Master of the Senate: The Years of Lyndon Johnson

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Master of the Senate: The Years of Lyndon Johnson Page 167

by Robert A. Caro

  White House Famous Names File (WHFN): This includes correspondence with former presidents and their families, including Johnson correspondence when he was a congressman with Franklin D. Roosevelt.

  Documents Concerning Lyndon B. Johnson from the Papers of Franklin D. Roosevelt, Eleanor Roosevelt, John M. Carmody, Harry L. Hopkins, and Aubrey Williams (FDR-LBJ MF): This microfilm reel was compiled at the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library in Hyde Park and consists of correspondence to and from Johnson found in various PPF and OF files at the Roosevelt Library. Whenever possible, the author has included the file number, by which the original documents can be located at the Roosevelt Library.

  A WORD OF EXPLANATION is necessary about the citations in the Notes that read “Georgia Giant.”

  These citations refer to a three-hour television documentary, “Richard Russell: Georgia Giant,” which aired in 1970 on Cox Broadcasting’s WSB-TV in Atlanta, Georgia. When the citations read “unedited transcript,” they refer to the typed transcript of twenty-five hours of interviews conducted with Russell by the journalist Harold Suit that were filmed for the documentary, mostly on the front porch of the Russell home in Winder. Quotations from this transcript are identified by the number of the reel of film to which the transcript refers. The citations that read “edited transcript” refer to the typed transcript of the three-hour documentary which actually aired. In two instances, Russell is seen on the first hour of the documentary (actually on the first of three videotapes of the program) talking about his father, and the edited transcript does not contain those quotes, so in those two instances the source is cited as “‘Georgia Giant,’ Tape, Part I.” All transcripts are in the Richard B. Russell Library.

  When a citation refers to an “interview conducted by Katharine Graham,” it means one of the interviews that Mrs. Graham conducted for her own book, Personal History, sometimes in conjunction with her researcher, Evelyn Small. Transcripts of these interviews were given to the author by Mrs. Graham.


