Making of a Warrior

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Making of a Warrior Page 32

by Frank David

  “Very well, I will dress and meet you downstairs. Have someone prepare a carriage for us. Have them load our trunks. Do you think we have time to get mother and father before leaving?” Luke started to undress not wishing to waste any time.

  “We will have to get them, we have no choice. We cannot leave them behind.” Daniella rushed from the room to prepare for their departure.

  Daniella had a carriage prepared. She paced anxiously as the house staff loaded the trunks on the carriage. She wanted to leave now. Braynard had said they would only be safe with the other followers of Diana on Norland. Every minute they remained in Uhl put them at risk. She saw Luke leaving the manor. She gestured for him to hurry. The two entered the carriage and settled in for the ride to Tarmlan.


  Adolf entered the Imperial Palace of Savien, Dilston Castle. His nerves were on end as the guards led him to the throne room. He surveyed the room for something he could use against Emperor Lyon. The room was filled with objects that could be used, though he feared the attempt might be thwarted should anyone see the objects move. There was a large metal chandelier positioned just above the thrones. The thing was covered with metal spikes. It would certainly kill the Emperor if he were able to move it. He focused and watched as the chandelier swayed at his command.

  The crier’s announcement of the Emperor’s arrival broke the silence. Adolf bowed as the Emperor entered and took the throne.

  Emperor Sebastian Lyon was smaller than Adolf had expected. His stature did not match that of the portraits he had seen of the man. He assumed the man to stand about five feet five inches. He was not the muscle-bound man depicted either. While he looked sturdy, Adolf believed in battle he would certainly beat the Emperor. The outer robes the man wore made him appear of greater girth, but Adolf could see the smaller frame hidden beneath the layers.

  “Imperial Royal Highness,” the Emperor addressed Adolf. His Savien accent was thick. “I understand you are here on behalf of Hulsteria.”

  “Your Imperial Majesty, I have come to ensure the relations between our two realms remain, given recent events. I want to ensure that the engagement between your granddaughter, Imperial Princess Royal, Meliscent, and Imperial Prince Royal, Joseph Brandt, has not been affected by the acts of Empress Stelaphina.” Adolf could feel himself shaking as he spoke. He worried he would be discovered. His family’s lives were on the line, he could not fail.

  “My wife and two daughters are with the Empress now. I received word from them that the actions were not the Empress’ but the former Emperor Consort. Who sent you here?” Sebastian asked. He was suspicious why Stelaphina would send a messenger when his daughter Amanda could easily send any message.

  “The Imperial Chancellor has sent me. I do not believe he was aware your family was with the Empress.” Adolf concentrated on the chandelier knowing he needed to end this soon if he had any chance of leaving with his life.

  “The Imperial Chancellor is not aware of your Empress’ location or those who are with her?” Sebastian stared at the man oddly, making Adolf all the more uncomfortable and nervous. “Please, let your Empress know that the engagement is still in effect. Savien and Hulsteria have been allied for many years. I would not see our friendship destroyed because of the actions of the Emperor Consort.” Sebastian did not wish to push the man. He was not sure of his true purpose but thought it best to play along.

  “Thank you, Imperial Majesty. I am sure the Empress will be pleased to know that your friendship is secure.” Adolf could see the chandelier swaying. He needed to release it.

  “If that is all you needed, I must return to other realm matters. Please let your Empress know if she needs additional forces against Edmund of Xasha, Savien would be happy to assist.” Sebastian stood, still not sure the man was who he said. He motioned to the guards to escort his visitor back to the docks.

  As the guards approached Adolf, the chandelier crashed down. Sebastian sensed it and moved, avoiding the strike. The guards watched as the Emperor turned. He raised his hand to his back. The guards rushed forward. A spike from the chandelier had separated in the crash and was lodged in the Emperor’s back. He collapsed.

  Adolf rushed out of the throne room. He needed to reach his ship. He worried the guards would know he was somehow involved. He heard the guards yell out to stop him. He picked up his pace, rushing through the halls of the palace. Guards were blocking his exit. He turned to rush down the way he had just come to find another way out. Guards quickly appeared before him. He was trapped. He knew he would never see his family again.

