Rocked with Passion (A New Adult Rockstar Novel)

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Rocked with Passion (A New Adult Rockstar Novel) Page 8

by Lacroix, Lila

  Jonathan took his thumb and began to play with my clit, gently stroking the enlarged red nub. I moaned with pleasure at his touch, the pleasure radiating through me greater than any I’d felt so far tonight. I bucked my hips against his hands, trying to force him to touch me harder, to take me harder, but Jonathan always resisted. He really was going to do this at his own pace.

  As his thumb continued to toy with my clit, Jonathan’s other fingers moved down, down towards my sex, which was desperate for action. He pressed two fingers against my quivering slit and slowly pressed them inside of me, stretching me wide. I gasped at the intrusion, then gurgled with pleasure as he began to move his digits in and out of me, slowly, taking the time to tease my skin with every movement of his fingers.

  The pressure inside of me mounted. With every movement of his body inside and against mine, the pleasure inside of me grew, until it finally reached a tipping point and I could take no more. My cries resonated across the room as the orgasm overtook me, waves of pleasure washing over my body. It was like no other sensation on the planet. I could feel my sex clenching over Jonathan’s fingers, over and over as I felt nothing but pure ecstasy.

  I don’t know how long it lasted, but I do know that the seconds that passed felt like nothing else I’d ever experienced. I came back down to earth, gasping, my body wracked from the experience I’d just undergone.

  “And just think, that was only the appetizer” Jonathan told me with a smile. That was it, I couldn’t take anymore. I reached down and grabbed his shirt, practically ripping it off him, then tugged at his pants, forcing his erection free from its bounds.

  He was big, definitely bigger than any man I’d ever been with before, and I looked at his shaft like a ravenous beast desperate for a meal. I wanted him inside of me, and I wanted him now. It was so big, so beautiful, so perfectly formed. Jonathan moved in between my legs, spreading them apart. All of my inhibitions, any nerves I had before had completely evaporated. I was getting greedy: despite just having had one of the best orgasms of my life, I wanted another one. I wanted more.

  Jonathan rubbed his shaft in the juices dripping out of me, then pressed his tip against my slit. He lay still for a minute, teasing me, until I let out a desperate moan.

  “Oh please Jonathan!” I begged.

  “Well, since you said please” he replied, pressing the shaft against my entrance and sliding deep inside of me.

  A moan escaped my lips as his shaft stretched me wide, wider than anything I’d experienced before. It took my body a moment to accustom itself to his width, my walls complaining slightly as the muscles stretched to accommodate him, but as soon as he began to thrust in and out of me, I relaxed, the slight discomfort being replaced by pure, unadulterated pleasure.

  “Oh God!” I exclaimed, unable to keep quiet. “Oh that feels good!”

  Jonathan continued to pump in and out of me, starting off slowly before picking up the pace. Again, I could feel the pressure building up inside of me, for the second time that night. He alternated his pace, sometimes going hard and fast and bringing me closer and closer to the edge, then suddenly slowing down, bringing me back, allowing me to enjoy the slow, deliberate movements he made that sent so much pleasure coursing through me.

  Jonathan did this over and over, before finally he stopped bringing me down. He began to pump hard, his cock moving in and out of me at a rapid pace. Every slap of his hips against my nether regions turned me on more. The sound of his small grunts of pleasure every so often were incredible, and before I knew it, I found myself on the edge of orgasm once more.

  “I’m going… oh, I’m going to come!” I cried out, only seconds before my body exploded with pleasure once more. I’d thought the first orgasm was strong, but it had nothing on this second one. My eyes rolled into the back of my head and I clutched at Jonathan’s back, as though holding him close was the only thing that would keep me on this planet. I felt like my body was being ripped apart by a tidal wave of pleasure, fiery bliss running through every vein in my body.

  Eventually, finally, after what felt like an eternity the orgasm passed. My legs felt like jelly as I lay on the bed, Jonathan still pounding in and out of me above me. I lay there with my eyes closed, enjoying his rhythmic thrusts in and out of me until a minute later he picked up the pace even more before pulling out and shooting his hot seed all over my stomach.

