Carolina Blues

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by Virginia Kantra


  —Jayne Ann Krentz, New York Times bestselling author



  “Contemporary romance as warm and gratifying as a perfect day at the beach.”

  —Kirkus Reviews

  “Filled with tender moments and sexy, sparkling exchanges, Kantra’s latest Dare Island romance is satisfying and sigh-worthy . . . A shivery, sensual, and sensational read. Top Pick!”


  “Easy to read and effortlessly engaging and full of the strong bonds of familial love.”

  —Dear Author

  “A story that will wrap its way around your heart.”

  —Romance Junkies (4 1/2 stars)

  “I strongly recommend you pick up all three of these novels in this most delightful series.”

  —Romance Reviews Today


  “Positively sizzles with sexual tension and hums with the rhythm of life on a North Carolina island where family matters most and love really does conquer all. I loved it.”

  —Mariah Stewart, New York Times bestselling author of At the River’s Edge

  “The Fletchers are one of my favorite new fictional families! I’ve been anticipating my return visit to Dare Island through the pages of Carolina Girl and I wasn’t disappointed. Virginia Kantra . . . takes us into the heart of this complex, loving family.”

  —The Romance Dish

  “Will enthrall the reader and offer lots of satisfaction.”

  —The Romance Reader

  “Returning to Dare Island is always a pleasure . . . Add to that the slow-burn sexual tension between Meg and Sam, and this series second really keeps things interesting.”

  —RT Book Reviews (4 stars)


  “A story as fresh as the Carolina ocean breezes . . . It’s always a joy to read Virginia Kantra.”

  —JoAnn Ross, New York Times bestselling author

  “Kantra’s Carolina Home is intimate and inviting, a feel-good story featuring captivating characters who face challenges as touching as they are believable . . . Contemporary romance at its most gratifying.”

  —USA Today

  “It feels like coming home . . . Reading this book is like relaxing in a Hatteras hammock, gently swaying in the breeze.”

  —Dear Author (Recommended Read)

  “Truly enjoyable.”

  —All About Romance

  “A wonderful contemporary drama with great characters, a touching romance, and the beginnings of a fantastic series.”

  —Romance Around the Corner

  “A sizzling good time. Kantra’s story-building is excellent.”

  —Publishers Weekly

  “A thoroughly wonderful read.”



  “Brilliantly sensual and hauntingly poignant.”

  —Alyssa Day, New York Times bestselling author

  “A lyric, haunting, poetic voice.”

  —Suzanne Brockmann, New York Times bestselling author

  “Virginia Kantra is one of my favorite authors.”

  —Teresa Medeiros, New York Times bestselling author

  “A really good read.”

  —Karen Robards, New York Times bestselling author

  “A sensitive writer with a warm sense of humor, a fine sense of sexual tension, and an unerring sense of place.”


  “You are going to love this book! I highly, highly recommend it.”

  —Suzanne Brockmann, New York Times bestselling author

  “Rich and sensual.”

  —Publishers Weekly

  “Entertainment at its finest.”

  —RT Book Reviews (4 1/2 stars)

  “Virginia Kantra has given us another gem.”

  —Fresh Fiction

  “Epic and wonderfully intimate.”

  —Dear Author

  “Fiction that is smart, engaging, and original.”

  —Bitch Media

  “Smart, sexy, and sophisticated—another winner from Virginia Kantra.”

  —Lori Foster, New York Times bestselling author

  “With lush writing, vivid descriptions, and smoldering sensuality, Kantra skillfully invites the reader . . . into the hearts and minds of her characters.”

  —Romance Novel TV (5 stars)

  “You will hate to put it down until you have read the last page.”

  —Night Owl Reviews (Top Pick)

  “Moving, heartbreaking, and beautiful.”

  —Errant Dreams Reviews (5 stars)

  Berkley Sensation titles by Virginia Kantra



  The Dare Island Novels





  The Children of the Sea Novels








  (with Angela Knight, Lora Leigh, and Alyssa Day)


  (with Angela Knight, MaryJanice Davidson, and Sunny)


  (with Angela Knight, Nalini Singh, and Meljean Brook)


  Published by the Penguin Group

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  A Penguin Random House Company


  A Berkley Sensation Book / published by arrangement with the author

  Copyright © 2014 by Virginia Kantra.

  Excerpt from Carolina Dreaming by Virginia Kantra copyright © 2014 by Virginia Kantra.

