A Fighter's Desire

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A Fighter's Desire Page 6

by L. P. Dover

  “Do you want me to go with you?” Gabriella asked hesitantly. “I can walk you there before I leave to go back home.”

  Getting to my feet, I took off Colin’s hat and gave it back to him, sighing. “No, Gabby, I’ll be fine. I’ll see you at home in just a bit.” I hurried off and waved them good-bye as I headed toward the library.

  What the hell have I gotten myself into?

  I was curious to know what they wanted, but I knew it would only mean trouble if I did. The decision was simple enough … I wasn’t going to call. If they wanted to talk to me bad enough they would try to find me again.

  And it just so happened that they did.

  “Well, hello there, sexy,” a voice spoke out right behind me, making me gasp. Stopping mid-stride, I closed my eyes and held my breath, hoping it was just my imagination playing tricks on me.

  When I opened them up, my fears became reality; both Ryley and Camden stood before me with smug expressions on their faces. I was right before when I thought Ryley was the one in the shorts and tank top because right above his left eye at the hairline was the small jagged scar. Camden was the one in the jeans, T-shirt, and baseball cap. It was uncanny how much they looked alike.

  “You didn’t think you were fooling us back there, did you?” Camden asked.

  His striking blue eyes were almost hidden below his hat, but it definitely didn’t hide the mischievous leer or the way he bit his lip. I glared at them both before walking right past them with my head held high. Unfortunately, that didn’t stop them; they both fell into step beside me, one on each side.

  “I wasn’t trying to fool you at all. I figured you would’ve been smart enough to realize that I had no interest in talking to you.”

  They both chuckled, but it was Ryley who spoke next. “When are you going to stop lying, Ashleigh? I already told you I don’t like it when people lie. I know you’re just as interested in us as we are with you.”

  Keep walking, Ashleigh. Keep your head straight and don’t stop.

  “Oh yeah, and how do you know that?” I snapped, picking up my pace.

  Abruptly grabbing my hand, Ryley pulled me over to a secluded corner and blocked me in against the brick wall of the library. Other students walked by, but none of them seemed to see us in the darkened corner.

  “What are you doing?” I hissed. They both stood in front of me with a hand against the wall, caging me in.

  “We just want to talk. Do you want to know how I know you’re lying?” Ryley asked, moving his body closer.

  He nuzzled my neck with his nose and breathed me in before placing a gentle kiss behind my ear. “I can see it in your eyes, angel. You may be able to lie with those luscious lips of yours, but your eyes tell me everything. I understand you’re pissed right now, but it’s not because we have you cornered, it’s because you want us and you’re fighting against it. What is it that you don’t want? Is it because you want something more and you know that’s not what we can give you?”

  “No,” I huffed. “I’m not stupid enough to believe either of you could ever love someone enough to be faithful. Believe me, I’m in college and the last thing I want is something serious.”

  “Then what is it?” Camden asked, leaning into my other side. With Ryley on my right and Camden on my left, I thought I’d go insane. They each had a hand on my waist, and both leaned in to kiss along the sides of my neck, gently grazing their teeth along my skin.

  “I don’t want you to give me anything,” I whispered breathlessly. “I’m worth more than being just another mark on your belt that you forget. I bet you’ve already forgotten about the girl you fucked after I left the other night.”

  They both paused and pulled back. “There wasn’t anyone after you left,” Camden growled. “I think we made it perfectly clear that we wanted you. Just hear us out, and if you don’t like our proposition we’ll leave you alone.”

  Ryley smiled and twirled the hair of my ponytail in between his fingers. “Come on, angel, you know you have to be somewhat curious.”

  I groaned, glaring at them both. “I already know what your proposition is. You like to share your women, and if they don’t meet your standards you let them go. I’m sorry, boys, but I’m not up for that. I have better things to do than get played with.”

  Glancing down at my phone, I realized I only had two minutes to get to my next class before they locked the doors. “Okay, this has been fun, but I have to go. Besides, this isn’t exactly the place to talk about a threesome or whatever the hell it is you want with me.”

