The Tiger's Heart

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The Tiger's Heart Page 13

by Marissa Dobson

  The first step lies with Jinx. He needs to be brought into your trusted confidence, and you need to form a bond between the West Virginian and Alaskan clans. The West Virginia clan has been run by family for generations. That doesn’t mean they aren’t the strongest, because Jinx would put the other members of his clan to shame if he showed his full power.

  This will help to put fears to rest before they reveal themselves. Once the tigers are united, they will remain as they are with an Alpha and Lieutenant to each clan. However, instead of running things their way and reporting to no one, they will report to you. Look at it as if the ten of you are the Committee of Tigers. Tabitha and Ty being the Queen and King, having the final say. This will calm some of the disputes that could arise if shifters were losing their positions of power.

  There’s a young woman, Robin Zimmer. She’s human, innocent, but was a pawn in a debt her ex-husband owed to Pierce. Trading Robin for his own life got him nowhere, as he’s dead and Robin is on the run. Find Robin. She holds key information about Pierce and his members.

  When Raja and Bethany finished reading it, he handed the book to Shadow, who sat cross-legged in the chair angled between the couch and loveseat. Felix sat beside her on a chair he brought from the kitchen.

  “Have you put Connor on finding this Robin Zimmer?” Raja asked.

  “Not yet. This was our first stop. Connor’s still working on digging up any information on Victor and the Russian tiger.” Ty shook his head.

  “Zimmer…Bobby Zimmer? No…” Bethany whispered.

  “What?” Raja asked at his mate’s mumbles.

  “In high school I knew a Robert ‘Bobby’ Zimmer. He married a girl, but I thought her name was Rose. It could have been Robin. We weren’t really friends, more like distance acquaintances. I remember Mom telling me he died a few months ago. But it couldn’t be the same Bobby, could it?”

  “It’s a good lead. I’ll have Connor start there, and we’ll see if we turn anything up,” Ty said, taking his arm from around his mate to lean forward. “I know it’s bad timing, but I’d like to meet with Jinx today. It’s something I don’t want to put off any longer. Raja, I’d like you by my side, but Bethany, I understand and am sure Jinx will as well if you wish to rest.”

  Before Raja could speak, Bethany did. “We’ll be there. When?”

  “If you’re okay with the decision, I’ll send for Jinx now. I’d say it’s best to get it over with quickly. After the service this evening, I’m sure you’ll want to be alone.” Ty cocked his head slightly toward Felix. “Would you see if Jinx is available to join us?”

  “Very well.” Felix rose.

  “I’ll bring in a kitchen chair.” Shadow unfolded her small frame from the chair and stood.

  “What do you think the book meant when it said I’ll play a key role through the transition? I’m merely human—how could I be of great assistance?”

  “Only time will tell, but if it’s in the book you can count on it. As for your merely human comment, you couldn’t stand against Pierce and his gang in hand-to-hand combat, but there are still things you can do. Once your knee is healed, Raja will work with you, training you to defend yourself if the case calls for it. As well as weapon training. We won’t have you unable to protect yourself. I hope that you’ll never need the skills he gives you, but it’s better to have them than to be in the situation and not have them. We have assigned you guards not because you’re human, but because you’re Raja’s mate. You and Tabitha are the Alpha women of the clan—you’re to be protected at all costs. The guards will be there to protect you if we cannot be.”

  * * *

  Jinx strode into the room, pulled his cowboy hat off and ran his hand through his dark hair. Felix followed behind him.

  “Jinx, thank you for joining us. Please have a seat.”

  “My pleasure. What can I do for you?” Jinx took the chair that Shadow vacated earlier.

  “Do you know the legends of a Queen of the Tigers?” Raja jumped right into the reason for the meeting.

  “Doesn’t everyone?” Jinx shook his head.

  “Tabitha is the Queen of the Tigers. She comes from the line of tigers, and her father passed down this book to her. It explains everything and will walk her through the trials and tribulations of uniting the tiger shifters.” Ty ran his hand over his mate’s leg.

