the way to the spare room without her making a murmur. I try and rest all her weight on my right arm and knee so I can free up my left to turn the doorknob. Easier said than done, she’s light but it’s awkward. I finally manage to free my hand and the door opens. I don’t flip the light on because I don’t want to disturb her, so I pull back the duvet using my knee for balance again, and lay her down. She immediately curls up in a ball as I cover her with the duvet. A small smile creeps onto my face as I watch her. Shaking my head, I realise I’m like a fucking pervert standing over her like this. I leave the room quickly. My room is just next door but I want to make sure all the doors are locked and all the windows secure before I go to bed. Bit fucking late now mind you, but better late than never. I have several weapons stashed around the house too. Not out in the open but hidden with easy access. You can never be too careful. And the game I’m in, you never fucking know who will come after you.


  I WAKE SUDDENLY, with a sense of panic, wrapped up in a strange bed, but my nerves quickly settle when I realise that I’m still at Dom’s. I can’t find it in myself to move it’s so comfortable. For some reason, it gives me a feeling of security knowing he’s here. The smell of bacon drifts through the door and my stomach lets out a loud growl telling me to feed it. Stretching I slowly sit myself up and check out my surroundings. The room is small but it’s decorated tastefully in simple florals. There’s a full bedroom set in a beautiful oak and a TV set on top of the armoire.

  Dom must have finished washing my clothes because they are set folded on the dresser. I swing my feet over the edge of the bed and make my way to them. I definitely need to get some more clothes from my place if I’m going to be staying here for a while. And from my talk with Dom last night, I’m not going anywhere just yet. I’m really scared they’ll find me, but I’m even more scared of putting Dom and his family in danger. But for the moment, I’m not left with much choice. I’ll have to get in touch with my father and hope that he can take care of everything, and quickly with Patrick Smith.

  Cautiously making my way down to the kitchen, I turn onto the hall and come face to face with Dom’s nan. ‘Good morning, ma’am. I’m Chloe. Dom let me stay the night last night.’ The scowl on her face tells me that he didn’t tell her I was here. ‘I’m sorry if I’m intruding. He assured me it was alright.’

  ‘Dommm,’ she screeches and I jump back. He comes rushing around the corner, spatula in hand. ‘Dom who’s this in my house?’ She asks him as he stands next to her.

  ‘Nan, I told you I had company last night. I’m making us all breakfast right now.’

  ‘You did?’ She stares at him a long moment and then her eyes light up. ‘Oh yes sugar, I remember now. You gave me quite a fright, young lady. I’m sorry my memory isn’t what it used to be.’ She moves towards the dining room and takes a seat at the table leaving Dom and I standing in the entryway.

  ‘I’m sorry about that.’ He waves his spatula towards his nan.

  ‘It’s ok. I completely understand and I hope I’m not intruding? I can go, just as soon as I give my father a call…’

  ‘No, no it’s ok. She just didn’t recall that I told her. She’s knows I’m a grown man and am able to see women if I want.’ A warm blush creeps along his face. ‘That came out wrong… that’s not what I meant…I don’t bring women here all the time. Well not ever. I don’t have women here.’ I giggle as he stumbles over his words.

  ‘Calm down there, Romeo. I get it. Is something burning?’

  ‘Oh shit.’ He turns and bolts back into the kitchen to tend to whatever is stinking up the place. I follow him and can’t help but laugh as he smacks the toaster upside down into the sink to dislodge the bread.

  ‘Thank goodness it wasn’t the bacon,’ I say while laughing. I pick up the spatula off the counter and move to tend to the eggs. ‘I’ll just finish cooking the eggs while you deal with your burnt toast issue.’

  ‘Burnt toast issue, huh?’

  ‘Ahhh!’ A jet of cold-water lands right on the small of my back and rolls down my butt crack. ‘Oh my god I can’t believe you just did that! It’s on, Dom, now it’s war!’

  His eyes connect with mine ‘Challenge accepted.’



  I didn’t sleep too good last night so I’m tired. I wanted to get up early and make sure I was up and ready before Chloe got up, I don’t want her to feel awkward around the house. And honestly, I wanted to make sure she didn’t up and disappear. She seems a little different this morning, her attitude maybe? Not so scared. But I’m not an idiot I know it will take a while.

  ‘You sleep okay?’ I ask as I serve up our plates. Nan is in the living room so I prepare to take hers in to her. But I wait for an answer first.

  Our eyes meet and she smiles. ‘I did, I slept like a baby.’

  I laugh. That saying confuses the fuck out of me. ‘You know that saying is all wrong, babies don’t sleep too good they have their parents up all night long.’

  She giggles. ‘I guess you’re right, I’ve never given it much thought.’

  I’m an idiot. Why the fuck did I even say that at all? Now she’s going to think I’m a smart-ass.

  ‘But I did sleep really well, thank you surprising really considering… everything.’

  ‘Good. I’ll be right back just going to pop a plate in to my nan.’ She nods and I leave the room. Finding my nan already starting to nod off in her chair.

  ‘Hey, nan, I’ve made you some breakfast.’ Her head bobs up and she smiles.

