Scornfully Yours (Torn Series)

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Scornfully Yours (Torn Series) Page 4

by Pamela Ann

  When I finally found the girls, they were already engrossed with their chosen men and I would feel like an intruder if I went amongst their paired cozy tête-à-tête. Without Lindsey as my side-kick, I felt like a fifth wheel.

  I sighed, feeling lost and defeated. I leaned against the wall and closed my eyes. Maybe it was a bad decision to come out tonight? I thought sullenly.

  “Hey—why are you all sad?” A man’s voice asked, a stranger.

  I counted a few times before I fluttered my eyes open. An attractive dark male was smiling down at me. I lifted my brow, “What makes you think I’m sad, stranger?”

  He gestured his palm over his face, “You have this look about you. Guy problems, isn’t it?” HUH. Was I that obvious to onlookers? I really am officially PATHETIC, I thought with disgust.

  “Possibly,” I shot back.

  What was the point in lying? Didn’t they say it was easier to talk to strangers about your problems because you’d never see them again?

  “I think that you’re too caught up with your emotions that you can’t see the truth behind the façade. I think you should talk to him and clear the air. But once you do, a set of forbidding forces will be working against you. Another man or two—will seek for your love and attention. Be prepared, I am warning you. Your heart’s pure. But know that this world sets out to taint the purest ones. Be strong and remember never to lose faith in yourself once it happens,” The dark stranger voiced out grimly.

  What in the world is he talking about? How the hell did he know these things? Do people randomly say these things to other? So freaky and odd.

  “You don’t know what you’re talking about,” I warily eyed the dark man who seemed to be full of knowledge.

  “Maybe I do. I’m a psychic. It’s what I do for a living and I can tell what’s bothering you. I advise that you talk to him and go prepared. Your life is about to change, it will knock you back a few times before you see the truth that life has to offer you. The man who will wholeheartedly deserve your love is the man who will be there at your lowest, the one who loves you in all your shades—the light, the hued and the dark.” He gently squeezed my arm and left.

  What? After all that shit load of crap, he leaves? My mouth was gaping open as I watched him walk away and join the mass of the dancing crowd.

  What the hell just happened? Are psychics even real? Wasn’t Miss Cleo a big hoax? She was…but that doesn’t mean they didn’t really exist…

  Weird, this entire evening was getting so freaking weird!

  It’s surreal. This is like a low budget film gone horribly bad. That’s it! Surely this weirdness was a tell-tale sign of ‘get the fuck out of here’? Maybe it’s time to get a move on and go back to the hotel. Maybe I could just nurse my broken heart for another night watching The Notebook. I felt totally drained and depleted.

  Resigned, I weaved my way towards the entrance of the building. There was a heavy crowd tonight and it was difficult to move past the throng of people without bumping into them. I almost sighed with relief when I saw the exit door but a strong arm gripped me and tugged me into a darkened corner.

  “What the fu—” I halted mid-sentence when Bass turned me around and placed a finger on my lips, hushing me.

  I swallowed. I bit back my tongue from wanting to snake it out and lick his finger. Whoa, where did that thought come from?

  His close proximity wasn’t helping my jumbled brain. His eyes darkened as he studied my lips. Shit, he’s killing me here. His thumb grazed the tip of my bottom lip and I held back the urge to wet my sudden dry puckers. His breathing hitched and when he did speak, it was raspy and seductive.

  “Call me crazy. You can call me anything you like—but I want to get to know you, Emma. Give me the rest of the night to get to know you. The moment my eyes saw you tonight, I was mesmerized and I can’t let you walk away.” My eyes looked into his, seeking answers, seeking reason.

  “I don’t know about that, Bass.” Was this about sex again? Didn’t I decline him?

  “Tonight, just tonight…that’s all I ask, Emma. I know you barely know me, but I give you my word, I will not do anything you don’t want me to do, I promise,” Bass assured me.

  He would be an honorable gentleman? Hmmm.

  Was I crazy? This hot movie star wanted to get to know me and here I was contemplating if I should agree or not. What is wrong with me?!

