We Wish You A Naughty Christmas: A Christmas Collection

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We Wish You A Naughty Christmas: A Christmas Collection Page 57

by Skye Warren

  “I want more,” I beg, the last word cut off as his hand squeezes harder around my neck.

  “You’re mine now.” He says as he shoves his cock deeper inside me. I gasp through his choking hand as his cock slides into my ass. He fills me in a way I’ve never felt before. My ass tightens around him, trying to push him out, but he shoves himself deeper with every thrust, driving me to the edge.

  I writhe against him, twisting my head from side to side, unable to think against the torrent of sensations filling me as his finger rubs against my clit, bringing me to the edge of an orgasm. Just when I think I can’t take anymore, he bites down on my shoulder and shoves his cock inside me. I bite down on the sleeping bag to muffle my scream as I cum, my ass tightening around his cock. He grunts against my ear, and he thrusts one last time and fills me with his sticky seed.

  I lay there, against him, our heavy breathing the only sound in the cabin. His cock keeps pulsing inside me, as he gently rubs my clit, sending wave after wave of pleasure tingling through my skin, numbing my lips and the tips of my finger. I’ve never felt anything like this before.

  And all it took was an avalanche.

  His cock slips out from between my cheeks, and he pulls me tight against his body, kissing the back of my neck until I pass out from exhaustion.

  It’s getting harder to think by the hour as the oxygen in the cabin begins the run thin. The rescue beacon is still blinking, but the odds of being rescued in time is getting lower by the hour. It’s been three days since we got buried under the avalanche. We’ve run through the first bottle of oxygen, supplementing the thin air with a few breaths, to keep ourselves from falling unconscious.

  I take a shallow breath from the second bottle. My eyes are blurry, but I can see the dial on the tank. There’s only a half a tank left.

  I pass the bottle to Brett, but shakes his head and presses it back towards me.

  “You need it too,” I whisper.

  “I’m fine.” He says, his voice hoarse.

  “Don’t be a hero.” I smile weakly at him. “Either we’ll both make it or neither of us will.”

  He grins back at me, lifting his heavy lids open with an effort to look back at me. “I knew you’d make a great member of this team.”

  He takes the tank from me and takes a short pull of breath.

  “It’s your turn to sleep.” He says. “I’ll keep watch and give you air when you need it.”

  I shake my head. “I’m pretty sure it’s my turn. You just woke me up.”

  “Trust me.” He grins back at me. “It’s your turn.”

  I close my eyes and try to think, but it’s so hard. I can barely pull my eyes back open to look at him. “Are you sure?”

  “Yeah.” He smiles. “Definitely.”

  “Okay,” I say as I begin to drift to sleep. “Make sure you wake me up, though.”

  “I will.” He says as my eyes close and I drift off into a deep sleep.

  I wake up to blinding light and the sound of the sleeping bag zipping open. I try to reach up, to grab whatever’s sitting on my face, but I don’t have any strength in my arms.

  A hand takes the oxygen mask off my face and replaces it with another mask as a flashlight shines into my eyes.

  “Can you hear me?”

  I don’t recognize the voice, but I have enough sense to nod yes.

  “You’re lucky to be alive.” She says as she turns the flashlight off.

  I blink my eyes open, as I pull in a deep breath of cold oxygen and my blurry eyes begin to clear. I try to take the mask off so I can speak but my hands are gently pulled away.

  “Don’t try to speak.” The stranger says. “You need to save your strength.”

  I turn my head and see two other strangers in red survival gear working over a body next to me. My memory begins to return to me. Oh, my God. That’s Brett. I struggle to pull my mask off, but the hands hold me in place. I just want to call out to him. To see if he’s still alive

  “He’s still alive.” She says. “And we aim to keep him that way.”

  I blink my eyes, suddenly wet with tears as a pair of hands lift me by my shoulders and legs onto a stretcher and strap me in place. I try desperately to keep my eyes open, but they are so heavy. I drift back into darkness as I’m lifted off the ground and carried away.

