The Swarm Trilogy

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The Swarm Trilogy Page 25

by Megg Jensen

  I tried to hold my anger in. The fires burned hard inside me. Now that I was separate from Chase, there was nothing holding me back. “You tried to kill me and gravely injured my sister instead. What makes you think I’d go anywhere near you?”

  Kellan tossed his head back and laughed. “You were always such a little girl until your magic took hold of you. I can see it now, how much you’ve changed. You’re a woman now, Lianne, a woman I’d be proud to hold in my arms.”

  I stalked over to Kellan and placed my palm flat on his chest. “You think so? You really think you know me now?” I traced down his arm with a finger from my other hand. Goosebumps rose on his skin. I pressed against him, and felt his body respond to mine. Kellan’s arm circled around my waist, a low growl emanated from his throat. “I’m not a virgin anymore, Kellan. I know what it’s like to be with a man.”

  He snorted. “Bryden isn’t a whole man. Once you experience what it’s like to be with someone like me, you’ll never want anyone else.”

  “Really?” I purred. “Is that what Albree thought when she gave you up for the king? Weren’t you man enough for her?”

  Kellan’s other hand wrapped itself around the back of my neck with a hard squeeze. It wasn’t a movement of lust, it was a warning. I wasn’t stupid enough to miss that.

  “It was part of our plan. You know that. No woman would leave me for another man, particularly not someone fat and old like the king. I may have tried to kill you, Lianne, but I’ll never forget how you killed Albree. It enraged me almost as much as it turned me on.”

  His hand slithered up my neck and ran through my hair. He yanked on my curls, pulling my head backward and exposing my neck. I concentrated on my breath, keeping it even. I almost had him where I wanted him.

  His mouth dropped to my neck, kissing me, tenderly at first, and then, with a passion I might have returned a few short months ago. I pressed myself against him harder, hoping to convince him I was giving in to his advances. His hips grinded against me, and that’s when I knew he was convinced. I could feel his desire.

  In one swift motion, I rammed my knee into his crotch. Kellan’s lips yanked away from my neck. He reeled backward. I raised a hand, concentrated hard, and pushed him into the mirror with my magic. It shattered in tiny shards all around him.

  “You bitch! What do you think you’re doing?” he screamed. Blood poured from the back of his head, down onto his shirt.

  “What else did you expect me to do? Give in to you? Are you really so conceited?”

  I kept my hand up in the air, building an invisible wall between us. Kellan wasn’t in any condition to move, but I wouldn’t give him access to me at all. He had magic too, and unless something had changed in the time we’d been apart he didn’t know how to use it. I doubted anyone here would teach him. They wanted him for his breeding potential. I was sure they didn’t want him actually using any of it. No matter how convincing his swagger, he was a prisoner here as much as I was.

  “Lianne, please.” He held out a bloody hand to me. “Don’t let me die. I know it’s not in you. You may try to convince everyone that you’re so tough, but I know you. I’ve held you in the dark of night. I know you have fears just like the rest of us.”

  I dropped my hand, sure the invisible wall would hold. At least I hoped it would. “You’re right, Kellan. I don’t like hurting people, but I won’t allow anyone to take me against my will. Do you understand that? I won’t start a fight, but I will always defend myself and those I love.”

  “You loved me once.” Kellan’s voice cracked. “Can’t you ever find it in yourself to love me again?” Then he leaped at me, his hands outstretched toward me. He pulled his right arm back, cocked to punch me in the face. My magical wall held, blocking him and thrusting him backward again.

  The force of the blow sent him flying. This time his head cracked against the heavy wooden wardrobe. His eyes closed and his body slid down to the floor.

  “Now how the hell do I get out of here?” I asked myself.

  Chapter Fourteen

  I opened the door, and before jumping out into the hallway, I listened for any noises that could indicate someone was in the hallway. Silence screamed at me, begging me to get out of the room as fast as I could. With a quick sigh of relief, I pulled the door open all the way. I stuck my head out and looked both ways. Again, nothing. Maybe they’d figured they’d give Kellan and me some time alone to do our business. I crept into the hall.