  “Why? What do you have in mind?” I asked, needing assurance. I was still mending my broken heart. I couldn’t possibly let loose and be with another man straight away, even if it was Bass Cole who wants me to lose it, with him.

  “All I want to do is talk and enjoy your company, nothing more.” The heartthrob even managed to look desperate. Damn, he’s a good actor.

  “Fine, as long as you keep your promise, okay? No sex of any kind or shit will turn very ugly,” I warned him off but he just gave me his mega-watt smile.

  “Thank you, Emma Anderson. I promise you won’t regret this.” His finger traced my bottom lip again, ever so slowly.

  Shove me in the burning furnace, why don’t you?

  “You better,” I croaked back.

  His gentle brush made me a little breathless. Wasn’t I in love with Carter? Then, why does Bass make me feel like this and forget that Carter existed? Carter Mason. He’s possibly somewhere in Santa Barbara…quite possibly nestled in between a woman’s legs.

  My brain diffused as Bass took over. He pressed his hard muscled body against mine. His delicious scent overpowered me, making me think of his skin, his taste and those unforgettable lips. My body shivered in its sheer contact.

  “Exquisite beauty…” Bass rasped out, staring at me with dilated eyes.

  Slowly, his hand caressed my neck and jaw, with soft gentle strokes. It was simply driving me senseless with want and need. His touch utterly seared me. My skin was on high alert and sensitive to his touch.

  Oh, fucking hell, I freaked.

  I gulped down what little saliva I had when he pressed on me, his face against mine.

  “I told you we will have our first date tonight,” He whispered intoxicatingly on my ear. His hot breath brought a soft moan from my lips.

  Dear Almighty, what have I gotten myself into?

  “Some of us think holding on makes us strong; but sometimes it is letting go.”

  - Herman Hesse


  Bass was on his phone when we emerged from the club door, but he stayed close to me. His strong arm held my hips. Immediately, a black Escalade parked upfront.

  A few cameras flashed out of nowhere, nearly blinding me.

  Paparazzi, of course, they followed him everywhere.

  Why didn’t I think of it?

  “Bass, who’s your date tonight? She’s hot!” a guy asked and flashed his camera at us.

  “Good choice, tonight, Bass. Is she fresh meat?” another of the one of the annoying goodbye party asked.

  “Bass!” someone yelled at the top of his lungs.


  “Bass Cole over here! Is she your new girlfriend?” another man asked.

  A few security men came over and ushered us towards the awaiting SUV. Who would have thought that getting into an SUV a few feet away would take forever to get to?

  I was relieved when I got in the awaiting car. Once inside the confines of the car, he profusely apologized. “Sorry I didn’t warn you about the paparazzi. They can be very obtrusive most times. I should’ve prepared you for that.”

  “It’s alright. I should’ve thought about it sooner. I mean you’re a celebrity. That comes with the territory, I guess.” I mumbled back to him.

  “Where do you want me to take you, sir?” The chauffer asked.

  “Just bring me back to my place, Lou. I need to pick-up my car.”

  “Right away, Sir,” Lou replied and focused on the traffic.

  Shit, we’re going to his house to get his car. Shit. I had no fucking clue where this night was heading. I certainly didn
’t expect to end up with a fucking celebrity. Let alone with Bass fucking Cole of all men! With the leather seat and my short dress, I could feel my legs started to sweat. Hell, I was super nervous.

  Bass’s cell phone was quite a different matter. It was constantly ringing and beeping. How does he live his life like this? It was disconcerting.

  “Hey, Turner!” I heard him say as I watched the passing cars before me. “No dude, can’t join the crowd. I’m with Emma.” I smiled at the way he said my name. He sounded like he’d known me for awhile and not just a couple of hours ago.

  I can just imagine this Turner dude asking, ‘who the heck is Emma?’ because Bass replied, “my date for the evening. Now, if you don’t mind, go hassle someone else. Gotta go. Bye.”

  “Are you okay?” He murmured as he moved closer. Not touching, but close enough for me to feel the heat of his body.

  “I don’t know. I’m thinking ‘what the fuck’ right now,” I answered him with honesty.