  “Brett,” I say. “Can you hear me?”

  My heart is pounding in my chest. I’ve been sitting in his hospital room for the past three days, and this is the first time he’s shown any signs of life. Brett’s eyes twitch again and finally slide open.

  I squeeze his hand tight and feel him squeezing back.

  “Brett!” I say. “Can you hear me?”

  “Scarlett?” His voice cracks as his eyes find mine. His lips crack into a dry grin as he recognizes me. “You miss me?”

  “Did I miss you?” I laugh as happy tears roll down my cheeks. “Of course I miss you. You big idiot!”

  “I’d ask if this is Heaven, but I don’t think angels are supposed to call you an idiot.” He says as his eyes begin to take in his surroundings.

  “They do when you don’t use your share of the oxygen!” I lift his limp hand to my mouth and kiss the back of it. “You big, kind idiot.”

  “Oh.” He laughs, but it quickly turns into a cough. “Yeah…”

  “Yeah.” I laugh. “Thanks for saving my life.”

  “I owed you one.” He says after recovering from his coughing fit.

  “We’re even now.” I smile back at him. “All you owe me now is dinner.”

  “Dinner?” He looks genuinely confused.

  “What kind of girl do you think I am?” I laugh. “You think you can fuck me without taking me out on a date?”

  “Emergency rations don’t count, huh?” He smiles.

  “No.” I laugh. “I’m classy like that.”

  “How about tomorrow?” He asks as the nurse comes in and the doctor follows in behind him.

  “That sounds great, Brett.” I smile. “I’m going to hold you to it.”

  I stand back as the nurse and doctor attend to him. I wipe away my tears and sit down on the couch by the wall out of the way.

  I know I’m getting ahead of myself, but all I can think is how crazy it’s going to be when we tell our kids the story of how we first got together.

  Censored of course.

  I bet they won’t believe it.


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  Part XXI

  Deck Her Halls by Penelope Bloom

  Chapter 1


  My normally drab office is absolutely decked out for the Christmas season. I proudly take it all in. Cheryl from human resources helped me get everything set up, but I was the one who masterminded the whole operation. You could say I’m a little bit of a Christmas fanatic. I don’t know what it is, the songs, the decorations, the good spirit, but something about December just puts me into overdrive.

  I have holly draped along the top of everyone’s office door and wreaths near all the water fountains. There is even a fun little story to be told if you follow a trail of reindeer footprint stickers that lead from the break room to the roof access. I set it up to look like the reindeer raided our fridge and tried to escape to the roof, but ended up having to use the fire escape window by accounting. I know it’s a little lame, and half the office makes sure I know by teasing me about it. I don’t care though. They can tease all they want because celebrating the holidays is just what I do. It’s who I am.

  I send the last email of the day and rub my hands together excitedly. The Christmas Eve party is tonight and I can’t wait. I even bought a special pair of jade earrings with gold trim that are shaped like stockings for the occasion. The office buzzes with activity as everyone finishes up their last bits of work and gets ready to go out for the night. Pretty much everyone is going to be at the party, and we’ve been talking about it all week. If it’s anyt
hing like last year, we’ll be talking about it for months to come too.

  Lauren opens the door to my office, smiling wide. “See you there!”

  I smirk. “If you manage to stay conscious long enough for me to get there this time, you will.”

  She waves a dismissive hand. “Hey, the responsibility is on you to get there before I’m blackout drunk.”

  I roll my eyes but can’t help grinning as she leaves. I’ve never been much of a binge drinker myself, so I don’t understand Lauren’s compulsion to drink until she forgets everything. I’d rather have a few drinks to loosen up and take everything in. Besides, I have a tendency to make a total fool of myself when I get too drunk, so I’m careful to watch myself.