  “How do you expect to unite us?”

  “It will take time, there will be many steps. According to the book we need to form a bond with you, unite the West Virginian and Alaskan tigers.” Tabitha held open the book to the most recent page and handed it to Jinx. “We found this in the book today, after we left Lukas’s cabin.”

  “I always hoped that I would live to see the day we would be united. I never thought I would have anything to do with the process, let alone hold this book in my hands.” Jinx looked down at the book in astonishment. “Anything you need from me you shall have. My clan is small, there are only fifteen of us, but we’re at your disposal. Does your clan know she’s the Queen?”

  “Not completely. Some suspect but since Tabitha arrived it has been nonstop. First, the homecoming ball, then the videos from Pierce, finding Bethany, her family murder… There hasn’t been time to explain things to them. There are approximately ten who do know—the ones in this room as well as Connor, Marcus, Tora and Thomas. We’ll be briefing Styx today as well. The Alaskan clan will be briefed soon, with any luck before you return to West Virginia, but when would depend on how the Victor situations turned out.” Ty ran his hand through his hair. “Once the clan is told it will still need to remain quiet until we’re ready to start the process of uniting all tigers. When you return to your people, you can give them the information as well, as long as they keep it amongst themselves.”

  “Understood. Lukas is my best warrior. You could say he’s my unofficial head of security. He is powerful enough to be my Lieutenant but prefers being in the field. We were discussing your issues with Pierce, and he’s interested in being in the front lines of this war. He planned to approach the subject with you but needed to seek my approval first. He has my consent. If you would be interested in his skills, he can stay here among your clan. I believe he would be of great service to you.” Jinx handed the book back to Tabitha.

  “He’s more than welcome to stay as long as he understands the hierarchy here. He’s young and would need to work his way up. Prove his worth, per say. He seems to fit well with the other guards and clan members. Raja?” Ty opened the floor for Raja to give his thoughts about Lukas.

  “I’m in agreement with Ty. Lukas is young. He’ll need to prove himself not only to us but to the guards and members. Due to his injuries, I haven’t seen his fighting skills yet, but if he’s as trained as you say. We need someone to start training some of the younger clan members. With his age he might be perfect for the position.”

  Raja’s ear bud sprang to life. There’s a tiger out here asking for you, Raja.

  He sent Ty a look to let him know something was happening before slipping out from under Bethany. “Excuse me,” he said to the room, moving toward the window. He hit the button on his ear communication to allow the guard station to hear him. “What’s his name?”

  He could see the main gate, the guards gathered there blocking the entrance, but he couldn’t make out what or who they were keeping out.

  “Says his name is Galen. He has some crazy story about a dream telling him to come here and ask for you. He seems nervous.”

  Raja recognized Korbin’s voice. He was one of the regular bounder patrol guards. “I’m sending Shadow. If she believes his story, escort him back with her.”

  He turned the button again to end the communication with the gatehouse and turned to find all eyes on him. “Galen’s here. Shadow, as a precaution go listen to his story. If you believe him, bring him back.”

  Shadow nodded and stood, slipping away without a word.

  “Ty, Tabitha, I think it would be best if you weren’t here. I know t
he book says he brings us no harm, but it’s best to be safe.” Raja looked back out the window to see if Shadow arrived yet.

  “I disagree,” Tabitha said when Ty stood. “If Gavin’s a healer, we need him. Maybe we could convince him we need him here. If we’re going to war with Pierce, having a healer handy could mean the life or death of one of our members.”

  “She’s right.” Bethany turned slightly, allowing her to see Raja.

  “Felix, get Marcus and Styx in here. If you’re going to stay I want more guards here now.” Raja ran his hand through his hair. “I still think you two should be somewhere safer. If things go ape shit…”

  “Things will be fine,” Tabitha reassured Raja.

  “Now you see what I go through. She’s stubborn.” Ty laughed. “I’d say they’re going to keep us on our toes,” Ty joked.

