Making of a Warrior

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Making of a Warrior Page 28

by Frank David

  “How do you know this was not one of Braynard’s tricks? He could have put the vision in your head.” Roderick refused to believe the man’s intentions were pure.

  “We also spoke with Rupert,” Stela confessed.

  “Rupert?” Roderick refused to believe the two had actually seen their deceased family.

  “When Rupert appeared, he explained that Samuel killed him because of another. As Rupert started to give the details, Braynard appeared. Rupert seemed to know him but the two had never met in life, as far as I am aware. Rupert vanished before we could learn more,” Stela recounted the experience.

  “Stela, do you not see that proves there is more with this man? Do you think he had a hand in Rupert’s death? Why would he appear just as Rupert was about to expose the person who orchestrated his death? Who is he protecting?” Roderick quickly pieced it all together. “I have to wonder whose death he is plotting now, yours or Edmund’s?”

  Stela watched Roderick. He was becoming upset. “Calm down, brother. I asked him that. He said it was unclear who would be victorious, he saw both paths. He did see a future where Harris was regent to Joseph. I do not think the man has the capability of killing.”

  “What do you mean? He killed Jordan,” Roderick reminded his sister. “For anyone to be your son’s regent would mean you are dead. Did he say how this would happen? Why Harris? You hardly know the man.”

  “Yes, but Jordan was going to kill me. Braynard wants or needs this confrontation between Edmund and myself. He will let nothing stand in the way of us doing battle. Do not let this distract you from what lies ahead. If Braynard means to see us all dead, I fear there is little we can do.” Stela reached out and touched her brother’s arm. “We all die Roderick, my time will come. According to Braynard, Harris and I are to wed. We will share a child, so it is nothing that will come to fruition anytime soon.” Stela smiled. “Come over and join the others. You cannot let this consume you.” She led him back to join the others, who watched him closely. “Please do not make mention of Charity’s new gift. We wish to keep it private, for now.”

  “I will not say a word. I still worry that you trust Braynard too much. Does he really see the things he claims or is he just pushing you to his will?” Roderick said as they rejoined the others. “I would like to know what the others think.”

  “What are you talking about Roderick?” Astrid asked, curious about the conversation.

  “Braynard has told Stela that she will marry Harris. I have to wonder if this is a vision or what the man wishes to occur.” Roderick wanted to see if the others believed as he did.

  “Marry Harris?” Astrid asked looking at Stela. “He may be the son of an Imperial Grand Archduke, but he was raised by peasants. Why would you marry him?”

  “Do you have any interest in him?” Renee asked, looking at Harris.

  “I admit that I did not see him as a husband until Braynard mentioned we were to marry. I do admire him for his skills. If I am, to be honest, he will make a fine husband,” Stela admitted, her cheeks filling with color.

  “Could we please stop talking about this as if I am not standing in the room with you?” Harris interjected. “Astrid, I may have been raised a peasant, but I assure you that fact will only make me a better Imperial when I inherit my father’s title. You have all been raised above the people who serve you. I was one of them. I know the struggles and the difficulties they face daily. This is something none of you will ever truly understand nor appreciate. I had no desire for Stela until she mentioned the man’s prophecy.” Harris saw the looks of contempt from those standing around him. “However, if the man believes this is what the future holds for us both, then I will not fight our destinies.”

  “We need not argue about this. We have all experienced the man’s power. Can any of you deny that he knows things that he should not? I believe what he shares with us he does so to help us prepare for what is coming,” Charity spoke. “He saved Tripp. Granted he also put Tripp in danger on the cliff, but he could have let Tripp die but he did not. I do not completely trust him, but I do not believe he means us harm. He may be pushing us all in the direction of what he sees or wants, but nothing of what he has shown us has been a tragic future.”

  “The future he saw if Edmund wins against me was dark. He seems to be pushing us away from that future. In me, he has seen a brighter future for Hulsteria and Saaveth. It appears that is the future he is encouraging.” Stela did not believe Braynard to be a bad man but was doubting whether he was a visionary or simply a man who is bending the will of others for his own agenda.