  I can’t leave with my desk unorganized, so I take five minutes to straighten papers and put everything where it belongs, making a little stack of items that need immediate attention when I come back from our brief holiday break. The office rapidly clears out while I organize. There are cheers of excitement and loud laughter as people get ready for the party of the year. Harry is humming “Deck the Halls” in his deep baritone while he gets his coat on. I smile to myself, loving every second of it. I think the part that I love most about the holidays might just be seeing how happy it makes everyone. It lets me live in a world where people aren’t so cruel and nasty and grumpy all the time, even if it’s just for a little while.

  I make one last check of my desk and when I’m sure everything is set in its place, I grab my coat to leave. The door to my office was already ajar, but I jump when I hear it slam against the wall. The man standing in the doorway is tall, broad-shouldered, and distractingly attractive. He has a perfectly defined jawline and dreamy hair that always seems to fall just perfectly out of place. His piercing eyes bore into me, making me feel self-conscious, like I suddenly can’t remember what I normally do with my hands.

  “Adam…” I wince in embarrassment. “I mean, Mr. Wolfe. Sorry.” My cheeks burn hot. Why am I such a mess around him? He took over as CEO last week, and I still feel like jelly when I look at him. Stupid jelly that can’t put two thoughts together.

  There’s a hint of laughter in his dark eyes as he slaps a heavy folder down on my desk. “I need this by tonight.”

  My eyes fall to the folder. “Incident reports? Sir, with all due respect, can’t these wait until--”

  “By tonight,” he says.

  I swallow hard, embarrassment quickly melting to anger. I don’t care if he is Mr. Billionaire Big Shot, the fastest way to piss me off is by interfering with my holidays. “I had time to do these earlier today, why are you only just now giving them to me?”

  He puts his hands on my desk taking command of the entire room, demanding my focus. My mouth feels dry as I take him in. He even looks rich. Why do all super rich people seem to have some quality to their skin and hair, like it’s just better? Am I just imagining that? Focus, Ally! This asshole is trying to ruin your Christmas Eve.

  “What’s the problem?” he asks. “Are you afraid to be alone in the office with me? I won’t bite.”

  Why not? Ugh! Stop it. I wish I could just be pissed at him and stop fantasizing about him disciplining me in his office. I lick my lips. “No. I just had plans.” My voice comes out sounding quieter and meeker than I intended.

  He raps his knuckles twice on my desk and winks at me. “Now you have new plans.” Without a backward glance, he turns and walks from my office.

  When the door closes, I pick up a stuffed Santa doll on my desk and throw it as hard as I can at the door and then slump down in my chair to pout. “Asshole…”

  Chapter 2


  I move through the office, making sure everything is shut down properly and in order for the holiday break. I have people to do this kind of thing, but I’ve always been the hands-on type. It’s part of how I became the youngest billionaire on the Forbes list. When everyone else started delegating more and more as they climbed, I always kept a close eye on my finances and operations. That’s why I’m running this company. It’s not my biggest investment by any means, but I buy out struggling or stagnant companies and turn them around, selling them for a profit, even if it means gutting the infrastructure and laying everyone off. I find the money, and I’m damn good at it.

  This branch of the company manages a network of factories that produce industrial goods. I noticed a huge opportunity here to expand and drastically increase value. The previous CEO was too conservative. I just need a few more weeks to get the ball rolling, then I’ll be able to triple the company’s value by the end of the year.

  I smirk when I think of the look on Ally’s face when I gave her those incident reports. I thought she was just the usual meek type who can’t string a sentence together around me, but I saw some of the fire in her just now, and it has me dangerously distracted. I have several deals on the line that I need to be checking up on and nudging in the right directions, but all I can think about is the way her tits were pressing against the silky blouse she wore, and the way she looked when she licked those full lips.

