Stud Princess, Notorious Vendettas

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Stud Princess, Notorious Vendettas Page 1

by N'Tyse

  A Novel By

  Also by N’Tyse My Secrets Your Lies

  Cougar Suites

  Caramel Latte (Missionary No More PP2) Illicit Fantasy (Bedtime Stories)

  Stud Princess, Notorious Vendettas is a work of fiction. It is not meant to depict, portray, or represent any particular gender, real persons, or group of people. All the characters, places, incidents, and dialogues are products of the author’s imagination, or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2010 by N’Tyse

  Cover design: Inside layout: All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever.

  First Edition, Trade Pbk.

  A Million Thoughts Publishing

  Dallas, Texas ISBN-10: 0615343848

  ISBN-13: 978-0615343846

  Library of Congress Control Number: 2009914003 Printed in the United States of America

  “Hos don’t choose, they get chosen. So quit babysitting time and go make me some money.”

  Chyna – America’s Stud Princess

  An Urban Drama Experience

  Before the Intermission

  It was 11:34 p.m. when Chyna pulled up in a pearl white Lexus on the corner of Second and Berleck Street. She knew from the way Rene was standing that the girl was scared shitless about meeting so late and at such an unusual spot.

  The wind was bone chilling and while Rene was trying to keep warm in her thin jacket, Chyna was hotter than sizzling skillet grease. One glimpse of Rene and her mind thought all kinds of nasty thoughts. And if seeing her from a distance did as much as it did for her now, she couldn’t wait to see the reaction she would get once she was face to face with the young tenderoni.

  Rene spotted the Lexus as it made its approach. She knew then that it had to be the woman she had spoken to over the phone. After seeing her get out of the car, she didn’t look as threatening as her voice made her seem. But she still couldn’t help thinking that Chyna had to be psychologically messed up in the head to suggest such a crazy place to meet. Rene’s guards came down a little. “Hell, what am I scared of?” she thought. Realizing how her hands had been shaking, she stuffed them into her pockets. She was no longer terrified, but just in case this bitch was crazy, she gripped a full container of pepper spray, ready to aim and shoot if the situation got out of control.

  Chyna stepped out of the car nice and slow, throwing her mink on over her dress. “Hello. I’m glad you were able to meet with me tonight,” Chyna started out, undressing Rene with her eyes. “Damn,” she thought. “Why would such a pretty feminine female want a butch bitch like Sand?”

  “Look, half that money is spent, if that’s what this is about.” Chyna was still contemplating Rene’s ass bent over and all in her face. She had to catch herself and remember that she was there to conduct business. “No, no. That’s not what this is about. I don’t want your money, honey. I just want to ask you a few questions and see if you can help me recover what’s mine, that’s all.”

  Rene eyed Chyna, trying to remember where she had seen her face before.

  “You see, Albery owes me for a job he didn’t complete. He also owes me for a job he didn’t start. Now that his ass is sitting on millions of dollars, he has the nerve to up and retire on me.”

  Rene was lost and wondered how any of this could involve her. She saw herself to be no help and was curious if Sand had anything to do with this woman coming there after all. “I don’t think I can help you … uh, what was your name again?”

  Chyna raised her brow a bit then confidently rattled off her government name. “My name is Chyndra Wilson. But people around here call me Chyna.” The smirk on her face was intentional.

  “Okay, Chyna. As I was saying, I don’t think I can help you find what you’re looking for.”

  There was no need for Chyna to continue to waste time— her time. “I think you can. As a matter of fact, your girl knows you can,” she reminded Rene. Hoping Rene would reflect back to the words in the letter that Chyna herself had forged, and had hand delivered right to Rene’s best friend’s doorstep. “She assured me that you would be most helpful in assisting me in a timely manner.”

  Rene looked around, checking her surroundings and listening for any trains. “Why did we have to meet up on a railroad track?” she wondered.

  “Look, all I need for you to do is make a small transaction. One time is all it would take.”