  Lola Aiken • Bonnie Angelo • James Anton • Rodney Baines • Richard A. Baker • Ross K. Baker • Inspector Leonard H. Ballard • Jean Douglas Bandler Robert Barr • Alan Barth • Joseph Bartlett • Robert T. Bartley • Melinda Baskin • Kenneth E. BeLieu • Merton Bernstein • James Bethke • Roland H. Bibolet • Andrew Biemiller • Rebekah Johnson Bobbitt • Richard Boiling • Paul Bolton • Yolanda Boozer • Bill Bradley • Jim Brady • T. Edward Braswell • Howard Bray • George R. Brown • Herbert Brownell • Marcus Burg • Horace W. Busby • Robert Byrd • John Carlton • John Carver • James Casey • Emanuel Celler • John Chadwick • Brady Chapin • Zara Olds Chapin • Evelyn Chavoor • Bethine Church • Blair Clark • Edward A. Clark • Ramsey Clark • Benjamin V. Cohen • Benjamin Cole • W. Sterling Cole • James P. Coleman • John B. Connally • Nellie Connally • John Sherman Cooper • Thomas J. Corcoran • Ava Johnson Cox • Anne Fears Crawford • William E. Cresswell • Margaret Tucker Culhane • Carl T. Curtis • Lloyd Cutler • Patrick Dahl • William H. Darden • Hadassah Davis • Phil Davis • Willard Deason • Earl Deathe • Harry Dent • Oliver J. Dompierre • Helen Gahagan Douglas • Allen Drury • H. G. Dulaney • Lewis T. (Tex) Easley • Nadine Brammer Eckhardt • Julius G. C. Edelstein • Albert Eisele • Gerry Eller • Alan S. Emory • Grover Ensley • Rowland Evans • Creekmore Fath • Bernard J. Fensterwald • Thomas C. Ferguson • John Finney • O. C. Fisher • Gilbert C. Fite • Abe Fortas • William J. Fulbright • Barbara Gamarekian • David Garth • Sim Gideon • Michael L. Gillette • Tom Glazer • Stella Gliddon • Arthur J. Goldberg • Reuben Goldberg • Arthur (Tex) Goldschmidt • John Goldsmith • Glee Gomien • Ashton Gonella • William Goode • Katharine Graham • Ralph Graves • Kenneth Gray • Bailey Guard • John Gunther • Jack Gwyn • D. B. Hardeman • Bryce Harlow • Lou Harris • Richard Helms • Charles Herring • Pat Holt • John Holton • Alice Hopkins • Welly K. Hopkins • Barbara Howar • Phyllis Hower • Ward Hower • Thomas Hughes • Dr. J. Willis Hurst • Patrick B. Hynes • Edouard V. M. Izac • Eliot Janeway • Elizabeth Janeway • Beth Jenkins • Walter Jenkins • Lady Bird Johnson • Sam Houston Johnson • Herman Jones • James Jones • Luther E. Jones • Gwen Jordan • William H. Jordan Jr. • Seth Kantor • Carroll Keach • Chapman Kelly • Murray Kempton • Mylton (Babe) Kennedy • Vann M. Kennedy • Eugene J. Keogh • Theodore W. Kheel • Joe M. Kilgore • Robert (Barney) Knispel • Fritz Koeniger • Louis Kohlmeier • Henry Kyle • Joseph Laitin • William Lambert • Joseph P. Lash • Trude Lash • Gene Latimer • Anthony Lewis • Oliver Lindig • R. J. (Bob) Long • Kathleen Louchheim • Wingate Lucas • Diana MacArthur • Neil MacNeil • George H. Mahon • Frank Mankiewicz • Gerald C. Mann • Caryl Marsh • Maury Maverick Jr. • Margaret Mayer • Edward A. McCabe • Eugene J. McCarthy • Sarah McClendon • Richard T. McCulley • Frank C. McCulloch • Daniel J. McGillicuddy • Bill McPike • Dale Miller • Powell Moore • Ernest Morgan • Edmund S. Muskie • Roger Newman • John Oakes • John Olds • Dr. Marianne Olds • Frank C. (Posh) Oltorf • Donald Oresman • J. J. (Jake) Pickle • William Proxmire • Edward Puls • Julie Leininger Pycior • Carolina Longoria Quintanilla • Alexander Radin • Richard Rashke • Mary Rather • Joseph L. Rauh Jr. • Elwyn Rayden • Benjamin H. Read • Emmette Redford • George Reedy • Abraham A. Ribicoff • Horace Richards • Floyd Riddick • Donald A. Ritchie • William P. Rogers • Irwin Ross • Elizabeth Rowe • James H. Rowe Jr. • Richard B. Russell III • Darrell St. Claire • Ray Scherer • Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr. • Harry Schnibbe • Budd Schulberg • John Sharnick • Emmet Shelton • Howard E. Shuman • Hugh Sidey • Gerald L. Siegel • E. Babe Smith • Lon Smith • Carl Solberg • Bernard V. Somers • Theodore Sorensen • Natalie Springarn • Jerome Springarn • John L. Steele • Arthur Stehling • Alfred Steinberg • Philip M. Stern • Walter J. Stewart • Steve Stibbens • Elizabeth Stranigan • Marsha Suisse • James L. Sundquist • Mimi Swartz • Stuart Symington • Herman Talmadge • George Tames • J. William Theis • Bernard R. Toon • Dr. Janet G. Travell • Marietta Tree • J. Mark Trice • Margaret Truman • Lyon L. Tyler • Cyrus Vance • Frank Van der Linden • Melwood W. Van Scoyoc • James Van Zandt • William Walton • Delbert C. Ward • Gerald Weatherly • Robert C. Weaver • O. J. Weber • Edwin Weisl Jr. • William Welsh • John Wheeler • Theodore H. White • Vernon Whiteside • Elizabeth Wickenden • Tom Wicker • Claude C. Wild Jr. • Wendy Wolff • Claude E. Wood • Wilton Woods • Warren Woodward • Ralph W. Yarborough • Harold H. Young • Mary Louise Glass Young • Sam Zagoria • Murray Zweben


