The Warrior Elf

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The Warrior Elf Page 60

by Morgan, Mackenzie

  Doreen’s eyebrows slowly climbed up her forehead. “If you say so. But don’t expect anyone who knows you to believe it.”

  ~ ~ ~ ~

  Monday afternoon, Kevin and Chris took everything on Theresa’s list out to the cave she would be using on the island and set up bedrooms for her and Taelor, a kitchen area, a sitting area, and two examination rooms. Then they set up the cave that Landis would be living in. Most of the stuff they used came from the castle storerooms, but some of the furniture was from Dayed’s shop. When they got back to the castle, it was time for dinner.

  As soon as Kevin finished eating, he left for Lormere. When he got to Darwyn’s house, he saw a bed, a chest of drawers, and a big armchair sitting in the front yard, and several boxes and bags stacked on the porch. Before Kevin could start up the steps, the front door opened and Darwyn stepped outside.

  “Namir and Calhoun are waiting inside to talk to you. They have a contract worked out. All you need to do is sign it.” Darwyn waved towards the furniture on the front lawn. “I’d like to take all of this with me. It’s mine. I left the furniture that was here when I got here for Calhoun to use. He says he has everything he needs.”

  Kevin nodded as he climbed the stairs. “We’ll take your stuff to your new home after I meet with Namir. Have you eaten dinner?”

  Darwyn nodded. “Calhoun and I had dinner with Namir and his wife tonight.”

  “Good.” Kevin motioned towards the door. “Let’s get the contract stuff out of the way and then we’ll go.”

  Half an hour later, Kevin shook hands with Namir and Calhoun and thanked them for having the contracts ready and waiting. Then he turned to Darwyn. “I think I’ll take you first and come back for your stuff.”

  “I can take some of it,” Darwyn said.

  “Have you ever traveled by key?”

  Darwyn shook his head.

  “It’s a bit rough the first time. You don’t need to have anything in your hands.”

  Darwyn frowned. “Should I just leave the furniture here then?”

  Kevin shook his head. “I can come back and get it. I’ve been in and out of the field so much I don’t notice it anymore, but the first time I used the key, I nearly passed out.” Kevin took out the key and held it in front of him. “Put your hand on my arm. We’ll enter the field as soon as I turn the key. It’ll feel a little strange, but not bad until we come out again. That’s when the dizziness and nausea will hit you. It’ll pass if you stand still and concentrate on breathing until you feel normal again. It won’t take long, maybe three or four minutes, but it’ll seem like forever.”

  Darwyn put his hand on Kevin’s arm and nodded.

  Kevin looked at Namir and Calhoun. “I’ll be back for his stuff in a few minutes but you don’t need to wait for me. I hope this works out well for both of you. Let me know if you need anything.” Kevin turned the key and he and Darwyn left Lormere.

  Kevin took Darwyn to a small clearing on the valley floor at the foot of one of the mountains. When Darwyn recovered enough to look around, he asked, “Where are we? And how long did it take us to get here? It looks like morning.”

  “It is, but it only took us a matter of seconds to get here,” Kevin said. “It’s morning because we’re on the other side of Terah.”

  “What province are we in?”

  Kevin shook his head. “We’re not in any province. We’re on an island in the middle of the Trynordic Ocean.”

  Darwyn slowly looked around. “What are we doing here?”

  “This is where you’ll be living for the next few years.”

  “You’re going to explain all of this, aren’t you?”

  Kevin laughed. “As soon as I get the rest of your stuff. How do you feel about living in a cave?”

  Darwyn shrugged. “As long as I don’t have to share it with a bear or something I guess it’ll be all right.”

  “Good. When I get back, we’ll find one and get you set up.” Kevin turned the key and went back to Lormere to pick up Darwyn’s stuff.

  ~ ~ ~ ~

  It was after midnight in Camden by the time Kevin and Darwyn found a suitable cave and set up his living quarters. While they worked, Kevin explained about Landis, Warren, and Garen’s men. Once they were done, all Darwyn wanted to do was stretch out and get some sleep, so Kevin said he’d be back later with some food and left.

