PsychoHead Fiction Book One

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PsychoHead Fiction Book One Page 2

by T.D. Green

  Doll Face

  Even though she couldn't hear my words her pale blue eyes inferred that she fully understood. Doll Face was my term of endearment for this beautiful blonde-haired woman, whose complexion resembled that of fine porcelain. I had fallen deeply in love with her the very instant our eyes first met, and my feelings for her remain the same one year later.

  We're a couple who enjoy our privacy, and have never invited and socialised with acquaintances, or other apartment owners in our block. It's our preference to keep ourselves to ourselves, and that's how it will stay. My working colleagues do find me at little strange at times, but I think they understand that I'm a shy person at heart. I was once called an introvert, though personally I think the remark was unfair and uncalled for. Take me as I am, or don't take me at all is what I believe in.

  It was Friday evening and though I'd tried to get out of going to Peter's 30th birthday celebration in the city, I had reluctantly agreed I'd attend the party, after all it was Peter who immediately befriended me on my first day with the company and helped me when I needed help. During the past six months Peter and I have enjoyed working together, and it wouldn't be very friendly of me not to go and wish him well. Still, I really didn't like the idea of leaving my Doll Face home all alone.

  She was sitting up against the headboard as I entered the bedroom, gazing at the TV. I sat beside her and we kissed passionately for a long moment. I spoke softly as I told her I wouldn't stay out too late and that I couldn't wait for the moment that we'd be alone together again this night. I knew that by the look on her face that she was happy in the knowledge that I'd always kept my promises to her, and that this night would be no different. I stood up and began to leave the bedroom, but came to a halt in the open doorway and turned to look upon her beauty for a moment more. I smiled as I blew her a farewell kiss.

  I was nearing eight o'clock as I entered the function room of the Crossed Keys Inn yet already the birthday celebration was well underway, with the majority of guests made up of fellow workers from our department many of whom I'd not really got to know on a personal basis, which was an intentional decision on my part made during my first week with the company

  "It's great you've come, I was hoping you would," called out Peter, approaching with an outstretched hand. "Let's get you a drink, John," he said, grabbing my right hand and shaking it. "John, you haven't come alone, have you? The invite was for you both, you know. I was looking forward to meeting this beautiful lady you've told me about - shame on you!"

  I forced a smile. "Candy couldn't make it ... other prior commitment ... sorry!" It was at that very moment I was starting to wish I'd kept my mouth shut and not told anyone at work about Candy.

  "What's your poison?" enquired Peter.

  "A lager will do fine, thanks."

  "Well, a lager'll do for openers! Shorts later though!" And with that said, Peter made for the bar.

  Standing there alone, darker thoughts began to sneak up on me. Peter was the life and soul of any crowded room, his presence instantly sparking an atmosphere of well-being to any occasion. He had a way with women too, finding just the right thing to say at the right time, which is something I've never been able to do. And the way he can wind someone up with his practical jokes, yet deliver them with such an air of sincerity that it makes it impossible for the victim not to laugh! I had to ask myself if I was envious of Peter? If I was jealous of his popularity? The truthful answer to both those questions was - yes, of course I was! And what about Peter's ...

  "Here you go, John," Peter's voice boomed out from behind me, instantly breaking my train of thought.

  "Thanks, Peter." I had to think quickly for something to say. "So, Peter, 30th birthday and still a bachelor."

  "Yeh, there's plenty of time left to think about marriage, I'm in no rush. Maybe when I'm fortyish."

  "Bit late in life for having kids," I said.

  "Kids? Oh no!"

  "But what about when you're old and frail?" I asked.

  "I'll think about that when that time arrives," Peter replied, grinning wryly. It was clearly evident that Peter's take on life was just to enjoy it while it was there for the taking, and to hell with everything else.

  "C'mon, John, get mingling, enjoy yourself. There's plenty of single females to chat up, I wrote the invite list after all!" He laughed heartily to himself, then slowly wandered off into the crowd.

  I was quite happy to remain in my own company. I'd no intention of chatting up any single females and getting to know them personally, I didn't need to or want to, not when I had my soul mate waiting for me when I got home. No-one could ever take the place of Doll Face.

  "Hey there," said a familiar-sounding female voice close beside me. I turned to face Sally, a colleague from the office.

  "Hi Sally," I uttered casually, "nice party."

  "Want to dance?" she asked, gently swaying her rounded hips to the music and seductively sipping at a glass of red wine. It was a tempting offer.

  "I don't dance, Sally ... two left feet ... sorry."

  "Oh come on, just hold me close and I'll do the moves," she replied, pouting.

  "No, honestly, I don't want to," I insisted.

  Sally gazed at me with a thoughtful look in her eyes for a long moment. And then, "Gay?"

  "No!" I instantly replied, "I'm not gay!" But I couldn't leave it just at that. "I'm not available, that's all." I didn't want to explain my situation any further to Sally but, she was persistent.

  "She must be really something, John, whoever she is ..."

  "She is, Sally."

  "What's her name, then?"


  "Hmmm ... unusual ..." Sally said, smiling cheekily.

  I knew she'd try to wangle more information out of me, and most probably spread it about the office, so I attempted to stop her prying further.

  "Yes, it is ... she's American by birth."

  "Ah, I see," she said. "They do like to fancy-up their names do Americans, don't they?"

