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Jade Page 4

by Rose Montague

  “Oh, dear Lord,” Lily said from the doorway of my room. It did look like a war zone. Both nurses were being attended to, I didn’t know if they would survive, but I could sense they were both still alive.

  Chapter Eight

  The hospital had a decontamination room and we used it. Zombie goo gets into just about everything and the smell does not go away, even years afterward. I had broken my gun down for cleaning but that stuff had gotten into it, in the end it had to be disabled and disposed of. I wanted to keep my boots as well but no, they were also beyond help. The only thing I was able to salvage was the dagger, no smell or zombie stuff clung to it, the sheath however was also beyond saving.

  The de-con process is not fun. Shifters are not hung up on nudity as it is the nature of the beast. I let Markus go ahead of me, a fine-looking man and it kept my mind off the various chemicals in the shower. Nurses in de-con suits helped with the scrubbing, pretty embarrassing really, even for shifters. We went through twice before we were given the all clear. They told me the entire floor was now closed it would be a long process before it was completely cleaned. Both nurses were still living, even the one who had lost an arm. It was almost a miracle. Quick action by her coworkers had saved her. They would now go through a series of shots, medications, and antibiotics to cleanse their bodies of any toxins picked up from being bitten by a zombie, not a fun process either. Left untreated they would die.

  Markus and I were given some hospital scrubs and rubber-soled slippers to wear; neither of us had a change of clothes. That is how I finally left the hospital several hours later, dagger duck taped to my right calf, under the scrubs.

  * * * *

  Rolfe had picked me up and taken me to the station to file my report. I was getting some strange looks. Most of them had not met me yet but my reputation was getting around.

  Being in scrubs without any undergarments was also something I was not too happy with, but Rolfe told me the Captain insisted I file the report immediately and he wanted to meet with both of us afterward.

  Tap….tap….tap…..click. “How do you spell putrification?”, I asked. Rolfe was getting impatient with my progress.

  “Just let me type it,” he said. “You talk and I will type.”

  It was amusing to say the least, I could see he was going to be the one doing most of the reports, I simply had no experience with them and he just didn’t have the patience to wait.

  “It’s interesting,” I said as he finished the report. “You have in addition to vamps, the involvement of the fae, and now probably a Necromancer, a highly-talented member of the witch community. And not just any fae, but one capable of some really good glamour and a defensive shield that was top notch. An ‘inner court’ fae, almost certainly.”

  “Politics and power,” Rolfe responded. “There is some strategy, some vamp game going on behind the scenes. Only now it appears we upset that strategy and caused them some real damage for them to make two attempts to kill us. Knowing vamps, they will not give up. We are on a limited time line here. We need to get to the top of the food chain quickly, before they get lucky. I called James, he is getting us in to see the master vamp, Luca, earlier than planned and the Captain has assigned a couple of FBI agents to stay with us twenty four hours a day. That is what this meeting is about.”

  I had met the Captain my first day, a no nonsense, highly-capable man, used to being in charge. He introduced us to the FBI agents, members of the FBI paranormal team, Sarah and Chris. Sarah was a witch, a strong one. Chris was also a witch specializing in touch magic. He could get impressions from touching objects found at a crime scene, a very valuable talent to have as an agent. Both were familiar with shifters and the Captain had introduced them as being one of the FBI’s best field teams. Witches seem to dominate the FBI’s paranormal division, for them it is a respected career path.

  We brought both them and the Captain up to date on the events of the day along with our plans for the next few days. It was decided that we would skip the interview with the rescued girl, the FBI agents had assured us there was nothing further to be learned from her. They would go with us to meet with Luca and the Captain was getting the Mayor to set up an interview with the head of the local fae community, a highly ranking Summer Court fae named Kaosium.

  Both Sarah and Chris had some concerns about me staying with Lily and Emily at my place, saying I would just be exposing them to possible attack. We decided that I would sleep at one of the FBI safe houses in the city tonight. Sarah also had concerns about our plans tomorrow to help with Emily’s first shift but Rolfe was able to persuade them that it was needed. So far, the only members of the Supe community that we had not seen involved were the shifters and James would make sure that the borders of his territory were protected and had already aided us in getting this meeting with Luca. I was thinking Sarah could be a big help setting those wards I planned as well, it was a lot of territory we were planning to encircle.

  Sarah had some questions about the warding. Rolfe had showed her a map indicating the area we would cover. “You are talking almost fifty square miles of territory,” she said. “I have never seen a ward that could cover even five.”

  I knew she could sense I had very powerful magic. Despite my shielding, it was the nature of my beast and impossible to fully conceal. She wasn’t exactly a slouch in the power department either from what I could sense.

  “It is something I picked up a few years ago, not a very powerful ward, just a ‘nothing-of-interest-to-see-this-way, try-somewhere-else’ spell. We simply set up about a dozen power stations to fuel the spell for a night and connect them in a relay system of lines running between these points of power. The lines are thin but carry the spell. For a new wolf following her instincts it should be enough to discourage her from heading in a direction that has nothing of interest for her. Rolfe has already marked the points of the map in a big circle which would be a good place to set up the power stations. Once set, the spell can be activated from any of these power stations, the nature of the spell connects them.”