  Tuesday morning Kevin slept later than usual, so Chris was already in the office when he got there. As soon as he sat down at his desk, Chris shut the door and said, “I filed Calhoun’s contract, but what about Darwyn’s? We need one for him, too.”

  Kevin leaned back in his chair and thought for a moment. “After everyone gets settled, I’ll sit down with Garen and Darwyn and we’ll work one up.”

  “So Garen’s going to act as district minister?”

  Kevin shrugged. “Who else? He’s the one everyone will go to if they need something.”

  Chris nodded. “When are you leaving?”

  “After one more cup of coffee.” Kevin yawned. “I need it to wake up.”

  Kevin spent the rest of Tuesday morning getting Theresa and Taelor and all their stuff out to the island and settled in the clinic. Shortly after dinner, he started moving Garen’s men out to the island.

  Garen had called it right with his men. Six of them went to the island with him, four decided not to. The three families who chose not to go had already loaded up and moved to the closest town. Sean, the man who was betrothed when he left Trendon, offered to stay with the rest of the wives until they joined their husbands Sunday, but then he wanted to go to Trendon and find out what had happened to the woman he’d planned to marry.

  Kevin felt uneasy about leaving the women and children who would be moving to the island with only one man to help out in case of emergency, but Garen wasn’t concerned. He said his wife and the other wives would be fine, that they’d been on their own for a couple of years.

  When they got to the island, Garen and his men were pleasantly surprised to see where they would be living. After Kevin introduced Darwyn, Theresa, and Taelor, he told them a bit about the layout of the island, emphasizing that if they went in the water, they were not to go beyond the reefs.

  Callie’s first question was where could she set up a kitchen, and her second question was where was the food she’d ordered. Kevin made a quick trip back to Milhaven to pick up the food Cryslyn had packed up for her and the wood stove Chris had set aside for her. Then he helped her find a cave with a suitable natural chimney.

  Once Callie was settled, Kevin went back to Milhaven one more time, this time to pick up the baskets of food Miranda had fixed for them to eat while they were getting set up. She’d packed sandwiches, meat, fresh fruit, lots of bread, cheeses, and a big pot of stew.

  As soon as Kevin felt sure they could manage, at least until the next evening, he left. It was almost three in the morning back in Milhaven and he was exhausted. He went straight to his bedroom, plopped down on his bed, kicked off his boots, and was sound asleep before they hit the floor.

  Chapter 44

  May 21

  Wednesday evening Shana paced back and forth through the dark shadows beside the old shed. She didn’t want to go inside, it made her feel trapped, but she felt exposed standing out front. As she neared the front, and the bit of light from the setting sun, she looked at her fingernails. She’d been chewing on them for the last thirty minutes. If Rolan didn’t get there soon, her nails would be a bloody mess.

  Shana was scared to death of Rolan, but the fear was more for her parents than for herself. But even when her fear was at its worst, it didn’t hold a candle to the fury she felt at how he’d trapped her into this mess. He’d shown up at their house in the middle of the night, blown the door off its hinges, used his magic to grab her parents, and told her if she didn’t get a job at the castle and spy for him, he’d kill them. Then he vanished, taking her parents with him.

  The first time she got a message to meet him at the shed,
she fully expected to die, but he didn’t kill her, he just kept threatening to do things to her parents, evil things, if she didn’t do as he said. So she’d done what he’d told her to do, and hated herself for it.

  She’d considered talking to Myron about it, but she wasn’t sure he’d understand why she spied for Rolan. And if she had gone to Myron, Rolan would have found out about it. She wasn’t his only spy. She hadn’t told anyone Landis would be at the chapel that day, but someone had. And somehow Rolan had found out she’d known about the plans. He’d beat her up pretty bad over that.

  While she waited for Rolan, the burning in Shana’s stomach became so intense it was all she could do to stand up straight. She’d give anything for a cup of the tea Sister Agnes had mixed up for her. As soon as she was done with Rolan she was going home and brewing a pot, provided she was still alive.

  As Shana pictured herself sitting in her kitchen with a cup of tea, a faint light flashed near the front of the building. Rolan was there.

  “Get inside, girl,” Rolan hissed. “I don’t want to be seen out here.”