  Rene’s eyes roamed back to Chyna.

  Chyna saw the uncertainty planted in her face. “I’ll tell you like this, ma. You do this thing here for me and you and Sand will be given the best life has to offer. I’ll even throw in an incentive.” She lifted her brow and batted her eyelash. “This is a sweet deal, honey,” she added, while imagining the money she could make off Rene if she was one of the girls on her team. But that was another conversation that she would have to remember to have with her. For now, Chyna was determined to psych Rene up.

  The longer Rene took to answer, the more irritated Chyna grew. She was hardly giving Rene the option to say no.

  Rene considered it for a second. “And what would that incentive be?”

  Chyna grinned. When someone responded with a question that showed interest; they usually wanted a piece of the action. And that was all she needed to hook Rene. “That’s for me to know and you to find out.”

  Rene’s hair blew with the wind. She was still curious. “How much are we talking that he owes you?” she asked.

  “Let’s just say the numbers are up, and it’s tax season.”

  “So, if I do this for you, you’ll pay me off and Sand will come back home to me?”

  “That’s what it is,” Chyna said.

  Rene stopped for a moment to gather her thoughts. A fresh start—a break like this—was exactly what she and Sand needed because she knew the money she had pinched from Albery’s company would only take them so far. Chyna’s proposal sounded more secure.

  “All right. What have I got to lose? The son-of-a-bitch tried to fire me on some bullshit anyway.” Rene couldn’t wait to avenge Albery for threatening to terminate her because she wouldn’t agree to being his little office whore. She’d love to empty his bank account to a negative zero. She laughed inside at the thought. “I’ll do it,” she said finally.

  Chyna smiled. “That’s my girl. In the meantime, here’s a cell phone. It can only receive incoming calls and only I have the number. I’ll contact you when everything is set up. Now to the right of you, over there under that rock,” she looked over in that direction. “There’s an envelope with your name on it. You can thank me later. Until then, you better get off that track. A train’s coming.”

  At first Rene didn’t hear a train. Then suddenly the loud horn of a locomotive was banging in her ears. The light from the huge oncoming train was blinding. She hopped off the tracks so fast that she leaped over a wide ditch.

  Chyna smiled wickedly as she walked back to her car, knowing she had proven her point.

  Rene headed for the envelope. She tore at it eagerly to see what was inside. She thumbed through several bills before stuffing the money into her purse. She couldn’t get in her car fast enough. As she cranked up her engine and drove away, she neglected to notice the red Honda that had been trailing her all week.

  and so the saga continues...


  “ Illusion! Ty know your ass in here taking a got damn nap while she out there working the room?”

  Illusion pretended to be deaf.
Before Fletch stormed in like

  a maniac, she was laying peacefully on her backside, peering up at the opulent decor. She’d been in hundreds of hotel rooms, motels, and Holiday Inns, but none of them compared to the luxuries of this one.

  “Say, girl! I know you hear me talking to you,” Fletch hollered again.

  “Nigga, mind ya own. Shit, I needed a fucking break. Them horny ass old men ain’t going nowhere with they drunk asses,” Illusion snapped, whipping her head around to face him. “She can manage. Hell, she’s been wanting to prove herself this long, now here’s her chance.”

  “Yeah, well, fuck all dat. While your ass in here meditating and shit, you know what I’m saying, you sitting on Chyna’s money. And I don’t think she gonna go for that,” Fletch said, posting up in an OG stance.

  Illusion rolled her eyes at him. “You know what? Fuck Chyna and her money! I’m tired of you running ’round here like her got damn puppy scout. Patrolling and worrying ’bout what the fuck I’m doing,” she shot. “Needs to get you some bidness and stay the hell up outta all mines!” She gathered every strand of her fourteen-inch weave and then let it all fall across her right shoulder. She cut her eyes coldly at Fletch. Just his being there was annoying the fuck out of her.

