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Starlight Page 3

by Alexandra Richland

  “I’ll give you my telephone number.” Mr. Taggart reached into the breast pocket of his dress shirt and pulled out a white business card. “Please call me if you’re interested and I’ll set up something for you.”

  Marie took the card and read the inscription.

  Mr. Nathan Taggart

  Executive Assistant to Mr. Luther J. Mertz

  Starlight Motion Picture Studios

  “Have a good day, ma’am.” Mr. Taggart stood and placed his fedora on his head, tipping it before walking away. Marie stared at him as he departed. The bells above the door chimed and then he was gone.

  Marie was flattered by Mr. Taggart’s offer, but it was also quite the stretch. Then there was the fact she had schoolteacher ambitions, not acting. Plus, she had absolutely no training. She didn’t think she could act. She knew she couldn’t sing, and she certainly couldn’t dance. And weren’t those triple threat performers all the rage these days?

  Diane approached her, wiping down the counter with a rag. Marie noticed most of the lunch crowd had disappeared and only a few people remained.

  “What were you talking to Nathan Taggart about?” Diane asked, not so casually.

  Marie looked at her in surprise. “How do you know Mr. Taggart?”

  Diane tossed the rag over her shoulder. “Everybody knows who Nathan Taggart is. If studio employees besides directors, actors, and actresses could be considered famous, then Nathan Taggart would be the second most famous of them all. After Mr. Mertz, himself, of course. Nathan is, like, Mr. Mertz’s go-to-guy. He has connections to everyone and everything, and people respect him. He’s a true gentleman, in every sense, and I’m sure you noticed he’s also gorgeous.”

  Marie raised her eyebrows. Mr. Taggart had mentioned he was an important studio employee, but if she believed Diane—and she had no reason not to—he was even more important than she imagined. And as Diane said, he was friendly, all right; very attractive, too, even though Marie usually didn’t go for his type.

  Before she got too excited, she reminded herself this was Hollywood. No matter what, she should proceed with caution.

  “So what were you and Nathan discussing?” Diane repeated.

  Marie waved her hand dismissively. “He wants to set up a screen test for me at Starlight Studios to see if the camera likes me or something.”

  Diane shrieked as though Rock Hudson had just asked her to marry him. It seemed like Olivia had a rival for the title of peppiest woman in Hollywood.

  “Oh my goodness, Marie, you’re so lucky. This is what I dreamed about happening to me all of these years. Do you know what this means? You could be a movie star!”

  “Yes, but …” Marie frowned. “I don’t think I’m going to call him.”

  Diane scoffed. “Don’t be ridiculous, you must call him. Hey, maybe you can mention my name, too, but only if you want to. I mean, I would never ask you to help me out, but—”

  “I wouldn’t mind mentioning you to Mr. Taggart,” Marie said, “but I’m just not convinced acting is for me.”

  “That’s absurd. You will call Nathan and set up a screen test, and that’s final. You’d be amazed at what the studio can do for a woman like you. They can make anyone look beautiful.” Diane’s eyes widened. “Oh, Marie, I didn’t mean that like it sounded, I just meant—”

  “It’s all right, I’m not offended,” Marie said. “I’m plain, I know that. I just suppose for every Marilyn Monroe, there must be a Shelley Winters, right?”

  Diane nodded sheepishly.

  Despite her initial hesitancy, after talking to Diane, Marie now toyed with the idea of calling Mr. Taggart, just for the experience. She hardly ever took risks, and the first big risk she did take, moving to Los Angeles, had turned out all right so far. In fact, the more she thought it over, the more she realized she had nothing to lose by filming a screen test.

  After all, acting wasn’t a dream of hers, so if the studio rejected her, she could return to her original plan of becoming a teacher. Classes at the college didn’t start until September, anyway. Plus, she could still work at Schwab’s while filming bit parts, so if things didn’t work out beyond that, as Mr. Taggart said was usually the case, she’d have another job to fall back on. And if she was dropped, any money she’d earned could be put toward her education …

  After careful consideration, it seemed taking Mr. Taggart up on his offer was a win-win situation for her as well, not just for the studio.