  I notice a trail of reindeer tracks leading from the break room. I frown in confusion, following them through the office. Who is the slacker wasting their time setting this stuff up? The tracks lead to the roof access and then veer off toward another office. The door leading to the roof access stairs has black fingerprints smudged on it. I grimace, wondering which maintenance person neglected to clean it. I pull a handkerchief from my suit and open the door, scrubbing at the prints and noticing them wrap around to the back of the door as well. I let the door close as I scrub the prints off the back.

  Once I’m satisfied, I tug on the door handle, but it doesn’t budge. Shit. Realization hits me hard. It must be after seven already, and the building locks from the outside automatically at seven. I turn slowly to confirm what I already know. The stairs only lead up. To the roof. I don’t want to suffer the indignity of banging on the door and yelling for Ally to come let me out, so I decide to check the roof for another way in.

  Chapter 3


  It’s nearly an hour later and I still hear the banging sound above me. It’s giving me the creeps. It sounds like some huge animal is rampaging around on the roof, but we’re nearly fifty stories up and on the top floor in this office. Only a bird could get on the roof, and I didn’t imagine a bird could make sounds that loud.

  I enter the last incident report into the system and my head snaps up as another loud bang rings out from the roof. I turn off “Jingle Bell Rock” and get up to go find Mr. Wolfe. I was able to finish those reports a lot faster than I thought, so if I hurry, I can still get to the party. I check his office but the door is open and he’s not inside.

  What a jerk. He makes me stay late and he doesn’t even stay in the office himself? I sigh in annoyance as I head for the exit. As I pass the roof access something catches my eye. Who wiped off Santa’s fingerprints? I used charcoal to make it look like Santa had snuck in from the roof, like he still had ash on his fingers from coming down the chimney, and some party pooper cleaned it off. I rush back to my office, grab the leftover charcoal, and smear it on my hand. When everyone comes back from the holiday break, I still want them to see my decorations one more time. I open the door, pressing my hand around the door.

  I step inside the small staircase so I can put a handprint on the back of the door too. Just as I’m pressing my hand to the door, a voice nearly makes me collapse with surprise.

  “Ally! Hold the door!”

  “What?” I gasp, turning. The heavy door slams behind me and my stomach clenches. I’m pretty sure these doors lock after hours.

  Mr. Wolfe’s hair is in a little bit of disarray and he has taken off his suit jacket. A sheen of sweat coats his forehead. When the door closes, he runs his hands through his hair. “Fuck!”

  I try the door handle and cringe when it’s just as locked as I had feared.

  “I said hold the door,” he says slowly.

bsp; “You also scared the crap out of me. What the hell were you doing coming running down the stairs at me like some kind of crazy person?”

  “I was trying not to get locked up here until tomorrow when maintenance comes by.”

  I smile, feeling a little like I might snap at any moment. “When is that, exactly?”

  “Tomorrow morning.”

  I nod, putting my hands on my hips and taking a few steps, trying to be calm, trying not to be crazy.

  Then I lose it.

  I grab the handle of the door and pull as hard as I can. When that doesn’t work, I take a few steps back and run toward the door, kicking it as hard as I can. Something in my ankle rolls, blinding me with a moment of intense pain as I fall to the ground.

  Chapter 4


  She actually kicks the door. I cover my mouth, trying not to laugh. Then I see the way she rolls up in pain, clutching at her ankle.

  “Are you okay?” I ask, rushing toward her and kneeling at her side.

  Her features are pinched together and she is looking anywhere but at her ankle. “I’m fine,” she says, voice a little too high-pitched.

  I look at her ankle. It’s already swelling. “You don’t look okay,” I say. “Look at it.”

  She shakes her head. “Nope. I’d rather not look at it.”

  I smirk. “Let me help you to the roof. It’s cold as hell up there but we can use some snow to help with the swelling. Maybe it’ll even cool off that temper of yours.”

  I hook my arm under hers and help her to stand. She tries to put a little weight on the ankle and her leg gives out. I catch her before she falls, taking all her weight easily. “Let me just carry you,” I say.


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