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Starlight Page 17

by Alexandra Richland

  “Hello.” She looked down at her soup, wishing she could’ve come up with a better greeting.

  “Aidan, I hope you’ll join us for lunch,” Nathan said.

  Beth lifted her gaze expectantly.

  Aidan hooked his sunglasses onto the collar of his sport shirt, looking completely apathetic. “Uh, yeah, sure.”

  “Do you want to grab something to eat before we find a place to sit?” Nathan asked.

  Aidan cleared his throat. “Nah, it’s okay. I’m not hungry.” He turned his attention to Beth, catching her completely off guard. “Would you like me to carry your tray? Because I can … if you want.”

  Beth’s cheeks turned scarlet. “Why, thank you. That’s very nice of you.”

  Aidan’s mouth twitched upward, revealing a hint of a smile; the only indication so far he truly wanted to be here. Now that she felt more relaxed, she gathered the courage and took a good look at him for the first time since their introduction.

  He was the ideal blend of beauty and ruggedness, and stood a good bit taller than she did, at around five-feet ten inches. His body type was lean and included the broad shoulders and defined biceps that had caught her attention on the Checkmate set and continued to mesmerize her now.

  His face was perfectly symmetrical with high cheekbones, a proportionate, straight nose and chiseled jaw. His thick, wavy brown hair was several inches long and styled less chaotically than when she last saw him. The dark circles under his eyes were also less prominent.

  There was something incredibly sexual and poetic about his face—irresistible, sensual, and tactile. He had fragile, sensitive features, yet his brooding expression conveyed virility, capability, and strength; unadulterated male attributes that Beth found incredibly attractive. Even his faintly tanned complexion was flawless, and his teeth, perfectly white and straight.

  Olivia nudged her elbow into Beth’s side. She bit her lip and averted her gaze, hoping Aidan hadn’t noticed how greatly he affected her. After handing him her tray, the four of them walked across the commissary, earning stares from everyone they passed.

  They ventured across the writers’ section first, where Nathan said hello to a few people. As they weaved through the directors’ section, Beth noticed Kenneth Locke and Carter Masters sitting beside each other, engrossed in conversation. Given the directors’ matching negative attitudes, she wasn’t surprised they were friends.

  Upon their arrival at the actors’ section, Olivia spotted four vacant seats right away. Aidan set Beth’s tray down onto their table and pulled out her chair. She was pleasantly surprised. He was not only extraordinarily good-looking, but a gentleman, too.

  She smiled and thanked him as she took her seat. Nathan held out Olivia’s chair. Once both women settled, he and Aidan sat down across from them.

  Aidan slouched in his chair and removed his sunglasses from his collar, fidgeting with them while avoiding eye contact with everyone at the table.

  After a few moments of awkward silence, Olivia came up with a suitable opening remark. “So, Nathan, Beth did a fantastic job this morning with her first scenes.”

  Aidan regarded Beth inquisitively. She noted he gave off the general impression of indifference, but whenever his eyes shifted in her direction, a flash of vitality appeared in his irises, shrouded by an intricate curiosity that fascinated her beyond reason.

  “Beth is playing the lead in a film being shot here on the lot—Sparkling Meadow,” Nathan explained.

  “Well, that’s … good.” Aidan stared at his sunglasses, which now rested on the tabletop.

  His unenthusiastic response wasn’t what Beth had hoped for, but she didn’t let it get her down.

  “Yes, I’m very excited,” she said, silently urging him to look her way again. “It’s my first lead role. Before this, I only had one small, non-speaking part.”

  A hush befell the group again.

  “So, Aidan,” Olivia piped up with a smile that was too broad to be natural, “I hear you’re from New York. Were you born there or—”

  “No, I wasn’t,” he snapped, curling his hands into fists.

  Beth gaped at him.

  He winced.

  “I mean, I was born in Fairfield, Indiana,” he said in a softer tone.

  “Oh, I see.” Olivia looked to her lunch tray.

  The tension at the table was now overbearing.

  Aidan exhaled deeply. “Forgive me. It’s been a long morning. You know, with the first day of shooting and all.” He looked to Beth. “I’m just really tired.” His tortured expression told her that his apology was sincere.

  “It’s all right,” she said, hoping to lighten the mood. “I can relate. It’s my first day as well.”

  Olivia gave a slight wave of her hand. “Yes, don’t worry about it.”

  Aidan seemed relieved by their responses and the awkwardness at the table lifted somewhat. Beth thought about asking him about Spike Rollins, but decided against it, realizing she wouldn’t know that particular information unless she heard about him around the studio lot or asked about him directly. She had, of course, but she didn’t want him to know that. She didn’t want him thinking she was the type of woman who contributed to the Hollywood gossip mill.

  Aside from Spike Rollins, she was stuck for conversation. She had plenty of questions she wanted to ask him to get to know him better, but they were inappropriate for the commissary, especially after the harsh way he responded to Olivia’s casual inquiry. Nathan also looked at a loss for what to say.

