Making of a Warrior

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Making of a Warrior Page 37

by Frank David

  The laughter turned to cheers as Stela swung her sword. The sword’s prideful nature took control. Stela began performing flips and leaps as the sword controlled her movements. The cheers grew as the crowd watched her. “Tomorrow, Hulsteria will show those who seek to invade her lands the mistake they have made.” The cheers turned to applause. Stela bowed before those gathered as Harris led her down and behind the palace walls.

  “It was not much, but you moved them. You have gained much today, Stela. I think you will find the people will support you when Edmund’s armies march through the streets.” Harris hugged her.

  “I do not want them risking their lives for me. I have not earned their loyalty.” Stela wanted to return to the crowd.

  “You have earned their loyalty. You have offered to fight for them, protect them against any that would seek to disturb their lives. You are a woman and have taken the stance of a man. You have gained their respect.” Harris held her from leaving. “You have gained my respect.” He grabbed her and kissed her.


  Edmund woke as the ship began to sway. He knew this was a sign they were getting close to shore. He dressed quickly, then headed up to the deck. He wanted to see it. He needed to see Jascaessau in the morning light. Soon, he believed it would be his. He would defeat Stela, and the people of Hulsteria would bow at his feet. Suddenly it mattered little to him the child growing inside Megdalina. The child would not stop him from claiming Hulsteria even if Xasha would never truly be his.

  He could see Rothmar sitting high upon the hills of Jascaessau. He wondered if she was worried. Did she realize her reign was coming to an end? The smile spread across his face. He looked north and noticed the ships bearing the flag of the Church.

  “Captain,” he called out. “Why have you not attacked the ships of the Benedictus?”

  “They have made no move toward us, Regent,” the captain responded. The crew had been watching the ships as they moved closer to Jascaessau. Not one made any attempt to engage the fleet. “We have watched them closely. They remain where they are.”

  “Even the armies of the Benedictus know it is best to not approach us. This will be a simple victory!” he yelled to the men preparing to take the beaches. The men immediately stopped and loudly cheered at his confidence.

  “Regent,” the captain called his attention. “We are as close as we can get to the shoreline. You will need to take the boats to reach the beach.”

  “Can we not dock the ships at the piers?” Edmund asked, believing the people of Jascaessau would give him the throne easily.

  “I do not think that would be wise. We do not know if the people of the town are waiting to attack when we dock.” The captain had never heard of warships using the enemy’s docks.

  “The people of this realm are smart, they will not oppose us. Steer the ships to the docks. We will disembark from the ships and walk the streets. If any should oppose us, they will be dealt with as I have agreed.” Braynard had given him permission to kill any who would attack him first.

  “I still think the docks are unwise,” the captain reiterated.

  “I did not ask what you think. Am I not your Regent? Are you not meant to obey my every command?” Edmund snarled at the captain reminding him of his place.

  “As you wish, Regent.” The captain maneuvered the ship toward the docks. The other ships followed.


  Stela stood on the walkway between the towers watching the ships approaching. Through the viewing glass, she could see Edmund. He was on the first ship.

  “He is on the first ship. Do not attack the ship in the lead. The other ships are open to your will,” she gave the command to Harris and Charity who stood on either side of her. “Will you have a clear path?”

  “I believe so. The palace sits high enough that we should be able to clear the roofs of the homes.” Harris crouched down to look at the angles.

  “Stela,” Braynard called out as he joined them. “I have brought the Scientia from throughout Hulsteria to aid you. They will not attack unless provoked but will defend the castle should you become overrun.”

  “Thank you, Braynard,” Stela smiled, not sure if his support for her cause was sincere but she would not deny any help.

  “Scientia Barth, I think some of the ships should be stopped from entering the port,” Braynard gave the command.

  The Scientia was stationed on the outer wall of the castle. Stela and the others watched as the sea around several ships began to freeze. The ships had come to a stop.