  “All right,” Marie said. “I’ll call Mr. Taggart tomorrow and tell him I’ll film a screen test.”

  “I’m so excited for you!” Diane replied. “You must tell me exactly what filming a screen test is like and if you see any celebrities on the lot and …”

  Diane prattled on, but by that point, Marie’s focus was solely on Mr. Taggart’s business card cradled in her palm. She certainly had an interesting story to tell Olivia tonight, and if Diane was any indication of how Olivia would respond, then Marie knew she had to brace herself for the reaction of a lifetime.

  Chapter Four

  With her hands covering her ears, Marie stood before Olivia in the living room of their apartment. She’d just finished sharing what happened earlier at Schwab’s with Robert Mitchum and Mr. Taggart, as well as the details regarding her Starlight Studios screen test offer.

  At first, Olivia stared at Marie in silence, her mouth hanging open in a very unladylike manner. Once she processed the information, madness ensued. Diane had nothing on Olivia.

  “Marie, this is the most wonderful news in the world!” Olivia squealed, hopping up and down. “You’re going to be a movie star. We have to get an outfit together for you for your screen test. I can help you do your hair and makeup and—oh my gosh—Bel Air. We could live in Bel Air. No, wait, Beverly Hills! That way we can be neighbors with Clark Gable, Elizabeth Taylor, and—”

  “Liv, relax.” Marie placed her hands on Olivia’s shoulders to stop her from jumping. “Mr. Taggart said a screen test doesn’t guarantee anything. The studio will probably test a lot of girls on the same day, so there isn’t a good chance of me standing out, anyway.”

  Olivia nodded, but from the hypnotic expression on her face and the wild look in her eyes, Marie knew she wasn’t really listening.

  “You’re going to blow those studio people away,” Olivia said. “You’re a true beauty. Sure, you need to jazz up your style a bit, but all that stuff is just the details. They can be worked on and perfected. The element people can’t change is what’s inside, and lucky for you, you have a wonderful personality. Mr. Mertz’s people will see that and you’ll be a shoo-in as the next big star.”

  Marie smiled. Although she wasn’t convinced she had what it took to succeed in Hollywood, Olivia’s optimism was most appreciated. After Mr. Taggart departed Schwab’s, she had agonized over her decision to take a chance and shoot a screen test. She’d also opened her mind up to the possibility of earning a living as an actress as opposed to a schoolteacher, which she’d chosen because it was the safest option. Ultimately, Mr. Taggart’s unexpected confidence in her gave her the impetus she needed to walk into Starlight Studios with a level head, give the screen test her all, and see what happened. She owed it to herself to try.

  “You should call this Nathan guy right now,” Olivia said. “I can’t believe you even let him get off his stool without saying yes first.”

  “First of all, I was shocked by his offer and didn’t know if he was serious or not,” Marie replied. “Secondly, I didn’t even know if I wanted to film a screen test. Anyway, I can’t call him right now. It’s eight o’clock on a Friday night. He’s probably at home with his family. I promise I’ll call him tomorrow on my lunch hour.”

  Marie then realized that the next day was Saturday. She had no idea if executive assistants worked on the weekends, or if the studio was even open. Refusing to burst Olivia’s bubble, she didn’t bring it up. She decided to call Mr. Taggart tomorrow. If he wasn’t in, she’d call him again on Monday.
r />   “All right, but make sure you do call him on your lunch hour tomorrow because the suspense is killing me!” Olivia declared dramatically. “I don’t have school or work, so all I’ll be doing while you’re at Schwab’s is sitting around here, waiting for you to come home and deliver some news.”

  Marie laughed. Olivia never just sat around the house and did nothing, especially on the weekend. When she wasn’t working as a sales clerk at the Elite Clothing Boutique on Santa Monica Boulevard, she was sketching, shopping, lounging by the pool, running errands, something, anything, but hanging out in their small, stuffy apartment.

  “I’m sure you’ll survive somehow,” Marie replied.