  “I am sorry! He has my family, I had no choice!” Adolf yelled out as the guards approached. “He is crazy.” Adolf’s face distorted as the sword was thrust into his abdomen. “Save my family…” he said as he collapsed on the stone floor.


  The rumors of Emperor Alvaro’s lust for women was well known. She would use this knowledge to get close to the man. She had selected her most revealing gown for her audience with the Emperor. The guards’ reaction to her let her know she had picked correctly. They could not take their eyes from her bosom.

  She was led into the throne room of Castrum Palace. Alvaro was seated on the throne waiting to receive her. She sensed immediately the gown had gotten his attention. She had not expected the man to be so attractive. His face had strong features with steely gray eyes which complimented his ebony hair.

  “Imperial Highness, welcome to Trokha,” he greeted Lillian as she was brought forward.

  “Imperial Majesty, thank you for granting me an audience. I know how busy you must be with all that is happening in Hulsteria.” Lillian curtsied.

  “My daughter is dealing with Hulsteria. What can Trokha do for you, my dear.” He smiled at the woman before him.

  “I have come on behalf of Empress Stelaphina. She worries that the relationship between our two realms might be tried due to recent events.” Lillian needed to get close to the man.

  “As I said, my daughter is with your Empress. This should be sign enough that Trokha stands with Hulsteria.” Alvaro was becoming suspicious. Why would she not be aware Astrid was with Stelaphina?

  “Yes, and the Empress appreciates your daughter’s presence. The Empress sent me as a gift to ensure our realms continued peace.” Lillian knew she needed to offer herself to him. She reminded herself this was to protect her family.

  “Stelaphina has sent you to me as a gift? What pleasures will this gift bring me?” Alvaro ran his hand over his beard. The woman was attractive. He looked at his Empress Consort, seated next to him. He knew she was not pleased with this gift.

  “I have been ordered to provide any and all pleasures, Your Imperial Majesty requests.” Lillian knew this would intrigue Alvaro.

  “Guards, take our guest to my private chambers,” he gestured to the guards. “I will join you shortly, Imperial Highness.” He watched as the guards led her out of the throne room.

  “Louisa, it would be rude to not accept the Empress’ gift,” he turned to his wife.

  “As you wish, my lord. I do not feel good about this woman. I find it odd that she seemed unaware that Astrid was with Stelaphina. Please be careful, husband.” Louisa would not look at him. Her blue eyes would have given away the pain she was feeling. She knew her husband was not faithful, but his infidelity was never so blatantly flaunted in front of her.

  “She is a woman, what harm could there be?” Alvaro kissed his wife on the head. “I will return to you after I have sampled my present.”

  Lillian paced about the room, waiting for her victim to join her. She did not like being forced to kill a man that she did not know, but her family was at stake. She was starting to believe Edmund was not the man many of Xasha believed him to be. Perhaps the rumors about his hand in his brother’s death were true. The rumors came from Hulsteria which caused many to dismiss the claims. However, now standing in this room about to kill a man for no reason, she reconsidered her position on her Emperor Regent.

>   The door opened and Alvaro entered the room. The guards closed the doors behind him. He removed his jacket as he approached Lillian. “I had hoped I would find you naked when I arrived. Are you not excited to serve my desires?” he asked as he pulled her close.

  “I am Majesty. I am just a bit nervous. You are more attractive than I had imagined. Your portraits do not do you justice.” Lillian was shaking. He took her hand and led her to the bed. He threw her down upon the mattress.

  “There is no need to be nervous, my dear.” he said as he climbed on top of her, kissing her hard.

  She laid beneath him. If she did not kill him now, her virtue might be questioned. She moved her hand up his back, just behind his heart. She could feel the beating, it was quickening as they kissed. The blood was flowing hard. She felt the flow slow, the beating decrease. Alvaro stopped kissing. He looked at her, his face becoming pale. He was unable to speak. She stared in his eyes as the heart slowed, beating only periodically. “I am sorry, Majesty. This was not my choice, he has my family. If I failed, my family would die.” His eyes closed as the beating stopped. Lillian wept as she pushed him off her.

