The Warrior Elf

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The Warrior Elf Page 68

by Morgan, Mackenzie

  “Good.” Kevin stood up and looked at Shana. “I’ll meet you at your house in a couple of hours. Don’t worry. The worst is over.”

  ~ ~ ~ ~

  Kevin went straight to the jail when he left the chapel. When he got there, Marcus was out front talking to one of the guards.

  “Hi,” Kevin said as he walked up. “What are you doing back?”

  Marcus handed Kevin the key to Terah. “We got them. They were in such a hurry to get away they ran off the side of the road and wedged a wheel between two rocks.”

  “Why did they run off the road?”

  “A herd of cows was crossing the road and they tried to go around them. Fortunately the farmer was nearby. He told them he’d be back with something to pry the rocks apart as soon as he had his cows settled, but by the time he got back, they were gone.”

  “How did you find them?”

  Marcus shrugged. “They stuck to the road. We caught up with them a few miles later.”

  “Did you have any trouble?”

  Marcus shook his head. “They fired a few arrows in our direction, but after I caught the first couple of rounds they gave up.”

  “What did you do with the buggy?”

  “The farmer agreed to store it in his barn until someone can get out there to pick it up. He’d already put the horse in his pasture.”

  Kevin nodded. “Do we know who the buggy belongs to?”

  “Fenway. And the horse is his, too.”

  “Has Gen. Crandal brought Trevor in yet?”

  Marcus smiled. “First cell on your left as you go in.”

  When Kevin opened the cell door, Trevor was stretched out on the bunk. “About time someone showed up to let me out,” he said as he started to get up. “I don’t know what that old man was talking about when he arrested me.”

  “You know exactly what he was talking about.”

  “He said you thought I was spying for someone,” Trevor insisted. “I have no idea where all of you got that idea, but you’re dead wrong. I’m not a spy.”

  “Yes, you are. I have a witness, someone who overheard you talking to Rolan out at the shed on Meadows Road.”

  Trevor shook his head. “If someone said they heard me talking to Rolan, they’re lying.”

  Kevin laughed. “The one who told me isn’t capable of lying.”

  “Everyone’s capable of lying. What did you offer him to get him to finger me? Money? A position at the castle?”

  Kevin shook his head again. “Not a thing.”

  “Well, let him come in here and say it to my face,” Trevor hissed. “We’ll see who’s lying then.”

  “You’re despicable. You provided information to Rolan in exchange for money. You put people’s lives in danger for nothing but coins.”

  “You have no proof.”

  “I have all the proof I need.”

  “You can’t lock me up unless Chairman Tremayne says so, and he won’t agree to put me in jail without solid proof.”

  “You won’t be here long enough for Chairman Tremayne to have to deal with you. As far as I’m concerned, you’re one of Rolan’s men since he’s paying you. He can have you back, along with the rest of them.”

  “You can’t do that!”

  “I can and I will. Enjoy your last night in Camden.”

  ~ ~ ~ ~

  While Kevin was making the rounds of Rolan’s spies, Rolan was at the cave, pacing. He’d expected to find Rhianna there, all tied up in a neat little bundle. He wanted to get her back to Trendon and stick her in a cage in his basement. And he wanted to do it now.

  As he paced, he thought back over the plan. Maybe he’d waited too late to put this one in motion, but he hadn’t come up with it until that stupid girl couldn’t get the information he needed. Or wouldn’t. He’d have to teach her a lesson the next time they met. When he gave her something to do, he meant for her to do it!

  What’s keeping those men? Rolan screamed in his head. Two things needed to happen for his plan to work. One, he had to get the elf in a cage, and two, Myron had to find out she was missing. And at the rate his men were moving, neither one of those would get done, at least not tonight.

  Rolan leaned back against the cave wall to think. Maybe it could still work if he revised his plan a little. As long as he had the elf, he could still confront Myron and issue his ultimatum. If he gave him until sundown to produce Landis, Myron would have plenty of time to look for the elf and confirm that she was gone. The plan could still work, provided the assassins had the elf by tomorrow morning.