  “Thank you, Scientia!” Stela called out to the man on the wall. He turned and bowed. “You said they would not attack unless provoked,” Stela was confused.

  “That was not an attack, my dear, simply a way to slow them. I never said they would not offer deterrents.” Braynard smiled.


  Edmund heard the noise and turned to see as seven of his ships were surrounded by frozen water. “She has unleashed her devils on us!” he yelled out. “We will not let this deter us.”

  “Regent, she froze the waters. I have never seen the sea freeze. Are you positive you can take her?” the captain yelled down from the bridge.

  Edmund pulled his sword from its sheath. “This is all I need to face her. Her demons are no match for the power within this blade.” He swung the sword about. “Besides, I will not be facing her hordes, I leave them to my warriors.” Edmund realized he had left the shield in his cabin. He rushed below to retrieve it. He returned to find the men staring at him as if he was insane.

  “We are to fight them?” a sailor asked as the plank was lowered for the warriors to disembark.

  “God is on your side, man. Those demons are creatures from Hell. He will be your sword and shield, have faith.” Edmund said. “I am off to face Stela. I trust you will do me proud. Take the palace.” He gave the command as he lifted from the deck floating upwards, slowly moving toward Rothmar.

  “Captain, I think the Regent has lost his mind,” the sailor commented.

  “Watch what you say, man,” the captain quickly silenced him.

  “He is one of the demons he speaks of,” the man whispered as they watched Edmund move out of view.

  “You may be right, but I think I would rather face the people of Hulsteria over his wrath if we do nothing,” the captain admitted. “Men, start your march on the palace. The men lined up and began their descent. Men from the other ships that had made it to dock joined them on the piers.


  “He is approaching!” Charity called out seeing Edmund floating above the rooftops.

  “Take his ships now,” she gave the command. She could feel the heat rising around her. Harris and Charity held their hands up, both containing large balls of fire. Harris looked at Charity and nodded, giving the sign to let loose their powers.

  The fireballs flew past Edmund as he continued his path to Stela. He turned to see the balls meet their target. He watched as men jumped from the flaming ships into the water below.

  “Amanda, please tell Tripp it is time to send his friends to greet the men in the water,” Charity spoke to Amanda, hoping she would convey the message.

  Stela watched through the glass as the whales arrived. The men trapped in the water panicked as the whales began feasting on them, while their ships burned. She saw two more ships burst into flames as the balls hit their marks. “We are thinning his troops!” Stela yelled out. “I am going to go wait for Edmund in the gardens. Will you be able to handle things from here?”

  “I think we have it under control,” Harris looked at her. He rushed over and kissed her. “I will see you when this is done.” He smiled and returned to his post next to Charity who continued to send her gift down upon the ships.

  Stela grabbed her sword and shield and hurried down the stairs. She wanted to face him where the others would not be in danger. The walled gardens just beyond the palace were perfect.

  The troops, swords drawn, began to march toward the road leadin
g to Rothmar. The streets were lined with houses, which seemed to be vacant. The soldiers were cautious as they maneuvered the winding road. Meeting no resistance, a sense of relief fell over them.

  The town was silent and a sense of dread began to grow. It was too quiet. This was the Imperial capital, surely not everyone had left. At the top of the street, they noticed two figures, a man and a woman, standing in the middle of the road. The captain ordered them to slow their advance.

  “Watch this,” Felicia said to Caleb. She focused on one of the men at the front of the line. “You want to run your sword through the man to your left.” The man took his sword and plunged it into the man on his left. The men around him stared at him, not knowing why he had killed his comrade. Felicia left out a loud laugh.

  “That was pretty good,” Caleb complimented her. “I bet you could not do that again,” he teased her.

  She looked at the captain leading the men. “You have a desire to slash the throats of the men who stand in front of you.”

  The captain raised his sword, against his will, and quickly finished the four men standing in front of him. Felicia and Caleb laughed as the men fell.

  “The demons are controlling you!” one of the soldiers yelled, dropping his sword and fleeing back toward the pier.