  Penguin supports copyright. Copyright fuels creativity, encourages diverse voices, promotes free speech, and creates a vibrant culture. Thank you for buying an authorized edition of this book and for complying with copyright laws by not reproducing, scanning, or distributing any part of it in any form without permission. You are supporting writers and allowing Penguin to continue to publish books for every reader.

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  eBook ISBN: 978-1-101-63715-9


  Berkley Sensation mass-market edition / October 2014

  Cover art by Tony Mauro.

  Cover design by Rita Frangie.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


  For Italian Guy.

  You’re my inspiration. Always.


  I want to offer th
e usual thanks to the usual suspects: to my patient editor, Cindy Hwang (I promise I’ll never attempt another book about a writer with writer’s block again), and the team at Berkley; to Robin Rue and Beth Miller at Writer’s House; to artist Tony Mauro and cover designer Rita Frangie for another breathtaking cover; to Carolyn Martin and Michael Ritchey for invaluable input and advice.

  Thank you to my wonderful readers.

  And special thanks to Diane Spell, LCSW, for her insight, and to Patrolman M. Hall for coming through with stuff in a pinch.


  Praise for the Novels of Virginia Kantra

  Berkley Sensation titles by Virginia Kantra

  Title Page




  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Preview of Carolina Dreaming


  LAUREN PATTERSON ENTRENCHED herself in the corner table of Jane’s Sweet Tea House, barricaded behind her laptop, a latte, and a Glorious Morning muffin.

  Facing a blank computer screen wasn’t nearly as terrifying as confronting three masked men with guns, she told herself firmly. She hadn’t frozen then. There was absolutely no excuse for her to be paralyzed now.

  The July sun pushed past the HELP WANTED sign in the window to pool like syrup on her table. Beyond the shade of live oaks and loblolly pines, beyond the shrubs and shingled rooftops of the harbor, the waters of Pamlico Sound gleamed. Vacationers seeking an air-conditioned respite from the North Carolina heat packed the eclectic bakery. A young couple, broiled pink by the sun, held hands on a sofa. A father in line lifted his little daughter onto his shoulders. All of them happy. Together.

  Lauren’s muffin stuck in her throat.

  Behind the counter, a pretty teenager in geek girl glasses struggled to meet the stream of orders for iced espresso drinks. Before Lauren’s fifteen minutes of fame, she’d moonlighted as a barista to make ends meet. The psych department frowned on its graduate students taking outside jobs, but her stipend had barely covered her living expenses. Not to mention all the things her little brother Noah needed that Mom couldn’t afford. Luxuries like game controllers. Athletic shoes. Meat.

  Lauren swallowed hard. She couldn’t do anything that would plunge her family into that state of financial uncertainty again. The advance from her publisher was already half spent, the publication date set. Late October, so the book would be shelved in time for Christmas but not lost in a sea of cookbooks and gift books. It was already selling briskly online.

  She just had to finish it.

  The cheerful silver bells on the door chimed, announcing the arrival of another customer.

  She looked up, seeking a more positive direction for her thoughts. Or maybe, she admitted, she was simply searching for a distraction.

  A man stood silhouetted against the brightness outside. Thick, close-cut hair. Lean, muscled body. Dark mirrored sunglasses.

  Her heart beat faster. A cop.

  Save me, she thought.

  She took a deep breath and looked away. The sudden sight of the law was never good news. A uniform at the door, blue lights flashing in the rearview mirror . . . Anybody could get sweaty palms and a dry mouth. She was not having a panic attack.

  She put her hand on her belly anyway, under the cover of the table, and drew a careful breath. In through the nose . . .

  He entered the shop, moving between the artfully mismatched tables and chairs with a contained authority more menacing than a swagger. Among the pink, chubby, underdressed tourists, he stuck out like an assassin in a ballroom.

  He promised safety. He promised danger. An irresistible combination.

  She exhaled, pushing on her stomach. Out through the mouth . . .

  He nodded to the young woman behind the old-fashioned register, the one with the fat blond braid and sleepy gray eyes of a princess in a fairy tale. The blonde nodded back, never losing her rhythm or her smile.

  Lauren didn’t understand why she wasn’t melting into a puddle at his feet. Okay, so he wasn’t Prince Charming. Not the kind of guy you wanted to meet at midnight, unless you intended to lose a lot more than your shoes.

  But hot. Very hot. Smoldering, in fact.

  Given the slightest encouragement, Lauren would have followed him home like one of the island cats that seemed to hang around the bakery’s back porch, lean and hungry and hoping for handouts. Pet me. Rescue me.