  The door to the chambers opened. Lucia entered. She was Alvaro’s oldest daughter and heir. “I am too late. The vision came too late,” she cried out as she entered seeing her father’s motionless body lying on the bed next to Lillian. “Arrest her!” she commanded the guards.

  The guards grabbed Lillian who struggled to escape. She prayed death would find her before the executioner’s axe. As she was being led out of the Emperor’s chambers, she suddenly envisioned her own heart. She concentrated, slowing her own pulse. She felt the pressure build within her chest as she continued the assault on her own organ. She could feel the blood draining from her face as her heart struggled to supply the blood to her body. Her body went limp as her heart took its last beat.

  “What is wrong with her?” Lucia questioned noticing the woman’s legs had stopped keeping step with the guards.

  “Imperial Princess Royal, I believe she is dead,” the guard responded. They stopped and laid Lillian on the stone floor. “She is not breathing, Highness.”

  “We will send word to Hulsteria that their assassin is dead. Take her body back to her ship and have it returned to Hulsteria.” Lucia, at that moment, realized she and her husband, Carlos, were now Emperor and Empress of Trokha. “I will inform the Empress of the Emperor’s passing.”


  Stela sat quietly beside his bed. It had been a week since Roderick fell into his current state. She spent most of her days next to him, even sleeping in the chair beside his bed. She called out to Braynard daily asking him to return her brother to her; her prayers went unanswered.

  The door to Roderick’s chambers opened. “Majesty, Her Imperial Highness, the Imperial Archduchess of Welshpool wishes an audience,” the guard announced.

  “Of course, show her in.” Stela returned to watching over Roderick.

  “How is he doing?” Charity asked.

  “The same. Nothing changes. He does not eat nor drink, but he does not wither. Braynard has cursed him but keeps him alive, for that I am thankful,” Stela answered without taking her eyes off of her brother.

  “We have received word from the Benedictus. He is coming to be with Roderick.” The raven had only just arrived. Charity wanted Stela to be aware of the Benedictus’ visit. “How would you like us to prepare for his visit?”

  “Have a room prepared for him, I do not care which one. I do not think these are the details with which we should be bothered,” Stela scolded her cousin. “I am sorry, Charity. I did not mean to sound harsh.” She turned her eyes to Charity. She could see the pain in her eyes. “We have lost so much, you and me. You lost your beloved cousin and your friend, Calvin. I have lost my husband and my mind for a time. I do not know that I could bear losing Roderick.”

  “You will not lose Roderick,” Charity tried to comfort Stela. “Braynard promised if we only obey he would return Roderick to us. You need to give in to Braynard’s wishes and not question his motives if you want to save Roderick.”

  “Do you trust him, Charity?” Stela wanted to trust the man, but he was showing a much darker side of himself. “Do you honestly believe he will return Roderick?”

  “I had my doubts about him, but when he allowed me to keep Tripp, I realized he is not a malicious man. He does have an agenda that none of us understand, but perhaps it is best that we do not know his motives. I believe if we do as he says, Roderick will be returned unharmed.” Charity pulled a chair next to Stela.

  “I suppose you are right. I cannot rid the thought that his hand has been in every one of the events leading up to this point.” Stela quickly pushed the thought from her head knowing Braynard would sense her doubt.

  “Stela, if he has forced the hands of others to lead you to this point, it must be for a reason. We have no choice but to pray that he is leading us to a better future.” Charity put her hand on her cousin’s knee.

  “Thank you, Charity.” Stela placed her hand on Charity’s.

  The door opened. Empress Consort Renee and her daughter Amanda entered, refusing to wait to be announced. “I am sorry for the intrusion, but I fear this news cannot wait,” Renee offered her apologies.

  “No need for apologies, Majesty. What is it?” Stela stood and greeted her guests.

