Illicit Affection (A sexy F/M/M ménage)

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Illicit Affection (A sexy F/M/M ménage) Page 2

by Natasha Hunter

  A knock at the door pulled me from my sullen reverie. "Come in," I said in a dull, emotionless voice.

  Rogan stepped inside and closed the door behind him. He moved over to the tub and settled down beside it as he handed me a glass of wine. "I figured you could use this."

  "Thank you," I replied as I took the glass from him. I took a long sip from the glass while wishing he had brought the whole bottle with him.

  "You were beautiful tonight," he said with a smile.

  I darted my eyes up, my gaze accusing, my expression guarded. "Beautiful? I was a whore," I said with disgust.

  "You were no such thing. Lydia, there is nothing wrong with wanting a new experience, wanting to try something different than what you've always known."

  "Why are you saying this? You don't have to try and make me feel better. I cheated on you!"

  He chuckled deeply, "Lydia I was right there. I told you to do it. I watched you do it. I participated. Do you think that is cheating?" he asked, raking his fingers through the luke-warm water. "No. It was three consenting adults having a bit of fun. There is absolutely nothing wrong with what we've done, and I wont let you sit in here and regret what was a pleasurable experience for all of us."

  "This isn't how married people are supposed to behave."

  "Oh yeah? Did you get a rule book when we married? Because I didn't. This marriage, our marriage, is what we make of it. It's no one else's business what we do or whom we do it with." He swayed his hand through the water, searching for mine. "You were so very young when we married, you had barely been kissed properly before we met. You were such an innocent. In many ways, you still are."

  I furrowed my brows, "I'm no innocent."

  He gave me a patient, sweet smile, one intended to melt my heart. He knew I couldn't resist his charm. "Oh yeah? Then why are you in here sulking because you enjoyed yourself earlier?" he asked.

  "I'm not sulking!" I absolutely was. He knew me too well!

  His tugged at my hand, pulling it up out of the water and brought it to his mouth, kissing my knuckles. "I want so much for you, Lydia. Everything. The stars, the moon; I'd give you anything within my power. I want you to be happy. I want you to know yourself and love yourself. I want you to enjoy yourself, darling."

  Heat crept across my cheeks as he mentioned enjoying myself. "I do. With you."

  "But you enjoyed Jude, did you not? You desired him, and I let you enjoy yourself with him. You know what?"


  "I enjoyed it too."

  "But why? How could you, really? I mean, I would be mad with jealousy if you ever touched another woman."

  "It's because I'm older and more secure in our relationship. I know the difference between love and commitment, and just fooling around. I know that feeling good in the moment is just that; a fleeting feeling."

  I considered his words then asked, "But what does it do for you?"

  "It excites me to watch you, to know that you're experiencing something new and exciting. You're intoxicating. Breathtaking. The most beautiful woman I've ever seen."

  "And you don't think I'm horrible for liking it?"

  "I think you're wonderful."

  A smile lit my face.

  The following morning, Rogan and I took breakfast on the patio. Henrietta, the house maid, came early and had breakfast ready for us before we even awoke.

  If she noticed the jumble of clothes on the living room floor, or the empty bottles of brandy and wine we'd left strewn about, she didn't let on. But why would she? It was customary for the help to turn a blind eye to such extravagance.

  Jude joined us shortly afterwards, looking as if he'd barely slept a wink. He yawned and rubbed his eyes, then poured himself some coffee.

  We spoke of the weather, and about the fish that Jude and Rogan would likely catch that afternoon. Rogan suggested a boat ride around the cove, and named off a few places that he thought might be perfect for a relaxing day of fishing and lounging.

  How very mundane and civil we were, I thought. We pretended that nothing had ever happened, that it was just another, ordinary day.

  It was easy enough to play along. I smiled prettily and said all the right things. I moved through the morning on autopilot. After breakfast, I helped Henrietta clear the table as the men went down to the pier to prepare the boat. She suggested we take a light lunch with us, and I followed her into the kitchen to help prepare it.

  I sliced cucumbers for a salad while Henrietta put some sandwiches together. She filled a picnic basket with them and added a couple of bottles of brandy.

