Fighting for Chloe

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Fighting for Chloe Page 6

by Eva Jones

  We walk in step, but as we near the bottom of the street I feel her looking at me.

  ‘What’s up?’ I ask.

  Shaking her head, she smiles. ‘Nothing.’

  I frown and prod her playfully. ‘It’s something and definitely not nothing.’

  ‘I was just thinking this is nice, walking down the street together and being normal you know?’

  ‘I guess.’ I smile and she prods me back getting me just below the ribs.

  ‘Oh you wanna play that game huh?’ I grab for her and she squeals and picks up her pace. I easily catch her though and I wonder if she is actually wanting me to capture her. As I reach my arms around her and lift her off the ground she wriggles in my arms and her ass comes into contact with my dick. I quickly drop her back to her feet and she wriggles some more. Practically grinding her ass into my groin. I groan accidentally letting it slip past my lips. And she stops immediately it’s like time stood still for a split second. But then I tickle her and she giggles, wriggling free from my grip.

  ‘No fair, you’re not allowed to tickle me.’ The smile on her face reaches her eyes and I see nothing but pure beauty shining in them. And what’s best about it? She doesn’t even know how beautiful she is.

  ‘Fuck, you’re beautiful.’ Her eyes widen and I realise I said that out loud. We turn the corner and I catch her looking at me biting her lip.

  ‘Thank you,’ she says smiling. I smile back putting my hands in my pockets because I don’t trust myself not to take her in my arms and kiss the fuck out of her gorgeous plump lips. Tension thrums through me.

  ‘It’s the truth,’ I tell her nonchalantly.

  ‘I’m glad you think so.’ It’s a nervous smile she gives me.

  ‘Why?’ I ask maybe a little cockily.

  ‘Well… umm… because it’s nice to be thought of in that way.’

  ‘No-one ever tell you that before?’ I find it hard to believe she wouldn’t be told that on the regular.

  ‘Not anyone that mattered.’ she mumbles.

  ‘So that means I matter?’ I chuckle nudging her shoulder with my arm.

  ‘You do, yes.’ She looks at me seriously and the humour drops from my face just as quick. Her body is screaming out to me, and all I want to do is taste her lips. We’re in the middle of a busy street, people are milling around doing their daily thing but in the middle of all that all I can see is Chloe. Her tongue pokes out to wet her bottom lip and I can’t take anymore. I have to taste them. I take her hand and pull her to the side of the pavement, pressing her up against the wall of the greengrocers. Before she can stop me my lips meet hers. I didn’t need to worry whether or not she’d open for me because it’s instant, like she’s read my mind. Her lips part, allowing me entry, and I don’t waste a fucking second. As our tongues dance, she moans and her fingers roam up the front of my chest and then around my neck, finally finding their place in my hair. As for my hands, they go straight to her ass and I’m not even one little bit ashamed of it. It feels amazing finally having her in my arms. As the kiss comes to an end, I let her go and we stand smiling at one another, like two teenage kids who got their first kiss.

  ‘So… umm where’s the gym?’ she asks a little breathless.

  ‘Oh yeah, its ahh…’ I try and gather my thoughts. ‘Just up there and we take a right.’ I take her hand and pull her from the wall. I make a point not to drop her hand and she doesn’t let go, so I see that as a victory. I thread my fingers through hers and look to her for any kind of awkwardness, finding nothing. We get to the gym and I sign Chloe in on a day pass.

  ‘You know what you’re doing on the machines or do you want some guidance?’ James one of the personal trainers asks her.

  ‘I got her.’ I tell him.

  Clearing his throat he steps back. ‘No problem, just doing my job.’ He smiles at Chloe. ‘If you need anything just let me know.’ He winks, like I’m not standing right here.

  ‘Fuckwit,’ I grumble under my breath.

  ‘What?’ Chloe asks.

  ‘Nothing, let’s go to cardio and warm up.’ She follows me and I set up her treadmill and then step on the one to her right.

  ‘You want to speed up or slow down just use those buttons there, these ones are the incline.’

