Salvaged (Embracing #2)

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Salvaged (Embracing #2) Page 1

by Delisa Lynn


  An Embracing Series, Book Two

  Delisa Lynn


  Copyright © 2015 by Delisa Lynn.

  All rights reserved.

  First Print Edition: May 2015

  Limitless Publishing, LLC

  Kailua, HI 96734

  Formatting: Limitless Publishing

  ISBN-13: 978-1-68058-125-6

  ISBN-10: 1-68058-125-2

  No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to locales, events, business establishments, or actual persons—living or dead—is entirely coincidental.


  This book is dedicated to my wonderful husband.

  Jay, I’ve loved you half of my life, and will continue loving you until, I take my last breath. Thank you for always supporting me in everything that I do. Without you none of this would be possible. I’m finally bringing my dreams to life, because of you. I will forever embrace our love.

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six



  Five Months Ago


  “Liam, I’m on my way home. I love you so much. Liam? Hello, can you hear me?” The line is completely silent. “I’m on my way home. I love you so much!” I shout into the phone.

  The plane must be losing altitude. I almost lose my grip on my phone. My phone.

  “Liam? Liam? Can you hear me?” I say, but the static is too loud. I grip my phone tighter. “If you’re speaking, I can’t hear you.”

  A woman’s voice comes across the intercom. “Passengers, please remain in your seats. We’ve run into some bad weather.”

  The emergency breathing apparatus falls from the overhead and slaps me square in the forehead. Motherfucker. Crash after loud, thunderous crash echoes through the fuselage of the plane. The passengers aboard flight 4762 scream and pray.

  It hits me. This is real. This is happening. I can’t tell if he’s on the phone anymore or not, but I scream into my phone, praying he can hear me, “I love you, baby. Kiss the girls for me. I love you. The plane…”

  Dear God, this is awful. Please, please let everyone be okay. I pray as my body is propelled through the plane. I can’t steady myself enough to stand, but I manage to crawl through the passengers. I feel the cuts on my knees.

  “There was an explosion. One of the engines has blown,” someone says. The smell of the smoke is like nothing I’ve smelled before. The flames are so close, I can feel the heat, and my body hurts. I feel pain everywhere. Blood runs down my nose from my forehead. I reach up and feel the gash on my head. My arms hurt so much.

  I try to help other passengers. Just as I reach a younger woman, I trip over someone. I don’t know what I hit, but it’s hard as a rock. My head starts pounding. I reach my hand up to feel the back of my head. Shaking, I bring my hand to my face and find it covered in blood. I’m not sure if it’s from the cut on my forehead or if it’s a new gash on the back of my head. I look down and see that I’m covered in blood. I feel my hands tremble as I continue making my way through the passengers.

  Oh God, please let me get out of here. I have to get home to my husband. “Baby, can you hear me? Love, can you hear me?” I yell into the phone I’m still clutching in my other hand, but I can’t hear him.

  I can’t see anything. I can hear people screaming and crying. Suddenly, I feel someone pick me up and carry me to a cold, wet surface. They are asking me a million questions, but my words won’t come out. I don’t know what’s happening. I just need to tell my husband I love him and apologize for what I’ve done. I need to tell him everything about Evan.

  I am put onto what I believe is a gurney and they strap me down. I feel a sharp pain in my neck. They put straps around my head and my arms. I can still smell the smoke. I’m so cold, but I also feel warm. Blankets…they’re covering my body in warm blankets. I can taste blood; it’s all over my lips, on the inside of my mouth.

  Someone puts me in another plane. It’s very loud, and then I realize it isn’t a plane at all; it’s a helicopter. A young man keeps saying I’ll be fine, that he’ll make sure of it, just before shoving tubes up my nose and down my throat.

  I can’t breathe. Gasping, I try to tell him the tubes are choking me. My throat burns. I want to puke and pull the damn things out, but he can’t hear me for some reason. I try moving my arms but still can’t. I know it isn’t a nice thing to do, but I need him to see me, so I kick the guy in his ass. Maybe that’ll get his attention.

  “Brantley, she just kicked me. She’s alive, but fading. Her pulse is still very faint. The oxygen seems to be helping, but we have to get the morphine in her. We have to get the IV started, but her veins keep blowing. She has her phone. We need to see if there is an emergency contact in it.” I’d been holding my phone so tightly, he had to pry it out. “Okay, Liam Ellis is the emergency contact. I’ll call him now.”

  “Miss, if you can hear me, my name is Emmitt and that’s Brantley. We’re getting you to the hospital. Stay with me, ma’am.”

  For a few minutes, all I can hear is the roaring of the helicopter. Then Brantley says, “She was on the phone with her husband. Her name is Lila. She needs to go to General Hospital in San Diego. She’s allergic to penicillin. No other allergies.”

