Maid to Fit

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Maid to Fit Page 17

by Rebecca Avery

  “You are? You didn’t mention that last time you called,” his mother said.

  “He’s done great with them. They made it to State!” Seth continued, grinning like a monkey that had found an island full of banana trees.

  “What sport does she play?” Elaine asked Kayla. As though she didn’t already know, as though the CD hadn’t been all her idea.

  Kayla eyed him just as his father and Jack stepped into the kitchen and Seth said, “Competitive cheerleading.”

  Jack coughed and Ronnie’s father looked confused. His mother didn’t seem to care, but Elaine looked at him in complete shock. She realized he’d come clean to Ian, Seth and Rusty. Elaine and Carrie knew him best. If they hadn’t guessed already how important Kayla and Addie had become to him, the fact that he had let his friends know about helping them with cheerleading made it abundantly clear.

  He was in love with Kayla.

  Addie was Kayla’s world, which made her equally important to him, important enough to coach her cheerleading squad.

  The awkward moment passed as people began filling their plates. Carrie made a plate for Kayla and Elaine sat down next to her with a plate of her own to ensure that she ate. Their mama made a couple of over-flowing plates and headed down to the basement to feed the kids. Once everyone was settled in, eating and talking, and his mother came back upstairs, he made himself a plate.

  Eating as he stood in the kitchen, he nearly choked when his mama stopped in front of him and said, “Now you make sure you let your daddy and I know when this state cheer competition is so we can come up. I think we’ll fly this time, though. All that driving is hard on your daddy. He’s getting old.”

  By midafternoon everyone had left and Addie went upstairs to rest. His family had cleaned up everything after Elaine insisted that Kayla go take a nap, and then they’d headed back to the hotel with promises to come back the next day to begin shopping and cooking for the holiday. He headed to the basement and found several boxes of decorations, including a Christmas tree stashed in a closet.

  Just as he pulled the last box out of the storage closet, his cell phone rang.

  “Mr…Sergeant Brown, this is Principal Thompson. I’m calling to see if you might be interested in a position here at the high school, as assistant athletic director? It’s only part-time and doesn’t pay that well, but I understand you are back in college. I figure, depending on your field of study, there might be a full-time position here for you when you finish school. If you are interested, perhaps we could sit down after the holidays and talk about it.”

  Ronnie had signed up for a few classes without really knowing what he was working toward. Mr. Thompson’s suggestion of working with kids—kids like Addie, Chase and Kaitlyn—appealed to him more than he would have imagined. The idea of getting paid for doing what he was already volunteering for now was even more tempting.

  “I think I’d like that,” he replied.

  “Good, because after the pitiful football season we just had I’d like to hear your ideas on how to turn the team around. Maybe we can get them to the playoffs next year,” Mr. Thompson replied.

  After his phone call with Mr. Thompson, Ronnie put up the tree and decorated it with lights and tinsel, leaving the ornaments for Kayla and Addie, and put out a few other decorations around the living room. Then he headed outside to string some more lights up along the front of the house. It was getting downright cold outside and the sky spit snowflakes periodically. He worked until it was hard to see because it was almost dark.

  Gathering up the remaining lights, he went back inside to find Addie in the kitchen with a pan and a bag of popcorn. He could hear Kayla’s shower running. Putting the lights back into the storage tote, he said, “You hungry?”

  “No, I had a sandwich from the tray in the fridge. I was going to make some popcorn to string up. Grandma used to do that with me when I was younger and then we would hang it on the tree. I’m not sure how to make it this way, but I’m pretty sure the microwave kind wouldn’t be a good idea,” she replied.

  “Take this back down to the storage closet and I’ll see what I can do,” he said.

  She set the pan down on a burner and picked up the tote but then stopped in the doorway of the kitchen. “Is your family really coming here for Christmas?”

  “As far as I know.”

  “Good. I like them, especially Carrie,” she said, and then walked out of the room.