  ‘Okay I’m ready to rock.’ She giggles. I set mine up and it’s not long before we are working up a sweat. Normally I zone out in here and listen to music but today my mind is everywhere but in the zone. I feel like I should confess to Chloe what’s going on. I have two more weeks till the mortgage needs paying and not to mention all the other bills, and I have no income coming in now, and have to fight every night. But then I look across to her and a huge smile splits across her face. I don’t want to spoil that, today. And tonight isn’t a fight night because it’s Sunday. I want to pull her off that fucking treadmill and work her out in more ways than one. I need to calm myself down.

  ‘I’m going to go and throw some weights around you staying or you want to come?’

  ‘I’m not going to lie,’ she says. ‘I’m nervous as hell being out of the house, but I guess it’s quite safe here?’

  ‘It’s very safe, no-one can get in unless they’re members and I won’t be far just there.’ I point. ‘I can see you, I promise.’

  ‘Okay, well I’ll run for five more and then I’ll come over to you.’ I watch James like a fucking hawk when I leave her there. Thankfully he doesn’t go over. But I see him watching her. I grind my teeth together and start on the leg weights.


  I POP MY ear buds in, putting the music on low so I can still hear my surroundings, and I watch Dom going hard on the free weights. Even with Jack Beats Knock You Down in my ears and running at a steady pace on the treadmill, I can’t seem to peel my eyes away from his reflection in the mirror. And that kiss… Oh my. I’ve definitely never been kissed like that before. It was like no one else in the world existed. He could have taken me right there and I wouldn’t have had a second thought about it. My dream did not do him justice. My mind should be more focused on my surroundings right now, making sure I’m safe, but I can’t help watching his muscles ripple as he pulls the weights up and down. And I really believe that I’m safe with Dom here.

  My eyes meet his and I watch Dom’s eyes go wide as someone taps me on the shoulder. I jump out of my skin and almost fall from the treadmill terrified. I glance over to see James the personal trainer standing next to the machine. I regain my balance and curse under my breath, pushing the button on the treadmill to slow my pace. My heart races for a few seconds, a combination of fear and a reaction to the alarm on Dom’s face. I breathe a huge sigh of relief and take my ear buds out.

  ‘Hi, Chloe right? Sorry I didn’t mean to scare you.’

  ‘Yep that’s me.’ I ignore his apology. ‘Did I forget to fill something out on the sign in?’ I question as I see Dom putting his weights back and heading this way. I saw the way Dom looked at James when we arrived and he thinks I didn’t hear his mumbling on our way to the machines. I know he doesn’t have much like for this guy. Does Dom maybe think he works for Patrick or something?

  ‘No, no. Everything was fine. I just wanted to stop by and see if you’d like me to spot you on some of the weight machines over in the enhancement area? Maybe show you the proper way to use the equipment?’

  ‘The only thing you’re going to be showing her is your back as you walk the fuck away.’ I hear Dom growl from behind me. His arm comes around me as he turns the treadmill off. I hop off and entwine my hand through his, realising he’s just jealous and not worried about the guy in a dangerous sense. He glances down at me and I can feel the calm wash over him with just that simple gesture.

  ‘Let’s just get out of here, big guy?’ I bat my eyelashes at him as a way of encouragement.

  ‘Okay, yeah let’s go. There’s this little hole in the wall deli a couple streets over that has the best pastrami around.’ And with that, we make our way out. I spot James the trainer in my
peripheral and he looks none too happy. But hey what can you do? For all intents and purposes, Dom and I are together and I’m alright with that.

  The gravel crunches under our feet as we take a back alley to the deli shop Dom’s suggested. Our hands haven’t come apart and every few feet he stops to kiss me, as if he just can’t get enough. I don’t blame him because that’s all I want right now too. I feel like a high school girl with a crush that’s finally come to bloom.

  We stop at a random black door with the smallest sign that says Marty’s Deli on it and he pulls me through the door. Any other time I would feel apprehensive to go into a place like this, but I know Dom will keep me safe, he already does.

  ‘What looks good?’ he asks me over his paper menu, after we’ve grabbed a corner booth. He thinks I didn’t notice him scout out a spot to sit where he can see all exits, but I did.

  ‘You said the pastrami is delicious, right?’

  ‘Best in the U.K.,’ he states simply.