  The men laughed while Tabitha and Bethany eyed them.

  Chapter Thirty

  “My Queen.” The old man in his seventies dropped to his knees mere steps inside the door, his head hung low. “All my life I’ve waited for you. I knew one day I’d find you. I tried not to let my devotion waver but it was hard at times. People doubted the legends, but I knew the truth.”

  “How do you know?” Raja asked, taking his place in front of Ty and Tabitha, who had both stood when Galen dropped to his knees. If Galen meant them harm, Raja wanted to be close enough to take him out before he had a chance to go after the women or Ty.

  “I had a dream when I was a child about the Tiger Queen who would someday be in need of my service. I’ve traveled, hoping to find her. It wasn’t until two days ago I had another dream and it was pressed on me to come here.” He looked up at them, focused on Tabitha. “My Queen, I’m at your service. Anything I can do for you. I’ve been waiting all my life to be in your presence.”

  “Galen, is it true you can heal with your touch?” Tabitha asked, coming to stand next to Raja.

  “Yes, my Queen.”

  “Please call me Tabitha. Besides the people in this room no one else is aware I’m the Queen the legends speak of.” When Galen nodded, she continued, “If it’s true, heal Raja’s mate, Bethany.”

  Watching Galen reach toward his injured mate, Raja was unable to suppress the growl in his throat.

  “I mean her no harm. In order to heal I must place my hands on her. Come hold your mate. Her injuries are extensive, and this may cause some discomfort.”

  Raja took the place behind Bethany, wrapped his arms around her and pressed his lips to her temple. “You okay with this?” he whispered in her ear.

  “Let’s get it over with.” She nodded.

  “If you could come stand by her as well? You might need to hold her still if she bucks.” Galen asked Ty as he slipped off his gloves.

  “You said there would be discomfort. I can handle it. Why would I need Ty to hold me down as well?” Bethany asked. Raja could hear the worry in her voice.

  “It depends on the injury and the person’s pain threshold. You knee is seriously injured. Without my healing it’s possible you’ll always have a limp after a long recovery period. I won’t lie—this could be more painful than just some discomfort, but it will get you back up on your feet today. It’s your choice, ma’am.” Galen kneeled next to the couch.

  “It’s your choice, love. If you don’t want to do this, you don’t have to.” Raja held her close. The thought of his mate being in pain at Galen’s hands made him want to tear Galen’s head off.

  “Let’s do this.” Bethany gritted her teeth to brace herself for whatever pain was in store.

  “Very well. Whatever happens, Raja, do not take your hands off her. Maintain skin-to-skin contact. A mate’s touch will help the pain be more bearable.” Galen undid the air cast, sliding the pant leg up. “I have to have skin contact,” he said when Raja softly growled.

  Control yourself. Raja scolded himself, trying to regain the control over his basic instincts. His muscles constricted with tension, his claws threaten to spring forth if he let any more control slip. “Let’s get this done.”

  “Everyone ready?” Galen asked, his hands hovering inches from her knee.

  As his hands made contact with her leg, a warm, golden aura formed around her knee. Bethany screeched with pain, struggling under Raja’s grasp. He held tight to her, trying to take her pain. “It’s almost over, love.”

  I can’t stand seeing her in this kind of pain. She’s my mate and I couldn’t stop her injury. Now she’s suffering more for me.

  When he didn’t think he could take any more, his heart breaking from the pain his mate was suffering, it ended as quickly as it began. Bethany collapsed against him, softly moaning.

  Galen bent back on his heels, shaking his head. “It can’t be,” he said repeatedly.

  “What can’t be?” Raja asked, still soothing his mate.

  “She’s human.” Galen said still not making any sense.

  “What are you mumbling about?”

  “Her body fought me.”

  “So? You told us that would happen. What are you going on about? Is she not healed?” Raja was getting frustrated. If she went through all that pain and isn’t healed, someone will have some serious explaining to do.