  Did they really think that I’d give in to him so easily? Did most of the girls here give up and accept their fate? I couldn’t even fathom it.

  A burst of light thrust out of the room I’d just left. I slammed my back against the wall and inched back toward the room. Whoever it was knew how to use magic and they were in my room. I could only hope it was someone looking for me. I wasn’t too cocky to admit I needed some help.


  My heart leapt and I ran back to the room. I flung the door open. Bryden stood next to a glowing portal in the room.

  “How did you get here? How did you know where I was?” I ran into his open arms. My lips landed on his, burning with desire. “They wanted me to make babies with him.” I motioned over Bryden’s shoulder. Instead of pointing at Kellan, my fingertip pointed at Chase walking through the portal. He snapped his fingers together, closing it.

  Bryden looked at Chase and then back at me, his eyebrow cocked toward the ceiling.

  “Not him.” I shook my head. “Him.” I pointed in the same direction, but this time both Chase and Bryden saw Kellan lying on the floor. He started to stir. I was glad he wasn’t dead, but I had hoped he’d be out longer than that.

  Chase leaned over and grabbed Kellan by the collar. He jerked Kellan up to standing, then threw him against the wall. Chase’s grip didn’t relent. He pushed Kellan up the wall until Kellan’s feet dangled a couple inches above the floor.

  Chase stuck his nose into Kellan’s face. “If you ever lay a hand on her again, I’ll kill you with my bare hands.”

  Bryden’s arms tightened around me. I kissed him on the cheek. I couldn’t imagine how he was feeling. He had to watch Chase rough up the one guy who’d always stood between us. Bryden never had a chance to get his own hands on Kellan for the things he’d done and I knew he wanted nothing more than to hurt Kellan.

  “Drop him, Chase,” Bryden said. “Looks like Lianne already took care of herself.”

  Kellan looked from Bryden to Chase. “Is this your hired dog?” Kellan asked Bryden. “You’d need one. It must be hard to be a cripple. You’re probably not even able to fully please Lianne. If only she knew what it was like to be with a real man.”

  Bryden’s arms dropped from my waist. He turned toward Kellan, clenching his fists. I placed a hand on his shoulder. “Don’t. He’s not worth it.”

  Bryden shrugged my hand off his shoulder. Chase dropped Kellan’s feet to the floor and stepped back. Stupid men and their egos.

  “You don’t need to do anything. He’s neutralized,” I insisted. “If he could access his magic, he would have by now. I don’t think we have anything to fear from him.”

  Kellan squinted one eye and pointed at Bryden with his index finger. “Except you. You have everything to fear, don’t you? You’ve always feared me, you insignificant little maggot. You won her by default. If any other guy would have been interested in her, she’d be in his arms.” Kellan gestured toward Chase. “Like this guy. He’s more Lianne’s type. Tall, strong,” he paused and smiled, “whole.”

  Bryden glanced at Chase. I saw the look in his eyes. He was jealous of Chase. I grabbed Bryden’s arm. “Don’t let him get to you. He’s only trying to bait you into a fight.”

  But Bryden wouldn’t relax. He continued to stare at Chase while Kellan laughed manically. “So, it’s true, isn’t it? You’re afraid Lianne will really want him. When all of this calms down and life goes back to normal. Who do you think Lianne will choose? You or him?”

  Bryden raise
d his arm toward Kellan.

  “That’s all you’ve got, isn’t it? A little magic? You’ll always be weak, Bryden.”

  Bryden rushed at Kellan, moving as if he’d never been injured as a child. His legs worked together in perfect harmony. Kellan’s eyes grew wide when Bryden’s fist streaked through the air, landing squarely on his jaw. He slipped to the floor, knocked out again.

  “How did you do that?” I asked, stunned. Bryden spun around to face me. “I mean, your leg. I just saw you last night and you were hurting so much. What changed?”

  Bryden glanced at Chase and back at me. “His friend gave me something. It’s helping a bit.”

  “Johna?” I asked Chase. He nodded, but wouldn’t meet my eyes. “Wow, impressive. I didn’t realize her expertise with herbs was so expansive. Or is it magic?”