  Lyndon B. Johnson Library, Austin, Texas

  George D. Aiken, Carl B. Albert, Robert S. Allen, Stewart J. Alsop, Clinton P. Anderson, Eugenie M. Anderson, James Anton, Robert G. (Bobby) Baker, Malcolm Bardwell, Charles E. Bohlen, Richard Boiling, Paul Bolton, Kenneth E. BeLieu, Levette J. (Joe) Berry, Roland Bibolet, Sherman Birdwell, James H. Blundell, Charles K. Boatner, T. Edward Braswell, George R. Brown, Richard Brown, Russell M. Brown, Raymond E. Buck, Cecil E. Burney, Horace W. Busby, Bo Byers, James Cain, Clifton C. Carter, Clifford P. Case, S. Douglass Cater, Emanuel Celler, Oscar L. Chapman, James E. Chudars, Frank Church, Ramsey Clark, Tom C. Clark, Earle C. Clements, Clark Clifford, W. Sterling Cole, James P. Coleman, Donald C. Cook, John Sherman Cooper, John J. Corson, Ben Crider, Ernest Cuneo, Carl T. Curtis, Price Daniel, William H. Darden, Willard Deason, Marjorie Delafield, Helen Gahagan Douglas, Paul H. Douglas, David Dubinsky, Clifford and Virginia Durr, L. T. (Tex) Easley, James O. Eastland, Allen J. Ellender, Virginia Wilke English, Truman and Wilma G. Fawcett, Thomas K. Finletter, Elaine Fischesser, O. C. Fisher, Sam Fore Jr., Abe Fortas, Gordon Fulcher, Hector T. Garcia, Reynaldo G. Garza, Eugene B. Germany, W. Sim Gideon, Irving L. Goldberg, Arthur and Elizabeth Goldschmidt, Ashton Gonella, Callan Graham, Katharine Graham, Walter G. Hall, Bourke B. Hickenlooper, Estelle Harbin, D. B. Hardeman, Robert Hard
esty, Bryce Harlow, Mrs. Jessie Hatcher, Carl Hayden, Richard M. Helms, Charles Herring, Welly K. Hopkins, Welly K. and Alice Hopkins, Ardis C. Hopper, Walter Hornaday, Solis Horwitz, Hubert Humphrey, Henry M. Jackson, Robert M. Jackson, Jake Jacobsen, W. Ervin (Red) James, Leon Jaworski, Walter Jenkins, Alfred T. (Boody) Johnson, Sam Houston Johnson, Luther E. Jones Jr., Marvin Jones, Edward Joseph, Carroll Keach, Jesse Kellam, Mylton L. Kennedy, Sam Kinch Sr., William Knowland, John Fritz Koeniger, Eugenia Boehringer Lasseter, Gene Latimer, Ray Lee, Erich Leinsdorf, Kittie Clyde Leonard, Gould Lincoln, Otto Lindig, C. P. Little, R. J. (Bob) Long, Russell Long, Stuart M. Long, J. C. Looney, Kathleen C. Louchheim, John E. Lyle Jr., Warren Magnuson, George Mahon, Gerald C. Mann, Leonard Marks, Joe Mashman, Margaret Mayer, Sarah McClendon, Frank McCulloch, Ernest W. McFarland, Vicky and Simon McHugh, Marshall McNeil, Harry McPherson, George Meany, Dale and Virginia (Scooter) Miller, Clarence Mitchell, A. S. (Mike) Monroney, Booth Mooney, Powell Moore, Robert W. Murphey, Dorothy J. Nichols, Frank C. (Posh) Oltorf, Wright Patman, Harvey O. Payne, Drew Pearson, Arthur C. Perry, J. J. (Jake) Pickle, W. Robert Poage, Ella SoRelle Porter, Paul A. Porter, Harry Provence, William Proxmire, Graham Purcell, Daniel J. Quill, Mary Rather, Joseph L. Rauh Jr., Benjamin H. Read, Cecil Redford, Emmette S. Redford, George E. Reedy Jr., Horace E. Richards, Chalmers M. Roberts, A. Willis Robertson, Fenner Roth, Payne Rountree, Leverett Saltonstall, Harold Barefoot Sanders, Josefa Baines Saunders, Norbert A. Schlei, Arthur Schlesinger, Emmett Shelton, Polk and Nell Shelton, Hugh Sidey, Gerald W. Siegel, Margaret Chase Smith, Anthony M. Solomon, John Sparkman, Max and Evelyn Starcke, John C. Stennis, Sam V. Stone, O. B. Summy, James L. Sundquist, Stuart Symington, Herman E. Talmadge, Willie Day Taylor, J. William Theis, Strom Thurmond, Bascom N. Timmons, Grace Tully, Mary Margaret Wiley Valenti, Carl Vinson, H. Jerry Voorhis, Harfield Weedin, Edwin L. Weisl Jr., Edwin L. Weisl Sr., June White (Mrs. William S. White), William S. White, R. Vernon Whiteside, Tom G. Wicker, James Russell Wiggins, Claude C. Wild Sr., Roy Wilkins, Glen and Marie Wilson, Wilton Woods, Warren G. Woodward, James C. Wright Jr., Zephyr Wright, Milton R. Young.

