Ballad of the Anarchist Bandits

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Ballad of the Anarchist Bandits Page 35

by John Merriman

  Hennion, Célestin, 212–13

  Henry, Émile, 55, 245

  Herve, Gustave, 27, 205

  high bourgeoisie, 12

  “high life,” 12

  Hippodrome de Vincennes, 13

  Hommes dans le prison, Les, 264

  Honor the Soldier, 249

  Huc, Jean-Joseph, 91, 96, 100

  Hugo, Victor, 24

  Hutteaux, Louise Clément, 183–184

  illegalism, 59

  Kibaltchiche, Victor, renunciation of, 84

  L’Anarchie and, 213

  Lorulot’s definition of, 90

  Maîtrejean, Rirette, renunciation of, 244

  See also anarchists; Bonnot Gang; illegalists

  illegalists, 57, 59–60, 61, 66, 71, 84, 85, 90, 98, 196

  Moreau-Arfeux murders and, 132

  targeted by police, 196

  See also names of specific illegalists and Bonnot Gang members; illegalism

  “Illustrated Violence,” 171

  income tax, French, 253

  individualism, 53

  vegetarianism and, 84

  See also anarchists; individualists; Kibaltchiche, Victor; Libertad

  individualists, 57–59, 61, 66–67, 70, 196, 243

  targeted by police, 196

  See also individualism; Kibaltchiche, Victor; Libertad

  intellectuals, police targeting of, 196

  Ivry-sur-Seine, 39

  Jacob, Marius, 59–60, 143

  Jardin du Luxembourg, 48, 78

  Jaurès, Jean, 75, 153, 213, 254, 255

  See also L’Humanité

  Jockey Club, 14

  Jouhaux, Léon, 45

  Jouin, Louis-François, 97–98, 123, 127, 132, 141, 147, 149, 151, 160, 231

  body of, 192

  Bonnot, Jules, shooting and killing of, 192–194, 196

  Dettweiller, Jean-Georges, interrogation, 153

  disagreements with Xavier Guichard, 170

  Gauzy, Antoine, interrogation, 191

  identification of Bonnot Gang members, 147

  Kibaltchiche, Victor, conviction for murder of, 234–235

  memorial service, 204

  Monier, Élie, arrest, 189

  Rimbault, Louis, interrogation, 153

  struggling with public opinion, 152

  thoughts of resigning, 157

  Jourdan, Pierre, 183, 184

  Journal, Le, 17, 145

  juvenile delinquency, 172

  See also apaches

  Kayser, Louise “Red Venus,” 151, 226

  Kibaltchiche, Léon Ivanovitch, 19–20

  Kibaltchiche, Victor, 4–5, 9, 17, 20, 88, 158, 222, 244, 245, 246, 257–266, 263

  anarchist beginnings, 29

  anarchist beliefs, 57–58, 61

  arrests and imprisonments, 142, 263, 264

  as Belgian burglary suspect, 132

  in “Belgian Trio,” 186

  Bonnot Gang and, 221–222

  Bonnot Gang trial and, 225–226, 234–235

  break with anarchism, 262

  brother’s death, 21

  Callemin, Raymond, and, 22, 24, 84, 101, 114, 123–124, 183, 235

  campaign against illegalists in L’Anarchie, 102

  causerie and debate attendance, 84

  children of, 261

  Cler, Henri, funeral and, 82

  Communist Party expulsion, 263

  Communist Party membership, 262

  considered Bonnot Gang member by press, 157

  de Boe, Jean, and, 24–25, 264

  death of, 266

  defense of Sokolov, 31

  Dieudonné, Eugène, and, 264

  early life, 21–22, 24, 25–26, 27

  father of, 22, 23

  fiction writer, 264

  first travels to Paris, 32

  from individualist beliefs to belief in collective action, 83

  Garnier, Octave, and, 123–124

  intellectual compatibility with Rirette Maîtrejean, 80

  l’Affaire Bonnot, 265

  L’Anarchie editorials and articles, 48, 53, 62, 84, 139

  law school, 28

  Leninism and, 262

  library visits, 47

  Lorulot and, 90

  Maîtrejean, Rirette, and, 77, 78, 99–100, 232, 257, 258, 261

  Marxism and, 264

  mother’s death, 23

  name change to Victor Serge, 259

  “New Russian Imperialism, The” by, 266

  1907 visit to anarchist community, 30

  1917 arrest and imprisonment of, 260–261

  1918 release from prison, 261

  parents, 19–21

