Between HeVan and Hell

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Between HeVan and Hell Page 17

by Lucy Kelly

  Jett crouched down. “You are very welcome, little one.”

  Grace saw that while the woman’s clothes were faded and worn, her daughter's were bright and crisp, though both were clean and ironed. Obviously this woman loved her daughter very much.

  “Are you giving your little girl a treat before school starts up? She looks the right age for kindergarten,” asked Grace.

  “We’re both having a treat. We’re living at Greenhouse and someone donated tickets to Great America to the residents,” the lady said.

  Grace immediately made a decision. “Well, if you want, I’m sure my guys would love to win any stuffed animal for your little girl and if you spot any of your fellow residents, call them over and we’ll win some for them, too.”

  She could see that the woman was wavering between the treat for her daughter and her own pride, so she quickly added, “It’s actually my sister that’s pregnant. We’re here today to celebrate our engagement.”

  She held up her ring and then added, “Go on, he’s totally loaded and loves kids.”

  It didn’t take long for the woman to say yes. Justyn got down on one knee and offered to be a chair for the little girl they learned was named Serafina. Serafina quickly saw the benefits of sitting on the shoulders of a man seven feet tall.

  Her mother, Raquel, and Grace stood watch over the booty with several other mothers that came over as the children all crowded around her men. An hour later, most of the concessioners were crying in their coffee and a dozen kids were lugging around stuffed animals bigger than they were.

  After the little families were walking away, Grace allowed herself to think about Raquel’s assumption of her pregnancy. She knew she couldn’t be. She’d been taking birth control shots for years. She was covered for another month at least.

  She wondered why the thought of getting pregnant didn’t bother her. Usually her career came first before everything else. She had wanted to be the first female Superintendent of Police in Chicago for most of her life.

  I’m changing. Being with Jalen, Justyn, and Jett is changing me, she thought. Oh, my God, I’m in love with them! I’m not ready for this, and they’ve never said anything to me about being in love. As far as I know, this is just some alien chemical reaction; what am I going to do now?

  “Okay, guys. Let’s go home. We have hours of work to do this evening, remember?” she said, suddenly afraid the way her life was going.

  All three of them gave her a sharp look because of the tone in her voice, but she was already striding away. They quickly caught up.

  As they were walking back to the Escalade, Jalen asked her about the women and children. He’d noticed that there were no men in the group and that many of the children were a bit frightened of them.

  She quickly explained that Greenhouse was a shelter in Chicago for abused women and children who were escaping from bad situations and needed a helping hand getting back on their feet. She didn’t mind when she saw the angry glint in all their eyes and she reached over and gave Justyn’s hand a squeeze when she saw tears in his. She damned Vasily Kadyrov to hell when she realized she couldn’t lean up and kiss Justyn’s tears away without blowing her cover.

  They had been having so much fun that they hadn’t really spent too much time listening to the downloaded data. There was something sinister and horrible about listening to evil while gazing upon wholesomeness. As soon as they returned to the condo, Grace insisted on getting to work immediately. They could tell something was bothering her and decided it wasn’t the right time to ask. They didn’t finish their review until after nine that night.

  “Jett, can you put all the relevant information onto flash drives that are compatible with Earth technology?” she asked. “I think we have enough here to get the additional warrants we need to seize computers and search their homes. But on two occasions, they mention the month-end meeting being held at the end of the week. I think that would net even better results. Will the nanos still be transmitting then?”

  “Since it was Monday night when we implanted them, we should be okay. I expect Saturday will be the last day and we would have to retrieve the information before eleven p.m. Based on the readings I’ve been getting, the nanos will be deactivated just after midnight,” said Jett.

  “Do we have to download every night? I worry about them getting suspicious. Is it possible to do one big download on Friday night?” asked Grace.

  “Yes. As a matter of fact, I pointed this out to the Captain. His concern was that if they planned a criminal activity in the meantime, earlier downloads of the data might be able to prevent it,” said Jett.

