Making of a Warrior

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Making of a Warrior Page 22

by Frank David

  “Why did you not return last night? The Duke was worried you had embarrassed him and spent the evening in the dungeon,” Carl said as he followed Luke inside. “The Duke is waiting for you in the library.”

  “Duke Suffolk, I have returned,” Luke called out to the old man.

  “What happened to you boy? You should have returned last night. I was about to send my guards out looking for you.” The Duke was stern in his words.

  “I am sorry, I decided to spend the night in the city. I rarely get to see life beyond the palace walls. Forgive me for wanting to explore my new home.” Luke walked over and handed the paper to the Duke.

  The Duke’s shaky hand took the letter. He broke the seal and began reading the King’s words.

  “I see the King has approved you as my heir. However, he is concerned why I have decided to name you heir over my cousin. He would like to speak to me.” The Duke’s voice was as shaky as his hands. “Did you do something to make him question you?”

  “No, Your Grace. He did ask why my sister wanted me to have such a position. I thought I did my best to explain.” Luke needed to be polite. Even though the King approved his appointment as heir, the Duke could easily reverse his decision. Nothing was final until the Duke took his last breath.

  “Very well. I will have Carl prepare to leave in the morning. I am not up to the trip today.” The Duke laid the letter on the table in front of him. “Please get Carl. I would like to go for a walk.”

  “I would be happy to take you, Duke,” Luke offered.

  “No, I wish Carl to walk me today.” The Duke motioned for Luke to leave.

  Luke watched as Carl and the Duke walked toward the gardens, a guard following behind them. It was unusual to see the guard. Normally it was only the Duke and Carl. He worried the Duke was changing his mind about naming him heir. He needed to do something before the Duke was able to change his mind.

  “You must act quickly. Thomas is discussing his concerns with Carl. He is asking him to pack your things and send you home.” Luke turned to see the robed man standing behind him.

  “Who are you and how did you get in here?” Luke stepped back, not recognizing the man.

  “I am Braynard Duine. I am the leader of a secret order, an order that should have trained you years ago. I am not sure how you were not detected until now. Your sister was trained, but we did not sense your abilities.” Braynard lowered his hood, allowing the boy to see his face. The man looked barely older than Luke. “Could it be that you and your sister were consecrated to Diana? I only learned about Daniella because the people of your village spoke of her power to heal. It would explain why I had no knowledge. Yes, that must be it. Are your parents’ pagan, Luke?”

  “My parents follow the old religion. If that is what you call pagan, then yes that is what my parents are.” Luke knew his service was to Diana, not the God that so many throughout Saaveth feared.

  “Do you know the story of Diana?” Braynard questioned the boy.

  “I only know what I have been told by my parents and the priests. Diana professes love, not fear. She rewards those who are faithful to her.” Luke felt odd talking about Diana. It was a crime in Saaveth to follow any religion other than the Church. He and his family could be put to death should Braynard tell anyone.

  “I have no plan to expose your family’s beliefs. Allow me to explain the story of Diana. The old God created the pagans, the ones referred to as barbarians throughout history. The first of his creations were Barius and Diana. He instilled both with great power. These powers gave them command of the elements and beasts. He commanded Diana to serve Barius in all his needs and desires. This command did not please Diana. She was a strong woman who believed Barius should serve her as much as she was willing to serve him. She would not give into Barius’ carnal desires. This denial angered Barius who brought his anger to God. Diana overheard Barius begging God to make her bow before him. This angered Diana. That night while Barius slept, she killed him. She used the gifts God had granted her to fill Barius’ lungs with water. She knew she could not hide this act from God so she fled, believing God would not find her. Of course, she could not hide from Him. He found her and forced her to confess her crime against her husband. God realized the error He had made. He should not have tried to force this woman to serve her man. He should have allowed the two to discover their roles. He took compassion on Diana and refused to take her life. However, as punishment she was to never see His face again, nor would she hear his voice. She was alone in the world for all eternity, never knowing death.” Braynard knew the story well. It had been many years since he shared Diana’s story.

  “God brought to life more men and women but did not order either the submissive, allowing men and women to determine their order. Diana watched these new people from a distance. God did not communicate with them as he had with Diana and Barius. He believed their faith in him should be blind, for it is easy to believe in what you see. The challenge is believing in the unseen. His presence was not as easily understood. Diana watched as the people suffered through sickness, famine, and natural disasters. She heard as they called out to God with no answer. She came to them, showed them her power. She promised if they turned from their God, she would provide for them. She offered them independence from a God she convinced them did not care. She met with the leaders of the clans. She taught them the blood rite. Participating in the blood rite would bind them to her, and in return, she would share some of her powers. The blood rite grew, and many partook of the ritual. I believe this is where you and your sister’s powers originate. Your powers do not come from God as those of the Scientia do, but from Diana. That is why I could not detect your gifts. Those who give themselves to Diana are beyond my vision for they have turned from God.” Braynard stared at the boy.