  participation in protests, 81

  police interrogation of, 141–42

  preoccupation with mobilizing anarchists against French state, 80–81

  reading and discussion group, 47–48

  renunciation of illegalism, 84, 98

  Romainville and, 91, 95, 101

  Roussakov, Liouba, and, 261

  Russia and, 259, 261–264

  Scoundrel Laws and, 161–162

  Séjourné, Laurette, and, 265

  sheltering Bonnot Gang members, 123–124, 141

  Soudy, André, and, 141

  taking over L’Anarchie, 99–100

  as target of anarchist roundup by police, 196

  tensions between illegalists and, 90

  trial testimony, 225–226

  Trotsky, Leon, and, 263, 265

  Valet, René, and, 101

  “witness novels,” 266

  work in Paris, 47

  World War I and, 255–256

  writings, 31, 48, 53, 62, 84, 139, 264, 265, 266

  See also Bonnot Gang; trial, Bonnot Gang; L’Anarchie

  Kinable, Alphonse, 207

  Koenigstein, François. See Ravachol

  Kropotkin, Peter, 55, 59, 265

  Aux jeunes gens, 29

  La Chapelle, 36–37

  La Libre Recherche, 47–48

  La Santé prison, 82, 142, 144, 215, 235, 237, 245

  on Bonnot Gang execution day, 240

  Lacombe, 214–15

  L’Anarchie, 5, 17, 32, 85, 96, 151, 158, 179, 180, 188, 225

  Bonnot Gang commentary, 213, 221, 223, 236

  campaign against illegalists, 102

  causeries announcements in, 90

  denunciations of militarism, 249

  early beginnings, 50–51

  fights about direction of, 99

  individualist anarchism and, 58–59

  individualist outing announcements, 66

  magistrate review of, 180

  Mauricius’ approval of Bonnot Gang in, 205

  Montmartre office, 48

  pre-World War I era and, 250

  printer, 169

  provocative articles, 51–52

  publication of Bonnot Gang trial juror information, 223

  return to Paris, 101

  Romainville office, 90, 127, 147

  social action focus, 102

  under editorship of Émile Armand, 161, 258

  under Victor and Rirette, 99–100, 144, 162

  view of illegalists, 61

  war rumors in, 251

  See also Kibaltchiche, Victor; Libertad; Maîtrejean, Rirette

  Lanterne, La, 121

  L’Appel des armes, 250

  L’Aurore, 267

  L’Auto-Journal, 174

  Le Clerch, Barbe, 102–103, 131, 161, 222

  Bonnot Gang trial and, 234

  Le Foll, Pierre, 74

  Le Lido, 13

  Leblanc, Maurice, 171

  Leblanc, Raoul. See Carouy, Édouard

  L’Éclair, 17, 178

  Lecocq, Anna, 155, 169

  Lecomte, Claude, 34

  Lenin, 197

  Leninism, 262

  Leopold II, 29

  Lépine, Louis, 3–4, 121–122, 127, 153, 157

  call for more police, 178

  Choisy-le-Roi garage siege and, 19

  eulogy for Louis-François Jouin, 204–205

  Jean-Jacques Liabeuf execution and, 82

  1909 shooting of, 81

  Nogent-sur-Marne Garnier-Valet villa operation, 207–212

  successor to, 212–213

  threats to, 240

  Lescouvé, Théodore, 157

  L’Excelsior, 17, 115, 152, 174, 203

  L’Humanité, 32, 75, 153, 159, 170, 182, 213, 254

  Liabeuf, Jean-Jacques, 82–83

  Libération, 267

  Libertad, Albert, 32, 48–53, 51, 165

  anarchist writings, 50

  arrests and incarcerations of, 50, 52

  causerie lectures, 64–65, 66

  causeries populaires, 50

  contempt for socialists, 52

  death of, 76, 90

  denouncement of trade unions, 72

  early jobs, 49

  individualism and, 53, 57, 61

  influence among individualists, 71

  Morand, Jeanne, and, 70

  1907 Draveil-Vigneux strike and, 74, 75

  street lectures, 50

  visit with Rirette Maîtrejean, 70–71

  See also L’Anarchie

  Libertaire, Le, 50, 139, 180, 251, 261, 262

  Libre Parole, La, 173, 203

  L’Idée Libre, 99, 116, 134, 160

  Ligue antimilitarist, 50, 71

  L’Oeil de la police, 171

  Lorulot, 90–91, 95, 96, 133, 160, 190, 236

  Baraille, Barthélemy, and, 166

  illegalism and, 90, 99

  individualism and, 90