  “I’m going to call him. Nothing we’ve gotten so far has indicated that something is happening. I think if we lay low for a couple of days, they will be less suspicious and go back to business as usual. We want them comfortable when they have their meeting on Friday,” she said.

  Suiting actions to words, Grace got the special phone she used for contacting the Captain and told him her ideas and what they’d heard so far. He agreed with her and said that that would make it easier to preserve chain of custody on the evidence, as well. Right now, Jett was carrying the data in his possession at all times.

  They would pass over what they had and then lay low until the early hours of Saturday, when they would do the final download. That would give them the weekend to review the data and they could apply for any necessary warrants on Monday.

  “No more downloads until after the Friday meeting. What do you guys want to do for the rest of the week?” she asked. When she saw the gleam in their eyes, she added, “Besides that.”

  “Addie’s home is nice, but I miss the wild places. Do you have wilderness areas near here?” asked Justyn, as he rubbed his back on the corner of the doorway into the kitchen. She’d noticed all three of them were scratching and rubbing their backs more and more lately.

  “We can go camping, if you want. I know some great places up in Wisconsin,” she said. “It’s a little far to go just for overnight. Today’s Wednesday and we have to be back for the final data retrieval Friday night.”

  They talked it over and decided to leave late that night. Justyn would go out and purchase supplies for their trip at the grocery store; he was glad it was open all night. Grace could sleep in the car while the guys took turns driving; the GPS would make sure they didn’t get lost. It meant they would only get about five hours of sleep each, but they didn’t mind. Once the idea was broached, they all realized how much they missed being away from the crowds. They would arrive at the base parking lot at dawn and then hike in, set camp between Two and Three in the afternoon, whenever they spotted a likely place and then hike out the next day. They’d be back in the City in plenty of time.

  They were a couple of hours late in their departure plans. The satiated looks they all wore when they finally left the city behind them showed that they didn’t care all that much.

  Chapter Fifteen

  The dawn on Friday morning was glorious. Since they were all in such good physical condition, they had decided to hike deeper into the wilderness. Not wanting to sleep on the hard ground, Grace didn’t allow herself to be convinced until the men told her they had included an air mattress and pump along with a tent, and were willing to carry the extra load.

  After they’d each taken a turn laying on it, they reluctantly admitted it was an improvement over the ground. They were so large, though, that only one of them could really fit on the mattress with her. She told them to play rock-paper-scissors to decide who would get to sleep with her and wondered why they burst into laughter. She laughed along when they told her.

  She had also noticed the men’s backs were even more sensitive now. She could bring them to orgasm with a back massage. She gave them each a back massage around the campfire and then they got really inventive in the tent later.

  She was standing outside the tent in a T-shirt belonging to Jalen and a pair of flip-flops. She could tell it was his by the smell. Each of the men had
his own subtle scent. She looked around their camp and wondered where they had gone. The sky was lightening and quite soon it would begin to change from the darker hues to the paler ones. She heard the trees rustling and turning to the sound, watched as all three of them emerged from the opposite side of the clearing.

  Wings! Oh, Gosh! Addie was right! she thought.

  “Grace, the time has come for us to fly. This is something we must do now. Will you watch our flight, Graciela Perez?” asked Jalen formally.

  Something told Grace that watching them fly was important. They were slowly moving their wings back and forth in a rolling flutter. A flush moved through her body and she was suddenly very aroused.

  “Yes, I’ll watch you fly,” she said.

  No sooner had the words left her mouth than they leapt into the air. At first she tilted her head back, but soon that position became too difficult, as powerful swells of pleasure coursed through her. She dropped to her knees and then rolled over onto her back, her eyes not leaving the spectacle playing out over her head. Each time one of them swooped over her, she felt another wave of sensation. All at once, they came together in the air and joined hands flying side by side as they flew over her. Then the two on the ends joined hands as well. A powerful orgasm rolled over her and she cried out at its power. The men floated down until they were standing around her. Jalen reached down and picked her up. Justyn and Jett followed them over to the other side of the tent, where they had prepared a bed.