  Fletch waved his arms and waited a full whole minute before he said anything else to piss her off. “You need to calm all that down. It’s ya boy,” he reminded Illusion, in case she’d forgotten who in the hell she was talking to. He extended his arms as if he was measuring something as wide as himself. “I’m just looking out and making sure you straight. That’s all.” Fletch could tell by the look on her face that he was talking for nothing. He tossed his head up at her. “Come on, ma,” he said as he poked out what he called ‘a real man’s chest.’ “Don’t get all hostile on a brotha and shit.”

  Illusion stared him up and down. White on white Jordan’s, Sta Flo starched baggy, big boy jeans, crisp white XXXXL shirt with Sean Jean’s signature scribbled across it, jailhouse tattoos that covered every piece of skin belonging to his neck and arms, and eye-candy flash from wrist to ear.

  “Kodak nigga,” Illusion mumbled, then frowned at the mere idea of him having bragging rights to say he fucked her. The dreadful memory alone left a sour taste dancing around her mouth. Reminding herself that she’d slept with worse, Illusion let it go, equating Fletch with all the other johns that had to drop a big face on her. She closed her eyes, trying her hardest to shake off those plaguing memories. When she finally reopened them, Fletch was still standing there, smiling, desperate, and as pathetic as they came. Illusion didn’t have to say a word because the sickened look transfixed on her face spoke loud enough—so loud that his ass pretended like he couldn’t interpret what the fuck she was saying.

  “Fletch, go have a drink, roll a joint, fuck some pussy, do something. Just get off my tip,” Illusion shot, turning her lips up once again until they were kissing her nose. He wasn’t even standing that close to her and his bad breath was hitting her smack in the face. She shook her head and eyed the shine in his mouthpiece, wondering if a trip to the dentist to take care of that halitosis would be asking him for too much.

  “Yeah, a’ight. I see how you gon’ be. Ha, ha, ha. You got jokes.” Fletch was able to steal himself an eye-quickie up Illusion’s backside as she crossed one leg over the other, exposing a double dose of the smoothest, thickest brown thighs he’d ever seen. He stood there imagining his tongue showering them then spreading them farther and farther apart, making room for his face to go downtown. She was showing all skin tonight. The sexy red hot number had peek-a-boo slits cut throughout the entire dress and it stopped an accessible inch below the dip of her ass, revealing the ultra thin black lace of her g-string.

  Fletch’s teeth grazed his lips. He could still taste the assortment of juices flowing from her chocolate sugar cane, fresh on his tongue as if it were only yesterday that he was deep-sea fishing between her folds. He recalled her sun-kissed, sienna legs and ass sprawled over him, taking the length of his wood to her maximum, slowly, then at full speed. She rode him long, hard and deep in every position his overweight body allowed him to fuck in.

  That night was programmed in Fletch’s memory to autoreplay and every time he fantasized about it, his jimmy jumped upright. He could vouch that Illusion fucked better than she danced and gave brain so mean, she made Supahead look like a spokeswoman for Oscar Mayer wiener.

  A few men often told Illusion she resembled the model Naomi Campbell. In fact, she favored her so much that women who shared work in her line of business often complained about losing money whenever she came on the scene. And although Illusion hated having her looks compared to another woman’s, other than the woman who birthed her, she rolled with it.

  With her back to Fletch and no indication that she wanted him in the room with her, Illusion remained in a world of her own.

  “With your mean fine ass,” Fletch quipped. He was practically fucking her with his eyes. He glided his hands across his genitals, feeling the rise in his pants as he toyed with the possibilities.

  Even when Illusion was mad, she was sexy. Five foot ten without her heels, hand-picked apple bottom, and round, firm, perky titties. Just the way he preferred them. He was damn near drooling and didn’t even know it. Illusion was a show stopper. She held it down and living up to her name, every guy who came in her direction wanted something that they couldn’t get anywhere else, something to keep coming back for—a sexual illusion.

  Fletch knew that it was time to get the hell up out of there. Illusion was playing with his head—both of them. “I’ll be in the front, but you better not keep these folks waiting long. They paid for two-girl action, not one,” he stressed. There was bass in his voice that had not been there before.