  The discussion was interrupted when dinner was announced. The group moved to the dining hall where silence prevailed. The dinner commenced in silence. It would seem the topic of Braynard had come to an end for the night.


  Sofia sat in the nursery with the nannies and children. She held Layla close to her. She loved the child but worried about her future. She was the bastard daughter of a traitor to the realm. What would become of her daughter? Sofia would need to convince Stela to arrange a good marriage for her.

  Felicia entered the room. She stood and watched Sofia with Layla and she admired the woman even more. She placed her hand on her stomach knowing the child growing inside of her would face the same troubles as Layla.

  “What will you do to ensure that your daughter is able to overcome the stigma of her father?” Felicia asked.

  “Stela will arrange a suitable marriage for her. She is, after all, the daughter of two great lines.” Sofia handed the child back to her nanny. She walked over to Felicia. “These children are the future of our realm. They will all carry the burden of their father’s actions. Joseph is fortunate to be heir to the throne. No one would speak out against him or his father. The others may struggle, but they have one another. Together they will overcome what their father has done and will do.”

  “I wonder if Joseph realizes what lies in front of him?” Felicia asked, knowing the burden when she realized she was heir to her father’s duchy. “Do you ever wish you were not born an Imperial?”

  “No. I am proud to be an Imperial but being born third in line does allow one to be less concerned with politics. I suppose if I were an heir my opinion might be different.” Sofia moved closer to Felicia.

  “Do you regret having Layla?” Felicia looked at Sofia, not sure if she would be offended by the question.

  “I regret who her father is, but I could never regret having her. She has given my life a purpose. Before her, I was only concerned with myself. Now I find myself only concerned with her. She has helped me grow, mature.” Sofia placed her hand on Felicia’s arm. “I know you are pregnant and who the father is,” she whispered.

  “How?” Felicia felt ashamed and turned from Sofia.

  “You forget I can hear what you think. I was not trying to hear your thoughts. Do not be ashamed, Felicia. You had no way of knowing Harris was your brother. Do you not wish to have this child?” Sofia spoke softly so the nannies would not overhear them.

  “I do not know what I want,” Felicia confessed. “There are moments when I cannot wait to hold my child but then I realize the troubles he will face and my heart aches for him.”

  “No one need know who his father is. Yes, he will be labeled a bastard, unless we can get you married quickly. Men can father as many children in or out of wedlock as they desire and no shame is brought upon them, only the women and children. Perhaps you can change the stigma, Felicia. I do not suggest that you admit to your child’s peerage, but you are strong and do not allow others to speak ill of you or those you love. Use that strength to help your child overcome the situation of his birth.” Sofia smiled trying to ease Felicia’s mind.

  “Thank you, Sofia.” Felicia placed her hand over Sofia’s. “Would you ever consider leaving Hulsteria?”

  “Why would I leave? My family is here.” Sofia looked at her oddly.

  “Would you ever consider leaving Hulsteria with me?” Felicia blush
ed as she exposed her intentions.

  “Felicia, it was but a kiss we shared. I am sorry if that led you to believe there was more between us. I was taken by your beauty, but I assure you I have no desire to be with a woman though if that desire were present, you would be the one with whom I would explore,” Sofia said as Felicia pulled away.

  “I am sorry Imperial Princess Royal. I was mistaken. I meant no offense.” Felicia curtsied and turned to leave.

  Sofia reached for her. “Do not leave. I did not say those words to hurt you. I am intrigued by you, I will admit, but I do not think that I could commit to such a lifestyle. I hope you can understand.”

  “You are intrigued, but you are not willing to see if there is more between us than a friendship?” Felicia was becoming upset. “Your sister has changed the landscape for homosexuals. No longer must we hide in the shadows. We are free to love in the open, we are free to marry. The stigma once associated with my kind has been removed, at least in the eyes of most Imperials.”