  Both guys glanced at each other quickly and nodded before turning back to me. “Then meet us tonight,” Ryley suggested heatedly. “We want to do something different with you, but first we need to know the truth. If you say no, we’ll leave here and never bother you again.”

  “What truth?” I asked.

  He leaned down to my ear, and his warm breath tickled its way all the down my body to the very core between my legs. “Do you want us, Ashleigh? And don’t lie to me because I’ll be able to tell. We want to know if there’s any part of you that craves our touch like we do yours. All we want is the truth.”

  My heart pounded in my chest; it was so loud I was sure they could both hear it. There was no denying that I wanted them, just to know what it would be like to experience the pleasure of two men … and best of all, twins.

  Was I really going to go through with this? I asked myself.

  Yes, I most certainly was.

  “Fine,” I murmured huskily. “I want you both. Now what do we do.”

  “Right now you go to class,” Camden stated.

  “And tonight we’ll come pick you up so we can discuss everything. Be ready by seven, angel,” Ryley added.

  They both kissed me on the cheek and left me in the corner. “Oh my God,” I whispered quietly to myself; my eyes wide and my heart pumping wildly in my chest. “This is absolute craziness.”

  IT WAS HALF past six when Gabriella knocked on my door and stuck her head in. “Are you sure you want to do this?” she asked, opening the door wide. “They’ll be here in thirty minutes.”

  Glancing at myself in the mirror, I applied the last touches of my makeup and ran my fingers through my wavy, brown hair. Dressing sexy wasn’t on the agenda for the night, so I’d decided to wear a pair of jeans and a little yellow tank top.

  “I’m as ready as I’ll ever be, Gabby. We’re only talking tonight, so nothing is going to happen,” I replied, sighing.

  Gabriella nodded and came in to sit on my bed. “All I can say is good luck. I think I’m kind of envious of you right now. It sucks because none of my brother’s friends ever ask me out. They’re afraid of pissing him off.”

  “There’s always Bradley,” I suggested slyly. “He is so into you it’s ridiculous. Surely, you have to know that. Maybe you should give him a call and hang out tonight.”

  She shrugged before jumping off the bed. “Yeah, I guess I will. Good luck, and whatever you do, don’t get attached to the twins. I don’t want to see you get wrapped up in them and get your heart broken.”

  That was the last thing I was going to let happen.

  “Don’t worry about me, babe. I know how to keep my heart out of it. Besides, these boys need to be taught a lesson.”

  When the doorbell rang, Gabriella immediately ran out of my room, her footsteps thundering down the hallway. Taking a deep breath, I let it out slowly and waited a few seconds before waltzing out of my bedroom.

  I could hear one of the twins talking, and when I turned the corner to the living room, I saw Camden. He had on his baseball cap, and was wearing the same red T-shirt and jeans from earlier today.

  His gaze quickly found mine and he smiled. “Hey, are you ready to go?” he asked.

  Nodding, I grabbed my purse and walked toward the door. “Where’s Ryley?”

  He followed behind me and placed his hand on the small of my back, making me shiver; unfortunately, he noticed it and smirked mischievously at me. �
�He’s at the house getting everything ready for us. Are you hungry?”

  “Kind of,” I said, opening the door.

  “Good, because you’re eating dinner with us. We figured it would soften you up a bit.”

  “Do you always cook your prospective one night stands dinner?” I inquired curiously.

  Chuckling, Camden reached for my hand so that he could hold it while we walked down the stairs. “Actually, no. Usually, we get straight to the point, but like we said earlier … things have changed this time. We have a new proposition for you that we’ve never offered anyone else.”

  I’m intrigued. One point for the Jameson twins.

  He led me to his car—a metallic silver Mercedes SLS Roadster—which didn’t surprise me at all. The twins liked to stand out, and in that car they definitely would. It was worth a whole hell of a lot more than my Toyota Camry.

