We Wish You A Naughty Christmas: A Christmas Collection

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We Wish You A Naughty Christmas: A Christmas Collection Page 65

by Skye Warren


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  Part XXIV

  A Naughty Christmas Surprise by Kylie Walker

  Chapter 1

  Holly held the paper in her hands, still trembling from the shock of it all, and sobbed. The paper, a light shade of yellow, began to fold back down over itself as it fell from her hands.

  Overwhelming, shuddering sobs racked her small frame as she put her head in her hands and let her anguish flow out freely. This was a letter that showed in detail how far behind she was in rent payments for her nightclub. Jesus Christ! The sweat, blood and tears it took Holly to build up her business over the last six years took everything but it had paid off. It was one of the hottest clubs in Manhattan and she was going to lose everything. It was almost surreal.

  The cost for her mother’s medical treatments had taken the largest toll on her, which ultimately left her behind in her nightclub payments. If she didn’t pay the medical bills then it ultimately forecasted her mother's demise and she needed to come up with an insane amount within the next two weeks for another treatment. She was beyond tapped out.

  If she couldn't figure out how to make the payments, she would have to live with the fact that her mother would have less than six months to live and she would lose her life’s investment. She was only twenty-six, for Christ sakes. She shouldn’t have to deal with this much pressure at such a young age.

  She had no family that could help. Holly only had a younger sister that was in full swing of caring for their mother fulltime. It was her responsibility as the oldest to figure this out. Within four months the diagnosis of Stage III breast cancer came rushing in and the trips to the oncologist were like a constant blur and trying to understand the treatment was overwhelming to say the least. The words still hung heavy in her ears. "Without treatment, your mother has maybe six months to live. I'm so sorry."

  Nothing, Holly decided, could have ripped her in two like that doctor’s words.

  Holly wiped her blurred eyes with one hand. She took a deep breath, trying to get a grip on the piercing sorrow that was threatening to engulf her.

  She walked over to her desk, piled with a correlated affair of photocopied medical documentation that she had kept and read over in her mind endless times. In the drawer was her growing financial disaster from the bank. She grabbed her cell and began scrolling through until her eyes landed on the last text she sent to her best friend Suzanna. “Tell him I’ll do it. It’s on!”

  Suzanna had offered a solution a month ago but it was beyond fucked up so Holly laughed it off. Now she was a nervous wreck.

  The loud knock on her door made her jump. Her glare ran to the door, a sudden pounding in her chest she couldn't control...The only person that came to visit her studio apartment in the last month had been her sister. She was too busy for friends and enthralled in her club and family obligations. It had been so long since she even had been sexual with a man considering her young years. All her desires unmet.

  The loud knock came again and then again, when she finally stood and wiped her eyes one more time trying to erase any evidence of sadness.

  "One minute please," she said, starting to become irritated.

  She knew damn well who it was. Suzanna had texted her back stating someone would be showing up with papers for her to sign. Holly pulled on a shirt over her see through tank top. Walking over to the door, she opened it a crack leaving the latch and chain still intact as her gaze fell on the individual. "Can I help you?" She asked.

  "Miss McDermont?"

  "Yes." She replied trying to take a better look. She could only see a man that was dressed in a very expensive suit, with a dark navy blue tie that sat perfectly against his crisp white shirt. The man looked to be in his late twenties, possibly early thirties.

  "Can we speak, Miss McDermont? It's extremely important." The man asked taking off his aviator sunglasses which exposed his crystal green eyes.

  "One second, please." Holly replied. She shut the door and in a quick attempt to pull her unruly long black locks into a ponytail, she began to undo the chain and latch. She finally opened the door and leaned against the doorframe to inspect the stranger with a better eye.

  "What can I do for you? Are you here on behalf of Mr. Renshaw?" She asked.

  The man took a breath. "Miss McDermont. Can I come in, please?" His tone was warm, but businesslike, and she found herself relaxing a bit.