  Rolan nodded to himself and took out his key. His new plan was every bit as good as the old one, maybe even better. This way he’d take Myron by surprise. A grin spread across Rolan’s face as he imagined the panic Myron would feel when he realized his precious elf was in Rolan’s hands. Yes, this new plan would work just fine. Rolan congratulated himself on his brilliance as he left for home.

  ~ ~ ~ ~

  It was late by the time Kevin made it upstairs. While he was changing clothes, Chris walked in with a sleepy Nikki by his side. “I’m going down for scog. Want some?”

  Kevin nodded. “And something to eat. I don’t care what.”

  While Chris was gone, Kevin sat down on the floor and petted Nikki. She didn’t seem to have any lingering effects from her day. Maybe the opium had been a blessing in disguise. There was no way the wound in her shoulder could have hurt her once the opium was in her system.

  As Nikki pawed at his hand, Kevin grinned and picked up her brush. “Want to be brushed, do you? Well, I think we can manage that.”

  He’d only been brushing her a few minutes when Chris walked back in with a tray. “Here.” Chris set one of the mugs on the table next to Kevin. “Miranda left a couple of sandwiches out with our names on them.”

  Kevin looked up at Chris. “How did she know we’d be hungry?”

  Chris shrugged and picked up his sandwich. “Sometimes it’s best to enjoy these things without questioning them. Otherwise you could make yourself crazy.”

  Kevin nodded and moved to the couch.

  “So, what’s been going on this evening?” Chris asked.

  Kevin told Chris what Darius had said.

  “How can he still think of himself as a slave? He’s lived here for years.”

  “What else could he think? It’s the only thing he’s ever known,” Kevin said. “The better question might be will he ever be able to think of himself as a free man? He’s safe at Shadron’s for now. We’ll work on his mindset later.”

  “Did you talk to Shana?”

  Kevin nodded. “Laryn was right. Rolan has her parents. She doesn’t know if they’re alive or dead, but he threatens to hurt them every time he talks to her.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  “Right now Shana’s at Allisandra’s. When I go see Rolan, I’ll demand he return her parents. We’ll see how that goes.”

  Chris nodded. “And Trevor?”

  “Locked up. I’m taking him to Rolan along with the assassins.”

  “And when’s that going to be?”

  Kevin hesitated. “Definitely tomorrow, but I’m going back and forth on the time. I like the idea of getting him out of bed. It’s petty, but fun. But I’ve got a few things to say to him and he’s not going to like it. I don’t want any of that to spill over into the council meeting.”

  “What could he possibly say? That you barged into his castle to return the men he hired to kill your apprentice?”

  “I know, but there’s no telling what might come out of his mouth. He’s not that partial to the truth.”

  “Who would listen to him? Malcolm? Maybe Alastar?”

  “There are some others who might, but I get your point.”

  “When else are you considering?”

  “After the meeting, but the problem with that is I don’t know if he’ll go straight home. It sort of loses something if I show up to dump his men in his lap and he’s not there.”

  Chris laughe
d. “And he might not be. He could be here to meet his men and pick up Rhianna.”

  Kevin nodded. “So, I’m leaning towards tomorrow morning, early.”

  “Want me to go with you?”

  Kevin shook his head. “And no one else is either. My full attention needs to be on Rolan. I don’t need to have to worry about protecting anyone, and I’m counting on you to help me explain that to Alek and Rigel after I get back.”

  Chris took a deep breath. “Guess it’s too late to try to get Dani to go with you, isn’t it?”

  Kevin nodded.

  “I seriously considered hanging the chimes this afternoon. Wish I had now.”

  “No, this is different. This is strictly between me and Rolan. I don’t want anyone else involved.”

  “Have you figured out what you’re going to say?”

  “Basically, back off.”

  Chapter 51


  Kevin slept better than he’d expected to and woke up Saturday morning feeling refreshed and ready to go. His practice session was more vibrant and aggressive than normal, which Chris thought was perfect for the day Kevin had planned.

  Kevin got upstairs in time to change into his dress uniform before Chris walked in with Nikki following close behind, sniffing the air.

  “What have you got?” Kevin asked, looking at Nikki.