  “It is true. I serve Diana and She has provided for my family and me. God has done nothing for my family and me, except allowing our birthright to be stolen. Did you know that, mystic? We were once followers of your God, but he allowed my ancestor to be disgraced for the crimes of his father. He allowed us to be shamed. My family’s story has been lost over the years, but it has been passed down through the generations of my father.” Luke had not spoken of his family’s shame. This man seemed to make him speak freely. He did not like it.

  “I am aware of your family’s history. God did not allow your family’s disgrace. It was the choices Archibald made that led to your family’s downfall.” Braynard used the ancestor’s name to show Luke he knew the truth about his family. “I know you and your sister seek revenge for this shame you perceive, and I will not stop you but know the Goddess you follow is a false God. Her powers and yours are still gifts from the old God.

  “I appreciate your words, mystic but I serve my Goddess faithfully and will never serve the vengeful God of Saaveth.” Luke was growing angry with the discussion. No one understood his family’s pain. He needed to get back to the Duke who was plotting to send him home without a title. “So, am I to kill him now? I do not want him changing his mind, but it is too soon after the King’s approval.” Luke was confused.

  “If you want to remain his heir, you must kill them both. If Carl lives, he will speak to the King of Thomas’ change of heart. The guard cannot hear their conversation. He will have no knowledge of Thomas’ wishes but will be a witness to their death and your innocence. If you do not act now, you will not be of much use to your sister.” Braynard moved closer to the boy. “I know the anger that lives inside of you. You hate the Imperials and Royals. Let that anger flow, allow it to cement your future as Duke of Wardry South.” Braynard stepped back, sensing Luke’s anger growing. “Think of all the Imperials took from your family. Let the Duke be the first to pay for the Imperial’s injustice.”

  Luke walked out to the courtyard. He focused on the Duke. He felt the ground beneath his feet begin to move. He watched as the guard following the Duke fell. The earth beneath the Duke and Carl opened, swallowing them both. The guard rushed t
o help just as the ground closed around them, sealing both in their grave.

  Luke ran to meet the guard who just stood there staring at the ground where only moments ago the Duke and Carl stood. The other guards were rushing over to join them.

  “I do not know what happened, Luke.” The guard addressed him as he approached. “They were only a few feet in front of me. How was I not also lost?”

  “It is okay, soldier.” Luke tried to act concerned and upset, but it was not easy. “Just be glad you are safe. The Duke lived a long life. It is sad he had to be taken in such a manner.”

  “Who will be the Lord of the Manor, now? I had heard he had named a cousin.” The guard turned to Luke.

  “The King approved the Duke’s request to name me his heir. It would seem I am the new Duke of Wardry South,” Luke said, again trying to muster a sense of melancholy. “Please send word to the King of the Duke’s death. I will be returning to Red Hill to inform Duke D’Vay of Thomas’ death.”

  “Of course, Your Grace.” The guard bowed and ran to retrieve a horse to make the journey to the palace of the King.

  Luke entered the palace. Braynard was still there waiting for him. He rushed past the Scientia. He informed the maids of the Duke’s death and his desire to return to his sister’s home. He asked them to prepare his things for the journey as he wished to leave as soon as he could.

  “Luke, you must tread lightly. It will be suspicious that the Duke died so soon after naming you, heir. The guards will testify that you were nowhere near the Duke when he died, but the King will look to find your hand in the old man’s death,” Braynard called out to the boy. “The King does not trust you. You need to get in his good graces if you are to help your sister.”

  “Why do you care so much about what happens to my sister and me?” Luke was growing suspicious of the man.

  “Your sister is crucial to the future of Hulsteria. I know her plans and I support her crusade,” Braynard answered. “You need to simply send word to Malcolm that the Duke has passed. Do not leave the manor. If the King comes and finds you gone, he will believe you killed the Duke. Stay and prepare for his visit. A level head is what you need my boy.”

  Luke stood there as he saw the man vanish before his eyes. He knew Braynard was right. He had to stay at the palace. He would need to face the King and prove his innocence. He sat at the desk in the library and wrote a letter to Malcolm to inform him of the Duke’s death.

  He walked out to the courtyard and found a guard. “Please deliver this to my sister’s home in Hornsdale. Make sure it is given to Duke D’Vay.” He handed the letter to the guard who bowed and headed in the direction of the stables.

  Luke returned to the library where he sat reflecting on the events that had occurred and how his life was about to change.


  Sofia woke. The palace was cold. The Benedictus still had the palace encased in ice, lowering the temperature within the palace walls. She believed it was safe to take the ice away. Stela and the others had left and those who remained seemed to be more than capable of handling any would be assassins. It seemed the Imperials were all discovering their gifts. The palace was being subjected to random fires, storm clouds, quakes, and other various annoyances as each found their new powers. The Benedictus did his best to help the new Magisters understand and control their powers. She wished Braynard were there to help. He seemed to understand all the powers and how to control them.

  Sofia was suddenly aware that Stela was gone. She had left Sofia in charge. Sofia called her maid to help her dress. She was going to use her temporary power to help their mother who was still in the dungeons.

  She hurried down the stairs after dressing. She needed to be quick before anyone could stop her. She heard the footsteps chasing after her but she could not stop. If the footsteps meant to stop her, she was not going to make it easy.