  “You’re so sexy. So, so sexy. You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that” he told me as he finally finished, collapsing in a heap on the couch, pulling my legs onto his lap. I looked up at him from where I lay on the couch, too exhausted to even contemplate getting up.

  “Me too. I thought I’d gotten over you after everything that happened between us ten years ago. I thought I’d moved on. But when I came here and saw you once again, I knew I hadn’t.”

  “I thought I’d moved on too. I wasn’t lying, ten years ago. I did love you, but you were fifteen. I knew there was no way I could act on that. It wouldn’t have been fair to you. But hey, this is a pretty deep conversation to be having now, so why don’t we just lay here and enjoy this for a while?”

  “Sounds good” I replied, and that’s exactly what I did. We lay there in silence for a while, the only noise in the room that of the old Kung-Fu movie that had started a while ago, on low volume. I closed my eyes, savouring this moment, knowing it would eventually have to end.

  Finally, I got up and went to have a shower. As the hot water flowed over me, I thought about what had just happened. This was exactly what I’d wanted. For a long time. And now that it was over, I wondered if it was ever going to happen again. I assumed it wouldn’t. This had to just be a one-time thing, didn’t it?

  We didn’t speak about it when I got out of the shower. Instead, we kept the conversation light. John was waiting for me in the car outside, and I left, Jonathan kissing me on the cheek. “I’m glad we did this” he told me. I smiled. “Me too” I replied as I got into the car and drove off.

  Chapter Eleven

  When I got back home, I went straight to bed, but I lay staring at the ceiling for a while, wondering about what was going to happen between me and Jonathan.

  Obviously, in a perfect world, we would get together, be together forever and get married. That wasn’t even close to realistic though. More likely, we would have to go back to being professional with each other, and pretend that tonight never happened. I smiled as I thought back to what Jonathan had made me feel. It had been absolutely incredible. Never in my life had I experienced sex like that. It was like a whole new level. I fell asleep reliving the moments, reliving every tiny touch of my body, reliving his taste, his scent, his everything.

  Sure enough, the next day when I accompanied the band to another magazine interview, Jonathan pretended like nothing had happened, although he did shoot me a knowing smile which made me blush slightly. I still didn’t know where we were going, but I liked where we’d gone.

  Unfortunately, later that afternoon as I was buying groceries for dinner, I discovered that the gossip magazines had decided where Jonathan and I were going.




  These headlines and more stared at me from the magazine section by the checkout counter as I went to buy my things. I stopped and stared. It was completely unbelievable. That was me! Me! On the cover of these magazines! The photos had obviously been taken the night before, with Jonathan holding my wrist and ushering me into The Oak restaurant.

  I suddenly began to feel dizzy. Thoughts swirled through my head. Was this really happening to me? Did they really have to choose such an unflattering photo? Oh my God, I’m on the cover of a magazine to be distributed nationally! My mom is going to see it the next time she goes to buy milk!

  I was hit with the urge to sit down on the floor and cry. I knew there were thousands of women out there who would kill to be on the cover of a gossip magazine, but I was
n’t one of them. I was just an ordinary woman, from a small town in Ohio. I didn’t belong on this cover. I didn’t want everyone thinking I was with Jonathan. This was crazy! How did this happen?

  Realizing I had to get out of there, I quickly paid for my groceries and headed home. The instant I closed the door to my apartment behind me, I called Jonathan.

  “Have you seen the magazines?” I asked as soon as he picked up.

  “What magazines?”

  “They’re everywhere! Absolutely everywhere!” I could feel my voice getting higher and higher. I was starting to get hysterical. This wasn’t good.

  “Calm down, Sara. What magazines, what do they say?”

  “The gossip magazines. I saw them in the grocery store just now. I’m all over the cover, listed as your new girlfriend. They got the pictures last night at the restaurant.”