  “Amanda has received news from my son-in-law. My husband has been killed.” Renee couldn’t hold back the tears as she said the words. Amanda’s face was tear stained as well.

  “How did this happen?” Stela approached the two.

  “Stay away!” Renee commanded. “Mateo said the man stated he was from Hulsteria, under your orders.”

  “That is not possible. I have been here with you all this entire time.” Stela had not issued any such orders. “Why would I seek your husband’s death?”

  “The guards told Mateo the man was asking to ensure the engagement of your son and our granddaughter was still valid. The man tried to crush Sebastian with the chandelier that hangs in our throne room. He missed, but a spike from the chandelier was embedded in Sebastian’s back. Is this how you deal with your allies?” Renee accused Stela.

  “Majesty, I had no hand in your husband’s death. You have come here to offer your allegiance, why would I betray that trust?” Stela pleaded.

  “Who then do you believe is responsible?” Renee asked, still unsure of Stela’s words.

  “Perhaps Edmund learned that you were supporting Hulsteria and sent one of his men to kill the Emperor.” Stela wondered if it was Edmund’s plan or if Braynard was behind the assassination in some way. There was no way for Edmund to know Savien had sworn their support.

  “Mateo did mention the man had a strange accent, not one that was customary to Hulsteria. Do you really believe Edmund would do such a thing?” Renee began to believe Stela.

  “He killed his own brother,” Stela reminded the Empress Consort.

  “Either way, we must return to Savien. I am afraid, Savien can no longer support your war against Xasha. Savien is without a leader. We need to crown Angelique before there is an uprising within the realm. I am sorry that we cannot support you any further. I do believe you have ample support from Trokha and those closest to you.” Renee and Amanda left as Stela bowed before them.

  “Stela, Braynard said Joseph would rule the four realms, did he not?” Charity asked.

  “He did,” Stela responded.

  “Could he be rushing that rule? Do you think it is possible he ordered the murder of the Emperor?” Charity knew bringing these charges against Braynard might bring her suffering, but she could not see a reason that Edmund would have the man killed.

  “Could it be that Braynard wants to see me with no outside support? He said I had to be the one to kill Edmund. Perhaps he feared with the others around I might not strike the Edmund down,” Stela wondered.

  “If he is trying to separate you from your allies, we need to warn Emperor Imaz. He c
ould also be in danger.” Charity realized Braynard was aware of Trokha’s support.

  “We need to find Astrid, have her send word to her father.” Stela rushed from the room, Charity following.

  They found Astrid in the great hall, a raven dead at her feet. They could see the parchment in her hand.

  “Astrid, what is it?” Stela asked cautiously approaching her.

  “He is dead,” she said, her back to the two. “You had him killed? Why?” she screamed as she turned to look at them.

  “It was not me, Astrid. It was Edmund or Braynard, we are not sure which. I swear to you, I would not harm you or your father.” Stela knew the woman would not listen to her.

  “My father sent me here to discover the truth and offer our support if Edmund’s claims were untrue. This is how you thank us for that support?” Astrid stared at the two women before her.

  “Why would I do this? Your support is necessary. I would not repay your help by murdering your father. What would I gain from his death?” Stela pleaded.

  “Astrid, you know Stela had nothing to do with your father’s death. You know it was Edmund. He found out Trokha was supporting Hulsteria. He wanted to sever that support. He was the only one who had anything to gain from your father’s death.” Charity moved toward Astrid.

  “Stay away from me,” Astrid ordered. “She was the one who asked about Angelique being her father’s heir. She was the one who realized we had all been summoned here for some reason. This was the reason. She and Braynard are working together to destroy Saaveth.” Astrid’s rage was growing.

  Stela heard the rustling behind her. She turned to see the rodents approaching. “Astrid, what are you doing? Stop this!” The woman seemed unmoved.

  The rodents climbed up Stela’s leg. She fought them off as best she could, but there were too many. They started to bite her, but she noticed their teeth were not piercing her skin. She shook them off. The rats flew from her but repeated their attack. Their attacks were vicious but inflicted no wounds. Charity watched in horror as the creatures continued their attacks.


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