  “It’s not magic,” Bryden said through gritted teeth. “It’s a concoction she had me drink. It won’t last forever – but it will last long enough.”

  “Long enough for what?” I asked.

  Bryden stalked over to my side. He wouldn’t look at Chase or at me. Chase stared at the ceiling.

  “What aren’t you two telling me?” I asked.

  “It’s nothing, Lianne. Just trust me, okay?” Bryden loped an arm around my shoulders. I melted into him, not caring how he’d changed physically. I loved him before and I’d still love him when it wore off. I just hoped he knew that.

  “Of course I trust you.” I gave him a quick peck on the cheek. It felt weird to do it in front of Chase, but I wanted Bryden, and Chase, to know exactly where my heart laid. I couldn’t imagine Chase had told Bryden how he felt about me. If he had, I doubted Bryden would have been working with him so easily. “Now, what’s the plan? Do we take a portal out of here back to the tree house community?”

  “We can’t,” Chase said. “Any portal created here will lead them directly to our hiding spot. We have to get out of the castle somehow. Then I can do it where they won’t detect it. It’s too dangerous here.”

  A dark cloud passed over Chase’s expression. “If you would have stayed in the cottage like I told you, then none of this would have happened. Are you always so impetuous and unwilling to think of how your actions affect everyone else?”

  I stood, silent, and stunned. He had no right to dress me down. I’d done everything he’d asked up until that moment. My life had been ripped away from me, more than once. I’d chosen to trust him and this was how he dared to treat me? Even now I thought he was working against me.

  I lurched forward. “Why you, son-of-a —”

  Bryden grabbed my arm. My instincts urged me to punch Chase in the gut.

  Then Bryden laughed. “Apparently you don’t know Lianne that well yet. She doesn’t exactly follow orders from anyone.”

  I relaxed and Chase smiled. “You’re right, Bryden. And, Lianne, I’m sorry I didn’t make things easier for you. Besides, I never should have left you unguarded. That’s my fault.”

  “I don’t need a guardian,” I said, trying to stop the anger from rising again. Just because I was a girl they thought I couldn’t take care of myself. Well, I could. Kellan had been unconscious when they arrived. I’d already begun my escape. “I don’t need your help.”

  “Really?” Chase asked. “Just where were you headed then? Do you know your way out of here?”

  My fists tightened at my side. “Shut. Up.”

  “What she means to say is that she would have figured it out,” Bryden said. It wasn’t just Chase I wanted to punch at that moment.

  “I can take care of myself. I don’t require the assistance of two pompous men.”

  Chase and Bryden looked at each other, then looked back at me.

  “But will you accept our help if it’s offered?” Chase asked. “Now that we’re here, we just can’t leave the way we came. We have to get out of here too. Stop being so damn stubborn and say ‘thank you, I’d like to try my luck with the two of you.’”

  I mumbled an answer under my breath.

  “What was that?” Chase asked. Bryden stayed silent. He knew not to bait me. Obviously Chase hadn’t figured that out yet.

  “Why are we just standing here?” I asked. “Let’s go. I want out of this place.”

  “You’re too proud,” Chase said.

  “You’re too stupid to know when to shut up.” I clenched my jaw.

  Bryden grabbed my hand before I could use it to seriously harm Chase. “Lianne’s right. We’ve spent enough time talking. Can you show us the way out, Chase?”

  I glared at him, waiting for his answer. I had to know if it was true, that he’d spent time here before, I just couldn’t bring myself to ask him directly. I wanted more than anything, for him to say no, that we had to explore and figure it out as we went.

  “I can,” Chase said, “this way.”

  Any tiny nugget of trust I had in him imploded. Mayvis hadn’t lied. Chase knew the way out, which proved he had lived here before.

  Chapter Fifteen

  We followed Chase into the hallway, my hand firmly encased in Bryden’s. I was dying to know what Johna had done for him. Neither of them had been willing to tell me much more than they already had. I couldn’t ask now, though. We had to get out of the castle before anyone found us. My heartbeat was the loudest noise in the hall.