  “Oh God. Oh, Sara, I’m sorry. I didn’t ever think we would make the cover.”

  “I’m not used to being on this side of things. I’m the publicist. I’m the one who gets the interviews, who hangs out in the background, not the one who’s on the cover.”

  “Hey, it’s going to be ok, alright? They’re going to come out with new issues in a few days, and this will be completely forgotten. Trust me, Hollywood has an attention span of a little under twelve hours. They’re going to move onto something else soon.”

  As soon as Jonathan said those words, I knew he was right, really. This was going to be fine.

  “Hey Sara?”


  “Would you be open to dating? I mean, you can say no, and I won’t be offended, I just thought I would… you know… ask.”

  “Of… of course. Yeah, definitely.” Wow. This was really happening. Jonathan had just asked me to date him. Jonathan Knight. The millionaire rock star who could have any woman on the planet. “Just so you know, um, I’m not really a model or anything” I warned him, as if he didn’t already know.

  “You’re right, you’re way more beautiful” Jonathan told me. “You’re making me the happiest man on the planet by agreeing. I was worried you’d say no, I didn’t even want to ask.”

  “Well, now the magazines are going to have been right. We are together.”

  “True enough. I guess you should start getting used to being on the cover of things. Don’t worry Sara, you’ll get used to it really quickly, and it will be rare anyway.”

  “You know, I’d put up with almost anything to get to date you.”

  “Thanks Sara. So, um, do you want to do dinner again tomorrow?”


  I made sure the phone call was well and truly disconnected before I did my happy dance around my apartment, completely forgetting about the groceries I’d put down until I kicked the carton of milk onto the floor with my incredible dance moves.

  I’m amazed that I got any sleep at all that night. All I could think about was the fact that Jonathan and I were now dating. Like, really dating.

  When we saw the band the next day, I decided to let Jonathan decide how much to tell them. After all, if he didn’t want them to know right away, then that was fine with me. Hell, I wasn’t even really sure I believed it was happening. When I got there though, everyone already knew.

  “Hey, it’s good to see Jon managed to rope in a girl for good this time” was the greeting that came from Eric as I walked into the room where they were working. I smiled and blushed. Obviously Jonathan had already taken care of telling the band.

  “Seriously though, I think you’re gonna be good for Jonathan, it’s been so obvious he liked you, it was the least surprising news ever when he told us this morning. You’re good people, you’ll be good together,” Jared continued.

  “Thanks, Jared” I replied, a bit bashful. I hadn’t expected that kind of sentimentality from him, but there it was. Jonathan then came into the room and kissed me to the sound of catcalls coming from the other two.

  “Cool it, losers. Just because you can’t have her doesn’t mean you have to ruin things for me” Jonathan teased as he wrapped his arms around my waist and my face went crimson. I still couldn’t believe this was happening. It had all happened so fast! I mean, I had to admit, I still wasn’t completely over Kevin’s betrayal. How could I be? It had been so sudden, so unexpected. Kevin, who I thought supported me visiting LA because it would be good for my career, instead doing it so he could bang that other chick more often. My heart had definitely been broken, but Jonathan was doing good work mending it.

  For the next few weeks, we began to see each other more and more. It was actually way harder than I thought it would be, to date someone as famous as Jonathan. I mean, the actual dating part was easy. But there was no chance that we could just go to the movies and hang out. There was always someone who recognized him, always someone who wanted a photo taken even if we just wanted to enjoy our company for a few hours. I mean, I guess it was greedy of me. Jonathan never could say no to his fans, and after all, I was the one who got to date him, surely I couldn’t deny some hardcore fans a photo. It just led to the problem that we never really got to do dates in private unless we specifically went to really private places.

  So, we ate dinner out a lot at upscale restaurants, where the average fan wouldn’t be able to get a table. We would also go to basketball and hockey games, with either front row seats or our own suite from which to watch the games. We didn’t go out every night. I think Jonathan realized I was still actually pretty broken up about Kevin, and he gave me my space. He tried to talk to me about it once, but I told him it was something I wanted to deal with on my own.