  Holly opened the door wider and gestured for him to come in. She quickly closed the door and took a few strides to her only love seat and grabbed the books that were taking up the seat, placing them on the floor. Her apartment wasn't the cleanest but it suited her just fine.

  "Please, sit down." She said. “Sorry about the mess.”

  She watched the man take a seat.

  "Miss McDermont, my name is Mr. Reed; I’m here to represent Mr. Renshaw. I was made aware that you have agreed to his request and of your situation." He stated pulling out a folded envelope from the inside of his jacket pocket.

  "Yes, I did agree." Holly agreed, looking confused at the envelope in his hands.

  No one knew of her situation, only the four of them. Herself, Suzanna, her mother and little sister, Alex. Did someone breach confidentiality? She wondered to herself.

  Mr. Reed cleared his throat and said, "We are well aware of the nature of your very unfortunate circumstances and I have these papers that you must agree to and sign prior to your meeting with Mr. Renshaw."

  "I don't understand. How could you possibly know my situation…" Holly paused shaking her head. "Or my mother's situation without a breach of doctor, patient confidentiality?" She could feel herself starting to tremble and a bead of sweat forming at her brow.

  Reed smiled. "I assure you, your mother’s medical team has not breached any confidentiality. We have our ways of finding out, which I’m not at liberty to share."

  Holly could feel her palms become sweaty and stood in a daze, staring almost blindly at the handsome man. “I assume those are the terms?" She asked in a shaky voice pointing to the envelope.

  "Yes." He said in a deadpan voice. Holly felt panic overwhelm her as she slowly sat back into her chair.

  Reed gave her a genuine smile and passed her the envelope. She pulled out one sheet of paper and her eyes quickly scanned the document. Her eyes went wide like saucers and then she looked at Reed. “I only agreed to a simple date. What the hell is this?”

  Reed stood, his eyes trained on her. “Holly, the clinical trial that your mother needs will commence in two weeks at the University of NYU. This will be paid- all medical expenses, in exchange for you entering into the contract for your services with Mr. Renshaw, as well as the last six months of rent that your club is behind."

  "Excuse me?" She asked with her jaw wide open. Time had just come to a complete halt and Holly was desperately trying to replay his words again in her head. Her entire medical bill!?!

  She felt dizzy...like someone had just given her a winning lotto ticket. She was under the impression agreeing to the date would get the last six months of her club payments paid. So many emotions ran through her at once. She could feel her eyes beginning to water as she finally looked at him. "But I understood this was only for the club debt?" She whispered. “This is no joking matter, Mr. Reed.”

  He gave her a warm smile. "Yes, I completely understand." He folded his sunglasses that he had been holding in his hands. Holly knew he was pausing, even as her brain dismantled itself with the agonizing wait. After a ten-second excruciating pause, he looked at her. "This is considered to be a business deal, Miss McDermont. Nothing more. So naturally our offer would be in exchange for your entering into a contract that would protect Mr. Renshaw."

  Holly could feel her chest pound. "All medical expenses?" She asked very slowly.

  Mr. Reed smiled and nodded yes.

  "Why? I don't have anything to offer you. We only have my mother's house but it still
holds a mortgage." She stood, her mind in a whirlwind and then finally took a step closer to Mr. Reed. "Do you realize how much money that is? How much my mother actually needs?" She arched a delicate eyebrow.

  He replied in a smooth unwavering voice. "Yes, $398,000 to be exact. This is not a trifling amount, so please...consider the offer.” A stone look ran across his face at his next words. "You have the chance to allow Catherine to live, Holly."

  She stood still, her body unable to move. She felt a tear roll down her cheek as his last words spilled from his lips. It was life or death and they were giving her an option to choose from. How the hell did they even know my mother’s name?

  She held up a hand to him. "You didn't answer my question. What could I possibly give him that would equate to that amount?" Feeling anger fill her she said, "And don't fuck with me. This is my mother's life we are talking about here."

