Fatal Identity

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Fatal Identity Page 35

by Joanne Fluke

  Thank God they had Sam! He would love and comfort them at this terrible time. Without Sam they would have been lost.

  The room revolved as she turned her head. It was an illusion, of course. She couldn’t really turn her head. The light was blinding, but she managed to make out a huddled figure near her. Who could it be? An angel? A fellow traveler in the great beyond?

  There was another illusion. Her eyes seemed to blink. And then she saw the dear features of the man she had come to love. Sam. He was here by her side. But how could he be here, unless Brad had killed him, too?

  It was simply too horrible to contemplate, and her eyes snapped shut. It was just another illusion. But when she opened them again, Sam was still there. Tears streamed down her face. No! It couldn’t be! The twins needed Sam!

  Then he was leaning over her, brushing the tears from her cheeks. And she could feel his hands on her face. She opened her mouth and cried out, “Sam! Oh, no, Sam!”

  “Easy, Marcie. You’re going to be just fine. Just hang on a second, and I’ll call the doctor.”

  What doctor? A dead doctor? But that was . . .

  She blinked again and the room swam into focus. She was in bed. In a white room. With white sheets and a white blanket. She wasn’t dead! Brad hadn’t killed her. She was in a hospital room, and the blinking white light was only the sun shining through the blinds at the window!

  “Well, well.” A man in a white coat approached her bed. “It’s about time you opened your eyes. You have a nasty gash on your head, but you’re going to be just fine.”

  “Sam?” Marcie felt panic sweep through her. Had Sam really been there? Or had it been merely a dream?

  “I’m here, Marcie.” Sam appeared beside the doctor. “Let the doctor check you over. And if he says it’s okay, I’ll bring in Rosa and the twins.”

  Marcie winced as she turned her head so she could see him better. “They’re here?”

  “They caught the six A.M. flight. I told them you were going to be all right, but they insisted on coming to see for themselves.”

  Marcie smiled. “They just wanted an excuse to miss school. But I’m so glad they’re here, Sam. They were right about . . . Sam! Did they catch him?”

  ” It’s all right, Marcie.” Sam saw the terror that flooded her face. “He’s dead. He can’t hurt anyone now. Just stay quiet, and let the doctor examine you. I’ll go out and tell them you’re awake.”

  Marcie’s mind was whirling as the doctor probed and prodded. She hardly felt it as he examined her wound and re-bandaged it. It seemed to take forever but when he was through, he nodded. “I want you to stay overnight, just to make sure. We’ll release you tomorrow.”

  “Oh, thank you!” Marcie smiled at him. “Could you ask Sam to come in? There’s something I want to tell him.”

  A moment later, Sam was at her bedside. “What is it, Marcie?”

  “I just wanted to say . . .” Marcie blinked back tears. “I’m sorry, Sam. I should have believed you. When I woke up, I thought I was dead. And I realized how different things would have been if I’d married you instead of Brad.”

  Sam smiled at her tenderly. And then he said something that made Marcie smile through her tears.

  “I’ll tell you a secret, Marcie. It’s not too late.”


  Ten years ago, a jury found Michael Hart guilty of murdering his wife. Confined to a state hospital for the criminally insane, Michael has never stopped insisting on his innocence—even though his memories of the trial are murky and his nights are plagued by bad dreams and sleepwalking. After years of being tormented by doctors who believe he is guilty, Michael finally gets his chance to prove them wrong—by escaping. Hiding in a safehouse, Michael must rely on two allies to find an alibi. One is a beautiful woman who believes his story and is willing to gamble her life to help him. The other is Michael’s brother, an attorney at law who’s at risk of losing everything. But all the evidence in the world won’t be enough to overturn twelve guilty verdicts . . .

  Not when the members of Michael’s jury begin to get brutally murdered.

  One . . . by one . . . by one . . .

  Please turn the page for an exciting sneak peek of

  Joanne Fluke’s


  coming in August 2015

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  Hollywood, California

  Carole Hart knew that her marriage was dead, but she wasn’t the type to mourn. She’d already shed her tears, many of them during the years she’d been married, and her resolve was firm. She still loved Michael, she’d never stop loving him, but divorcing him was her only chance to have a normal life. Her new husband, the one she’d marry after her divorce was final, would be a wonderful provider. And even if the passion she’d shared with Michael was missing, she realized that she was probably much better off without it.

  Despite her resolve, tears threatened to fall as she folded her designer silk blouse, the only quality item of clothing she owned, and placed it carefully in her old red suitcase. The blouse had been a birthday present from Amy Weston, her best friend at work.