  He smiled to himself as he poured oil in the pan, measured out the popcorn and found a lid. Turning on the burner, he moved to look for a bowl and found Kayla in the doorway watching him.

  “I like them, too, and I can never thank them enough for today. They just stepped in and took over what needed to be done. I see where you get it from,” she said.

  “I hope you like them, because during the holidays they are at their best…and loudest.” He laughed.

  “That’s good. It might help me to forget that I’m all alone now,” she finished in a whisper.

  He made it to where she stood in two steps. He gripped her upper arms in his hands. “I’m here. At least I’d like to be, if you’ll let me. I know you just want casual and I thought I could handle that. I like being your friend during the day and being in your arms at night, Kayla. But I want you to know that I want more.

  “And if the only way I can have you is casually, then casual it is. Even so, I will never leave you all alone unless that is what you want. I’ll be your friend and I’ll fill your nights, too…but no more secrets.”

  She stared at him for several moments with that look of hers that made him crazy with lust. He wanted to kiss her, to touch her, to make love to her so badly. But before he could act on his desires he heard popping coming from the stove.

  Addie came back into the kitchen with Sergeant Buck trailing behind her. “Aren’t you supposed to shake it or something?” Addie asked, pointing at the pan.

  He finished the popcorn and Addie scooped up the bowl and headed into the living room with it. As he cleaned up, he could feel Kayla watching him. He shouldn’t have brought all this up today, the day of her mother’s funeral. It just felt like his soul was crying tears of need, and he couldn’t hold them in anymore.

  As he ran water in the sink to wash the pan out and clean off the stove he felt her hand rest gently on his back.

  “No more secrets. I want you, Ronnie. I only asked for casual because I thought that’s what you wanted,” she said. “I missed your friendship after you left and I’m so thankful to have it back, especially now when I need it so badly. But I also need your arms, your kisses and your touch, because I missed that just as desperately.”

  Turning to look at her he could see the truth of her words in her warm brown eyes. He desired her slightly parted lips like he wanted his next breath. Addie called her mom into the next room, interrupting them once again, but he could not keep his eyes off of Kayla as she and Addie strung popcorn and hung it on the tree. When that was done, Addie informed them she was going to bed.

  They heard Addie finish up in the bathroom, coax Sergeant Buck into her bedroom and close the door. Then he watched as Kayla went to the front door and locked it—a clear invitation to stay. He stood up and crossed to where she stood against the door. She was beautiful, with her hair loose and the lights from the Christmas tree sparkling in her eyes.

  He touched her full lips in anticipation, but before he could taste them, she threw her arms around his neck and kissed him with the force of a whirlwind. The spark that had been smoldering for weeks now—since the last time she’d been in his arms—sprang to life like a raging fever.

  When she released him and tried to pull away, he grabbed her hair to hold her still as he rubbed against her. “No secrets? Only the truth, right?” he groaned against her cheek. “The truth is…I love you, Kayla. I want to be with you every second of every day and I want to kiss and touch you every night.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  His words were as distracting as the fe
el of him pressed firmly against her. The few times they had been together had been so good that her body now responded just to his nearness. No one else but Ronnie could do that for her. It was like when a person was truly thirsty and only water could quench that thirst. Though she tried not to seem desperate, she found herself clutching at him in an effort to get closer.

  “I love you, too, Ronnie,” she choked out between bated breaths. Every nerve ending in her body fired at once with a consuming need for him.

  He pulled back from her so he could look her in the eyes. She wanted to cry over the loss of contact with his body but she could only stare back at him instead. Pulling her by the hand, he guided her upstairs to her room, closing the door behind them and dragging her back into his arms.

  “Say it again, Kayla,” he whispered so close to her mouth she leaned in to feel his lips against her own. “I want to hear you crying out that you love me when I pleasure you, not just whimpering my name.”