  ‘You know, Dominic you don’t have to cook for me. I should be cooking for you, you’re such a good boy.’ I smile and wonder how old the version of me is, she’s referring to right now.

  ‘I like to take care of you, Nan you know that.’

  ‘I know. Is your girlfriend joining us for breakfast, Dominic?’

  ‘Um, yeah Chloe is my friend, she’s in the kitchen you want to come sit with us?’

  ‘No, no, you don’t want an old woman cramping your style. She’s very pretty, Dominic.’ She smiles.

  ‘She is, Nan.’ I smirk because I know what she’s doing.

  ‘It’s about time you had a woman to look after you.’ Always with this, she’s relentless, she was like this with Zoe for years.

  ‘It’s not like that, Nan, you can come sit with us if you want?’

  ‘I’m just fine here, Castle is about to start.’

  I nod and make my way back to the kitchen. Chloe I’m sure heard the whole thing because she is beet red and sniggering into her hand. I roll my eyes and sit in the chair opposite.

  ‘She’s relentless.’ I smile as I pick up my fork. ‘Sorry if you heard all that.’

  ‘You don’t need to be sorry she’s sweet, and she thinks
I’m pretty.’ A huge smile erupts and she flutters her eyelashes as she laughs. I’m debating telling her that she is very pretty but the smile drops from her face, and I realise I’ve been staring at her for the last minute without saying anything. Fuck me.

  ‘She’s right.’ I tell her and shovel scrambled egg into my mouth. Her face flushes and I smile knowing I’ve affected her.

  ‘Um, wow. Thanks,’ she says, embarrassed.

  ‘Sorry, I don’t mean to embarrass you.’

  ‘Dominic, please stop apologising you haven’t done anything wrong, quite the opposite, I feel like I owe you a huge apology for dragging you into all this. You’ve been nothing but kind from the moment you found me. I know I would still be there if it wasn’t for you.’

  I swallow the eggs and try to smile. Instead I kind of grimace and nod. But she gets the idea. ‘So I guess I’m trying to say thank you and sorry all at once.’

  ‘No need to be sorry I told you already you didn’t ask for this.’

  ‘I’m so grateful, Dom, I can’t even tell you, but I do need to get away from you and your family it’s not fair on you.’

  I groan. Not this shit again. ‘Chloe, we had this conversation last night. I told you, and you agreed, you are going to stay here until shit is sorted.’

  ‘Dominic, I didn’t agree, you did. I just feel—’

  ‘Nah, you need to listen to me and stay put, you have nowhere else to go. I’m not letting you go and get hurt. Not on my watch.’ Something flashes in her gaze and I’m not a hundred percent on what it was, but I watch her for a second more until I finally see resolve in her eyes. I nod and she nods back, not presenting another argument. I watch her as she picks up a slice of toast and takes a bite. God even that is fucking beautiful. Jesus Christ, I have a problem, a case of asshole with a side of blue balls. What the fuck is wrong with me? I’m acting like she’s the first woman I’ve ever seen. I pick up my own toast and distract myself.

  ‘Do you have a girlfriend, Dominic?’ I almost choke on my bite. Can she read my mind? ‘I’m so sorry I shouldn’t pry, I don’t know why… it doesn’t matter.’

  I clear my throat and swallow. ‘No I don’t.’ I tell her watching for her reaction tilting my head I wait for something. Anything. To see if she’s interested. Chloe takes a deep breath and nods to herself, before taking another bite of her toast. And I can tell she feels awkward.

  Smiling to myself I ask. ‘Why do you want to know?’ Her eyes widen a little as she tries to come up with an answer.

  ‘Oh no reason… just thought I’d make sure me being here wouldn’t be a problem for anyone.’

  ‘And if I did have a woman?’

  ‘Um.. well… I guess… do you?’ I grin I can’t help but feel smug.

  ‘No, Chloe I’m single, what about you?’

  She starts to shake her head. ‘No.’

  ‘You’re not single?’ I ask a little perturbed.

  ‘No... I mean yes I am single, I meant I don’t have a partner.’

  ‘Okay well I’m glad we got that all cleared up.’ I grin as she bites her lip and smiles. She doesn’t look at me, instead she pushes her food around on her plate. We finish the rest of our breakfast in an awkward silence. As I place my knife and fork down onto my plate, Chloe gets up from the table and takes my plate and hers over to the sink. I watch her as she squeezes the washing up liquid into the bowl and begins washing the plates and pans I used. I put the kettle on and ask if she wants a cup of tea.

  ‘Yes please.’ I grab the cups from the cupboard and put the tea bags into the teapot. I make it this way because my nan always knows if you don’t use a teapot. How she knows is beyond me. But woe betide anyone who puts the teabag in the cup. I step by Chloe to get the milk and when I turn back toward her I get a face full of soap sud bubbles.

  Chloe falls about laughing. ‘I told you I’d get you back!’

  ‘Cute, real cute,’ I tell her laughing. I take my nan her cup through and when I get back Chloe is reaching for the tea-towel. I snag it quick, twist it and flick her on the ass.

  ‘Ouch you… shit.’ She whisper-shouts as I dance back on my feet to take another shot.