  “Where did you train?” she asked.

  Witches have schools for training, some very advanced depending on the knowledge and training of the witch involved. Most witches attend training sessions at these schools off and on for their entire life.

  “I had a good teacher,” I replied. “Nothing formal in my education.”

  I could see she was not satisfied and still curious but wasn’t going to push it further.

  “Well, I look forward to learning this method. It is something I have never seen done before.”

  I had to stop back by at my place for a change of clothes and yet another handgun. This is number three, I thought to myself. Number one was still in the possession of the department, doubtful I would get that back anytime soon. Day two and on my third gun, I was glad I had a tendency to overstock. Last pair of boots, I thought as I put them on, and no more black bras. I liked wearing black slacks and a white blouse with a black bra, for this one I wore a black blouse and a white bra. It didn’t make me as happy as the other way around. I had some shopping to do when I next had time.

  I slipped my iron dagger into my left boot and got a new sheath for the dagger of darkness going into my right boot, a reasonably good fit. The FBI crew was in the living room with Hans, Lily, and Emily. Hans had told me Markus was exhausted from his change and the fight today, and was getting some down time. Rolfe was guarding the door, we were still targets, surely. It had taken me only a few minutes to change, Sarah looked surprised. She had been telling Lily that she would be assisting with the wards tomorrow and helping with additional security during Emily’s first run.

  Six-shot espresso, a handful of chocolates to eat on the way, ground Emily real quick, and I was good to go.

  The FBI agents were driving this time, Chris had gotten a bad feeling when he touched Rolfe’s car door. We left the car behind with the bomb squad checking it out. Rolfe told me this was getting old real fast. I remarke
d that he wasn’t the one who had gotten shot three times or had to tangle with three zombies. Things come in threes he said and told me I had one more set of three to go.

  * * * *

  James was waiting for us when we pulled up to Luca’s home, a one-hundred-and-fifty-year-old mini mansion, plantation style in the old yet still fashionable section of Winston. Vamps are fond of old things and old architecture, usually the older the better. Makes them think of happier, less regulated times, I was certain. The fact that many of them had grown up centuries ago probably contributed to this as well.

  Luca answered the door himself and I saw no sign of guards or attendants. This would be considered virtually unheard of with most vamp masters who like to show off their power and prestige.

  “Welcome, welcome to my humble home,” he said, giving James a quick handshake. “Rolfe, it has been years since I have had the great fortune of your company. Please introduce me to the rest of your team.”

  I noticed he didn’t step fully outside, it was not yet sunset after all, perhaps somewhat explaining the lack of others about, although most vamp masters had at least human day security in place.

  Rolfe quickly made introductions and Luca shook hands all around, stumbling slightly when he shook my hand and recognized my vamp nature.

  “Well, this is really getting interesting,” he said. “Please come in.”

  Luca introduced us to his human servant, Bruce, who offered us coffee or tea, of which Sarah and I both accepted on the coffee part. It was a really fine blend, full and dark, I even asked for the name brand to add to my collection. Typical southern niceties done, James asked Luca for his opinion on the present situation.

  “This series of human murders and disappearances has the entire vamp community in the Capitol on edge,” Luca said. “I have spoken with the other two masters of the city and they are at a loss to explain it. As I told your Captain when he called to see if I wanted to claim the vamps in your custody as mine, I just don’t see the logic. Think about it, this almost seems designed to get the vamps cast out or hunted down, why would we want that? No, I suspect it is a fae plot to rid the city of vamps so they can expand what little they were left with after the fae wars.”

  Sarah said, “Yes that would make sense, except signs of vamps are found with almost every disappearance and five of them were involved with kidnapping and murder at yesterday’s crime scene.”

  “It is a mystery but let me say this,” Luca responded. “I happen to personally know two of the vamps involved, and they are newly turned and very easily glamoured by a powerful fae. The third one, the short and rather plump one by the Captain’s description is one I don’t know and he may be the key to your case.”

  Luca had made another good point. It was true that newly-turned vamps were easily swayed by a powerful glamour.

  Chris added, “We can offer those two a deal if you think they were used, Luca. Our team is in charge of the interrogation of those three and I believe we can get our boss to work something out with the DA.”

  “I am just about as certain of those two as I can be without admitting they are a part of my group,” Luca said. “Please let me know if such a deal is made with these two, it may be that I find their names on my roster after all.” He turned to me. “Young lady,” he said. “It would please me greatly if you allow me to come calling. I feel a real connection, something within you we can explore together.”

  Wow, I thought. Master of city asks me for a date on day two. Got to love it. Rolfe was pretty tense all of a sudden. Pretty darn hilarious.

  “Why, Luca,” I said. “I am really flattered by your attentions. My plate is rather full at the moment, but perhaps if I take your number?”

  “With pleasure,” he said.

  Chapter Nine

  Sarah said, “You’re not really going out with that vamp are you, Smith?”