  Shana walked over to the door and opened it. Rolan followed her inside.

  “Now, what can you tell me about Landis?” Rolan began.

  Shana shook her head. “Nothing. I haven’t seen her or heard any conversation about her in months.”

  Rolan backhanded her. “Do you expect me to believe that? Remember every time you lie, your mother pays.”

  “I’m not lying,” Shana insisted as she rubbed her cheek. “You know I’m in charge of Laryn’s house. Those are the only conversations I hear, and no one out there is talking about Landis.”

  Rolan narrowed his eyes and studied Shana for a moment. She was nothing but a scared little mouse. There was no way she had the guts to lie to him, especially not after what he’d done to her the last time she’d held something back. “So what have you heard?”

  “Nothing much,” Shana said. “It’s been quiet out there. Laryn’s brother and his wife came to lunch this past weekend. Other than that, the only visitors they’ve had were Myron and Rhianna, and it’s been a couple of months since they were there. Laryn and Steve have been spending a lot of time with some friends of theirs, a sorcerer from Ragenon, but that’s it.”

  “You said Myron and Rhianna were out there. Are you talking about the elf?”

  Shana nodded.

  “Why were they there?”

  “They had dinner with Laryn and Steve. From what I overheard, Myron took Rhianna around to meet all his aunts and uncles.”


  “I can’t say for sure, but if you want my opinion, I think it’s because he likes her.”

  “Likes her?”

  “You know, interested in her. He had his arm around her while they were in the parlor and he held her hand when they left.”

  “Is she still around?”

  Shana nodded.

  “Where? At the castle?”

  Shana shook her head. “She lives in Milhaven, but she’s teaching a lot of the castle staff how to handle a dagger, so she’s around the castle a lot.”

  “Do you think she knows anything about Landis?”

  Shana shrugged. “I have no idea.”

  “I don’t care how you do it, but find out if she knows where Landis is hiding.” A nasty grin spread over Rolan’s face. “And keep in mind what happens to your mother if I’m not convinced you’re doing as you’re told.”

  Shana felt the blood drain from her face but she stood up straight and asked, “And how do I know my parents are still alive?”

  “You don’t. You’ll have to take my word for it,” Rolan said with a sneer. “But do you want to take that chance? Do you really want to be responsible for what I’ll do? If she gets hurt, or even killed, it’ll be your fault. Want to live with that?” Rolan watched as Shana’s shoulders fell. “I didn’t think so. Meet me here two weeks from tonight, and you better have some information for me if you have any hope of ever seeing your mother alive again.”

  Chapter 45

  Family Ties

  Friday evening, when Kevin and Marshall got to Shadron’s, Brandt was sitting on the front porch. He stood up as they approached and told Myron to go on in the house, that his mother was in the kitchen. Then he turned to Marshall and gave him a good once-over. “Is it true you’re in charge of the castle stable? I’d love to have that job. How did you get it?”

  Marshall shrugged as his face turned red. “I’m not sure. I think Neiven was in charge before I got there, but once I started working at the stable, he let me handle things on my own. He’s still there, in his shop, if I need to ask him anything, but I do the everyday stuff.”

  “Are you going to train their horses? That’s the part I like. Taking care of them isn’t too bad, but mucking out stalls is the worst job ever.”

  Marshall shook his head and laughed. “I don’t know anything about training horses. From what I understand, our horses come from here. Mainly I take care of them, exercise them, clean the tack, feed them, and muck out the stalls. I have worked with training dogs a little though.”

  “Uncle Kyle?”

  Marshall nodded.

  “Here, let me have your bag. I’ll toss it in the house and then we’ll go out to the stable. Father’s around there somewhere.” When he set Marshall’s bag inside, Brandt called out, “Mother, I’m going to show Marshall around. We’ll be back in time for dinner.”

  As the door banged shut, Kevin laughed. “It sounds like Brandt’s taking care of things. What time do you want us to pick Marshall up Sunday?”

  Kayla thought for a second. “Brandt’s not leaving until after dinner, so let’s plan on Marshall staying until seven.”

  Kevin nodded as he took out his key. “Chris will be the one to pick him up. Tell Shadron I said thanks for inviting him.”