  “That’s different. Normally they show signs of pain, fighting to get away, struggling and hollering. They don’t normally fight the healing. She did.” Galen slipped his gloves back into place, still watching Bethany closely.

  “What does that mean?” Tabitha asked, coming to stand next to her mate by the couch.

  “It shouldn’t be possible, since she is human…but she’s a healer.”

  “Then wouldn’t she heal herself?” Raja held Bethany close, could feel her fatigue as if it were his own.

  “Most would. Except she hasn’t accepted her gift.” Galen rose from the floor, moving back to his chair. “Bethany, have you ever noticed anything different about yourself?”

  She shook her head, eyes closed.

  “Have your injuries ever healed quicker?”

  Realization filled Raja. “He tried to strangle her. There were marks on her from where his fingers dug into her, and there were bruises as well. They’re gone. I never realized it before.”

  “It proves my point. Bethany, you’re a healer. I can work with you, teach you the skill.”

  “But I’m human,” the exhaustion she was feeling clearly heard in her voice.

  “You must have shifters in your family somewhere or you wouldn’t have the gift.” Galen looked down at her for confirmation, but it never came. “She needs her rest. Whenever she’s ready I’ll work with her. It shouldn’t take long for her to develop the skills, as she was already beginning the process on her body without her knowledge.”

  “Galen, we would like for you to stay with us if you have no other commitments. The future is dangerous, and to have a healer here would be beneficial.” Tabitha looked down at Bethany. “Well two healers. We can provide you with a guest cabin if you wish to stay.”

  “Thank you. As I told you before, I’m at your service. I’ll stay as long as I’m needed.”

  “Very well. Felix, could you have one of the guards show Galen to a guest cabin?” Ty looked to Korbin, who still stood near the door. “Korbin, we’d like to speak with you in our quarters about what you heard here. Raja, we’ll be back thirty minutes before the memorial service, and we can all go together.”

  Chapter Thirty-One

  The living room was quiet, Bethany curled up beside him, his arm around her, as they watched the aurora borealis lights through the large floor to ceiling windows.

  “It wasn’t all a dream—I’m really a healer?” Bethany’s head rested on his shoulder.

  “It would seem so. Galen has offered to work with you to bring your ability out, if you’re willing.”

  “I want to learn. It will be a great asset for your people.”

  “For our people. You’re a leader of this clan as well.” He ran his hand through her hair. “You should ge
t some rest. Galen said you would be tired from all that your body went through during the healing, not including the stress of everything else.”

  “Soon.” She stared out the window. It was clear something was weighing on her mind but Raja didn’t want to press her after all she had been through that day.

  “Bethany.” Using his finger he gently guided her head so she could look at him. “Are you okay?”

  She gave him a halfhearted smile. “If I…” Her voice trailed off.

  “What love?”

  “If I had been there…maybe…I could have healed them.”

  He was painfully aware she meant her family. “He would have killed you as well.”

  “If I could have…”

  “Say you came in after it happened, after he was gone…there still would have been nothing you could have done. You didn’t even know you had this ability. Without training it you wouldn’t have been able to call it forth and heal them.” He ran his thumb over the dimple in her chin. “Bethany, listen to me. There’s nothing you could have done to change this outcome. If you were there, it would have just meant one more life lost at Pierce’s hands.”

  She was silent for a few minutes as if she was accepting what he said. “The memorial service was beautiful. Now that I’m back on my feet, could we have Tora and Marcus to dinner to thank them? I’ll cook…tomorrow if you could arrange it. She put together a wonderful service for people she didn’t even know.”

  “I’ll call her in the morning if you’re still up for it.” He kissed the top of her head.

  I can never repay Tora for putting it together. It brought his mate the peace she needed. The appreciation in Bethany’s eyes at the service was more than I could have hoped for.

  “Bethany, there’s a place on the edge of our compound lot. It’s a small sitting area, beautiful views…my parents are buried there. I thought after the ashes of your parents came back you would like to bury them there with your sister.”

  “I would like that.” She looked up at him. “I love you, Raja.” She kissed him.


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