  “You are stronger than I am, Felicia. You do not care what others think of you. I have been raised in the public eye, the people know me. It is enough that I must deal with the stares because of my daughter. I do not think I could endure the stares if we were to become a couple,” Sofia admitted.

  “So, it is not your lack of desire that keeps you from being with me, it is your fear of public opinion. Thank you for letting me see the person you truly are.” Felicia removed Sofia’s hand from her arm. “I am leaving, Sofia. I do not wish to say things that might hurt either of us.”

  “Felicia, I wish you would not go away angry.” Sofia tried to plead with her. “Perhaps one day, I will not care so much about what others think, but now, I do.”

  “You are aware of public opinion. They already condemn you for your adulterous affair with Edmund. Do you think this would be any different? Your reputation has been destroyed. I could not do it any further harm.” Felicia knew her words were harsh, but she believed Sofia needed to realize she was not beyond reproach as she seemed to believe.

  “My reputation was destroyed because members of this household could not keep their mouths shut. My marriage was ruined because the scandal spread quickly. Do not claim to know what I am and am not aware of. I have paid for my indiscretions. My reputation was thrown to the wolves during the Naming Ceremony by my own sister. If you could have heard what those in attendance were thinking, you would know that I am well aware of what people think of me. Why would I add to their whispers by loving a woman, regardless of what you believe I might desire?” Sofia fought to deny her feelings for Felicia. She had never had any desire for a woman and did not want to accept those feelings now.

  “Why do you deny yourself?” Felicia asked. She noticed the nannies were watching them. She grabbed Sofia and dragged her out of the nursery. “Do you think I would let anyone hurt you or speak ill of you or our relationship? I think I have proven I can beat most men in Hulsteria. I would protect you from any harm, physical or verbal.”

  “It was my desire that brought so much pain into my life.” Sofia refused to admit to anything.

  “That desire also brought you your daughter. Allow me to show you the love desire can bring into your life.” Felicia tried to plead with her. “If you do not desire me, I will leave Hulsteria. I will make a new life for myself in one of the other realms and you will never have to lay eyes on me again.” Felicia stared at Sofia, waiting for some response.

  “Perhaps it would be for the best for us both if you left. I do not wish to cause you pain, but it is obvious that is what is happening.” Sofia turned and walked away before another word could be spoken, leaving Felicia alone in the hall.

  Sofia entered her room. Once inside she allowed her tears to be shed. She could deny her feelings for Felicia to everyone but herself. She desired the woman, but she could not bear the thought of more rumors circulating.

  “You need to stop her from leaving.” The voice spoke, breaking the silence.

  “Why?” Sofia turned to face the man.

  “You know you love her. You can deny it to her, but you cannot lie to me, I see the truth.” Braynard approached her. “Do not let her leave Jascaessau. If she does you will never see her again. She is where your happiness lies. You will raise your children together if you stop her. If not, I fear you will spend your life alone. No other will have you because of what you have done.” Braynard left her with those words.

  “I will not do as you command. This is my life, I will not be a pawn in your game!” She called out in the empty room. She paced back and forth. Braynard was right, she could not deny her feelings to herself. It was easy to lie to Felicia, but the truth struck her. The thought of Felicia leaving and never seeing her again was difficult. Sofia went to the window. She could see Felicia preparing to leave. She was serious, she was going to leave and never return. Sofia rushed out of her room and down the hall to the stairs, her face still tear-stained, the tears coming again.

  She reached the courtyard just as Felicia was ready to leave. “Felicia!” she called out. Felicia ignored her. She picked up her pace. “Felicia!” she screamed again. Those in the courtyard watched as Sofia reached Felicia.

  “Do not leave me!” Sofia yelled. “You are right. What additional harm could come from loving you?” She grabbed Felicia, trying to catch her breath, and kissed her. “Stay with me. I want to raise our children together.” She heard the moans from the people in the courtyard. “Yes, your Imperial Princess Royal is in love with a woman!” she yelled to those about. “If any object, keep those objections to yourself, else you will face the executioner.” Sofia smiled and kissed Felicia again.