  “Sofia,” the voice called out.

  She recognized it at once. It was Felicia. She would not be swayed. If Felicia wished to speak with her, she would have to follow her down into the dungeons. She ran quickly to the door leading down to where her mother was held captive. She felt the hand on her arm as she opened the door.

  “I know you heard me calling you. Why did you not stop?” Felicia did not know if Sofia regretted the kiss or if there was some other issue.

  “I heard you. I need to tend to important business and do not have time to speak with you. I will find you later after I have completed my task.” Sofia turned to enter the stairway to the dungeon.

  Felicia followed her down the narrow passage. The smell was strong. It was not a foul odor, but it was not a pleasant one either. It smelled like rancid water. The walls were thick with slime as they made the descent. She could feel her feet slipping as she followed Sofia. The passages were dimly lit, barely providing enough illumination to see five feet out.

  “Sofia, what are you doing? Please do not tell me you have come to free your mother.” She reached out and stopped Sofia once again. She could feel Sofia pulling, trying to escape her grip but Felicia would not allow her.

  “She is my mother. I cannot allow her to sit down here and rot. Yes, her crimes were great, but this is not what she deserves. If the assassination attempt had not occurred, she would be on her way to Uhl with Jacob, though I am not sure that would have been any less horrible.” Sofia pulled free from Felicia and continued down the damp hall toward her mother’s cell.


  Madeline heard the guards talking about the events that took place in the courtyard. She worried about her daughters. Were they all safe? The guards had said Stela was unharmed and had left for Frostmoor. Nothing was mentioned of Sofia or Orthia. She prayed they were both safe.

  She had been in the dungeon for far too long which made her believe Stela had decided not to kill her. She worried about what her daughter had in store for her. Her crimes were unforgivable. She knew the punishment would be great.

  “Madeline, are you prepared?” She knew the voice immediately.

  “Braynard, what do you want?” She knew the man well. He had visited her many times over the course of her life. Most recently when he showed her daughter her crimes.

  “I have come to help you free yourself. After all, it is I who put you here in the first place.” Braynard appeared out of the dark corner of her cell. “I do want to thank you for not letting Stela know that we knew each other when I appeared in your chambers.”

  “Yes, I was a fool to listen to you those many years ago. If I had thought clearly, I would not be here facing my daughter’s wrath. Why did I allow you to convince me to make up that story about Morgan? The man did nothing to us. Yes, he was Benedictus and could have brought war upon Hulsteria, but I fear the lies have done more damage than good. I will never understand how you convinced me to end George’s life. That is still a mystery.” Madeline refused to look at him as he moved closer to her.

  “I told you then that if you did as I instructed, you would face hardships. You knew I was right and you knew it was all for Stela. Sofia is on her way to free you. It is time for you to learn your birthright.” Braynard put his hand on her shoulder. She turned and looked at him.

  “What birthright? Is this another of your tricks? Have you not done enough to this family?” Madeline turned away. She had been persuaded before and would not fall for the man’s tricks again.

  “Everything that was done was done for your daughter, Stela. If the events had not gone as I instructed we would not be where we are today…” Braynard started to explain.

  “On the verge of war? That is where you wanted my daughter? My family was nearly torn apart because of your plans.” Madeline was becoming angry with the man.

  “My dear, your birthright is released. You have the power to remove memories from anyone or everyone. All you need do is think of the memory you want to be removed and from whom. When Sofia comes to release you, all you must do is think of removing her memory of the acts you committed against
George and Roderick’s family. Once you are convinced that the gift is true, you can remove the memories from all of Saaveth. No one will remember what you did.” Braynard tried to show her he was there to help regardless of what she believed.

  “All I need do is think of my actions and removing those thoughts from Sofia’s mind, and she will not remember the crimes of which I am charged?” Madeline was not sure if he could be trusted, but she did not have much choice. She could hear the footsteps heading toward her cell. She listened as her daughter spoke with the guard. She heard the key turning in the lock and the door open.

  Sofia rushed in and hugged her mother. “Mother, let us get you out of here.” She led her mother out into the hall. The guard watched as they passed.

  “Sofia, stop for a minute. Why are you doing this? This is treason. Stela had ordered my death.” Madeline wanted to know her daughter’s motives before she tried to remove the memories of her crimes.

  “You were not going to be put to death. Jacob agreed to take you with him to Uhl. However, you were stripped of your title and were to be a servant in his household.” Sofia knew the news would hurt her mother, but she needed to understand why she was taking such a risk. “I will get you out of the palace. Head to the docks and board a ship to Savien or Trokha. You have family there, stay with them. You will be safe.” Sofia turned, but Madeline placed her hands on her head.

  “My dear, I am flattered that you would take such a risk to save me.” Madeline concentrated on the girl’s memories. She found what she was looking for, the moment Stela told Sofia of her mother’s offenses. She imagined the memories being removed. Then she found the memory of Stela announcing Madeline’s punishment. Those were removed as well.

  She then looked at the girl with Sofia. “You are one of the Lester girls, are you not? The older one, Felicia, yes?” Madeline asked her directly. Sofia stood silently as if in a trance.


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