  Grace looked over and saw that they’d laid down tarps and then unzipped all the sleeping bags and piled them up. She turned to Jalen, a sleepy smile on her face.

  “Planning on having your way with me?” she asked.

  “Yes, love; we plan on Joining with you,” said Jalen.

  “Okay,” she said, still feeling the effects of the orgasm and still slightly dazed from the mating chemicals, like an overdose of pheromones coming off of the wings every time they moved.

  He placed her on the sleeping bags and then bent to remove the knit jockey shorts that he wore. Justyn and Jett had already stripped and were swiftly peeling the T-shirt from Grace’s body. Then Jett leaned down and put his mouth on her nipple and suckled deeply while Justyn kissed her and Jalen crouched between her legs.

  He tested her readiness; she was leaking juices from both her vagina and anus and he couldn’t stop himself from tasting her, licking and nipping her clit until another orgasm rolled over her. He sat back on his heels.

  “She is ready,” he said. With a last nip and lick, his brothers slowly came away from her breasts and also sat up. Jalen then lay over her and kissed her deeply as he slowly filled her. Folding his wings close to his body, he rolled until he was on his back, with Grace lying over him, still joined. He kept kissing her, running his hands over her as he moved his hips in small, even thrusts. Justyn knelt between their legs. Moving in slowly, he entered her from behind until he was buried deep inside her.

  “This feels so good,” Justyn groaned out.

  Over the last week, she’d often taken two of them at once, either two below the way she was now or front to back. She hadn’t yet taken all three at once. She knew this time she would. With Justyn’s and Jalen’s help, she raised her head up and saw Jett’s cock bobbing in front of her face. She instantly leaned to the side and took him in her mouth, her movement pulling more groans from Jalen and Justyn.

  Jalen had his hands on her breasts and Justyn had an arm around her waist. They all began to move, with small movements at first, as they found a rhythm that worked for them. Then they began moving faster. Grace moaned and Jett felt the sound like a caress. Grace held onto Jett’s hips as their movements sped up. All of them were nearing the edge of their control and closer to oblivion, when the climax came crashing over them, wave upon wave of pleasure rolling through them all.

  “Grace, we’re coming,” they shouted. She felt a burst of golden light encase them for a split second and then Jett came.

  Semen erupted in her throat and she swallowed reflexively. She could feel warmth spreading through her lower body and knew Jalen and Justyn had come too. Her orgasm came hard and fast, sweeping over her. The muscles in her throat, anus and vagina were squeezing and pulsing, keeping them connected to her.

  At the crescendo, the feeling was so intense, she almost passed out. She could feel Jett slowly pulling from her mouth and he kissed her forehead. Justyn also pulled out of her body and then Jalen wrapped her close, holding her to him, as Justyn and Jett lay down beside them. Remembering her complaint of earlier in the week, Jett pulled an extra sleeping bag over them all. Arms all around her, she caught her breath and fell into a light doze.

  Sometime later, Jett eased himself away and went to heat water. When it was ready, he came back to the makeshift pallet. Jalen had rolled over, and Grace was sandwiched between him and Justyn. Jalen, having been on the bottom, had his wings rubbing back and forth. Jett noticed they had already come off; his own were quite loose.

  Grace opened her eyes and looked up into Jalen’s, as she was facing him. “That was the strongest orgasm I’ve ever felt in my life. And that gold flash, that’s never happened before,” she said.

  “We are now Joined; you are our wife and we are your Ankida,” murmured Jalen, leaning forward to give her a kiss.

