by Blake Bailey
Jones, Conrad
Jones, George
Jones, James
Jones, J. R.
Jones family
Jones Street (New York City)
Joyce, James
“Watching the Needleboats at San Sabba”
Jukovsky, Martin
Kakutani, Michiko
Kastner, Elliott
Kazin, Alfred
Keats, John
Keban, Dr. Carol
Kelly, Thalia Gorham
Kemmler, William, electrocution of
Kendall, Elaine
Kennedy, John F.
Kennedy, Robert F.
first meeting with Yates
working relationship with Yates
Yates’s ambivalence toward
Keough, William
Kerouac, Jack
Kessler, Edward
Kiernan, Fran
King Street (New York City)
Kittredge, William
Kline, Franz
Kline, Dr. Nathan S.
Klinkowitz, Jerome
Klompus, Dr. Irving
Knorr, Frank
Knorr, Janis
Knorr, Rebecca
Knowles, Richard
Kowalsky, John
Krementz, Jill
Krim, Seymour
Kubrick, Stanley
Lacy, Lyn
Lacy, Robert
“Lament for a Tenor”
characters and plot
Landowski, Paul
Lardner, Ring
Larner, Jeremy
Larry (Yates’s helper in Los Angeles)
“A Last Fling, Like”
Laura (a Yates girlfriend)
Lawrence, Nick
Lawrence, Seymour (Sam)
discovers Yates
early career
help given to Yates
obituary of
starts own publishing house
tribute to Yates
Leavitt, Ned
Lee, Don
Leggett, Jack
Lehmann-Haupt, Christopher
Lehrman, Robert
Lemmon, Jack
Lester Rossin Associations
Levin, Ira
Levin, Martin
Levin, Meyer
Levine, Emily (Yates’s granddaughter)
Levine, Richard (Yates’s son-in-law)
Levine, Sonia (Yates’s granddaughter)
Levittown, N.Y.
Lewis, Richard (actor)
Lewis, Richard (producer)
Lewis, Sinclair
“Liars in Love”
characters and plot
Liars in Love
reviews of
Library Journal
Lion’s Head (New York City)
Lish, Gordon
Little, Brown
Little, Colonel Roger
pubs of, Yates in
Yates alone in
Los Angeles
Yates in
Yates’s apartment in
Los Angeles Herald-Examiner
Los Angeles Times
Louis, Joe, Dookie’s bust of
Lowell, Robert
Lowens, Jody
Lynn (a Yates girlfriend)
Lyons, Gene
Macaulay, Jeff
MacDowell colony
Magee, John
Mahopac, N.Y., Yateses in
Mailer, Norman
Malamud, Bernard
manic depression (bipolar disorder)
Mansfield, Katherine
Marshall, Burke
Massachusetts General
Matthiessen, Peter
Maurer, Amos Bigelow (Yates’s maternal grandfather)
Maurer, Elsa (Yates’s aunt)
Maurer, Henry and Julia Ann (Yates’s maternal great-grandparents)
Maurer, Ida (Yates’s aunt)
Maurer, Love (Yates’s aunt)
Maurer, Margaret (Yates’s aunt)
Maurer, Mina (Yates’s aunt)
Maurer, Rufus (Yates’s uncle)
Maurer, Ruth Walden “Dookie” (Yates’s mother)
called an “art bum”
character of, as seen by Yates
death of
drinking habit
early life
family background of
final illness
as grandmother
job at City Center
jobs of convenience
marriage of, to Vincent Yates
men friends
mental instability of
money problems
physical unpleasantness of
resents Sheila
sculpture career
social aspirations
study in Paris
unconventional life of
Who’s Who entry
Yates’s disparagement of
Yates’s financial support of
Yates’s love/hate attitude toward
Maurer sisters
their ostracism of Dookie
McCall, Monica
becomes Yates’s agent
career advice to Yates
encounters Yates in midst of breakdown
helps find screenwriting jobs for Yates
retires and moves to Canada, death of
takes Monica Yates as client
McCarthy, Eugene
McClusky, Mary Jo
McGuane, Thomas
McGuire, Noreen
McInturff, Donn C.
McPherson, James Alan
Melville, Herman
Metz, Lisa
Metz, Robin
Meyer, Lynn
Michals, Duane
Milch, David
Miller, Arthur
Miller, Jill
Miller, Penny
Milton, Vermont
“The Misfits” (lost story)
Mitgang, Herbert
Modern Language Association
Modern Library
Mohbat, Joseph
Mohbat, Nancy
Mojtabai, A. G.