  I let my fangs out and smiled at her. Sarah issued a small squeak and tried to move back through the booth we were seated in. A waitress approaching a table near ours dropped the entire load of food she was carrying on the floor. I retracted my fangs.

  Rolfe put his head on the table. “God, Smith, you are such a screw up sometimes.”

  Witches were mostly human and, like most humans, had an instinctive fear of vamps. I hadn’t thought about that. We had stopped at a Breakfast Served, a chain that served breakfast all day and all night long. We had just sat down and I had already gulped down a cup of coffee from the pot that same waitress had set down on the table when we were seated. The manager came over and asked us to leave. I offered to pay for the food but the manager just ignored me and showed us to the door.

  As we got back in the car I told Sarah I was sorry.

  “Jesus, Smith,” she said. “What the hell are you? If we are going to work together, I need to know these things.”

  “I little bit of this and that,” I responded, embarrassed over my stupidity. I guess I had not taken the implied vamp insult well and just didn’t anticipate the possible consequences.” Some of everything, basically,” I said. “Vamp, fae, Witch, Shifter and who knows what else. I am really sorry.”

  “Well,” Sarah said, “I apologize for what I said as well. Guess I can’t blame you, but you could have just told me.”

  Chris thought the whole thing was amusing. “We will find a drive thru,” he said.

  I didn’t say anything about my special dietary needs, I had caused enough trouble already. At that point both Chris and Rolfe got a call on their cell phones, a discordant harmony of ring tones.

  While they talked, Sarah asked, “I am still curious, Smith, even if I didn’t say it the right way.”

  “My vamp side finds him very interesting,” I answered, glancing at Rolfe out of the corner of my eye. He was ignoring me, although I was certain he had heard what I said.

  “Looks like food is on hold, for now,” he said. “If we want to see Kaosium we need to go now. He’s got some event in Faerie he has to attend in an hour.”

  Chris had finished his call as well and they both filled us in on the news. “Another crime scene,” Chris said. “A family of five sitting down for dinner and vamps rushed in and grabbed four of them, leaving behind a ten-year-old boy.”

  “This sounds like the same pattern,” Sarah said. “Leave a witness behind to point out that vamps were involved.”

  “The people of the city are getting tired of it,” Rolfe added. “I got news that one of the youth gangs just broke into a vamp home an hour ago and dragged one of the more prominent and peaceful vamps out into the daylight. It took twenty minutes for her to turn to ash, screaming most of that time. A pretty good sized crowd watched and did nothing. Probably thirty or forty people witnessed this and only one called 911.”

  “I did talk to the agent in charge,” Chis said. “He is going to fly in one of our few fae field agents. She should be able to sense if any of these three vamps have been under a compulsion of some kind. If so, they are going to go along with our plan.”

  “We are about fifteen minutes away from Kaosium’s place,” Rolfe said, giving Chris the address.

  Kaosium had an office and apartment in the same building in the downtown district not too far from my place and the police station. His secretary, a pointy eared fae, showed us in to his office. He was an inner circle fae and had good connections on both sides of the divide. His primary business was trade between the human side and Faerie. There were two nice leather chairs in front of his desk, I took one and Sarah the other, the guys standing behind us. Rolfe was letting me take the lead on this one.

  I explained both the extent of the glamour I had seen the fae that had shot me and two other officers use, as well as what details I remembered of his shield that stopped Rolfe’s bullet.

  “Our main interest is what fae could have accomplished this,” I said as I finished my recall of those events.

  Kaosium was a typical fae of royal blood, perfect features, classic fae lines, slender and graceful. “No
t I,” he said and for a fae of his bloodline it had to be the truth for a fae like that can obscure the truth but not tell a direct lie. “You are probably looking at not more than a dozen male fae from both Winter and Summer Courts that are strong enough to do that. None of them have I seen on this side of the divide recently.”

  Damn, I thought. We had hoped for a solid lead. Still, he had narrowed the field somewhat. “Any idea of who would have reason or motivation to do such a thing?” I asked.

  “It’s got to be either a politics and power thing or a favor or boon that was granted,” he replied. “There is plenty of motivation from both royal courts to recover some of the footholds that were in place on this side prior to the fae wars. I suggest going to Faerie to ask the Queens for an audience, I am heading over in just a few minutes if you have a fae agent that can go with me. The Summer Queen is having a little party and just about everybody of importance in her court will be there. This thing with the kidnappings and murders is already starting to hurt my business. Even if most believe it is the vamps that are responsible, all supes are coming under suspicion and my goods are not such a hot item right now. Most of my local trade has dried up recently.”

  “I can go,” I replied. “I do have some fae blood, after all.”

  “Not just any halfling can penetrate the veil and the attempt would probably kill you,” he answered.

  “We have a full blooded fae agent on the way,” Sarah interjected. “But she will not arrive until tomorrow evening.”

  “It is not an issue,” I said. “I have been through the veil before.”

  Now I had his attention. “I can sense the fae in you, Smith. But I can’t get a handle on your strength or lineage. If you make the attempt, I am not taking responsibility for what may happen.”

  Rolfe had that look on his face again, both of curiosity and concern. “I’m ready,” I replied.


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