  Illusion just laid there. Fletch was fucking up her groove and invading the bit of privacy and quiet time she tried to enjoy before she went to work.

  “If this shit gets back to Chyna, you already know,” he warned. While his job was to direct the traffic and play watchdog, he wasn’t about to be cramped up in a room with a bunch of no-pussy-getting old men who all looked like they just escaped from the nursing home. They couldn’t harm a flea. And Chyna said they had long money, but shit, you couldn’t tell from the looks of what they were throwing out to Ty tonight.

  Fletch’s manhood was throbbing. His attention was still chasing those wonderful memories of his dick parked between Illusion’s Grade A servicing factory. He couldn’t take it. He needed some pussy right now. “Shit. Fuck it. I’ll be downstairs in the car for a minute. I gotta check something out,” he said, now more anxious than ever to pop in that new, uncirculated DVD his boy Slick bootlegged for him. Cherokee’s big booty ass could not be kept waiting a second longer.

  Illusion fanned him off. “Bye, nigga. Poof. Be gone.” She didn’t want to hear shit about what nobody paid to see tonight. While that was only half the truth of why he busted up in there like a full force police squad, Illusion knew the real deal. Fletch wanted a free show, but fuck that. He’d pay for the goodies just like she made him do the last time they got together. Today was no different. If H2O wasn’t free, there was no way in hell her pussy was going to be. She felt like her pudding was the grandest thing on the face of the earth and for that reason her rates weren’t negotiable. Just like the stock market, her prices could rise in the blink of an eye. Her pussy had value—black market value. There wasn’t anything mediocre or second best about it, so niggas had to pay up to lay up.

  As Fletch’s footsteps faded, Illusion’s heart began to race. The adrenaline rush from the pill she’d swallowed minutes earlier was gradually taking her on a journey to her next euphoric high. If she had to go out there once again and grind on old tart breath men who smelled like they’d been bathing in moth balls and Old Spice, then she’d make damn sure she was high enough to do it. And if the room was anything like she left it, there were at least six seniors in there, all gray-haired or balding, in suits and bow ties
ready to get things jumping. The only thing that wasn’t quite a turn off for Illusion was the fact they all were highend clients of Chyna, meaning the scenery was greenery. But knowing Chyna, they’d already paid an upfront fee that included the gratuity because Chyna didn’t like certain customers placing that kind of money in her ho’s hand. It’d give them a reason to leave her, maybe consider working for herself. And Chyna couldn’t have her bitches thinking. At all. Because she did it for them. She simplified that part of the game. All was needed from her hos was to obey the orders they were given before going out on a sex date. And still after only hoing and showing for Chyna for two months, Illusion knew she wouldn’t be able to keep this up. She’d been better off working the streets alone, without a pimp looking out for her and watching her back, as she recalled all the crap Chyna sold her on.

  Illusion waited a few minutes more while admiring the mosaic sculptures and art framings that embellished the room. Her focal point, a beautiful piece of hanging artwork and its array of rich, bold colors, softly blended with splashes of vibrant reds, emerald sea greens, and indigo blues. She found herself daydreaming about sweet nothings that included empty promises and dreams that never became realities. Then her thoughts drifted to someone else—her daughter. She wondered if her baby girl would remember her if she saw her now. No telling with all the hateful things she was sure her grandmother fed her. Last time she saw her baby, it was for her third birthday. Baby girl looked like a pretty little princess in all that pink and white, but that was over five years ago. Now her princess was eight, probably in the second or third grade.

  Illusion hated everything her life had become and regretted all the bad decisions she’d ever made leading up to this very moment, starting with her daughter, a product of the streets that her mother still served. When Illusion gave birth to her daughter right in the breezeway of a vacant apartment building, instead of throwing her baby in the garbage can or leaving her in the backseat of a city bus for someone else to find, she gave her a better home, right on her mother’s doorstep.


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