  IT’S BEEN A week since I started staying with Dom and his nan. Surprisingly nan, which she insists I call her, has taken very well to me. We have the same taste in shows, so it really didn’t take much for her to like me. I can shoot the breeze about Castle and Law and Order any day of the week. Zoe stopped by a few days ago and brought me some clothes of hers to use while I’m here. She’s such a nice woman, I’ve asked Dom not to tell her much about my situation though. In my mind, the less others know, the better.

  I pull myself from the bed in the guest room I’ve been calling my own for the last week... It’s Friday and I know I’m not going to be able to convince Dom to skip the fight tonight. But I’m going to give it my all. My feet make soft padding noises on the hardwood floor as I make my way down the stairs. I find Dom in the kitchen making himself a protein shake.

  ‘Good morning, sunshine.’ He turns, greeting me. In the past week, him and I have become very close. He’s barely left my side since I’ve been here and getting to know him more is making me develop feelings that I shouldn’t be in this situation.

  ‘Morning, Dom,’ I reply as I prop myself up on the end of the counter. ‘Do you think we can talk for a minute?’

  ‘If it’s about the fight, Chloe, you know I’m not going to change my mind.’ He comes to stand in front of me with his shake in his hand. He takes a big gulp and sets the glass down next to me on the countertop. ‘Chloe you know I have to go. If I don’t, they are going to suspect something. I’ve never missed a single fight I’ve been signed up for and besides that, I need the money.’

  ‘Okay, yes I understand that, but what if they come after you? What if something happens and they don’t let you go? What’s going to happen to your nan then? Please just skip this one fight, Dom, please?’ I plead with him. His hand comes up to caress my cheek and I can’t help but lean into it. So many times, in this past week I’ve wanted him to kiss me, to feel his touch on my skin. And a few times I really thought it was going to happen, only for one of us to realise the situation and back away at the last minute.

  ‘Chloe I really do think it’s smarter if I go. And you and Zoe will be here with Nan. I trust you ladies not to let anything happen to her. Anyways they’ll probably be more focused on me at the fight rather than coming here to stake out the place. Everything will look just like a normal Friday evening here. Don’t worry, Chloe. I promised to keep you safe and I will.’ Our eyes lock and once again I feel that intense pull to him, the want to feel his lips on mine. The pad of his thumb rubs back and forth on my cheek and I can’t pull myself from his gaze this time.

  ‘Chloe…’ My name comes out as a whisper. His lips get closer to mine and my head tilts in.

  Knock, knock, knock.

  He steps back, breaking the moment. ‘That’s probably Zoe. She called earlier and offered to take Nan for a walk.’ he clears his throat and backs away from the counter. ‘I’m just going to go let her in. Be right back.’ He leaves the kitchen and my hand goes up to my face. I can still feel the caress of his fingers on my cheek. I hop down off the counter just as he and Zoe enter the kitchen.

  ‘Morning, Zoe. How has your day been so far?’

  ‘It’s been great. Ever since Dom showed me how to make those protein shakes, I’ve drank one each morning and added a little energy powder to it. It really gets me up and moving.’ She beams.

  ‘Ah. I’m not a morning person at all, so coffee for me please.’ I giggle at her enthusiasm.

  ‘Alright well I’m gonna go gather up Nan and get her ready for her walk.’ She makes her way from the kitchen and heads towards the living room where Nan is surely watching TV.

  An awkward silence falls over Dom and I as we remain in the kitchen, so I bid my leave.

  ‘I’m going to jump in the shower and get ready for
the day.’ I laugh as I say it. ‘I guess I really don’t have much of a day to get ready for. I’ll be in my room reading after I shower if you need me for anything.’ I start to make my way towards my temporary room. ‘And, Dom please reconsider,’ I plead with him one more time before I turn back, and make my way to gather my things for a shower.

  I must have dozed off while reading Fated Love, the third in a series that I absolutely love. Because next thing I know I’m being woken up by Dom shaking my arm.

  ‘Chloe... Chloe. It’s time for me to head out.’ I roll over and check the time on the clock on the wall. Six thirty p.m.! I’ve slept almost the whole day away and didn’t get another chance to try and convince him not to go. And now he’s heading out the door!

  ‘Dom. No. Are you sure? Did you think about all the things I said earlier?’ I quickly sit up in the bed and the blanket falls from my shoulder exposing the loose fitting cami Zoe let me borrow. But right now, I don’t even care. Dom is my focus.

  ‘Yes, Chloe. I thought about it all. But the stuff that I said still stands. I have to go. It’s the only way I can keep my home off his radar.’ I feel his gaze burning through me and it heats me to the core. His eyes drop down to my chest and my heart starts to race. He clears his throat. ‘Um I do have to go though, right now. I’m sorry. I have to get there to get warmed up and since I haven’t been hitting the gym this week, I have to make sure that I’m stretched.’

  ‘Okay but please promise me that you’ll be careful and make sure to look over your shoulder. These are bad men, Dom and they’ll pull anything that they think they can get away with.’

  ‘I promise, and I’ll check in with Zoe after the fight.’ He reaches down and pulls me into his embrace.


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