  He chuckled at my retort.

  “Try to relax. I won’t let you down.” Bass promised with seriousness.

  I muttered ‘uhhmm’ and reverted back looking through the glass absentmindedly. He was silent the whole ride and I was quite thankful that he was. I needed to gather my thoughts.

  When Lou, the driver, rounded towards Hollywood Hills and towards Bass’s house, I was impressed from what I could see of his home.

  From what I could see of it, it was made with a lot of glass and a lot of white. When Lou finally stopped and opened the door for us to step out, I was suddenly feeling anxious.

  I am so out of my depth here, I thought with a moment of insanity.

  When Lou bid us goodnight and left, Bass held my arm and pulled me towards his home. Once he managed to open the door, the lights immediately flickered to life.

  Wow, I thought as I took in my surroundings.

  An entire glass wall panel was made of a blue-lighted waterfall. A lot of open space was done elegantly. Black, white, silver and hues of cerulean blue accents meshed quite chicly. It was the ultimate bachelor’s pad—an expensive and an impressive one to boot.

  “I want to tell you that your house is gorgeous, but you probably hear that all the time.” I grinned from ear to ear.

  “Thank you, I do but it’s a first from you. So, that counts.” With his arm around my waist, he nudged me forward. My heels echoed loudly against the black marbled floor. “Come on, I want to show you the view from the patio.”

  The view before me was simply amazing.

  Situated on a hilltop, the bright lights of Los Angeles sprawled before our eyes, vast and mysterious. It was utterly captivating. The famous Hollywood sign could be seen from afar.

  Magnificent, was all I could muster. My eyes took in the sight before me with great fascination.

  “It’s marvelous, isn’t it?” he asked, from behind me.

  I merely nodded in agreement. It was truly majestic.

  Bass cleared his throat and his dark toe-curling voice asked, “You’re a new guest in my home, Emma Anderson. What can I get you for refreshments?”

  “Red wine and water, please.”

  Bass smiled lazily. “Right away Miss.”

  Charming, just charming…and he was disarming my lucidity.

  I followed him inside the house and watched as he moved about his impressive kitchen. I leaned over the island as he gathered my drinks. He was nice to look at and I couldn’t seem to drag my eyes away from him. Okay—I concede. He was more than nice to look at—he was epic to gawk at. I could look at his smoldering eyes and his lazy smiles all night long.

  “So—where did Cece go?” I lightly inquired. Did they exchange numbers? I wouldn’t put it past Cece.

  I caught him hide back a smile. Goodness….that smile of his…

  Shit, why is it that I feel the urge to just jump on him and kiss him? Wow, I was really crushing on him big time.

  “I knew what you were doing, you know. I have to tell you that I feel insulted, truly and deeply insulted—that you would ditch me and hand me over to someone else. But you weren’t that slick.” Bass shook his head, smiling. “I caught you at the right moment.” He made an emphasis of the word ‘caught’.

  Ha! If only…

  Bass handed me a bottle of water then opened a bottle of red wine and took out two wine glasses.

  Such a yummy, fascinating specimen to look at…

  “Whoops. Thought it was a match made in heaven,” I jested back at his grinning face.

  “Not even close…not even close…” He murmured as he left for the patio, barefoot.

  I followed him and watched as he placed the items on the table and turned on the huge outdoor marbled fireplace. He then went back inside to get something else. I walked towards the rattan chaise lounge and rested my aching feet.

  The ambiance around here was getting cozy and downright romantic. Bass Cole, a true romantic? I wish, but I guess acting taught him a thing or two about romance? This was a step more than what Carter ever showed me anyway. I should just bask in it and not overthink it.

  My phone rang inside my purse and I instantly went to go get it. Maybe I shouldn’t have because I gasped when I saw who my caller was.

  Carter Mason’s name was flashing manically at me.

  After a few more flashes it stopped.

  I had nine missed calls and two text messages from Carter. Curious, I hastily opened my messages.

  Carter: where the fuck are you?

  Great, so now he’s worried?

  Carter: Cece just posted on Facebook a video of you and some celebrity guy dancing. What the fuck were you thinking?