  Not expecting Camden to open the door for me, I was shocked when he kept hold of my hand and lifted the handle, ushering me inside. I slid in slowly, shivering as the cold leather chilled the skin on my back.

  Very nice.

  As soon as we got onto the road, Camden reached for my hand and turned it over, tracing small circles into my palm and along my wrist. “So why do you and your brother like to share women?” I asked curiously. “I would think two men like you would be a little more territorial.”

  His gaze darkened for a moment, but then he chuckled, deep and almost sinister. “We like to share when we don’t give a fuck. It’s fun to be able to be with a woman and fulfill her fantasies of having two lovers at the same time. You see, when a woman is taken to that level of pleasure, there’s nothing she wouldn’t do since she’s in that state of mind. Ryley and I get what we want and so does she. It’s a win-win situation. However, with you we both want you to ourselves. That’s why we came up with our new plan.”

  “So basically what you’re saying is that I’m not going to be with you both at the same time? What if that’s what I wanted?”

  The thought was tempting, but I honestly didn’t know if I could go through with it. I guess there could be a first time for everything, right?

  “I didn’t say that,” Camden replied with a smile. “After everything is said and done, the choice will be yours.”

  The choice will be mine? Oh hell.

  When we arrived at the house, Camden put his arm around my waist and led me inside. It was much different considering the last time I was there it was loud and overrun with hundreds of people. Now it was quiet, the smell of Italian spices wafting from the kitchen.

  “Honey, we’re home,” Camden called out jokingly.

  On the kitchen table were three place settings, all with a plate of lasagna, bowl of salad, and a glass of white wine. It smelled like heaven, and my mouth began to water … only it wasn’t just the food causing it.

  Dressed in a pair of ripped denim jeans and not wearing a shirt, Ryley smiled at me. He hungrily gazed up and down my body, and I couldn’t help but return the gesture, watching his tatted muscles flex as he moved his arms.

  “I’ll admit, I didn’t think you would come,” he confessed slyly, handing me my glass of wine. “I figured we’d be too much for you to handle.”

  Keeping my gaze on his, I took a sip of the wine and licked my lips. “Who knows, I might be the one who’s too much to handle.”

  I hung my purse on the back of one the barstools while Ryley pulled out a chair for me at the kitchen table. As soon as I was seated, they both took their seats and smiled at me. My stomach growled, but it was also in knots.

  I didn’t like feeling nervous, but these guys made me that way. Slowly, I ate a few bites of my food, but it didn’t help that they both kept watching me out of the corner of their eyes.

  Finally, after we finished eating, they ushered me into the living room and I sat down on the couch while they took up the chairs opposite me. “I guess it’s about time we get down to business,” Ryley began.

  Nodding, I sipped the last of my wine and set the glass down on the table beside the couch. “Tell me what you want.”

  Ryley and Camden both looked at each other and grinned before turning back to me. Camden was the one who spoke next, “Okay, like I told you in the car we both want you to ourselves. You had mentioned before that you don’t do one night stands. In regards to that we want to offer you … more. That way it won’t be considered a one night stand.”

  More what? I wondered.

  “I see,” I said. “Care to elaborate?”

  Smirking, Camden moved closer so that his legs brushed up against mine. “What we want to offer is one night with each of us. Let us both have you to ourselves, and after that if you think you can handle us together, it’ll be your choice. You can decide if you want the third night with us both, or if you want another night with just one of us. So, you see, it’s not going to be a one night stand.”

  The proposition was actually kind of interesting, and my underwear was soaking wet just thinking about it. However, that couldn’t be all they wanted. “What’s the catch?” I asked. “Surely, there has to be something you’re not telling me.”

  They both smiled again.

  “Actually,” Ryley started, “we don’t exactly like a quick fuck. You have to be able to handle us for as long as we want to go. When we train before our fights, we need to keep our aggressions high, so we don’t have sex during that time. Therefore, when we’re finally able to let go of our urges, we want a little more flavor. If we want to tie you up, you need to let us. If you don’t, then it’s time to go; simple as that. If we don’t like the way you kiss, we can let you go. I let a girl go last weekend because she liked to use her teeth while sucking my dick. It fucking hurt.”