  Kayla nodded. “And tell Chris I’ll save him some cake.”

  ~ ~ ~ ~

  Kevin and Nikki hadn’t been down to Doreen’s as often lately as normal because Kevin was spending a lot of his evenings on the island, so when they showed up Friday evening, Doreen stepped out on the porch and asked him if everything was all right.

  Kevin nodded. “What makes you think something might be wrong?”

  “Well, you haven’t been around as much recently. I was wondering if we’d done something to make you uncomfortable.” What she really wanted to know was if he and Rhianna had had another fight.

  Kevin shook his head. “I’ve had some meetings on the other side of Terah this week. Their morning is our evening, so I’ve had to go after dinner. Hopefully it’ll slack up soon.”

  “Well, I’m glad we aren’t to blame. Rhianna went upstairs to change. She’s been working outside today and was covered in pollen and dirt. Want to come in and wait?”

  “We’ll wait out here, but thanks.”

  Doreen nodded and stepped back inside.

  Five minutes later the door opened again and Rhianna walked out.

  While they were walking, Kevin said, “Marshall’s up at Shadron’s this weekend.”

  “Want me to keep Nikki?”

  Kevin paused. “If you could look after her during the day, I’d appreciate it, but I want her back at night.”

  Rhianna laughed. “No problem. I can bring her up there or you can come down after dinner. Either way works for me.”

  “I’ll come down. It’ll give me an excuse to get away from the office. Oh, and I’ll be Elsewhere Sunday evening. I won’t be back until two or three in the morning and I’ll want to sleep late Monday. I might get you to keep her Sunday night.”

  “Won’t Marshall be back?”

  Kevin nodded. “And he can keep her if need be, but I don’t like to send her home with him very often. I feel like I’m imposing on Neiven.”

  Rhianna nodded. “I’ll keep her. I can bring her back to the castle with me Monday morning.”

  “Were you planning to go up there anyway?”

  “Shana and a cou
ple of the girls who work in the kitchen asked if I’d teach them how to use a dagger. I’m meeting them Monday morning.”


  Rhianna nodded.

  “Wonder why.”

  “Maybe she wants to stick it in someone?”

  Kevin laughed. “We should be so lucky.” Then he shook his head. “Pay attention to what she says and how she acts.”

  “Already planning on it. In fact, if I’m lucky, maybe we can spend some time one-on-one.”


  “You’re the one who keeps saying these people may not be doing this voluntarily. Who knows? If she has an opening, she may talk.”

  “She may, but she’s had plenty of chances to talk to Laryn and she hasn’t.”

  “Can’t hurt.”

  “No, can’t hurt.”

  They walked on for a while and then Rhianna asked, “How are things going Elsewhere.”

  “Pretty well. The men are almost ready for their families to come. One more day and they should be all set.”

  “How’s Callie?”

  Kevin laughed. “Busy. And she seems to be having a lot of fun.”

  Rhianna grinned. “With Petar? Or cooking?”

  “Both. I think she’s really happy.”

  “Too bad I can’t say the same for Ainsley.”


  “Callie’s gone.”

  “Oh,” Kevin said. “I know some of the men have said the food’s not as good. Is that the problem?”

  Rhianna laughed. “Let’s say ‘not as good’ is an understatement. The food’s inedible. And Ainsley knows it.”

  “Can’t Fenway hire someone? Ainsley’s a good waitress. The few times I was in there she got along great with the customers.”

  “She does, and Fenway’s tried to find someone, but no one who can cook is willing to take the job. But that’s only half the problem. Callie was also Ainsley’s best friend, possibly her only friend.”

  Kevin shook his head. “No, she’s friends with everyone in town.”

  “No, that’s work. I’m talking about someone she can talk to, who listens, who cares. She jokes around with a lot of the customers, even flirts with a few, but there’s no one she can confide in now. And working like she does doesn’t leave a lot of time for making friends. That’s why she and Callie were so perfect for each other. They had a lot of time in the kitchen to talk.” Rhianna thought for a moment. “Too bad Blair’s already working. She’d be perfect. She’s a good cook and she could use a friend, too.”


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