  “I love you… Please… Whatever you want,” she whispered as she drew his mouth down to hers. His lips were firm against hers and she melted against him before pulling on his shirt until he released her long enough to shrug out of it. Then he was back at her again, using his hands in her hair to maintain the connection of his mouth with hers. She struggled to free him of his clothing while he backed her against the wall next to the door.

  When she finally managed to get his jeans down far enough, he kicked off his shoes and out of the pants. He paused long enough to pull a condom out and cover himself and then went back to kissing her.

  Her hands found his waist and slid around to cup his sculpted bottom so she could pull him to her. The passion in his eyes turned to pure aggressive lust and he gently but firmly pushed her against the wall. He rested his other hand on the wall beside her head.

  Stepping back from her slightly, he said, “Out of the clothes.”

  Unable to look away from his hungry gaze, she reached up with shaking hands to unbutton her blouse. She’d not changed clothes after the funeral, other than discarding her wrap when she’d lain down to rest earlier. He continued to hold her against the wall as his thumb caressed her collarbone. His eyes eventually left hers to follow the progress of her hands against the buttons of the shirt.

  “Faster, Kayla” he breathed. He pressed his forehead to hers and closed his eyes, never releasing his hold on her.

  She got her shirt and bra off, unzipped her long skirt and pushed it down her thighs.

  “Leave the shoes and panties on for now…that is so hot.”

  Once she stepped out of the skirt and was left in nothing but her high heels and panties, his eyes roamed the entire length of her, starting at her feet. When his gaze finally made it back to her eyes, he stared at her for a long moment. Then he captured her mouth in a quick but searing kiss before finally whispering, “Say it again, Kayla.”

  “Please, Ronnie…” she whimpered. “Make love to me.”

  “No. You are supposed to tell me that you love me. Now you will have to wait for it,” he said.

  She cupped her breasts and massaged them until she felt his finger run along the inside band of her panties, near her hip. With a firm yank he pulled them halfway down her thighs, exposing her to his view and the cool night air. Leaning forward as if to kiss her, he instead placed his cheek against hers. “Touch your sweetness, Kayla.”

  The intensity with which he watched as she slid her hand between her legs was as tantalizing as the feel of her fingers. His breathing changed, which also created a physical response in her. The tension made her vision hazy and caused her legs to shake so badly that the movement forced her panties down around her ankles. She stepped out of them and her shoes. Then, without warning, he released her neck and gripped her shoulders, forcing her to turn around and face the wall.

  He slid his hands from her shoulders, down her arms to her hands, which he flattened against the wall.

  “Don’t let go,” he said quietly into her hair.

  She felt one of his muscular legs push its way between her own, forcing her legs apart as though he were about to frisk her. Turning her face to the side and leaning her cheek against the wall, she saw him inspecting her backside much as he had done to her front. A trail of fire followed when his fingers caressed and explored all the places his eyes had seen.

  She could feel his hand guide his erection to where she needed it most. She let out a gasp as he pushed into her. He held himself still within her while his hand slid around her waist and his fingers picked up where hers had left off. Where her touch had been light and gentle, his was firm and relentless, causing her to rock back against him.

  “Say it again, Kayla,” he said, setting a rhythm for them both.

  “I love you. God, Ronnie, I love you so much,” she said, trying to gain a hold on the flat surface of the wall as her body spasmed in ecstasy. That seemed to break the last of his control. He ground himself into her, pushing her whole body forward until the waves of intensity began to subside.

  He suddenly stopped and pulled away from her. When she turned to look at him, he drew her to him and lifted her up, forcing her to wrap her legs around his waist. Then, to her amazement, he walked over and eased them both onto her bed. Reaching between their bodies, he guided himself back inside her.

  “You shouldn’t carry me,” she said in a breathless whisper. “I’m a little too heavy for you to be doing that.”

  “Do you like the way I fuck you, Kayla?” he asked.

  “Yes, you know I do,” she replied breathlessly.