  “Stop him,” Felicia gave the command. As the deserter ran past one of the soldiers, the sword met his neck and removed his head.

  The men charged at the two. “Stop,” Caleb whispered. The men’s charge became a crawl. He grabbed Felicia’s hand, leading her past the army. They were now behind them. “Go,” Caleb gave the command.

  The men charged toward nothing, coming to a stop when they found the two gone.

  “Looking for us?” Felicia called out. The men turned to see them standing behind them.


  Edmund approached the palace. Braynard raised his hands, keeping Charity and Harris from attempting to stop him. They stood motionless as Edmund passed beyond them. “Charity, I know what you are thinking, but if you value your life, you will let Edmund pass unharmed,” Braynard warned her. He released his hold on them.

  “Felicia and Caleb are keeping the troops occupied.” Charity could see their game of cat and mouse and laughed. She kept her mind off Edmund and Stela and focused on the armies.

  “The ships have been dispatched,” Harris said watching them burn in the harbor. “We should join the others in town.” He ran down the tower steps and out through the doors, Charity close behind. The courtyard was empty. “We have to hurry. I have no doubt the two can protect themselves but extra hands are always good.” The two ran down the road to face the army.

  The army watched Felicia and Caleb, unsure of what they were going to do next. As they focused on the two behind them, Kendric walked down the lane toward the armies. He was pushing a large boulder. “Cousins, I am impressed but watch this,” he called out to Felicia and Caleb. The army turned to see him approaching. He lifted the boulder and threw it at the men, crushing four on impact. “Was that good enough?”

  “Is that the best you can do?” Felicia teased him. She turned to the men whose attention was now on Kendric. “Your Regent has led you to your death. A death you will bring upon yourself.” Four men turned to listen as she spoke. They pulled the daggers from their belts. They looked at each other as they sunk the daggers into their chests. “That’s is how you do it cousin!” she yelled back to Kendric with a laugh. She noticed faces watching them through the windows that lined the street. She wondered if they were more afraid of them or the soldiers.

  She heard a door open behind her. She turned to see two men leave the house. They were brandishing swords, smiles on their faces. She worried they were coming for her and Caleb.

  “The Empress fights for us, we fight for the Empress,” the man called out as he and his companion ran to join Felicia and Caleb.

  “We cannot protect them all, Caleb,” Felicia whispered to him. “What do we do?”

  “If they want to fight to protect their Empress, we welcome their help,” he smiled. Suddenly doors began opening all around them as men joined their numbers to fight against the army that was now becoming unhinged.

  “Do you think you can handle this?” Felicia yelled to the man who spoke.

  “We have this Highness, go where you are needed,” the man responded as he raised his blade.

  “Caleb, we should head to the shore to make sure no others have made it,” Felicia suggested. Felicia and Caleb rushed past the townsmen. With their departure, the armies regained their resolve. They raised their swords and rushed the townsmen. Kendric raised his sword and ran toward the fight.

  The sound of clashing swords echoed between the buildings lining the street. Blood began to fill the cobblestones, which were becoming slick with fluid and entrails. Sword met sword and sword met flesh as Hulsterian and Xashan lives paid the ultimate price for the feuding lovers.

  Kendric fought through the rear of the army slicing through the resistance. His sword met its mark with every swing, whether it be metal or flesh. Men fell before his feet as he moved through the army.

  Felicia and Caleb could see more men washing up on the shore, ready for battle. “We need to stop them,” Felicia said running toward them.

  “You have done enough. Sleep.” Braynard’s command was made and they had no choice but obey. They fell to the ground. “You will be safe, but I cannot allow you to so easily dispatch what Edmund worked so hard for.” He watched as the reinforcements passed him, rushing to join the other Xashan soldiers. They seemed to be unaware of him or the sleeping Imperials.

  The battle in the street raged on as the reinforcements entered the confrontation. The losing army was relieved to see their missing comrades, giving them a second wind and a belief they would be victorious.