Moore, Brian
Moore, Marianne
Moral Rearmament movement
Morrison, Toni
Mortimer, Penelope
Moses, Jennifer
Mosher, Howard Frank
Motherwell, Robert
Moulding, Murray
going to the, to kill time
malignancy of, in Yates’s opinion
Moynahan, Julian
Munro, Alice
Murray, William
Nabokov, Vladimir
Najarian, Peter
The Nation
National Arts Council
National Association of Women Artists
National Book Award
National Book Critics’ Circle Award
National Council on the Arts
National Endowment for the Arts fellowship
National Institute of Arts and Letters
“A Natural Girl”
characters and plot
Nazimova, Alla
New American Writing
New Republic
New School for Social Research
New Voices
New World Writing
New York City
accent and mannerisms of secretaries of
Yates’s disillusion with
Yates’s love of
The New Yorker
rejects Yates’s stories
reviews Yates’s work
Ruth Yates a fan of
Yates a fan of
Yates’s ambition to be published in
New York Herald Tribune
New York Review of Books
New York Sun, Yates’s work on
New York Times
Yates’s obituary in
New York Times Book Review
Nickerson, M
“No Pain Whatsoever”
Norfolk Museum of Arts and Sciences
Norris, Frank
Norris, Joan
Northern Dispensary (New York City)
Northport VA Hospital
Nowell, Elizabeth
Oakley, Annie
Oates, Joyce Carol
objective correlative
O’Brien, Tim
O’Connor, Flannery
Offit, Sidney
“Oh, Joseph, I’m So Tired”
characters and plot
O’Hara, John
O. Henry
O. Henry Award
O’Malley, Peter
O’Nan, Stewart
O’Neal, Patrick
“The Ordeal of Vincent Sabella”
Ordway, Gilman
Orwell, George
“Out with the Old”
Owens, Marjorie
Owens, Warren
Paley, Grace
Dookie and Yates live in
the Yateses in
Paris Review
Parker, Dorothy
Parker, Dot
Parker, Robert Andrew (Bob)
“A Clef” essay
Parrish, Tim
Pei, Lowry
Pen and Brush
Penner, Jonathan
Percy, Walker
96 Perry Street
“Personal Record of Illness”
Pesci, Joe
Pete’s Tavern
Phillips, Frances
Phillips, Jayne Anne
Pierce, Mrs.
Pine, J. C.
“Pinner and Shirley” (alter egos)
Plath, Sylvia
Plimpton, David
Plimpton, George
Pocket Books
Podhoretz, Norman
Pomerance, Ruth
Porter, Katherine Anne
Portis, Charles
Powers, Gershom
Pratt, Davis
Pratt, Hugh
Preece, W. E.
Prescott, Orville
Prescott, Peter
Prettyman, E. Barrett, Jr.
Price, Richard
Pritchard, William
Publisher’s Weekly
Putnam County Playhouse
Pynchon, Thomas
Rackstraw, Loree Wilson. See Wilson, Loree
Ragan, James
Rambach, Peggy
Ramsey, Gordon, history of Avon school
Random House
“A Really Good Jazz Piano”
characters and plot
Reardon, Bill
Redding, Conn., Yateses in
“Regards at Home”
characters and plot
Remington Rand
Republican Party
Revolutionary Road
characters and plot
fame of
film adaptation attempts
publication of
readers’ responses to
reviews of
title of, choosing
writing of
Richards, Gail
Riche, Robert
Ricker, Bruce
Riddle, Mr.
Riddle, Mrs. Theodate Pope
Rivers, Larry
Robison, Mary
Rockefeller, Nelson
Rockefeller, Winthrop
Rockefeller grant
Rodgers, Fred (Yates’s brother-in-law)
loutishness of
Rodgers, Fred, Jr. (Yates’s nephew)
Rodgers, Frederick “Fritz” (Ruth Yates’s father-in-law)
Rodgers, Louise (Ruth Yates’s mother-in-law)
Rodgers, Louise (Ruth Yates’s sister-in-law)
Rodgers, Peter (Yates’s nephew)
Rodgers, Ruth (“Dodo”) (Yates’s niece)
Rodgers family
Roger Williams College
Rollin, Betty
Roosevelt, Franklin D., Dookie’s bust of
Rosen, Ken
Rosenberg, Dr.
Rosenthal, Jack
Rosenthal, Jean
Rossner, Judith
Roth, Arthur
Roth, Philip
Roth, Ruth
Rubin, Dr. Robert T.
Ruddy, Albert
Rudin, Scott
Rudnak, Theo
Rukeyser, Muriel
Russell, Franklin
Russo, Richard
Rutgers University
Ruth, Patsy
St. Vincent’s Hospital (New York City)
St. Vincent’s Hospital (Staten Island)
Salassi, Booghie
Salem, N.Y.
Salinger, J. D.