  “Did you bring along those cloaks that make us invisible?” I whispered to Chase, sure he’d conveniently forgotten them when he got Bryden. Why bring them if he was just aiming to set us up? Unfortunately I didn’t have another plan. The only thing I could do was follow along. Without him, Bryden and I were stranded. Maybe we could use him to our advantage somehow. I just wish I knew what that was ahead of time.

  “I didn’t. There wasn’t time to grab them. I had to get Bryden and get out of there,” he said. Of course there wasn’t time. That would be too convenient. He couldn’t take two minutes to get the one thing that could help us escape quickly. Of course not.

  “Where do we go from here?” Bryden looked at Chase, no suspicion in his eyes or demeanor as far as I could tell. Bryden wasn’t the kind to trust someone so easily. I just wish I knew why he’d chosen to trust Chase. I hoped it wasn’t because he thought Chase was on my side. I knew he wasn’t. That had been confirmed. I just didn’t know how to tell Bryden in front of Chase. This was one secret I had to hold close to my chest for now.

  “We’re going to exit this level of the castle. Most everyone here is asleep right now. It’s still early and many of them have been up late, um…” he paused, “…doing whatever it is they do in the breeding ward. Once we get out of here, we’ll head down to the kitchen. That’s the safest way out.”

  “The kitchen?” I asked. “Even if the others are still asleep, the kitchen will be filled with servants getting everything ready for the day. Don’t forget, I grew up in a castle. I know exactly how these things work. Don’t try to fool me.”

  Chase stopped abruptly. Bryden bumped into him and I bumped into Bryden. Chase’s eyes searched mine. “Fool you? Why would I try to fool you? I’m trying to get your butt out of here. What are you talking about?”

  “Nothing,” I mumbled under my breath. I would have kicked myself if I could. I had to be more careful what I said around him. He didn’t need to know I was suspicious yet.

  “We’ll go through the kitchen because the slaves are more likely to turn a blind eye to us than the guards at the front of the castle would be. It’s possible someone in there might even help us.”

  I wanted to snort, but kept my opinions to myself. Chase thought he had it all figured out. Deep down I feared he was leading us into a trap, but I didn’t know how to find a way out of it. I could only hope that every step closer to the outside of the castle would mean freedom for Bryden and me.

  “Okay, sorry,” I said. Chase turned his back on us again, leading the way. Bryden looked at me, his eyes wide. He squeezed my hand. I squeezed back, but maybe not as hard as I should have to reassure him.

; Are you okay? He mouthed to me.

  I shrugged my shoulders, then pointed toward Chase. Do you trust him? I mouthed back.

  Bryden nodded his head. His eyebrows crinkled as he stared harder at me. Trust me. Trust Chase.

  He squeezed my hand again. I wanted to ask a million questions. I wanted to know why he trusted Chase so easily, so quickly, when it took him years to trust in our friendship. Had Chase done something to convince Bryden? What were they withholding from me?

  I pulled my hand from Bryden’s. He shook his head, but didn’t try to grab it back. At that moment, Chase turned around.

  “Are you two coming?” he whispered. I hadn’t realized it, but Bryden and I had stopped following him. “We need to get out of here as quickly as we can.”

  “Yes,” Bryden whispered back. “C’mon, Lianne.”

  I stood still for only a moment. A million voices swirled in my head, but I couldn’t rationalize or make sense of any of them. The only thing I could do was put one foot in front of the other, follow these two men who both claimed to love me, yet seemed to implicitly trust each other.

  I nodded, but didn’t put my hand back in Bryden’s. Until I knew what was going on between the two of them, I didn’t feel like I could trust either one as much as I wanted to. Chase nodded, with his index finger over his lips. I pressed my lips together. Not in an effort to stop myself from talking, but only to prove to both of them that I was listening and following their directions.

  At least for now.

  Chase disappeared into the stone staircase. Bryden followed right behind him, still no evidence of the limp. I took a deep breath and followed them in.

  To my surprise, we didn’t run into one person on the way. Chase pulled aside another tapestry and we slipped out into the steaming kitchen. The smell of oatmeal comforted my senses, reminding me of lazy mornings spent with Mags and her boys. Mingling with it was the essence of orange and lemon. My mouth watered at the same time my stomach growled. I hadn’t eaten yet. Now I was dying to.


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