  Kayser, Louise “Red Venus,” and, 151, 226

  Kibaltchiche, Victor, and, 90

  as L’Anarchie editor, 90, 116

  Maîtrejean, Rirette, denunciation of, 245

  police search of residence, 147

  See also L’Idée Libre

  Lumière, Louis, 13

  Maîtrejean, Louis, 67, 69–70

  as counterfeiter, 70

  Maîtrejean, Rirette, and, 67, 68–69, 70

  prison sentence, 70

  Maîtrejean, Rirette, 4–5, 9, 64, 87, 88, 127, 158, 222, 244–245, 266–267

  anarchism education and socializing, 64–66, 68, 69

  arrest of, 160

  birth of second child, 68

  Bonnot Gang and, 221

  Bonnot Gang trial and, 219, 224–225, 234

  Callemin, Raymond, and, 101, 123–124, 139–140

  Camus, Albert, and, 267

  causerie and debate attendance, 84

  countryside excursions from Romainville, 97

  death of, 267

  early life, 63

  father’s death, 63

  free love beliefs and practices, 67, 260

  Garnier, Octave, and, 123–124, 139–140

  at Henri Cler funeral, 82

  home life in Belleville, 68

  incarceration, 160–161

  individualist beliefs, 62, 66

  Kibaltchiche, Victor, and, 8, 77–78, 84, 99–100, 232, 257, 258, 267

  L’Anarchie editorials by, 53

  as L’Anarchie managing director, 224

  Maîtrejean, Louis, and, 67, 69, 70

  Mauricius and, 69, 70, 77, 245

  1907 Draveil-Vigneux strike and, 74

  pregnancy and birth of first child, 67–68

  Romainville and, 91, 95–96

  Scoundrel Laws and, 161–162

  sheltering Bonnot Gang members, 123–124

  social justice interest, 64

  Soudy, André, and, 101

  taking over L’Anarchie from Lorulot, 99–100

  as target of anarchist roundup by police, 196

  Valet, René, and, 78–79, 101

  World War I and, 255–256

  as young mother, 68–69

  See also Bonnot Gang; L’Anarchie; trial, Bonnot Gang

  Malatesta, Errico, 243–244

  Malraux, André, 264

  Marie la Belge. See Vuillemin, Marie-Félice

  Mathillet, Francois, 163–164

  Matin, Le, 17, 135, 145, 156, 170, 172, 174, 186, 195, 203, 205

  memoirs of Rirette Maîtrejean published in, 258

  Matisse, Henri, 10

  Mauclair, Camille, 54

  Mauricius, 69, 76

  L’Anarchie writings, 69, 205

  Maîtrejean, Rirette, and, 69, 70, 77, 245

  neo-Malthusianism beliefs, 69

  Maxim’s restaurant, 14

  McKinley, William, 55

  Mélé, La, 261

  men’s clubs, Paris, 14

  Meric, Victor

  Bandits Tragíques, 268

  comments on Octave Garnier and René Valet, 213–214

  Metge, Marius “Mistral,” 97, 102–103, 158

  arrest of, 131

  Bonnot Gang trial and, 231, 232, 234

  Carouy, Édouard, and, 102

  Garnier, Octave, and, 102

  Le Clerch, Barbe, and, 102–103, 161

  Moreau-Arfeux murders and, 129

  Romainville and, 96

  Valet, René, and, 102, 231

  witness testimony about 220–221

  See also Bonnot Gang; trial, Bonnot Gang

  Métro, Paris, 10

  Michelin Company, 176, 177

  aviator bomb prize, 250

  Bibendum, 177

  Guide, 176

  Michon, Émile, 237–238

  at Bonnot Gang executions, 241

  Millerand, Alexandre, 16

  Mirbeau, Octave, 175, 194

  Modigliani, Amedeo, 36

  Monarchists, French, 16

  Monier dit Simentoff, Élie, 96, 187, 189–190

  Bonnot, Jules, and, 116

  Bonnot Gang trial and, 230, 232, 233, 234

  Callemin, Raymond, and, 148

  Chantilly bank robbery and murder and, 164

  execution of, 240, 241, 242, 252

  Gauzy, Antoine, and, 189, 191, 230

  Romainville and, 96, 100

  Seine-et-Marne carjacking and, 163–164

  See also Bonnot Gang; trial, Bonnot Gang

  Montmartre, 34–36, 37

  eclectic banlieue styles, 35

  L’Anarchie office in, 48

  police attention on, 170

  tricolor terror, 34

  Morand, Jeanne, 70

  Moreau, François, 128

  Moreau-Arfeux murders, 128, 129, 132

  Carouy, Édouard, and, 167

  Moroccan Crisis, First, 248