  Amy and the other secretaries who worked at World-Star Studios owned such extensive wardrobes that they were often mistaken for glamorous actresses. Carole was the only exception. In the years that she had worked at the studio, no tourist had ever mistaken her for anyone. Her skirts, blouses, and dresses were relics left over from her single days, shortened and altered in a desperate attempt to keep up with the styles but never quite achieving that fashionable look. Carole hadn’t purchased a single new item of clothing since she’d married Michael. Most of her salary had gone for necessities: the rent, the food, the utility bills. And since maintaining Michael’s career was so expensive, any extra money was quickly allocated for his acting classes. And his SAG dues. And the glossy photographs he had to provide for casting directors. No matter how carefully Carole had economized, it had never seemed to make a real difference in their financial status.

  Once, when the bills had piled up and Carole feared she’d never be able to pay them all, Michael had made a joke of it. He said that if they won just one major sweepstakes, they could get their heads above water. Carole had thought it was the funniest thing she’d ever heard. Back then.

  Six years ago, when she’d married Michael, the couples in their Hollywood apartment building had formed an informal support group. They’d all been young and poor and on the brink of that first big break. They’d met for potluck dinners and either commiserated or celebrated, depending on their circumstances. Back then Carole had been known for her cabbage salad. Cabbage was cheaper than lettuce, because it wasn’t seasonal. She’d chopped it and mixed it with grated carrots and onions, then dressed it with an economical mixture of vinegar, sugar, salt, and black pepper. If Michael had worked that week, she occasionally splurged on red and yellow bell peppers to decorate the top. The first time she’d made her coleslaw, Michael had quipped about their salad days. Carole had laughed along with everyone else, but she hadn’t understood the joke. Later she’d asked, and Michael had told her it was a quote from Shakespeare’s Antony and Cleopatra.

  Looking back on those days now, Carole realized that she’d never had much in common with Michael. He was a college graduate, and she’d gone right to work as an entry-level secretary at World-Star the moment she’d finished high school. They’d met at an audition, where Carole had fallen in love with his voice and his handsome face. When Michael had landed the part, he had taken her out for dinner to celebrate.

  There had been many dinners when Michael was working. And even more lunches at hot dog stands when he was between roles. There had also been long, romantic evenings spent in his tiny apartment—the same apartment she was now leaving—listening to music and making love.

  All the other secretaries, Amy included, had warned her not to get involved with an actor. She hadn’t listened. And then, before she’d
really thought about how terribly insecure their life together would be, she’d become Mrs. Michael Hart, the shoestring gourmet, bringing cabbage salad to potluck dinners where the men talked about artistic integrity, and the women sat next to them and dreamed of all the things they couldn’t afford.

  At first it had been exciting, being married to an actor. Carole had experienced a rush of pure pleasure every time she’d seen her husband’s image on the screen. But show business was fickle, and it always took time for an actor to get established. Gradually, over the years, the other couples had traded their dreams for financial security. Most of them had decided the odds were against them, and they’d sacrificed their integrity to climb up corporate ladders. Couple by couple, they’d deserted their cramped apartments to make down payments on small houses in the valley where they could start their families. And then, one day during their fourth year of marriage, Carole and Michael had looked around and realized that they were the only holdouts from the original group.

  Michael had never criticized their friends for giving up. The life-style of a dedicated artist was a tough one, and not everyone could endure the hardships it entailed. They’d kept in touch, and every time Carole and Michael had driven out to one of the rambling homes in the valley for a housewarming or a baby shower, the men had slapped Michael on the back and told him that they admired his perseverance. But their wives had gazed at Carole with eyes full of pity and offered to share their wealth. Here was the color television set that Tina’s husband had replaced with a big-screen model. Since it was just sitting in the garage taking up space, they’d regard it as a real favor if Carole and Michael would take it off their hands. And Ellen’s old Cuisinart, the old set of china that didn’t go with Patricia’s new wallpaper, the glassware that didn’t fit in Yvonne’s new dishwasher, and the answering machine that Tom no longer needed since he now subscribed to a service.

  Carole had accepted the castoffs gratefully, even though she sometimes felt like their friends’ favorite charity. She’d done her best not to envy the new, bigger houses, the prestige cars, and the vacations in Europe. She told herself she’d have all those things someday. She had faith in Michael’s talents, and she could wait. But then she’d held her friends’ babies, and her resentment had started to grow. They’d agreed not to have children until they were financially secure, but how much longer would she have to wait?

  Three months ago, on the morning of her thirtieth birthday, Carole had awakened to take stock of her life. Michael was an excellent character actor, and when he worked, he was paid very well. But there were those frightening dry periods between roles when Carole was forced to sit back and worry, watching helplessly as their savings dwindled. The stress of not knowing when her husband would land his next part had turned her into a nervous wreck. Their whole life was a series of ups and downs, regulated by the crazy whims of casting directors and studio executives. There were no guarantees in show biz, none at all. Carole had known this from the beginning. And on the morning of her thirtieth birthday, she’d finally realized that they’d never have the security she craved, not even if Michael made it big. He could be a huge success one year and box office poison the next. She’d seen it happen just that way.