  “It’s just too hard to talk about, ok? I mean, until you’ve gone through that sort of thing, until you’ve experienced that kind of betrayal, you just can’t really understand.”

  “That’s fine, Sara. Take your time. I’ll be here whenever you need me” Jonathan replied, kissing me softly on the head. “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, and I’m not going to lose you this time.”

  I could have never imagined being as happy as I was with Jonathan. I began to find that the more I was with him, the more I was able to forget Kevin. The ache in my heart began to dissipate, to disappear as I spent more and more time with Jonathan. To say that I was on cloud nine was an understatement. I was in heaven, and with every day that went by I found myself falling even deeper and deeper in love with Jonathan Knight.

  For himself, he was a perfect gentleman. Absolutely perfect. I mean, Kevin had always been great to me, but Jonathan was just a whole new level of manners, politeness and making sure I always had everything I needed. I couldn’t honestly imagine my life getting any better than it was in those first few weeks of our new relationship. As we got closer, I became more and more convinced that Jonathan and I were going to be together forever.

  Chapter Twelve

  For that first month, I was certain nothing was ever going to come in between Jonathan and myself. We were even starting to talk about having me move in with him. It all felt a little bit like a dream. I mean, I was like every single other girl growing up. I was in love with the boy bands of the late 90s. They were the dreamiest guys ever, and they were so famous! It was one of those unattainable dreams, one of those princess fantasies that deep down you know will never come true.

  The difference was, for me it was coming true. I was dating the famous rock star, Jonathan Knight. I knew that out there were thousands, even maybe millions of little girls, twelve years old, who listened to his music and dreamed of one day dating the man who was my boyfriend. I was now living that dream that I had, and sometimes I didn’t even believe it could happen to me.

  The band released the single they’d been working on in the studio, and it immediately went to number one. I thought things had been crazy before, but they only picked up after the single dropped. All of a sudden there were paparazzi following us everywhere. It felt like Jonathan and I couldn’t have any time alone without someone trying to take a picture of it. At on
e point I was in the bathroom, and when I looked out the window I saw a photographer actually climbing one of the trees behind Jonathan’s house to try and get pictures inside the place. I screamed and called for Jonathan, who called the police. They got the photographer down, but I had to admit, I was a bit rattled.

  “Is this as bad as it’s ever been?” I asked, curious as to whether things had ever been crazier. Jonathan shook his head in reply.

  “No, the worst was when our last album was number one for six weeks and we had just released the music video for the first single. There were hordes of girls that would camp out the front of my house, we were basically stranded in here since if any of us tried to leave we were completely mobbed.”

  “Will they do it now, that you’re taken?” I asked, pressing myself up against Jonathan’s chest and looking up at him. He smiled down at me then kissed me softly, taking my hand in his and sending fire running through me.

  “They’ll be even more upset about it, dear Sara. You’re their competition now” he added, moving his hands to my hips and pressing them against him. I rested my head against his chest.

  “You’re mine now, they have to keep their hands off you.”

  “Mmm, absolutely” Jonathan murmured into my ear before leading me into the bedroom, showing me the pleasure which I’d come to love.

  I didn’t mean to compare Jonathan and Kevin, it’s just something that kind of happened in my head. I guess it was because Kevin was my first serious boyfriend, and he was still so recent, that he was really the only thing I had to compare Jonathan to. And boy did they not compare at all. I mean, it wasn’t that Kevin was bad in bed or anything like that, but Jonathan just always, consistently made sure I was taken to new heights of pleasure I couldn’t even have fathomed earlier.

  It was like every time we were in bed, fireworks went off in my body. It was like oceans of pleasure enveloped me, fire running through me, pleasure I could have never imagined before Jonathan becoming a regular occurrence. I was quickly becoming addicted to his touch, quickly wanting him every second of every day. I just couldn’t get enough of his body. It was like an addiction, I was addicted to Jonathan, and there was nothing I could do about it.


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