  I blushed, remembering how the brandy tasted on Jude's mouth.

  "Having a good time?" Henrietta broke me out of my reverie.


  She chuckled, "I asked if you were enjoying your vacation."

  "Oh, yes, very much so. The island is perfect, absolutely perfect. You are fortunate to live here all the time!"

  "You wouldn't say that, during hurricane season, I suspect." She grinned brightly. "But it is a nice place. Lived here all my life, I have."

  "Has Jackson always lived here too?" I asked, making polite conversation. Jackson was the handyman, and Henrietta's husband.

  "Mm hmm. He has been working here since he was just out of school. Could have gone over to the mainland, I suspect, but he always said he belongs here."

  "I don't blame him. I wouldn't leave it either, if I didn't have to."

  After we had packed a picnic basket, I went upstairs to change into a bathing suit. I chose the orange bikini with the beaded straps. Rogan always complimented me on it. I couldn't help but wonder if Jude would like it, as well.

  My brows scrunched up as I chastised myself in the mirror. "No thinking about Jude!" I muttered.

  Easier said than done, my conscience argued back with me.

  I pulled on a sundress over my bathing suit and slid my feet into my new Sperrys. My hair had curled due to the humidity, and I knew there was no taming it. I didn't even try. Thankfully I had brought a few floral scarves with me, and I chose one with orange flowers to match my bathing suit. I tied my hair back with it and pulled a few strands out to frame my face. After applying a bit of lip gloss, I stared at my reflection.

  My skin had turned a slight golden brown from having spent so much time on the beach. My tan had made my light blue eyes seem lighter. I stared at myself. I looked the same as I always had. Yet, as I studied the reflection of myself, I felt somehow different. I felt that the events from the previous night had drastically changed who I was.

  I glanced away from the mirror and grabbed my over-sized beach bag. I stuffed a few towels and a book into it, then headed out to the pier.

  Jude was already on the pontoon when I left the house and walked down to the pier. As I stepped onto the boat, swaying with the swell of the water, he looked over to me. Our eyes met, and I swear I could see his cheeks reddening. Of course, I could blame it on the morning sun but I knew his thoughts were on last night.

  I smiled airily, trying to keep up the pretense from breakfast. "Isn't it a beautiful morning?" Tipping my head back, I stared up to the tranquil blue sky, "I bet it's going to be hot today."

  Jude gave a glance upwards, "Mmmm, I believe it is."

  "Where's Rogan?" I asked.

  "Henrietta called him up to fetch the food basket."

  "Oh," I replied as I settled down onto the bench. I slathered some sunscreen across my legs.

  "Lydia..." A muscle in his jaw tightened.

  I looked up at him. "Yes?"

  "About last night... I wanted to apologize."

  "You needn't." I glanced away, embarrassed. What should he have to apologize for? Sorry, I licked your pussy so incredibly well? Sorry, I participated in the hottest, most insane sexual experience of your life?

  He seemed at a loss for words. For a moment, I thought he was finished talking, until he cleared his throat and said; "The thing is. We drank far too much, and you know how that can loosen one's tongue."<
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  Blushing furiously, I gasped.

  "God, I didn't mean it like that!" he blurted, suddenly aware of how that must have sounded.

  Before I could respond, Rogan stepped up onto the pontoon and smiled, "Everyone ready?"

  The next hour was spent slowly meandering around the island. Eventually, Rogan found 'the perfect spot' and pulled up to an old, wooden pier that had been there for over a hundred years. Rogan swore that it was safe to walk on, so I took off towards the shore with my bag, a blanket, and a small battery operated radio.

  I folded the blanket out and set up camp. Thankfully the radio picked up one of my favorite stations from the mainland that played old jazz. The ocean breeze felt delicious against my skin once I stripped out of my shoes and dress. Remembering I had brought a book, I pulled it from my bag and settled down to read.

  Try as I might, I couldn't concentrate on it. My thoughts drifted to the previous night. Rogan and Jude. I felt that a familiar ache between my thighs and I rubbed them together.

  A thousand questions rolled through my mind. Had Rogan done this before? Had Jude, for that matter? How could Rogan not be jealous? Was it a one time thing or would it happen again?