  “Lila, it’s me, Emmitt. Sweetie, stay with us. I’m trying to get the IV started. I have to get this medicine in you. We will be there soon. Just stay with me.”

  He knows my name, but why can’t he hear me? Why isn’t he listening to me? I try to kick again, but they put my legs in restraints as well. I hear the helicopter landing. Then I hear the EMTs say we are in California at General Hospital.

  Home, I’m home.

  I also hear him say that my husband is waiting on us. The doctors have prepped the operating room. Oh my God, they’re operating on me. For what? I can still hear everything they’re doing, but the taste of blood is getting worse with all the tubes and wires invading my personal space.

  The loud beeping noises make my head ache even more. My body is very warm; the warmth runs through my veins. I can feel my tongue pressing against the tube going down my throat.

  I’m dying; that’s all that’s going through my mind. Being with Evan has cost me my life.


  And everything fades to black again…


  I hear a familiar voice—Liam. Oh God, my Liam. He is crying and telling me how much he loves me. I wish he could hear me. I love him
so much. He and our girls are my life. Evan is my past and what happened will not happen again. I’ll always love Evan; he was there for me when I needed him the most, but the love Evan and I share and the love Liam and I share are two different kinds of love.

  When I watched the reality shows and soaps, I was never able to understand how a woman could claim to love two men at the same damn time. But now I know, without a doubt, it’s possible. What I did was wrong; I made love to another man while my wonderful husband was at home taking care of our daughters.

  I hear the doctors and nurses working all around me, telling me I’ll be fine. They’re giving me more medicine through my IV. I’m terrified and I can’t express my thoughts with anyone.

  I’m getting very sleepy. I try yawning, but I can’t with these damn tubes everywhere. I feel my tears stinging my cuts and bruised cheeks as they fall from my eyes. I can still hear my husband sitting next to me, praying and confessing his love for me. He’s holding my hand and praying louder than I’ve ever heard him pray. I want to wipe his tears away so bad, tell him I’m here and I love him so much.


  “Addie, is that you? What’s happening? Why can’t anyone hear me? This is freaking me out, Ads.”

  “You need to get it together and wake up. Liam loves you so much. You can’t leave him now, not like this,” Addie replies, her voice gentle. “You need to tell him everything and he will understand. He will move heaven and earth to be with you. He’s been fighting for you since the day he met you. I love you, but it’s not your time. You have so many people that need you, and the baby needs you.”

  “What are you talking about? I miss you so much. I fucked up again. I love Liam with everything I am, and I keep messing everything up.”

  “It’s okay, Li. Sleep, my friend. You’ll wake up soon and can tell Liam everything.”

  I feel Ads kiss my forehead; then she disappears.


  I wake up from time to time and hear different people talking to me. From what I’ve heard, I am in a coma and have been here, in this hospital, for a while. Liam told the doctor he wasn’t giving up on me, that we’ve come too far to lose one another. He sits next to me every day, telling me about what the girls are doing and how much he loves me.

  Today I hear a different voice, one that I haven’t heard since being here. I smell him entering the room. Even through these damn tubes, his scent is still overwhelming. I’ll never forget that smell.

  How did he find out about this? He sounds like he’s crying. He lifts up my hand and I can feel his tears falling on my skin. As he begins talking, I can hear his voice choking up.

  “Lila, I’ll always love you, darlin’,” Evan says. “But I’ve moved on. Her name is Tatum. She’s Zander’s sister and she’s wonderful. I’ve always loved her, but it wasn’t until I lost you that I realized she was who I was supposed to be with. She was involved with someone else, but she’s all mine now.

  “You need to wake up for your family. Liam loves you so goddamn much and that man is breaking. You need to wake up and put him back together. I have to go, but remember, I’ll always love you, my beautiful valley girl.”

  I feel him kiss my cheek. I hear silence and then the door closing. He’s letting me go. I didn’t think it would hurt this much. I feel a sharp pain in my heart. I’ll always love him. He changed my life so much when Liam was missing. I didn’t mean to hurt him the way I did. I feel like I just borrowed his heart.

  Chapter One

  Present Day


  It’s been five weeks since Lila woke up. It’s great to have her home with us. She seems to be doing well. She hasn’t said much about her trip to New York or Evan. The day he came to the hospital, what they did was written all over his face, but I could tell he was hurting. Plus, he seems to really care about the lady that was with him.

  How do I tell my wife I know she cheated on me and that the baby she is carrying might not be mine? Doesn’t matter who the father is, really. The baby is mine. In my eyes, that’s our child. We haven’t told the twins we’re expecting yet. We want to make sure everything is fine before we tell too many people.

  As I lie next to my beautiful wife, watching her sleep, I think how fucking lucky I am that she’s alive and all mine. She’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid my eyes on. When I was in the reserves, the memory of her smile, her face, her touch got me through the days and the loneliness of the nights, along with her pictures, her letters, and knowing that someday we would spend the rest of our lives together here, in this house. My parents loved this house. I spent fourteen wonderful years here with them.