  “You know we need your sister’s approval,” Felicia added.

  “Only when we wish to marry. My sister does not need to approve who I love.” Sofia laughed.

  Felicia lifted Sofia and carried her back to the palace.


  Daniella arrived at Nottingham. The ride was longer than she had anticipated and she was becoming weary. The day was longer than initially planned. A man appeared at the door as she approached.

  “Your Imperial Highness, the Duke is waiting for you in the library.” The man led her to her brother who was sitting in the empty room.

  “Luke!” Daniella said as she approached her brother. He stood to hug her. She could sense he was not happy. “What is wrong, Luke?”

  “Nothing, sister. I am bored in this house. I miss you and our parents.” Luke sat back down.

  “Well, you will not be bored for long. Now that you have secured the duchy, we can start to work on turning the other duchies from King Kieran. You will be busy. You must become part of Uhlan society. You must befriend the other duchies. Malcolm will be easy, I can convince him. His family is well known to the other duchy, Red Hill. You must only convince Duke Landon Stafford of Red Hill and I can help you with him. His daughter, Aaliyah is unmarried. Perhaps we recommend a union between the two duchies,” Daniella offered.

  “Must I marry? I do not think I am ready to take a wife.” Luke had no desire to marry. “Could I not just get to know the Duke and build his trust?”

  “I have to ask you something. There were rumors about the former Duke having a taste for boys. Did he try anything with you, Luke?” Daniella approached the subject as gently as possible.

  “I knew of the Duke’s desires. He did try to bed me but I denied him and told him if he ever made such a move again, I would remove that which brought the desire. He did not like having my dagger in his crotch,” Luke laughed. “I told him he would make me his heir or I would bring him before the king on charges so he agreed.”

  “I should have known you could handle yourself,” Daniella laughed, wishing to have seen the Duke’s face. “Did you know Malcolm was aware of the Duke’s penchant for young men when he brought you here?”

  “I had a feeling he was nervous. The Duke made some comments on our initial meeting that allowed me to know his true agenda. M
alcolm noticed the comments as well but seemed unfazed.” Luke sat back, his mood improving with his sister’s presence. “How is Malcolm? I believe when I see him again, I will present him with a gift.”

  “He is fine. His mother is gone. I killed her when I returned. She was ill but my gift could not save her. I was devastated,” Daniella laughed. “I crushed the life out of her.”

  “How did you do that? You can only heal.” Luke sat up in his chair wishing to hear more.

  “It would seem those of Imperial birth have gifts. Mine is the ability to alleviate or inflict pain. How perfect.” Daniella made a gesture with her hand as if crushing someone in her grasp. “I simply held her chest and was able to take her life. It is much easier than pulling the pain from others. It was all too easy. I am anxious to try it out with Stelaphina. However, it would seem Braynard wishes her to face her husband, so she is off limits until after that battle.” Daniella was filled with excitement.

  “I too then should be receiving some gift.” Luke’s excitement increased. “I wonder what it will be? Why does he want the Empress to face her husband in a battle?”

  “I do not know, and honestly, I do not care as long as Edmund does not kill her. She will be mine. As far as your power, it would seem some of the blood gifts are quite different from the Goddess’ gifts or those of the Magisters. The Imperial Princess Royal, Sofia, can hear the thoughts of others. A young Imperial who came to battle in the tournaments can control others.” Daniella shared what she learned of the gifts while in Jascaessau, piquing Luke’s interest further.

  “I am sorry that I took the Duke’s life so quickly. I know it went against what we agreed but he was about to reconsider his decision to name me his heir. It seems something made him change his mind. I had to take his life then. Otherwise I would not be his heir.” Luke was sure Daniella was not happy with his moving forward too soon with their plan.


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