  They spent the rest of the evening talking about Starlight Studios and Mr. Mertz’s contract stars. Marie played along as Olivia asked which famous stars and directors she wanted to work with once she was a rich and famous movie queen. Marie also talked about Mr. Taggart and his charm, which left Olivia with a very favorable impression of him.

  Chapter Five

  On Saturday afternoon, during her lunch hour, Marie huddled in the telephone booth at Schwab’s, anticipating her conversation with Mr. Taggart. Although, since it was the weekend, she doubted very much that she’d reach him.

  “Hello, operator, can you please connect me with Hollywood 29189?”

  The operator connected the call successfully.

  A woman with a pleasant voice answered. “Nathan Taggart’s office, this is Caroline. How may I help you?”

  “Uh, yes. I, uh—my name is Marie Bates,” Marie said into the receiver. “Mr. Taggart gave me his card yesterday and told me to call him about a screen test—”

  “One moment, please.” The secretary put her on hold.

  Soon after, Marie was connected with Mr. Taggart, much to her surprise.

  “Miss Marie Bates, hello! I wasn’t sure if you were going to call and take me up on my offer, so I’m pleasantly surprised to hear from you this afternoon. I’m not incorrect, am I, to assume you’re calling to set up a screen test?”

  “Yes, I mean, no, Mr. Taggart, you’re not incorrect,” she answered quickly. “I am calling to set up a screen test.”

  He chuckled. “That’s swell, Marie. Now let’s discuss your timetable. There are only a few screen test slots available for this week. Usually, I’m not present during these tests, but because I consider you my personal find, I want to make sure I’m there to give you the best direction and encouragement possible.”

  Marie frowned. The available time slots obviously filled up quickly, which meant there were several other people coming in for screen tests next week, as she feared. Mr. Taggart was making sure he was there personally, though, so she felt that had to count for something.

  “Marie, are you still there?”

  Blushing, she focused back on their conversation. “Yes, Mr. Taggart, I am. As for my work schedule, I have Sundays and Mondays off. They’re the only days I’m available to come in for a test.”

  “Well, screen tests don’t take place on the weekend, but on Monday, there’s a slot available at ten o’clock in the morning. Does that work for you?”

  “Sure, Monday at ten is fine, thank you.” Truthfully, she wished she had more than two days to prepare. Not that she knew the first thing about preparing for a screen test.

  “Wonderful,” Mr. Taggart replied. She heard the sound of shuffling paper on his end. “Now, do you know where the studio is located?”

  Of course, Marie knew where Starlight Studios was located. It was one of the most popular tourist attractions in Los Angeles, and an important staple in the community, since the town practically centered on movie making.

  “Yes, I do,” she responded.

  “Okay, then, please be at studio fourteen, soundstage two, dressing room one at nine fifteen on Monday. It’s best to arrive a few minutes early because it may take you some time to find your way once you enter the studio backlot.”

  Mr. Taggart continued with his instructions. “When you drive up, tell the guard at the gate you have a personal appointment with me and proceed straight through. Make a right after the second building and then pass three buildings on your left. Make a left after the third building, and then you’ll see the studio fourteen area.

  “Soundstage two will be labeled clearly on the outside, so you shouldn’t have any trouble finding it. Tell Clarence, the security man at the door, that you would like to be escorted to dressing room one, and I’ll meet you there. It’s a lot of information to take in, so I’ll leave it at that for now. The rest I’ll explain when I see you.”

  Marie did her best to memorize Mr. Taggart’s directions so she could write them down after she hung up the telephone. She figured if she remembered studio fourteen, soundstage two, dressing room one, at the very least, she could ask people on the lot for additional directions should she get lost.

  “Thank you, Mr. Taggart,” she said. “I look forward to seeing you on Monday, at a quarter after nine.”

  “Enjoy your weekend, Marie.” Mr. Taggart hung up and the operator disconnected their call.

  Marie replaced the receiver on the cradle. She still couldn’t believe this was really happening. And so soon! Noting the time, she exited the telephone booth and rushed to her locker to write down the information Mr. Taggart provided before returning to work behind the counter with an extra skip in her step.