  Every fiber of my being went taut with desire at the mere thought of being with them again, at the same time. Please. Please let it happen again.

  The traitorous thoughts upset me. How could I want such a thing! What kind of woman did that make me? What kind of wife, for god's sake? Rogan made me happier than I ever thought possible, but now, this thing with Jude... I wanted more.

  I couldn't get the thought of him pulling my panties down out of my mind. I kept replaying every moment over and over, as if I were watching some forbidden, erotic movie. My hands through his hair; his breath against me. The feel of his tongue. I longed to feel the tip of his tongue flicking across my clit again. The thought made me shiver with excitement.

  Rolling my head to the side, I saw the pair of them far off in the distance. They were far enough away that I felt perfectly alone. My tongue licked at my lower lip as I remembered that moment Jude slid himself into my mouth. It was too much to bear, the memories, the feelings that they caused. I was burning for release. With half-lidded eyes, I watched the boat rocking gently against the waves while I slipped my hand over my bikini bottoms. I could hear Rogan's voice in the back of my mind, "Suck his cock." I teased myself, lightly stroking my finger along my pussy over my bathing suit.

  Deciding I needed to cool off, I stood and headed down to the water. I walked out into the waves and swam until I exhausted myself. Though the water was warm, it cooled my sun-heated skin. However, it did little to cool my scorching hot thoughts of last night. Once I returned to my blanket, I crawled onto my belly so that I could tan my back. It wasn't long before I had fallen asleep.

  I awoke later, having rolled onto my back at some point. As I slowly parted my eyes, I saw that Rogan and Jude had joined me. They had started a bonfire nearby. The picnic basket was open, and the pair of them was eating.

  "Sorry, we started without you. We didn't want to wake you, darling. Sleep well?" Rogan asked.

  I nodded sheepishly, wondering how I could sleep so long. Though to be fair, I had hardly slept the previous night.

  "Sandwich?" he asked as he dug into the basket.

  "Yes, thank you." I sat up and took the offered sandwich and bottle of tea.

  "Did you catch much?" I asked, remembering they had been fishing for hours.

  "Indeed! I know what we will have tomorrow for lunch." He smirked.

  I smiled in return, enjoying their jovial moods.

  After I had finished eating, Rogan slid up beside me on the blanket. Without warning, he buried his head into the curve of my neck. His mouth clamped onto my skin, and he suckled while running a hand up my back. "Tasty," he teased as he pulled away to brush his lips along my jawline.

  I tried to push him away playfully. "Ah, ah, ah."

  "I think our dear friend won't mind if we enjoy a little kiss, sweetheart." His tongue grazed across my cheek, "I dare say he might like a little kiss of his own."

  Jude slid closer to me on the blanket on the opposite side, "I wouldn't be opposed to such a thing."

  A part of me wondered if they had planned this seduction as Jude pulled my face to his. His mouth hovered against my lips; my heart thundered in my chest. "I want you," he whispered, just before closing the space. His tongue slid between my pliant lips, and he kissed me wickedly.

  Rogan worked at the strands of my bikini top, untying it just as Jude broke the kiss. I gasped for breath. My bikini top was pulled away up over my head. The soft breeze caressed my hardening, taut nipples.

  Arousal simmered within me. Rogan pushed me down against the blanket and lowered his head over my breasts. He flicked his tongue across my pebbled nipple. His perfect, white teeth clasped it, and he chewed softly. The added pressure sent a shock-wave down between my thighs.

  "I think she likes it," Rogan teased. He nodded his head to Jude, as if giving him permission, then started to feast on my nipple once more.

  Jude stretched a hand over and took my other breast into his palm. He caressed it, using his thumb to flit over my little bud while he licked around my pink areola. My pleasure multiplied.

  I moaned; the sensation was driving me out of my mind. I raked my fingers through their hair, reveling in the feeling of their wicked tongues. Two men lavishing me sent a pulse of heat boiling through my bloodstream.

  My supple body writhed on the blanket as they teased me without mercy. Their hands roamed across my bronze skin: my legs, my stomach, and arms. But not there. Not where I was aching the most.