  “I fixed her some food.” Chris set the tray on the coffee table and Nikki’s bowl on the floor.

  Kevin watched as Nikki gobbled up her breakfast. “She seems fine this morning.”

  Chris nodded. “I don’t think she’ll have any lasting side effects.”

  “You’ll keep her with you while I’m gone, right?”

  “Unless Rhianna shows up.”

  Kevin nodded and sipped his coffee. After eating less than half the food Chris had piled on his plate, Kevin stood up. “Time to go.”

  “Be careful. Don’t take your eyes off that man for one second.”

  “I won’t.” Kevin took out his key. “See you later.”

  ~ ~ ~ ~

  Kevin’s first stop was the jail. Gen. Crandal was waiting out front. “I thought you’d probably go early. They’re ready for you.” He turned to the soldier posted at the front door. “Bring the prisoners out.”

  “Yes, sir,” the soldier said as he opened the door to the jail. A few moments later, another soldier led the four assassins and Trevor out. They were bound together by chains around their waists. Each man’s hands were tied in front and their feet were tied loosely enough for them to walk, but only in twelve-inch strides.

  Rhianna followed behind them, but stopped right outside the jail door.

  Kevin raised his eyebrows as he looked at the men.

  “I didn’t much think you’d let any of us go with you,” Gen. Crandal said, “so I wanted to make sure they wouldn’t give you any trouble when you got there.”

  Kevin nodded and turned to the men. “I’m going to put an energy ball around you. It won’t hurt you as long as you don’t try to break through it. I’ll remove it as soon as we get to Trendon. You’ll be dizzy and disoriented when we first get there. It’ll pass, but unless you want to fall on your face and pull everyone down on top of you, stand still until it does.” He looked at their shackles. “It’s not like you could go anywhere anyway.”

  The assassins glared, but didn’t say a word.

  Trevor, on the other hand, blurted out, “You can’t do this. I’m a citizen of Camden!” He stared wild-eyed at the soldiers on duty. “You can’t let him do this. I’m one of you!”

  Gen. Crandal shook his head. “You gave that up the minute you took money for information.”

  Trevor’s face was ashen as he spun toward Kevin. “No! You can’t take me to Trendon!”

  “Yes I can,” Kevin said as he used an energy ball to encase the five men. Then, without another word, he turned his key and left for Trendon.

  ~ ~ ~ ~

  When Kevin arrived in the hallway outside Rolan’s office with Trevor and the assassins, the young pages snapped to attention, their eyes huge and their mouths open. Kevin looked at the one beside Rolan’s door and asked, “Is the sorcerer in?”

  “,” the young boy stuttered. “He...he...he doesn’t c...c...come in this early.”

  “Would you run down to his bedroom and tell his guard that Myron, the Master Sorcerer of Terah, is here and wishes to speak with the Sorcerer of Brendolanth. I’ll give him fifteen minutes to get here before I head for his bedroom. It makes no difference to me where we talk.”

  The young boy nodded and took off at a run. Before he’d made it down the hall, another boy stepped up to take his place beside Rolan’s door.

  One of the other boys swallowed hard and stepped forward. “Sir, can I get you anything? Something to drink?”

  Kevin smiled. “No, thank you, but if you could find the Captain of the Guard, I’d like to return these men. They belong to Rolan but they ended up in Milhaven.”

  The boy nodded and took off to find Cpt. Yardner.

  Kevin turned to his prisoners and released the energy ball. They were still on their feet, but barely. “Just relax and breathe.”

  Cpt. Yardner arrived before Rolan, so Kevin explained that four of the men were assassins Rolan had sent after Landis. Then he pointed to Trevor. “He was one of our soldiers, but since he was also on Rolan’s payroll, I decided he belonged here. His spying days at my castle are over.”

  Cpt. Yardner nodded. “Would you like for me to take them?”

  “I don’t care what you do with them, but if any of them show up in Camden again, I’m going to kill them, and then I’m coming after the man who sent them.”

  Cpt. Yardner nodded again. “Understood, sir.” He turned to the men. “Follow me.”