  Marie and Olivia had Sunday free, so they headed to the pool in the morning. Even on a nice spring day in Marie’s hometown of Clarkson, an outdoor swim was out of the question, because it was still too cool at that time of year. Regardless, none of the homes had swimming pools because they were expensive to maintain and impractical. There was only one communal outdoor pool at the local recreational center, but even that looked grimy from lack of use.

  In contrast, almost every home in L.A. had a swimming pool. Not just the houses of wealthy individuals, but even basic apartment structures like the one where Marie and Olivia resided. Today, even on the last day of May, the weather was more than warm enough for a swim.

  Following breakfast, they changed into their bathing suits and collected their bathing caps, towels, and a few movie magazines, looking forward to their day of leisure. Marie’s bathing suit was a conservative, royal blue one-piece with a high neckline and shorts for the bottom portion, while Olivia chose a daring light blue two-piece.

  The swimming pool was vacant, so they had the whole patio to themselves. After slathering their skin with sunscreen, they put on their swim caps, draped their towels over two lounge chairs, and dipped into the sparkling water.

  Last night, Marie had relayed the information of her appointment at the studio to Olivia, who was so thrilled that she kept Marie up until midnight, gushing about how wonderful working for Mr. Mertz must be, as well as all of her favorite costumes from his previous motion pictures. Surprisingly, she hadn’t brought up the screen test once today. Considering how nervous Marie felt, she appreciated the reprieve.

  Floating on her back, Marie gazed up at the vibrant blue sky. Bathed in sunlight, she closed her eyes and listened to the birds chirping in the distance until notes to a song she didn’t recognize drifted in the air above her. With a lazy smile, she looked over at Olivia. Her friend stood in the shallow end of the pool, humming a pleasant tune as she spun slowly, her arms stretched out at her sides, skimming the surface of the water. Her eyes were closed, her peaceful face lifted toward the sun.

  A flock of sparrows flew above them, darting from a nearby palm tree to the roof of their apartment complex. They landed only briefly before soaring up into the sky again. Marie envied their ability to fly away at their leisure.

  She swam to the side of the pool and lifted herself out of the water as Olivia continued to float in the shallow end. After drying off, she picked up a recent issue of Modern Screen magazine with Rita Hayworth on the cover and sat down on the lounge chair she reserved.

  Marie thought Ms. Hayworth was a true goddess
in the movie industry. She sang, danced, and dazzled men with her sultry, exotic look while always remaining a classy act.

  A frown played upon Marie’s lips at the realization that she could never compete with Ms. Hayworth. She didn’t possess sex appeal or even an ounce of her talent. She wondered what Mr. Taggart saw in her.

  Drops of cool water fell onto Marie’s legs. She glanced up to discover Olivia standing over her, partially shielding her from the sun. Olivia scanned the magazine’s cover with a wistful smile, her steely gray eyes taking in every detail.

  “One day that will be you, Marie.” With that, she grabbed her towel and lay down on the adjacent lounge chair.

  Marie looked down at Ms. Hayworth again, this time, with a smile. Olivia’s comment was most encouraging. Marie just hoped Mr. Taggart and others at Starlight Studios agreed with her.

  Chapter Six

  On Monday morning, the first day of June, Marie awoke before her alarm went off at seven o’clock. She even heard Olivia leave for school at six thirty, when normally her friend snuck out quietly without her noticing. Marie had tossed and turned all night, anticipating her screen test at Starlight Studios at ten, and hoped her lack of sleep wouldn’t reflect poorly on her appearance.

  Although Olivia offered to skip school to help her get ready, Marie insisted she’d watched enough movies to successfully style her hair and apply makeup all on her own. Olivia finally conceded after Marie offered a compromise. She agreed Olivia could place her hair in curlers the night before. The only instruction Olivia gave her for the morning was to remove them carefully and spray her entire head with hairspray.

  Last night, Olivia had searched through Marie’s wardrobe for the perfect outfit. Marie’s closet was almost picked clean by the time Olivia found something she deemed suitable for the screen test. They settled on a yellow summer dress with a white floral print and halter-top design. The bodice was form-fitting and the skirt flared out below the waist, landing just above Marie’s knees. She completed the outfit with white gloves and pumps.


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