  United States Senate Oral History Program, Senate Historical Office

  Leonard H. Ballard, Roy L. Elson, Grover W. Ensley, Pat M. Holt, Carl M. Marcy, Stewart E. McClure, Jesse R. Nichols, Scott I. Peek, Warren Featherstone Reid, Floyd M. Riddick, Darrell St. Claire, Dorothye G. Scott, Howard E. Shuman, George A. Smathers, George Tames, J. William Theis, Rein J. Vanderzee.

  Dwight D. Eisenhower Library, Abilene, Kansas

  George Aiken, Jack Z. Anderson, John Bricker, Herbert Brownell, Prescott Bush, Ralph Flanders, Barry Goldwater, Andrew J. Goodpaster, Homer Gruenther, Bryce Harlow, Robert C. Hill, Jacob Javits, Kenneth B. Keating, William F. Knowland, Edward A. McCabe, L. Arthur Minnich, Gerald Morgan, E. Frederick Morrow, Maxwell Rabb.

  Sam Rayburn Library, Bonham, Texas

  Carl Albert, Robert S. Allen, Robert T. Bartley, John Brademas, Cecil Dickson, H. G. Dulaney, John Holton, Walter K. Jenkins, Lady Bird Johnson.

  Richard Brevard Russell Memorial Library

  University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia

  Harry F. Byrd Jr., Robert Byrd, Lawton Miller Calhoun, John Thomas Carlton, Earl Cocke Jr., George W. Darden, William H. Darden, Robert Mark Dunahoo, James O. Eastland, Allen Ellender, Sam J. Ervin Jr., Luck Coleman Flanders Gambrell, Spenser M. Grayson, Mary Willie Russell Green, Roy Vincent Harris, Roman Lee Hruska, Hubert H. Humphrey, Lady Bird Johnson, Felton Johnston, Wayne P. Kelly Jr., Earl T. Leonard, Russell B. Long, Mike Mansfield, Powell Moore, Richard Nixon, Patience Russell Peterson, William Proxmire, Barboura Raesly, Dean Rusk, Fielding B. Russell, Reverend Henry Edward Russell, Leverett Saltonstall, Carl Sanders, George Smathers, Clara Smith, Jack Spain, Ina Russell Stacy, Betty Talmadge, Strom Thurmond, Robert Troutman Jr., Samuel E. Vandiver Jr., Cash Williams.


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  Adams, Henry. History of the United States of America During the Administrations of Jefferson and Madison. New York: Library of America, 1986.

  Alsop, Joseph, and Turner Catledge. The 168 Days. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1937.

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  Alsop, Stewart. The Center: People and Power in Political Washington. New York: Harper & Row, 1968.

  Ambrose, Stephen E. Eisenhower, Vol. II, The President. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1984.