  As they shuffled down the hall towards the interior of the castle, Rolan rounded the corner. He looked at the men and shook his head. “Incompetent fools!” Then he stormed up the hall towards Kevin. “I told you not to ever come to my castle again!”

  Kevin cut his eyes at Rolan. “I’m not here because I want to be. I’m here to return the assassins you sent to Milhaven and the one you paid to spy. Your other two spies were doing it against their will. They’re out of your reach now.”

  Rolan growled something unintelligible and flung his door open before his page could open it for him.

  Kevin followed him inside and shut the door. “If you want to come after me, that’s fine. Go for it. Name the time and place and I’ll be there. But if you ever take aim at what’s mine again, I’m coming after you and you won’t survive it.”

  Rolan snorted. “Are you saying the elf is yours?”

  “Yes, I am,” Kevin retorted.

  Rolan walked around his desk and sat down in his chair. “Doesn’t matter anyway. You can’t do a thing about it.”

  “I’m so tired of people telling me what I can and cannot do.” Kevin took a deep breath as he approached Rolan’s desk. “Yes I can do something about it. I’ll turn you into a pile of ashes.”

  “No, you won’t. The only way you’d kill me is in a duel, and that’s not going to happen. I won’t let you push me into challenging you like you did Gwendolyn.”

  “I didn’t push Gwendolyn and you know it. But if you come after what’s mine again, I won’t wait for you to challenge me.” Kevin leaned forward and put his hands on the edge of Rolan’s desk. “I’ll challenge you.”

  “You can’t do that.” Rolan had a big grin on his face as he leaned back in his chair. “You’re the Master Sorcerer. You aren’t allowed to challenge anyone.”

  Kevin shook his head. “The Master Sorcerer’s not who I am. It’s a position I hold. One I never wanted and one I’ll gladly give up to put an end to you.”

  “You can’t just say you’re no longer the Master Sorcerer,” Rolan sneered. “It doesn’t work that way.”

  “Yes, it does.” Kevin leaned that bit farther into Rolan’s space. “Let me explain how. First, I’ll go
to Glendymere and turn in my keys. He’ll take them, especially once I explain why. He’s still mad at you for stealing his opal. Then I’ll have him bring me here. He can set down right outside your front door. As soon as I challenge you for this seat, he’ll collect your key and take both of us to Broker’s Island. Once we’re there, Glendymere will find a couple of council sorcerers to serve as witnesses to the duel.” Kevin watched as Rolan’s eyes rounded and his jaw dropped. “By the end of the day, you’ll be gone and I’ll be the Sorcerer of Brendolanth.” Kevin paused. “Then, once Landis is ready to handle it, I’ll resign in her favor.” Kevin stood back up and nodded. “And that is how I’ll put an end to you.” Rolan’s nose flared and his eyes narrowed. “So, unless you’re ready to die, stay away from what’s mine.”

  “And you stay away from what’s mine,” Rolan snarled. “I want my slave back! And my sister!”

  “Darius isn’t your slave. You brought him into Milhaven and left him there. He didn’t realize it, but he was a free man as soon as his feet hit our soil. As for your sister, she’s mine by her choice.”

  Rolan jumped up and shook his head fiercely. “No! There’s no way you can say my sister is yours! She’s mine, to do with as I please. I demand you return her to me at once!”

  “Not going to happen. She chose to be my apprentice, so you might as well quit sending your assassins after her. They’ll never find her. All they’ll do is get themselves killed and force me to come back here and deal with you. Landis is somewhere you can’t go, not even with your key. And speaking of your assassins and bounty hunters, call off the ones you have in North Amden. The elves are sick of them and ready to go to war. For two cents, I’d tell them to go ahead and attack, but if I did, a lot of innocent people would die. You have two weeks to have every one of your men out of North Amden or I’m coming back here and you’re not going to like it.” Kevin took out his key. “Are Shana’s parents still alive?”

  “I don’t know who you’re talking about,” Rolan huffed.

  “You better remember right fast unless you want to die today,” Kevin hissed. “Now, are they alive or not?”

  Rolan’s eyes narrowed as he glared at Kevin. Finally he jerked his head in a quick nod.


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