  Edmund found her in the garden. He thought it an appropriate setting. The two had last shared a nice meal together here after they had discovered Stela was pregnant with Zephyr.

  “I see the mystic has equipped you, as he has me,” he called out as he descended to meet her. “No matter, you are no match for me. You never were. Had you only allowed me to have more control in our marriage and our realm, none of this would have been necessary.”

  “Edmund,” she greeted him. “If you had been more concerned about what you had than what you did not, none of this would have been necessary.”

  “I had a wife who refused to see me as an equal, that is what I had. I had a brother who refused to see how powerful Xasha could be. I had a sister-in-law who was more than willing to provide me with the favors you would not.” Edmund laughed knowing the comment about Sofia would bring Stela pain.

  “You manipulated a girl, congratulations. A man wouldn’t need to manipulate. Manipulation is a tactic used by frightened boys.” Stela smiled knowing her comment would cut deeper than his. “Had you been able to satisfy my needs, I may have come to you more often, but I saw no point when the pleasure was yours alone.”

  “My pleasure lies in my sword. Feeling it pierce your lovely skin will get me through the lonely nights without you,” Edmund teased. “I will have your head mounted on the wall of Rothmar to remind everyone how weak you were.”

  “You see me as weak and that, my love, will be your downfall.” Stela raised the sword. The talons met her skin and the eye came alive. She leaped across the garden. She flipped as she reached him and the sword came down and met his shield. She landed behind him, sword raised.

  He turned quickly to face her. “I see the sword works well for you.” He moved forward, lunging toward her. Her shield came up to block his attack. “You will tire long before me, my dear. Lay your sword down, and perhaps I will not hang your head from the wall.”

  “You might be surprised by my endurance,” Stela’s sword moved her forward, flipping over him again. The tip of the sword made contact with his shoulder as she landed, cutting him deep. “I guess your shield is unsure of your valor.” She
laughed watching his blood flow from the wound.

  “I wonder, if you kill me, how will you explain to our children that you destroyed their father?” Edmund smiled knowing their children were her greatest weakness.

  Malcolm stood on the walls surrounding the garden, listening to the two sling insults at one another. He knew he could not intervene, but he refused to leave Stela alone with Edmund.

  The words stung, she was reminded of Joseph’s pleas not to kill his father. She was distracted.

  She felt the sword as it struck her chest. She fell back. She struggled for breath, having the wind knocked out of her. She sat up looking for the wound. She was unmarked. She was sure the sword had contacted her flesh. She stood as he moved in again. The shield came up and blocked him once again.

  “My sword cut you, I felt it. How are you unharmed?” Edmund’s anger increased seeing his wife unmarred by his attack. His shoulder burned from her swing. “The mystic gave me the answer. He told me you needed to protect your heart.” Edmund smiled. He raised the butt of his sword and rushed at her. The butt of his sword met the shield. The force of the blow slammed the shield into her face, knocking her down. She lay flat on the ground at his feet. “Protect your heart, it is your weakness he said,” he recalled Braynard’s words.

  He raised his sword, her heart his target.

  “Edmund!” Malcolm shouted out.

  “If it isn’t the father killing social climber,” Edmund laughed at his own joke. “What are you going to do? You have no power here. No one can touch me but her.”

  “I do not have to touch you.” Malcolm looked at the man, forcing memories of the happy times Edmund and Stela shared into his mind. “She is the woman you once loved, but now you seek to take her life? She is the mother of your children. You once shared love.”

  Edmund held the sword over Stela. He lowered the sword. The memories rushed through him like a bolt. The day their engagement was announced and he saw her for the first time. Her beauty was unmatched in his eyes. Their wedding, the day she became his. Their wedding night when they gave themselves to each other. The birth of their children, the joy, the love, it was too much for him. “I will not be swayed by your demon magic. I have come to claim what is mine: the throne, and my children, even the bastard girl. It is true I loved her once, but that love no longer exists.”


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