  I bit my lip to keep from smiling. He probably deserved it.

  “We won’t force you into anything and we won’t hurt you, but if you want to walk we immediately comply. All we crave is a little bit of fun.”

  “So if you prefer to fuck me in the ass I have to let you or it’s all over?” I asked incredulously. The thought of getting screwed in the ass made me cringe. I knew of people who liked it, but I honestly had no desire to try it.

  Both guys chuckled. “Yeah, if we wanted to, but that’s not going to happen. I can see it in your face that you don’t want that,” Ryley added.

  Blowing out a relieved sigh, I nodded and sat back on the couch, getting comfortable. “What about condoms? Do you wear them?”

  They nodded, which was good because if they didn’t, I was going to make them or the deal was off. There was no way I would have unprotected sex with them—or anyone for that matter—after the amount of women they’d been with.

  “Is there anything else you’d like to know?” Camden asked.

  Moving closer to him, I bit my lip and smiled. It was now time for my little game. “Actually, there is. What if you can’t handle me? What if I don’t like the way you kiss or the way you move during sex? What if you don’t get me off? I think if you don’t pass my test, I should have the option of letting you both go. It’s not always about what you want, you know.”

  Ryley and Camden lifted their brows, intrigued. “Damn girl, I’m getting hard just thinking about this,” Ryley chimed. “Please go on.”

  If they could mess with me, I was going to mess with them. Placing my hands on their thighs, I massaged them gently, slowly inching up the inside of their legs. They both groaned and moved closer.

  “I know you get to do whatever you want with me, but what do you say about letting me do whatever I want with you? For one hour of the night, I want to be able to have all control, and that means whatever I do you have to let me do it, no questions asked. During that time you can’t get off no matter what. If you do, I can walk away knowing full well that I bested you.”

  They stared at me for a few minutes, grinning from ear to ear, while I sat there with an arrogant smirk on my face. I knew they didn’t think I could wear them down, but I had full confidence that I could.

  “I’m down for it,” Ryley agreed. “No woman has ever been able to control me like that.”

  “Same here,” Camden said.

  Biting my lip, I nodded my head and removed my hands from their thighs. They were both hard, straining against their jeans, and from what I could tell they weren’t exactly lacking in the size department. Hopefully I’d be able to walk after they were done with me.

  Abruptly, I stood, making them shift back in their seats. “All right, you’re on. When does all of this begin?”

  “Friday night, angel,” Ryley explained. “We don’t have any fights this weekend, so it’s the perfect time to have you all to ourselves.”

  “Who gets me first?” I asked curiously. “If you both want me, how do you decide who gets the privilege of breaking me in?”

  Gazes dark, they tensed and glared at each other for a moment before turning back to me. “That’s where we’re going to have a problem,” Camden growled. “We both want you first, so we decided it would only be fair for you to choose. Better yet, we’ll fight for you. Do you have a preference on who you want first?”

  Okay, that didn’t put me on the spot or anything. Were they really going to fight for me? Expectantly, they both stared at me—their bodies ready for action—waiting on me to answer … but I didn’t have one. I didn’t want them to have to fight for me.

  “Look, guys, I don’t know you well enough to be able to pick between you. I’m sorry, but I can’t choose. I don’t want you fighting for me either.”

  The air in the room crackled like fire from the intense energy pouring off of their bodies. They smiled at each other before Ryley left the room, returning with two sets of handwraps and gloves.

  Wrapping his hands, Ryley gazed at me and said, “Angel, I’m sorry, but there’s no other choice. Either you pick between us or we fight.”

  Exasperated, I gazed at them wide-eyed with my mouth wide open. “You’re going to fight now?”

  Camden took off his shirt and smacked his fists together. “Why not? You do want to know who gets to feel that sweet body of yours first, don’t you?”


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