  "Please," I cried out, my tone raspy.

  "Please, what?" Rogan questioned as he lifted his head, his silky gaze hot upon my face.

  "I want more." I said hesitantly, unsure of what I was asking for.

  "More? More what?" he grinned devilishly. "More of this?" he asked just before flicking his tongue around my nipple.

  "Lower," I half moaned. "Please!"

  Rogan ran his tongue on the underside of my breast, "Here?"

  I whined in frustration, feeling as if I were drowning in fire, "Lower!"

  He chuckled deeply as he slithered his tongue down my torso, flicking at my bellybutton for a moment. "Jude, she seems to be a bit too bossy. Perhaps you can find a way to shut her mouth up with something."

  Jude kicked his way out of his shorts and settled onto his knees beside my head. He stroked himself a couple of times before sliding his hand beneath my head. "Oh my," I uttered, just before he pressed the head of his shaft upon my lips.

  Rogan maneuvered between my legs and pushed them wide apart. I could feel his fingers at my hips, untying the beaded straps that held my bikini together.

  I licked at Jude's prick, lapping at it as if it were an ice cream cone. My tongue twirled around the head as he massaged the back of my neck, "Mmm, good girl."

  My thighs involuntarily clenched together as Rogan buried his face against my pussy. He parted my slick, wet lips with one hand, the other pushed at my thigh. Relentlessly, he swiped the tip of his tongue across my clit.

  I wet my lips then took Jude into my mouth. He pushed himself in slowly, as if savoring the feel of my slick tongue writhing against his cock. His jaw tensed as I grazed my hand along his backside, rubbing my fingers across his bottom.

  I wanted to please him. I wanted to please him as much as I wanted to please Rogan. The thought both appalled and thrilled me. I took him deeper into my mouth, sucking loudly as I bobbed my head.

  Thoughts dissipated. I couldn't think straight any longer. I could only feel. Rogan feasted on the little bead of my clit, sucking and biting at it. I gave a glance down my body to watch him, the sight of him kneeling between my thighs made me that much more aroused.

  Jude's hand spread behind my neck; his fingers pushed up into my sea-damp hair. He thrust into my mouth, fucking my face at a quicker pace. My tongue undulated a co
nstant caress to every sensitive spot he had. His breaths were louder, raspy. He dropped a hand down to grab my breast, clasping it roughly.

  My hips bucked; I rubbed myself against his face, wanting more, wanting it to never end. The delicious feeling of his tongue in my pussy was intoxicating. It was mind-numbing, blissfully amazing.

  He shoved a finger into my tight, slick tunnel, finger-fucking me while he ate me.

  I couldn't take it anymore; it was too intense, too powerful. The sensations bubbled up and burst. I groaned as I pulled my mouth from Jude's cock, "Oh god, oh god!" I yelped as orgasm thundered through my body. Rogan suckled my clit, intensifying my pleasure. Jude pressed his cock against my mouth, and I took him in just as he came. I swallowed it instinctively, feeling his warmth gliding down my throat.

  I pulled my lips from him and wiped my fingers across them as I tried to catch my breath. My heart was pounding wildly.

  Rogan kissed his way up my body then settled onto the blanket beside him, smirking. "Feel good?"

  "It feels incredible."

  Jude stroked his fingers through my hair. "My turn."

  They changed positions; Rogan knelt beside my head while Jude settled in between my thighs. I didn't think it possible to become aroused so quickly again, but Jude proved me wrong. His licks were soft and erratic; I never quite knew where I'd feel him next. He was masterful at teasing, building a stream of pleasure, my blood was beginning to boil again.

  Rogan squeezed my face as he slid his dick into my greedy mouth. His groan was satisfying. I hummed a sultry sound at the back of my throat as I looked up at him, savoring the look of ecstasy upon his face. I pulled away to lick at his balls, taking one, then the other into my mouth while I stroked my fingers down his rock-hard length. I laved him with my mouth; my eager tongue slid over every sensitive spot.

  "Make her squirm, Jude. Lick her little pussy until she is begging for more, I want to hear her cum again." Rogan's fingers tangled in my golden strands.


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