  What the fuck was I thinking? You ought to be kidding me!

  Carter: Pick. The. Fuck. Up!!!!!


  I didn’t even bother responding to his stupid condescending texts.

  A big part of me was delighted that he was affected by this. What girl wouldn’t? It was a big slap in his face. Did he really think I would sit back and cry over him after how he treated me the last time I saw him? How he didn’t even have the decency to look me in the eye when he left me bedraggled and naked on his bed? It took him, what? Like a whole three minutes to fucking ditch me for a shower after he came? Prick.

  No! Carter Mason was history.

  He was, wasn’t he?

  Then why did I feel a sudden pang of sadness?

  My thoughts of Carter went on hiatus when Bass came out with a tray of food and placed it on the table. It consisted of fruits, brie and crackers, cold cuts, black and green olives, cherry tomatoes, dark and milk chocolates, a slice of strawberry cheesecake, a chocolate cake and a bag of Ruffles Cheddar and Sour Cream chips.

  I laughed.

  “This is a very interesting mix you’ve got here, Bass.”

  He blushed and placed his hands in his pockets. “I didn’t know what you wanted, so, I uh, guessed.” He really blushed! Maybe he wasn’t the playboy the tabloids portrayed him to be? Didn’t they like to exaggerate to get more sales?

  Amused, I graciously thanked him as he handed me a glass of wine. He sat on the larger rattan outdoor couch to my left. He leaned back and popped a cherry tomato in his mouth. So fucking hot, I thought and quickly looked away, a bit bothered.

  “Sooooo…what do you want to talk about Bass?”

  “You, anything and everything about you.” His magnetic gaze studied me.

  My throat ran dry as I felt the heated scrutiny of his blue eyes. God, help me. Why did this man affect me so much? I just met him for Pete’s sake!

  I took a careful sip, savored the smoothness of the wine as it went down before I went on.

  “Let’s see—I’m a college student at UCSB, major undecided for now. I love cheesy movies and have thing for athletes. I get emotional—especially a week or two before my period. I treasure those who are dear to me and eject the people who aren’t. I stock up all of my fortune cookies until I have over twenty of them and eat them all in one
sitting. I come from a loving home—so I’m not emotionally crippled in that sense. The only issues I have with my parents are their persistent nagging for me to become a doctor. We have a family cat named Tumble, who I am chronically allergic to, but I love all the same. I have a ten-year old pillow—that I wash constantly, mind you—but can’t let go it. And yes it is a tad ratty—but I just can’t part with it.”

  He chuckled, “Ratty pillow, emotional, undecided and allergic to cats, gotcha.”

  “And you have a thing for athletes? Say David Beckham?”

  “Uh, who doesn’t have a thing for him?” I countered back, aghast at his question.

  Becks was the prime hotness. Tell me a single soul who didn’t pant and ogle at those delicious Armani ads, especially at that sexy package of his? Right, exactly my point.

  “So, actors…you don’t have a thing for?” He asked, his eyes peeked at me through his lashes–smoldering like the hot man that he was! His sex appeal was off the charts. And if I got to see his hot abs, I would devour this lovely creature and lick every ridge of those dang abs of his.

  Wait—was the great Bass Cole fishing for compliments?

  “No, not yet,” I pressed my lips together, hiding a smile.

  He grinned. “You are something else, aren’t you?” He placed his hands behind his head and I couldn’t help but gawk at his muscular arms. “Are you dating anyone, Em?”

  Playing forward, isn’t he?

  I shook my head, “No, not anymore more. It ended yesterday actually, if you really want to know.”

  “Oh, wow. I didn’t expect that,” he muttered.

  “Expect what?” I glanced at his boggled state. What did he mean by that?

  “That you’re out for a rebound.”

  Uh, what the hell?

  “Who said I was on the rebound?” I exasperatedly asked the mysterious man across me. Cece? It had to be Cece.

  “That’s just a given. A person is on a rebound a month after breaking it off with someone, especially if the person they broke it off with meant something more, then that’s another shitload of shenanigans.”


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