  Grace pushed against his chest. “No more of that; let me up. I need a gallon of water, two cups of coffee and sustenance before any more hanky-panky, Mister. And as for me being your wife, my Granny Mac is going to have a problem with that. It isn’t a real marriage without a priest, according to her. So prepare yourself, she’s not going to be happy.”

  “She is quite happy with Addie’s marriage,” said Justyn, with a frown on his face. He got up, and taking a warm, wet cloth from Jett, knelt down to wash Grace with Jalen’s help.

  “Grace, will you remove my wings, please?” asked Jett a few moments later. It was then she noticed that Jett’s were hanging from his back and Jalen’s were gone. She quickly got up and went over to Jett.

  “Will it hurt?” she asked.

  “Only a little; they are meant to come off after a Joining Flight,” he said.

  She reached up and pulled, a little at first, and then harder. Jett let out a groan as she removed the first wing. She hesitated until he asked her to continue.

  As she was pulling on the wings, she said to him, “You know, as much as I enjoyed having you rub against those sex ridges in my throat, it’s a good thing I didn’t try to shut my mouth while I was out of my head.”

  He turned around and took his wings from her after she finished with the last one. Justyn then turned and presented his back.

  “Your mouth locks open when the ridges are massaged. Your body is designed to give you pleasure, not deny it,” he said with a kiss before striding away, listening to her laughter.

  Jett went into his pack and pulled out a healing wand. It sutured the ragged cuts on their backs where the wings had burst through. As the men were healing each other, Jalen explained that the wings only emerged once for the Joining Flight and then were discarded. He explained their family history while pointing to the colors. It was the custom for a Joined female to display the wings of her Ankida in her home, he told her.

  “Hmm,” she responded.

  By the time they had eaten breakfast, it was time to break camp and head back to Chicago. It would be a long hike followed by a long drive. They would stop by the home of Mr. Kadyrov first and then go to Anton’s and download his data on the way back to the condo.

  Mr. Kadyrov and his grandson were once again sitting in his opulent study. This time, five other gentlemen were there also. He had a phone in his hand. He finished his call and hung up.

  “We are clear to proceed. Other than the case of battery, which will soon be dismissed due to lack of evidence, and witnesses…” And several of the men in the room chuckled.

  “There are no open investigations pending against us. Let us continue with our monthly review. First
item on the agenda is the automotive division. Mr. Gomez, give us your report, please.”

  Raul Gomez ran the largest gang of car thieves in Chicago; he reported how many cars had been stolen in the last month and plans and goals for the next month. They had attempted branching out into car-jacking but it didn’t seem like a venture they would continue. The risk-reward ratio wasn’t good enough. He ended his report with a request for capital. They would need to rent additional space to accommodate the increase in business over the remainder of the summer.

  Mr. Kadyrov went around the room, asking each of his lieutenants to report on their areas of expertise. So far, they’d covered auto theft, tech theft, drugs, illegal gambling and money laundering. Finally, he turned to Anton and asked for his report on prostitution, and human trafficking.

  “The month started up strong. With so many conventions in town in the warmer months, the hotel girls have been busy. We’ve even had double bookings in some instances. Our stock is starting to look a little worn, though. I have another load coming in from overseas Monday night at the import/export warehouse.

  “We lost three sex workers to drug overdose and I’ve punished the man responsible for keeping them too stoned. We made up for the shortage by using the housewives. We were able to engineer five additional women getting in over their heads at Hell. Three of them are good looking enough to handle day jobs to pay off their debts. The other two have husbands in key industries. They will prove useful for stealing tech or insider trading.”

  Anton continued to enumerate all of his illegal activities and their results for the next thirty minutes. At the conclusion of his report, his grandfather spoke again, his own area of expertise was arms dealing; after that, he listed all his requirements and expectations for the current month. He then handed out envelopes to each of the men.

  After the five lieutenants left the room, he turned back to Anton and asked about their overseas clients. They needed additional weapons sent to their training camps and Mr. Kadyrov had made the commitment to supply them.


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