  Mr. Reed stood and took a step towards her. He was just a few inches away and she could smell his strong masculine scent linger in the air. She found herself responding to him, parts of her body awakening at his closeness and her weakened state. It conjured a slow heat that filled her with some very peculiar urges.

  Totally irrational.

  But it was there and it made her hunger for him as she swallowed and his green eyes met hers. Fighting to stay focused, his gaze had her in a trance, telling her that he'd rather see her on her knees before him.

  Finally, he whispered, "You. All of you."

  Chapter 2

  His words rocked her very core as the understanding flooded every fiber within. It suddenly made sense to her. She heard herself gulp as she stared wide-eyed. She watched as his hand very slowly came up and traced her cheek wiping away one

  of the tears that had left a streak on her skin.

  "You’re his every desire, Holly."

  She had already been shaken before he knocked on her door, but now she was beside herself, not believing his words. Years of being single, spending all those nights studying and working instead of taking a lover had left her ego decidedly muted. To have this ridiculously attractive stranger tell her that she was what his boss wanted, that she was his every desire... in a purely sexual sense, was surreal to her.

  And yet her body ached at the possibility. But would she be what he wanted?

  Her mind raced. Thoughts of her good girl up bringing rooted itself firmly for a slight moment. She'd always loved sex, but this was outrageous.

  Her mouth opened but nothing came out. She was trying to find the right words.

  "How long?" She breathed.

  "Twenty-four hours," he replied, with a tone that made her think that wasn't long enough. His touch was hot on her skin as he stepped closer, until he was standing directly in front of her, his suit jacket brushing up against her breast.

  Her nipples ached as they strained against the rough cotton of her tank top and she marveled at how wet she suddenly was.

  WTF. Who were these people?

  "Your mother's life is at stake here, Miss McDermont. Think it through. There are immense benefits to this contract or arrangement, if you will." He took her hand in his, slowly tracing her palm with his fingers. "Understand that this arrangement will be beneficial to both parties."

  Holly's mouth went instantly dry and she licked her lips. How was this happening? How did they know? Did it really matter? She had a chance to save her mother from a death sentence that came too soon. And Mr. Reed seemed to be promising her everything her denied sexuality had cried out for. Christmas had come early.

  She could feel her pussy suddenly get hot as a shiver ran through her body. She pursed her lips, considering the possibilities.

  Mr. Reed took a step back and released her hand. He extended his other hand that held the pen. Holly could barely breathe, her chest heaving as she tried to comprehend what she'd just been offered. Not even a second later she grabbed the pen and signed the document.

  "You’ve made the right choice Holly. We’ll have a car pick you up at 8:00 p.m." Reed said, taking the document and placing it back in the envelope.

  Holly watched him put on his sunglasses, turn and leave. He was gone in an instant.

  She shut the door and leaned against it.

  She stood there in silence for a long time, her body on fire with yearning, her mind almost paralyzed by the sudden chance at redemption for her mother and to save her club. Then she thought about the cost it would be to obtain it. As her mind raced, she knew her decision was already made. There was no question about it. She would do anything to save her mother. She was her best friend and she knew her mother would do anything for her if need be.

  Holly could feel her body get warm. Her dark hungry side that had died long ago had suddenly awoken. It was only one night. She could do this.

  Chapter 3

  “Thank you.” She said as she retreated from the limousine. Reed was standing there as he held the door open for her.

  “Suite ninety-seven. Here is your key.” He extended his hand to her, holding out the key card for her to take. “We’ll pick you up in twenty-four hours and take you back to your apartment then.”

  Holly watched Reed slide back into the limo. She was rooted in her spot as the vehicle drove off. Looking up at the enormous building, her eyes landed on the swinging door as various strangers entered and left. Everything was lit up with Christmas lights and she could hear soft Christmas music coming from the stores that flanked the building on either side. She hadn’t felt any Christmas spirit at all this year. In fact it was quite the opposite considering her life had been royally fucked up for so long. There were only two weeks left before Christmas and she hadn’t purchased a single gift.