  Moroccan Crisis, Second, 121, 248–249, 251

  Mosier, Henri, 118–119

  Moulin de la Galette, 35

  Moulin Rouge, 35, 249

  music, anarchist, 67

  music, Paris avant-garde, 10–11

  Musset, Alfred, 24

  Napoleon, 15, 17

  Napoleon III, 39

  Narodnaya Volya, 19–20

  Neo-Impressionists, 10

  neo-Malthusianism, 56, 69

  newspapers, Paris, 17, 40

  Bonnot Gang coverage, 138–139, 153–154

  Choisy-le-Roi garage siege coverage, 198–202

  criminal investigations and, 171

  fait divers in, 173

  See also names of specific newspapers; anarchist press

  Nicholas II, 27

  Nijinsky, Vaslav, 252

  Nogent-sur-Marne Garnier-Valet villa police operation, 207–212, 211

  nouveaux riches, 12

  Opéra, Paris, 13, 39

  Paillette, Paul

  poem about Jules Bonnot by, 240

  Panama Canal Affair, 17

  panic in Paris, Bonnot Gang and other criminal activity and, 170–178

  Paraf-Javal, Georges, 71

  Paris, France

  avant-garde artists, 10, 35–36

  avant-garde music, 10–11

  cinema, 13–14

  department stores, 40–41

  electric lamps, 10

  first métro line, 10

rment industry 40

  grands boulevards, 9, 10, 11, 41

  grands salons, 14–15

  guidebooks, 11, 176

  haute couture fashion, 14

  men’s clubs, 14

  panic from Bonnot Gang and other criminal activity, 170–178

  patriotism in pre-World War I era, 249–250

  plebian suburbs, 39

  quartiers populaires, 11, 12, 44, 45, 183

  restaurants, 14

  theaters, 13

  turn-of-the-century working-class life, 42–46

  upper-class amusements, 13

  urban villages within, 38–39

  See also specific buildings and attractions

  Paris Commune, 11, 12, 34, 65, 68, 73, 252

  Passe-Partout, Le, 171

  Pathé Journal, news on cinema screens and, 13–14

  patriotism, pre-World War I Paris, 249–250

  Pederowska, Vera, 20

  Peemans, Alfred, 1, 3, 121, 153, 227

  Péguy, Charles, 255

  Petit-Demange, Albert, 110, 111, 112, 115

  Petit Journal, Le, 120, 171

  Petit Palais, 10

  Petit Parisien, Le, 17, 121, 124, 125, 157, 165, 173, 186

  Bonnot Gang trial coverage, 228

  crime coverage, 171

  Picasso, Pablo, 10, 35–36

  Platano, Joseph, 110, 111, 113, 115, 156, 197

  Jules Bonnot shooting of, 112, 113–114, 159

  Poincaré, Raymond, 131, 251

  pardoning of Eugène Diuedonné, 242

  threats to, 240


  anarchist crackdowns and roundups by, 143–144, 179, 196

  attention on Montmartre, 170

  disorganization and coordination of, 183

  interrogations of Bonnot Gang member and associates, 98, 141–142, 153, 160, 166, 167, 185, 194, 197–198, 219–220, 221, 229

  investigation of anarchists with automobiles, 145

  investigation of Bonnot Gang and aviation, 146

  need for funds and updated crime-fighting tools, 182–183

  post-Bonnot Gang improvements in Security and gendarmerie, 212–113

  pre-World War I view of anarchism by, 249

  press criticism of, 182

  shootings of, 148, 156, 192–94, 196, 231

  threats to, 240

  See also specific police operations related to Bonnot Gang; Bertillon, Alphonse; Gilbert, Maurice; Guichard, Xavier; Jouin, Louis-François; Lépine, Louis

  police memoirs, 171

  police novels, 171

  Pont Alexandre III, 10

  Popular Front, 264, 265

  Post-Impressionists, 10

  Princip, Gavrilo, 253

  Printemps, 40

  Progrès de Lyon, Le, 115

  propaganda by the deed, 55, 245

  propaganda by the word, 55

  Prosper Robert, Inspector, 191–192

  Proust, Marcel, 252–253

  Psichari, Ernest, 250

  quartiers populaires, Paris, 11, 12, 44, 45, 183

  Quat’z’Arts, Les, 35

  Radical Republic, 16

  Radicals, French, 16

  Ravachol, 55, 129, 245

  Ravel, Maurice, 10–11

  Raymond-la-Science. See Callemin, Raymond la Science


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