  ‘Alright, pastrami on brown seeded for me, please.’ Dom goes up to the counter and puts our order in. I can’t help but peek at his ass as he walks away. It’s like he was sculpted perfectly just for me. Round, plump, I’d like to bite into it. I duck my head real quick as he turns and catches me checking out his ass. When I chance a peek back his way, there’s a panty melting smile plastered on his face. Thank God I’m sitting because my legs feel like they turned to pure jelly.

  ‘So what’s the plan?’ I ask as he takes his seat and divides our food between us.

  ‘You meaning for today or for this whole situation?’

  ‘Well I did just mean for today but now that you mention it, I would like to know if there is any game plan for all this craziness? I’m so tired of putting you and Nan in danger. It’s not fair to you at all. I need to leave you guys alone and go back to my regular life.’ I gaze out the window and his hand comes to rest on mine, the sensation of his thumb rubbing back and forth fills me with warmth.

  ‘You want to leave?’

  My eyes jump back over to him and I can see a mixture of hurt and concern on his face. ‘No no, I didn’t mean it like that.’ I bring both of his hands into mine. ‘Dom, I’m really attracted to you. Over these past weeks, I’ve come to love being with you, Nan, and even Zoe has become a closer friend than I ever expected.’ My eyes fall to the sandwich in front of me, willing it to give me strength. ‘But the truth is, I’ve been thrust upon you. I’m stuck in your house, beyond my control, for reasons neither of us created. I was kidnapped by men who could have killed me and probably still can.’ I raise my eyes back to his. ‘You’ve been my saviour and still are. But, imposing in your home and bringing danger to your door, that’s where it crosses the line. I would have loved to meet you outside of this ordeal so this thing between us could blossom instead of either of us having our doubts because of what we’ve been thrown into.’ He pulls his hands from mine and rubs one hand down his face.

  ‘You have doubts?’

  ‘No, not really, but I was worried you might? It would just really help if we knew what our next move is? What’s going to happen next? My dad has been no help whatsoever and this is his damn mess!’

  ‘Chloe, let me just say this. I don’t have doubts. At all. And everything is going to be okay. We will work through this and we will do it, together. I promise I will do everything in my power to not let anyone hurt you or Nan. You guys are safe with me. Just give it a little more time and trust me.’

  ‘I do trust you, Dom, and I will stay. But please promise to be honest with me about what’s going on if anything happens at that place.’

  ‘Will do.’ He takes a bite of his sandwich which ends our conversation on the topic. ‘I’ve been meaning to ask, where’s your mum at in all of this?’ He throws out with his mouth still half full.

  ‘She’s been gone awhile. It’s just been dad and I for quite some time, but that’s a story for another day.’ My excitement about my delicious looking pastrami sandwich evaporates as I look down at it. My appetite has gone. So I just get up and start gathering the garbage to toss.

  He grabs my hand and we head out the door towards home. It’s only a few streets away and when we get up to the door he stops and turns towards me.

  ‘Chloe, I care about you, and fuck, am I attracted to you. I just want to be real clear that it’s not this situation that’s brought that about for me. The first night that I saw you, when I was in the ring, I felt it. That’s what pushed me to follow and see what was going on. I know this isn’t the ideal time, but when this is all over I’m going to take you on a date, that okay?’ I don’t respond. Instead I pull his tall frame down to mine and plant my lips on his. Could he be the first one I give everything to? I pull his bottom lip into my mouth and nip gently until I feel his tongue poke out to soothe it.

  We break apart at the sound of someone clearing their throat only to look up into the doorway and find Zoe stood there with a big ole smile plastered on her face.

  ‘Alright you two lovebirds, break it up. Nan wanted to know when you’d be getting back. She’s starting to get antsy and is going through all her old recipes. And you know how crazy the kitchen will get if we let her cook.’



  Trying to get my nan down from her crazy high is a task in itself. I’m trying to wrestle the whisk and bowl from her as she flicks through her recipe cards with her free hand.

  ‘Nan, we don’t have the ingredients to bake today, I need to go to the store.’

  ‘Oh, well then will you get me what I need for an almond cake please?’