Salinger, Steve
San Francisco Chronicle
San Remo (New York City)
Saturday Evening Post
Saturday Review
“Saying Goodbye to Sally”
characters and plot
Scarborough Country Day School
Scarborough-on-Hudson, N.Y.
Scarsdale, N.Y.
“Schedule” (early story)
characters and plot
Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr.
Schrader, Paul
Schulman, Grace
begins friendship with Yates
photographs Yates
recalls friendship with Yates
rejects friendship with Yates
Schulman, Jerry
Schwertley, Suzanne
Scientific American
Scribner, Charles
Sears, Wendy
Sebastiani, Maria
Seidman, Hugh
Seinfeld episode
27 Seventh Avenue South (New York City)
Shafer, Virginia
Shapiro, Brian
Shapiro, Harvey
“Shepherd’s Pie on Payday” (lost story)
Sherin, Ed
Shokoff, Jim
Short Story 1
Sielenski, Ron
Sinats, Andrew
Singer, Isaac Bashevis
Skow, John
Solotaroff, Theodore
“Some Very Good Masters” (essay)
Sorenson, Theodore
A Special Providence
characters and plot
reviews of
writing of
Spector, R. D.
Speer, Dr.
Speer, Martha (Yates’s second wife)
has baby
marries Yates
meets Yates
new life
present life
remarriage of
separates from Yates
Yates’s dependence on
Stabler, Brooke
Stafford, Jean
Stanley, David James
Starbuck, George
Starbuck, Kathy
State Hospital (Staten Island)
Staten Island, Yates in
Stegner, Wallace
Stevenson, Adlai E.
Stewart, Jim
Stewart, Jo
Stone, Robert
Stone Coast Conference
Stonehill, Brian
Stories for the Sixties (edited by Yates)
Streitfeld, David
Stuart, Malcolm
Styron, William
Lie Down in Darkness, Yates’s film script for
Sullivan, Richard
Suzie (Wendy Sears’s roommate)
Sweetheart (cat)
Talese, Gay
Taylor, Peter
Tennenbaum, Sylvia
Thomas, Dylan
Thompson, John
Chad (Gina’s husband-to-be)
Thon, Melanie Rae
Tiffany, Louis Comfort
The Times (London)
“To Be a Hero”
Todd, Richard
Tolstoy, Leo
Tommie (a Yates girlfriend)
Towers, Robert
Trade Union Courier
Transatlantic Review
“Trying Out for the Race”
characters and plot
Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Yates in
Twenty-sixth off Fifth Avenue apartment (New York City)
UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute
Ultima Optical Company
Uncertain Times
characters and plot
unfinished and unpublishable condition of
writing of
United Artists
United Press
UNIVAC computer
University of Alabama
University of Arkansas
University of Denver
Updike, John
USC Masters of Professional Writing
Ustinov, Peter
Van Cleve, Jill
Vandenburg, Jack
Vanderbilt, Gloria
Vanderlip, Frank A.
Vanderlip, Mrs. Frank A.
Van Doren, Charles
Van Dyck, Anthony
Van Nordan, Pierre
Venant, Elizabeth
Veterans (book project)
Veterans Administration
Vevers, Elspeth
Vevers, Pamela
Vevers, Tony
Victoria (a Yates girlfriend)
Vietnam War
Virginia, Yates’s visits to
Vonnegut, Kurt
admired by Yates
blurbs for Yates’s books
encounters Yates in midst of breakdown
eulogy for Yates
helps Yates
Wagner, Richard
Wakefield, Dan
Walcott, Sandra
Wald, Jerry
Walden, Fannie Hatch (Yates’s maternal grandmother)
Wallace, Henry
Wallant, Edward Lewis
Wallin, Luke
Walter, John
war, trauma of
Ward, Bill
Ward’s Island Psychiatric Hospital
Warnke, F. J.
Warren, Robert Penn
Washington Post
62 Washington Square (“Genius Row”) (New York City)
Waugh, Evelyn
Weeks, Edward
Weesner, Ted
Weidman, Jerome
Weihe, Edwin
Weiner, Jack B.
Weiss, Theodore
Wellman, Rosalind
Wesley, John
Wesleyan Writers’ Conference
Westchester, Yateses in
Westchester Workshop
Western Review
West Twelfth Street (New York City)
White, David Omar
White, E. B.
Whitehead, Jim
White Plains, N.Y.
Wichita State University
Wiedeman, Dr.
Wier, Allen
Wiest, Dianne
Wilbur, Ellen
Wilbur, Richard
William Morrow (publisher)
Williams, Galen
Williams, John A.
Williams, Miller
Williams, Tennessee
Willingham, Calder
Wilson, Edmund
Wilson, Loree
Wilson, Robert
Wilson, Sloan, The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit
Winesburg, Ohio