  Michael had arranged a surprise party with the old crowd, even though they’d been smack in the middle of one of their down periods with creditors calling and the rent two weeks overdue. That night, when Carole had arrived home from work, she’d found everyone waiting for her, armed with food and champagne.

  After a toast to her birthday with expensive champagne, Daryl Forrester pulled both of them over for a little talk in the corner of the kitchen. Daryl had been a struggling young artist when they’d met, but now he was a corporate executive with a wife and a family and a big home in the valley. He told Michael that Amcorp needed someone to host daily motivational seminars for their salesmen, and he’d recommended Michael for the job. They’d pay thirty-thousand-a-year in base salary plus a percentage of the increased sales. Michael could pull in fifty or sixty grand annually, maybe more.

  Carole shut her eyes and prayed. It would solve all their financial problems if Michael took the job. Then they could pay off their bills and think seriously about a house and a decent car and the baby Carole so desperately wanted. But Michael thanked Daryl for thinking of him and turned it down flat.

  After everyone had left, Michael tried to explain. He was sorry that Carole was disappointed, but couldn’t she see that hosting promotional seminars for a big corporation was the ultimate in selling out? He was an actor, not a company puppet. A job like that would kill him.

  They’d gone to bed and tried to resolve their differences by making love, but the old magic didn’t work. After Michael had fallen asleep, Carole had stared up into the darkness and realized that there was no future with Michael. As painful as it might be, she had to leave him if she ever wanted to live a normal life. But where could she go? And what would she do? She’d begun to make her plans.

  With a start, Carole came back to the present. It was already eight o’clock, time to load the car and drive to Amy’s. The bedroom was stifling, not a breath of air even though she’d opened the window as wide as it would go. Their air conditioner had gone on the blink two months ago, and they hadn’t been able to spare the money to pay a repairman.

  Her old red suitcase had a broken latch. As Carole tied it shut with a belt she promised herself that the moment she was remarried she’d march into Gucci and pick out a whole set of expensive matched luggage. Her lover had been shocked when she’d told him that she was pregnant, but she knew he’d come around. Her voice had held just the right tone of injured outrage when she’d said that of course the baby was his. And no, she hadn’t confided in anyone. She’d kept their relationship a total secret, because she’d known how important it was to protect him from the slightest scandal. Her only concern was to provide a normal family life for the baby, with a mother and a father and nice surroundings. His son or daughter deserved the best, didn’t he agree?

  He was an intelligent man, and he’d quickly realized that she had him over a barrel. One word to the wrong person and he could kiss his career goodbye. So they’d made a date for lunch tomorrow, and Carole was sure he was sitting in his office right now, figuring out the best way to preserve his reputation and meet her demands at the same time.

  Carole picked up the phone and dialed Amy’s number to tell her that she was on the way. Amy must have been sitting right by the phone, because she picked up the receiver on the first ring.

  “Carole!” Amy sounded worried. “Is something wrong? I thought you’d be here by now.”

  “I would have been, but Michael came in while I was packing.”

  “My God!” Amy gasped. “Are you all right? I can be there in twenty minutes if you need me.”

  “Thanks, but that’s not necessary. He’s gone now.”

  “Was it awful?”

  Carole sighed. “That’s the understatement of the year! I’ll tell you all about it later. Right now, I want to get out of here before—”

  Carole paused as she heard a key in the lock.

  “He’s back! Hold on, Amy. I’ll find out what he wants.”

  Carole put down the phone and stood up. She was surprised to find that her knees were shaking, and she took a deep, calming breath. It was ridiculous to be afraid of the man she’d lived with for the past six years. Michael had a volatile temper, but he usually kept it under tight control. He’d probably thought it all over, replayed that ugly scene in his mind, and now he’d come back to apologize.

  “Michael? I’m in here.” Carole sighed as she headed for the door. There would be another scene. He’d tell her he loved her and beg her to stay. Maybe he’d even promise to call Daryl Forrester to see if that job with Amcorp was still open. She’d just have to tell him all over again that it was too late. Their marriage was over. He had no choice but to accept it.

  KENSINGTON BOOKS are published by

Kensington Publishing Corp.

  119 West 40th Street

  New York, NY 10018

  Copyright © 1993 by Joanne Fluke

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of the Publisher, excepting brief quotes used in reviews.

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  ISBN: 978-0-7582-9106-6

  ISBN-10: 0-7582-9106-X

  First Kensington Mass Market Edition: September 1993

  eISBN-13: 978-0-7582-9107-3

  eISBN-10: 0-7582-9107-8

  First Kensington Electronic Edition: May 2015

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