  "Some do, yes." I was trying my best not to be interested in the direction I knew the conversation was heading. "Sally, I'd rather not talk about Candy, thank you."

  Perhaps I'd said it too harshly, or maybe she'd finally got the message that I wasn't interested in her, anyhow she kind of grunted something to herself and walked away into the crowd. I blew a thankful, heavy sigh of relief.

  I think Sally must've put the word around that night that I wasn't a free agent, as no other female approached me as the hours slipped by. And to be honest, I couldn't care less if in fact she'd have told everyone I was gay, I'm not, but if that's what was keeping away the women then so be it.

  Strangely enough, the later it was getting, the more I found myself enjoying being there. And each visit to the gents revealed to me that I was becoming drunker than the previous one.

  In an earlier conversation with Peter, he'd said that if I got too smashed that he'd share a cab to take me home; but I quickly put the brakes on that idea. There's no way I wanted to be taken home, not by Peter, not by anyone. Not that night.

  Yet it really is true what they say about alcohol - it does reveal the real person inside you. I was finding that out with every passing minute.

  I can recall looking at my wristwatch which showed the time was approaching 2 a.m., unusually late for me to be out. And that's the only thing I can remember as suddenly, blackness swept over me ...

  I was awoken by the doorbell ringing and heavy pounding on the door.

  Slowly, unsteadily, I sat up on the sofa and shook my throbbing head to try and clear it. It did take some moments to realise where I was - home. Questions came to me right then, like how the hell did I get here? Where was Candy? Who was at the door? I forced myself up off the sofa and started for the door to see who was in such an urgent need to see me.

  The hallway clock read SATURDAY 05:35 as I staggered by on my way to the door. The ringing of the doorbell and the heavy pounding hadn't ceased once, and it wasn't helpin
g my mood at that moment in time. Whoever it was that needed to see me so urgently had better have a damned good reason, I told myself.

  I unlocked the door and opened it to reveal two uniformed police officers who weren't looking too pleased, and needless to say, I was momentarily at a loss for something intelligent to say.

  "John Wright?" the ageing Sergeant enquired flatly.

  "Yes, that's me," I uttered, "what's happened?" The young female constable who stood beside the Sergeant wore an expression of sheer disgust on her face, as if she had taken an instant dislike to me.

  "We're here to investigate a possible case of domestic disturbance reported by a concerned neighbour earlier this morning," explained the Sergeant.

  Domestic disturbance? What the hell was he talking about, I wondered?

  "May we come in, sir?" asked the female constable, who was still looking at me in a very strange manner.

  "Well, er, I suppose so." I gestured to the two officers to enter, then closed the door. Unwanted thoughts and images began to race through my mind. What had I done? Did I come home drunk out of my head and cause an argument? Could I have turned violent and harmed my beloved Candy? Oh God - Candy! This was the first time since being woken that I'd considered Candy! A sense of panic filled me right then. Where was Candy? Oh please Lord, no! Was my worst nightmare about to come true?

  I led the two officers to the living-room where we all stood and stared at one another in silence for some moments.

  "You share this flat with a woman named Candy - is that correct, sir?" asked the Sergeant.

  I didn't want to answer truthfully, yet I was forced to. "Er ... yes Sergeant ... I do." The hesitation in my reply didn't go unnoticed by the two police officers.

  "Can we see her, sir?" asked the Sergeant.

  I had to think quickly. "I'd rather you don't disturb her." Which was a dumb thing to say at that moment in time - I'd clearly thrown more suspicion upon myself!

  "Sir, please understand, we need to make sure the woman in question is safe and unharmed," retorted the young female officer. "We can't leave here without first seeing and speaking to the lady concerned."

  I knew that only too well! And realising what would follow next, a mixture of guilt, shame and embarrassment began to fill me, yet there was nothing I could say or do to prevent the inevitable happening. I was about to be caught out ...

  I felt like a condemned man as I led the two officers out of the living-room and into the hallway, stopping dead in my tracks at the closed bedroom door. I turned to look at the pair, and tried to force a smile. The two officers were expressionless as they waited for me to open the door and reveal what might have taken place inside the bedroom earlier that morning.

  I took a deep breath and opened the bedroom door. And my eyes came upon her, my Candy, naked on the bed for all to see. One of my ties was tightened around her throat, her tongue protruding, her hair tangled and messed up. The horror of that scene struck me dumb.

  The Sergeant's voice broke the strained silence. "Sir, you do realise the gravity of this?"

  I just nodded. I couldn't help but think that my face must have resembled that of a stricken samurai warrior to the two officers.

  "Though we could take action for wasting police time, I think that by the look on your face young man, you've been put through enough for one night. I'm going to put it down to high spirits, and too much alcohol."

  I agreed instantly. "A working colleague's birthday bash ... Peter's the office prankster ... it must've been his idea of a joke. I'm ever so sorry!"

  The two police officers, forcing back their need to break into laughter made their way towards the door to leave, with me following close behind. I knew that the young female officer couldn't contain herself for very much longer by the way her shoulders heaved up and down as she attempted to stifle her hilarity at my situation. I let the officers out and closed the door behind them.

  I can forgive the police officers for thinking of me as someone gullible enough to be tricked so easily. I can forgive Peter for pulling this prank on me after finding out that Candy is an inflatable doll when he brought me safely home. But I can't forgive myself at letting down a loved one....


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