  Anderson, Clinton P., with Milton Viorst. Outsider in the Senate: Senator Clinton Anderson's Memoirs. New York: World Publishing, 1970.

  Anderson, J. W. Eisenhower, Brownell, and the Congress: The Tangled Origins of the Civil Rights Bill of 1956–1957. University, Ala.: University of Alabama Press, 1964.

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  Baker, Russell. The Good Times. New York: Signet, 1992.

  Barkley, Alben W. That Reminds Me. Garden City, N.Y: Doubleday, 1954.

  Bass, Jack, and Marilyn W. Thompson. Ol' Strom: An Unauthorized Biography of Strom Thurmond. Atlanta: Longstreet, 1998.

  Bearss, Edwin C. Historic Resource Study … Lyndon B. Johnson National Historic Site, Blanco and Gillespie Counties, Texas. Denver: U.S. Dept. of Interior, National Park Service, 1971.

  BeLieu, Kenneth E. The Captains and the Kings. Baltimore: Gateway Press, 1999.

  Berry, Margaret C. The University of Texas: A Pictorial Account of Its First Century. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1980.

  Beschloss, Michael R., Reaching for Glory: Lyndon Johnson's Secret White House Tapes, 1964–1965. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2001.

  Beschloss, Michael R., Taking Charge: The Johnson White House Tapes, 1963–1964. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1997.

  Bohlen, Charles E. Witness to History: 1959–1969. New York: W. W. Norton, 1973.

  Bolling, Richard. Power in the House. New York: Dutton, 1968.

  Bone, Hugh A. Party Committees and National Politics. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1960.

  Branch, Taylor. Parting the Waters: America in the King Years, 1954–1963. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1988.

  Brownell, Herbert, with John P. Burke. Advising Ike: The Memoirs of Attorney General Herbert Brownell. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 1993.

  Burdette, Franklin L. Filibustering in the Senate. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1940.

  Burns, James MacGregor. The Crosswinds of Freedom. New York: Knopf, 1989.

  Burns, James MacGregor. Roosevelt: The Lion and the Fox, 1882–1940. New York: Harcourt Brace and Co., 1962.

  Burns, James MacGregor. Roosevelt: The Soldier of Freedom, 1940–1945. San Diego: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1970.

  Burns, James MacGregor. The Vineyard of Liberty. New York: Knopf, 1982.

  Burns, James MacGregor. The Workshop of Democracy. New York: Knopf, 1985.

  Burns, Vincent G. Out of These Chains. Los Angeles: New World Books, 1942.

  Byrd, Robert C. The Senate, 1789–1989: Addresses on the History of the U.S. Senate, Vols. I and II; Historical Statistics, 1789–1792, Vol. III. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1988–93.

  Califano, Joseph A., Jr. The Triumph and Tragedy of
Lyndon Johnson: The White House Years. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1991.

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  Caro, Robert A. The Path to Power: The Years of Lyndon Johnson, Vol. I. New York: Knopf, 1982.

  Carrey, Johnny, Cort Conlay, and Ace Barton. Snake River of Hells Canyon. Cambridge, Idaho: Backeddy, 1978.

  Chandler, David Leon. The Natural Superiority of Southern Politicians: A Revisionist History. Garden City, N.Y: Doubleday, 1977.

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  Clark, Joseph S. Congress: The Sapless Branch. New York: Harper & Row, 1964.

  Cohodas, Nadine. Strom Thurmond and the Politics of Southern Change. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1993.

  Connally, John, with Mickey Herskowitz. In History's Shadow: An American Odyssey. New York: Hyperion, 1993.

  Crawford, Ann Fears, and Jack Keever. John B. Connally: Portrait in Power. Austin: Jenkins Publishing Co., 1973.

  Dallek, Robert. Lone Star Rising: Lyndon Johnson and His Times, 1908–1960. New York: Oxford University Press, 1991.

  Davie, Michael. LBJ: A Foreign Observer's Viewpoint. New York: Duell, Sloan, and Pearce, 1966.

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