  Now I’m able to give my children everything my parents gave me. Sometimes, watching the girls play on the beach brings back memories of my childhood, memories of playing football with my dad, of all the big family gatherings we had here.

  When both my parents died and I had to leave, I was really heartbroken. However, it lead me to my beautiful wife; the day I walked in and saw her talking with Ads, I knew, right then, she would be worth whatever I had to go through to be with her. Hell, even to this day I feel the same. No one can take the love I have for her away, and I will love her until my heart stops beating.


  “Good morning, beautiful. How did you sleep?” I ask Lila right before I kiss her. We haven’t been intimate since the accident. Because of her injuries and how long she spent in a coma, the doctor said it would be a good idea if we waited six weeks.

  Her arms have healed better than expected. The doctor was shocked when he realized they weren’t broken. They were fractured pretty badly, though. After a few extra weeks in physical therapy, she regained full use of them.

  “I slept wonderfully knowing that I was wrapped up in your arms and that our beautiful girls are sleeping peacefully in their room,” she says as she straddles me.

  “Baby, you know what the doctor said. We have to wait before we can make love. Your ribs are still healing.”

  I run my hands along her legs. She has the most beautiful legs; they’re long and tan—not too skinny, not too chunky.

  She slides her body down mine. Just as she reaches the top of my boxers, she says, “I know exactly what the doctor said. He didn’t say I couldn’t love my husband in other ways, now did he?”

  “Well, I guess he didn’t, but I want you so bad right now, Li. I don’t know if I could handle anything except being deep inside of you.”

  I wrap my hands in her hair. She pulls my boxers off in one tug and grabs my length in her hands. She looks up at me and licks her lips. “I’ve been wanting to taste you since I woke up in the hospital. I love feeling you in my mouth.”

  Then she goes full force, sucking hard. One of my hands is in her hair while the other pulls the sheets off the bed. Fucking hell, this is why I love this woman; she sees what she wants and goes for it.

  “Lila, baby, I need you so bad. Climb up here, now!”

  I know the doctor said to wait, but hell, if she’s in control, she knows her limits, and I’m not going to deny her any pleasure she wants and needs.

  She looks up at me with swollen lips and says, “I knew we couldn’t wait any longer.”

  She slides back up and climbs on top of me. My dick is still very hard and ready to be inside her. With the wetness of her heat, I glide straight in. She’s so damn tight. As she rocks back and forth, my dick moving in and out of her, I can see how much she loves me. The look in her eyes. The touch of her hands. The way she’s always so ready for me. The way she comes completely undone as soon as I enter her.

  I grab her hips and sit up on my knees as I hold her tight and make love to her for the first time in months. I didn’t know how much longer I could take. My hand just wasn’t doing it for me anymore, so I haven’t gotten off in months. God, I need to come so damn bad.

  I want to make sure she gets hers, so I lay her on her back and kiss her breasts, nipping and sucking on both nipples before I make my way down her chest
to her abdomen. I kiss every inch of her stomach, making small circles around her navel. My mouth works its way farther down until I reach her heat.

  God, her pussy is beautiful. Even after two kids, she looks so damn good. I slide a finger in her and then run my tongue over her clit.

  “Oh, Liam. Holy fucking shit. Finger me hard, baby; use three fingers,” she yells. Damn, my girl likes it rough.

  “Come for me, Lila. Then I’ll slide back in.”

  I push my fingers in as deep as I can, reaching the spot that I know will make her lose control. She arches her back, throws her head back, and rides out her orgasm, fucking my hand, screaming my name over and over. I want to kiss her so bad, but I know she hates tasting herself on my lips, so I bury my face in her breasts. I guide myself back inside of her and pump: one, two, and three.

  “You have the best goddamn pussy, ever. Fuck!” I roar.

  “Mmm, I’m so glad you think so.”

  “Fuck, you look so damn sexy. Stay right there; enjoy that high. I’m going to run you a bath.”

  I go to the bathroom, brush my teeth, and run a nice bubble bath for my wife. I go back to the bed and smile when I realize she’s still lying there in her orgasm high. I kiss her and check on the girls. They’re both still sound asleep. I go back to our bedroom, pick Lila up, and carry her to the bathtub.

  “I can walk, you know.” She laughs as I sit her in the tub.

  I run back and grab the baby monitor and set it on the counter; then I slide in the nice, warm bath with my wife. I sit behind her with my legs wrapped around hers. I reach behind me, light a candle, and pick up a loofa and her favorite Bath & Body Works body wash. I wash and kiss every inch of her body. As she washes mine, she, of course, uses her body wash. I’ll smell like her all day.


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