  She was deep in thought as she approached Mr. Renshaw’s suite. Her hands were damp from nervousness. She had no idea what to expect. She had caught a glimpse of him one night at her club several months ago but that was it. He was handsome, from what she remembered, and had to be at least in his early forties. Holly finally inserted the key card into the lock and then heard the click. She grabbed the handle and pushed the door open.

  The sound of light music flooded the expansive entrance and she realized it was ‘Chestnuts roasting on an Open Fire’ by Nat King Cole that was playing in the background. As she drew deeper into the suite, she entered the main living room area. She was amazed at the size of the suite. It must have been the penthouse. Her eyes scanned the wall-to-wall windows that overlooked New York’s brilliant skyline. It was utterly stunning. She could see the Rockefeller Tree from where she was standing. She turned to see a nine foot Christmas tree that looked like it had been decorated by Martha Stewart herself. It was dressed in complete silver and burgundy and hundreds of white lights twinkled every few seconds. It was the most beautiful tree she had ever seen.

  A moment later Holly jumped at the sound of someone clearing his throat from behind her. She turned and her eyes landed on him as he leaned up against the marble counter, in what was clearly the kitchen area. She watched as he laid his glass on the counter and took a step towards her.

  “Welcome, Holly.” He smiled. His voice was smooth, deep and a little husky.

  She was rooted to her spot as she drank him in. Jet black hair that was slicked back and piercing blue eyes that were framed with long eyelashes. Jesus, women would kill for those. His lips were full as she watched a corner turn upward into a wicked grin. He wore a powder blue dress shirt that had the first two buttons undone, and his sleeves were rolled up to his elbows.

  She could see that he took pride in his physique. His body was muscular and toned. She imagined the washboard abs underneath his dress shirt.

  She lowered her head and smiled to herself and then looked back up at him. “Thank you.” She whispered.

  “Would you like a drink?” He asked walking around the counter.

  “Yes. Thank you.” She watched him as he carefully poured amber liquid into a crystal tumbler and then walked toward her. He extended the glass and when she took i
t, his fingers brushed hers. A shiver ran the length of her body. She could feel the power and strength that he exuded as his intense stare almost shook her to the core. She could smell his cologne. A slightly sweet, musky scent.

  “Come. Let’s sit.” He said as he walked over and sat in a large armchair that faced the New York skyline. Holly followed him and sat in the chair next to his. She took a small sip of the brandy and then placed the glass on the table.

  “You have a beautiful home, Mr. Renshaw.” She smiled, looking out at the night view.

  “Thank you. Please call me Conrad.”

  Holly twisted in her chair so she could face him. “Can I be frank?” She asked, watching him raise an eyebrow and then he said, “By all means.”

  “Why are you doing this? You’re young, attractive. Obviously rich. You could have any woman.” She said in a more collected tone, trying to understand his motive. She watched him smile and reveal a perfect set of white teeth. His head lowered, looking at his glass and then his eyes locked with hers. She could feel the heat build between her thighs.

  “I guess I could but I prefer not to. No one has stolen my heart yet if that makes sense.”

  Holly tucked a strand of her long black hair behind her ear. “Yes, it does, but you’re avoiding my question. Why me?”

  “Why not? You’re young and absolutely stunning. I was intrigued the first time I saw you at the club. When I want something, I get it.” He smiled and then took a sip of his drink. His eyes never left hers and it made her blush. She was still nervous. Have another drink and calm the fuck down, she thought to herself. She grabbed her glass and took a long drink, finishing the liquid. She could feel the liquid burn her throat and then warm her belly as she finally laid the glass back down.

  She watched Conrad stand and let out a little chuckle. “I hope that will calm your nerves. Would you like another?” He asked reaching for her glass.


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