  “Well, I don’t do bony women. I need a soft place to land, someone I can play with who won’t break,” he said, capturing her mouth for a brief kiss before releasing her lips and moving against her. “You are the perfect size, the perfect fit for me, so don’t start telling me what I should or shouldn’t do to your body unless it’s to ask me for more sex.”

  As though to make his point, he pounded into her over and over again until pleasure overtook her.

  “I love you, Kayla,” he whispered, his breath catching as she lay holding his body on top of her own.

  It felt so good to be lying in his arms again, skin on skin. He moved off of her just long enough to dispose of the condom, and then he was back, keeping one heavy leg and one muscled arm draped across her as though to keep her from leaving his side. They lay there, in silence, for several minutes before she looked up at him.

  She couldn’t stop the smile from spreading across her face. He slept…and was even better-looking while dreaming. The fact that he’d put his all into making love to her, even after such a long day, only endeared him to her more.

  * * *

  She awoke to kisses on the back of her neck. Ripples of pleasure spiraled down her back from his hot breath against such delicate skin. Without a word, his hands and mouth worked magic upon her exposed skin until she squirmed against him and attempted to reach behind her to touch him in return. He pushed her hands away and she buried her face in her pillow and moaned in frustration. The cries of frustration turned to sounds of desire, and soon her body was soaring once again.

  He kissed her neck a few more times before whispering, “I should go before Addie gets up, and definitely before my sisters show up for whatever the hell they have planned for you. If you hurry, I’ll make you some coffee before I go.”

  It was then that she realized his hair was wet and he smelled like soap. He’d woken up and dressed while she slept. “Okay, give me ten minutes.”

  She showered and brushed her teeth and made it downstairs in record time. Ronnie sat at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee and a smile. Gathering her robe around her for warmth, she sat down and he leaned over, kissed her and then she wrapped her hands around a cup.

  Everything about him made her want him all over again. His smile was seduction all by itself; his sparkling blue eyes spoke of the most exquisite sin; and the way he kissed her—like he was ready to take her right there—was just too much this early.r />
  “Now who is hiding, stealing away early in the morning to avoid detection. You do know that Addie is completely onto us, right?” she asked.

  “Yeah, I know that, but if my mama or sisters catch me…” he said with his sexy grin.

  “You’re not going grocery shopping with us today?” she asked. When he had worked for her he had taken care of the shopping most of the time.

  “Oh, no. They can handle this by themselves if you aren’t up to it, though. They would understand,” he said.

  “If I turn them down will you stay here with me for another hour or two?” she asked.

  “I have a few things to do today but if you are a good girl and tough it out with my family, I’ll reward you for it later.” He smiled and winked at her as he stood up to leave. He gathered a few things and then loaded the chairs into his truck. With another of his molten kisses he was gone.

  His timing was perfect. Just as she’d dressed and fixed her hair and makeup she heard a knock on the door. Stepping into the hallway, she heard Addie talking to Carrie. Heading downstairs, Kayla showed them into the kitchen and offered them some coffee. They had brought over a turkey and a ham, which Carol stuffed into the refrigerator.

  “Ronnie must have taught you how to make coffee. This stuff will put hair on your chest,” Elaine said, raising her coffee mug in a toast and winking at Kayla. She felt her cheeks warm with embarrassment. So much for Ronnie’s secrets.

  They made a menu of what to have for Christmas dinner along with a grocery list while Addie showered and got ready to go.

  Shopping with the three women was an experience. It looked like they were trying to feed a small army. Was it possible to make that much food in a day and a half? They also talked constantly. With their heavy southern accents, people occasionally stared at them.

  After they returned and put the groceries away, they made all the desserts and prepared as much as they could ahead of time. Addie had taken to working side by side with Carol, watching everything the older woman did to prepare the desserts. Elaine would have a new task ready for Kayla as soon as she finished the previous one, and the time passed quickly.


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