  She shook the thought away. She was not turning into a police groupie on top of everything else. She could take care of herself. Without getting anybody shot in the process.

  Anyway, she tended to attract guys who needed her. Sensitive souls with lousy home lives or unsatisfying jobs, with full-sleeve tattoos and pierced tongues and nipples. Not law-and-order types.

  “This isn’t peppermint schnapps,” complained a thin woman at the head of the line.

  “No, it’s Irish cream syrup and whipped cream,” the blonde said.

  “But I ordered Irish coffee. There should be peppermint schnapps.”

  Not in Irish coffee, Lauren thought. She noticed her heart rate increasing and took another deep breath.

  The blonde blinked. “I’m afraid we’re not licensed to serve alcohol,” she said with doll-like calm. “But I can add a touch of mint syrup if you’d like.”

  “I don’t want any damn syrup,” the customer said loudly. “I want my drink. I want to speak with your manager.”

  The situation was escalating. The people in line behind the woman shifted away. Lauren had seen that kind of body language before. They didn’t want to get involved. They didn’t want the drama.

  Lauren, on the other hand, had already proved she was a total sucker for other people’s problems. Her faculty advisor had cautioned her about her tendency to get personally involved. Empathy is a good thing, Eleanor had said gently. No one questions your ability to connect with clients. But our emphasis here is research, not therapy. You don’t want to put your own future at risk by losing your professional focus.

  Which was great advice until, say, somebody drew a gun.

  The band around Lauren’s lungs tightened. Not a helpful thought. Breathe in, two, three, four . . .

  “I’m Jane. The owner,” the blonde was saying. “If you’d like me to make you another drink—”

  “What I’d like is a real Irish coffee,” the angry woman said. “It’s false advertising, that’s what it is.”

  The blonde flushed scarlet.

  Lauren’s face heated in sympathy. The hell with it. She abandoned her breathing and jumped up, grabbing her empty mug.

  Hot Cop spoke. “This is a bakery, not a bar.” His deep voice raised all the little hairs along Lauren’s arms. “You want a drink at ten in the morning, you’ll have to take your business elsewhere.”

  Okay, so his by-the-book attitude wasn’t going to win the bakery any patrons, Lauren acknowledged. But at least he was stepping in, defending the princess against attack.

  The unhappy customer folded thin, tanned arms across her skinny bosom, and turned to give the interloper a piece of her mind. But faced with Hot Cop’s cool air of authority, she faltered. “But I’m on vacation,” she said almost plaintively.

  He regarded her impassively from behind mirrored sunglasses. �
�Yes, ma’am. Have a nice stay.”

  “Carolina sea salt caramel latte to go,” the owner, Jane, said, setting a drink with a clear-domed lid on the counter. “On the house.”

  The customer pursed her lips. “Skim?”

  It was important in negotiations, Lauren had learned, to give the hostage taker an opportunity to save face.

  Jane nodded. “And whipped cream.”

  The thin woman took the cup without thanks or payment. The door bells rattled in her wake.

  Hot Cop looked at Jane. “You really want to start rewarding customers for bad behavior?”

  Jane’s flush deepened.

  Lauren dumped her dirty mug into the bus tray. “I’m pretty sure she just wanted to get her out of here before she made a scene.”

  The sunglasses turned in her direction. “You don’t stop bullies by appeasing them.”

  Memory tightened Lauren’s chest, constricted her throat. Lying flat on the bank floor, her face pressed to the cool tiles, the smell of fear rank in her nostrils . . .

  She pushed the memory away. Pushed down her nausea. Helpful thoughts. She smiled. Focus on the positive. “Sometimes you do whatever it takes to survive.”

  His dark brows flicked up. “Her survival isn’t in question.”

  Right. Not every confrontation was a life-or-death moment. But . . . “It is if a customer decides to trash her bakery online,” Lauren pointed out.

  “Thank you,” Jane said.

  Hot Cop didn’t budge. “So, in your opinion, she should compromise her principles to avoid a customer lying in a bad review.”

  “I think compromise is always a good idea. Especially if it gets you what you want.”

  “Here’s your coffee,” Jane said, setting it on the counter. “Black. No sugar.”

  “And two large to go, please.”

  Jane nodded and reached for the stack of cups.

  Lauren glanced from the coffee on the counter to the cop’s hard face. Humor tickled her mouth. “I guess you don’t worry about stereotypes, huh?”

  For a moment she thought that he wouldn’t answer. That he didn’t get it. And then his smile flashed, white, electrifying. “I didn’t order donuts,” he pointed out.


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