  ‘Sure, sure. I’m going a little later on, but right now I need a shower, why don’t you go up to bed and have a nap?’ It’s a long shot but when she’s in this state of mind it’s the best thing for it, because nine times out of ten she wakes up a lot better. Chloe is standing in the doorway a little unsure of what action to take. I smile as I finally get the whisk free from Nan’s hand.

  ‘I am a little tired.’ She smiles at me.

  ‘Okay Nan, let’s get you to bed.’ I roll my eyes at Chloe as we pass and she smiles.

  ‘I’ll be in the shower as soon as I’ve put Nan to bed. If you need one too I don’t mind sharing.’ I shoot her a wink. ‘I’d hate for the hot water to run out,’ I whisper. Her eyes widen and she bites down on her bottom lip. I’m not sure if I’m pushing my luck, but fuck it, I’ve been skirting around it for long enough now. And I’m hoping she joins me.

  I get Nan into her room and it takes about ten minutes until I get her settled with her telly on and tucked up in bed. As I make my way to the bathroom, I grin as I see Chloe leaning up against the wall by the door. I stop and tilt my head as her tongue peeks out and wets her lips. And that’s it I’m done. I move in covering her mouth with my own. She tastes so fucking good; her hands roam up my chest and around my back pulling me in closer. I reach around and pull her ass in so her body is flush with mine. My hard on undeniable between us. Her breath hitches as I end the kiss.

  Opening the door, I pull her in. Lifting her onto the sink vanity, I capture her mouth again. Her hands slide up my arms and then down my stomach where she grabs the hem of my t-shirt and pulls it up, I shift away and lift my arms for her. Her eyes widen as she takes in my chest and each tattoo. I give her a few seconds before I try and get her equally undressed. Her arms raise as I lift her top, giving me access to her more than ample breasts. I stop and stare at her small lacy black bra, and my mind goes to thoughts of a matching set. I don’t wait, or even ask permission as I latch my lips around her nipple through the thin material. Her moan only spurs me on further and I push both cups down under each breast giving me unfettered access. I pinch one nipple between thumb and forefinger while I swirl my tongue around the other. Her head goes back against the mirror and her eyes close as she mewls from my touch. I pull back and put my fingers into the band of her shorts. Waiting, asking for permission. It’s granted as she lifts her ass off the counter and allows me t
o pull them over and down. Leaving only a thin slip of material covering her pussy. I groan as my dick tenses at the thought of what’s to come.

  I step back and take her in completely. So fucking beautiful. Her eyes open and she looks at me with a gaze full of need. I drop to my knees and her hand covers the place I want to be. Frowning I try to move her fingers.

  I hear her giggle. ‘I need a shower before this goes any further, Dom.’

  ‘The fuck you do let me in.’ I try again, her giggles fill the small room.

  ‘Hell no, Dom I’ve been to the gym, let me clean up first.’ I groan and roll my eyes, making her giggle again. I get to my feet and strip her thong from her body and move to her bra, flicking the hooks open.

  ‘Wow you’ve done that before, huh?’ I don’t answer her. Nothing good could come from that conversation. Instead I take her mouth again and lift her into my arms. I pull my shorts and boxers down with one hand while holding her weight with the other. I kick them off before stepping into the shower and I turn the tap on. Cold water cascades over us.

  ‘Fuuuck.’ I grit out through clenched teeth. While Chloe laughs her ass off. It warms up pretty quick but I barely notice because I’m captivated with her lips. I let her go to her feet, sliding her down my body, my erection standing proud between us. I reach behind her grabbing the shower gel. Squirting just enough into my palm I rub my hands together and start at her shoulders. Getting the sponge, I move it over her skin in slow circular motions and as her eyes close, her head rocks back against the wall. She mewls again setting my body on fire. Her fingers roam down my chest and to my vee, almost grasping my dick, but I stop her. I want to make sure I’m cleaned up first too. I sponge her down and as she frowns and starts to protest about not being able to touch my dick, I drop the sponge and use my fingers along with shower gel on her pussy. Chloe stops her protest as quickly as it began as my fingers toy with her entrance. I take some more gel and get to my knees, as my nose hits her bare pussy I take my dick in my hand and rub the gel in. As I lap at her pussy she moans in relief. Her eyes closed, her head tilted to the ceiling.


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