  A few moments later, Connie approached their table, wearing an elaborate Victorian costume, complete with a large wig and dramatic makeup.

  “Olivia, Nathan, Beth,” she greeted cheerfully. “It’s so nice to see you here.”

  Beth was irked she hadn’t acknowledged Aidan. If he felt annoyed by the omission, he didn’t show it.

  Connie lifted her eyebrows at him. “Oh, is there not an available seat for me?”

  Aidan’s eyes narrowed. “Actually, I was just leaving.”

  “No, don’t!” All eyes focused on Beth. She lowered her voice, feeling a rush of blood to her face. “Um, I mean, that isn’t necessary. I’m sure Connie can find a vacant chair somewhere else and bring it over here.”

  Connie stared at Beth as if she had lost her mind.

  Nathan rose from his seat. “You can sit here. I’ll grab another chair.”

  Connie took the seat beside Aidan, and with a scowl, scooted about a foot away from him. Nathan returned with a chair and sat down on the other side of Olivia. Beth couldn’t understand Connie’s rude behavior, but knew this wasn’t the right time to bring it up.

  As Connie spoke poorly about her latest costar, Beth focused on Aidan sitting across from her, well aware people around them were talking about him, since she’d heard his name whispered on more than one occasion. He didn’t acknowledge the other patrons at all. Instead, he watched her nervously push a piece of chicken around her soup bowl with her spoon.

  They continued to sit in silence as Olivia, Nathan, and Connie conversed on other topics and finished their lunches, and the chatter of the surrounding patrons persisted. Beth didn’t mind. It felt nice just being here with him.

  When their eyes finally met again, Beth offered a smile so he would know she was enjoying herself. Aidan’s expression lit up only briefly before turning stone cold. Beth shivered as an arm draped over her shoulders. She knew to whom it belonged immediately.

  Will crouched down at her side, his face sporting a boastful grin. “The delightful Miss Sutton, your prince has arrived.”

  He positioned his face so close to hers that she smelled what he had for lunch: something very garlicky. She pulled back, wondering why he would eat garlic for lunch, knowing they were filming a kissing scene this afternoon.

  Will’s eyes floated up her body before settling on her face. “Well, my dear, I thought I would whisk you away so we can rehearse our kissing scene. Aren’t you lucky?”

  Connie snorted, l
ooking not the least bit surprised by his arrogance. Beth focused on Aidan, shocked by the hatred clouding his face as he glared at Will. She decided she needed to do something to show him she wasn’t happy with her costar’s intrusion.

  “That’s very nice of you, Will,” she removed his arm from her shoulders, “but I’m currently enjoying lunch with my friends. I will see you back on set when our break is over.”

  Will jutted his chin to the clock on the wall and smirked. “Actually, Beth, our break is over now.”

  She cringed when she checked the time and realized he was correct.

  “I’m coming with you,” Olivia announced, pushing away her empty tray.

  Will scoffed. “But you’re just a wardrobe girl. What could you possibly contribute to our rehearsal?”

  Olivia crossed her arms with a huff.

  Infuriated by Will’s attitude, Beth spoke up, as she should’ve done back in her dressing room when he first made her feel uncomfortable.

  “I’ll have you know, Mr. Everett, that Olivia is not just a wardrobe girl, as you so tastelessly put it. She’s also my best friend and an asset to our film. If I go with you, she goes, too.”

  Will stood upright and lifted his hands in surrender. “All right, Princess, there’s no need to get defensive. Your friend can come, too.” He winked at Olivia and she rolled her eyes. “There’s plenty of me to go around.”

  Beth’s head snapped in Aidan’s direction as he mumbled something under his breath. The tension rolling off of him was fierce. She sensed an underlying restlessness as well, as if it took tremendous effort for him to remain seated.

  Connie rose from her chair. “I have to go now, too. I’ll see you all later.”

  Beth looked down at her full bowl of cold soup, wishing she didn’t have to leave Aidan so soon. She reluctantly stood. Olivia followed, so did Nathan.

  Aidan startled the group by slamming his sunglasses down on the table in front of him. His reaction also earned him stares from the patrons at nearby tables. The legs of his chair screeched along the linoleum floor like a wailing siren as he pushed himself up into a standing position, using the table as leverage.

  “Olivia, Beth, it was a pleasure.” Aidan’s expression darkened as he looked at Will. After a moment, he sat back down and angled his eyes to the floor, teeth clenched and jaw set.

  Despite his hostile behavior, Beth’s interest in him did not wane, nor did the butterflies in her stomach.

  Nathan kissed Olivia on the cheek, and then she and Beth walked across the commissary with Will trailing behind, calling at them to slow down. Beth swore she felt Aidan’s eyes burning into her back upon her retreat. Her heart squeezed tighter with every step she took toward the exit.

  When they stepped outside, Olivia clutched her arm and leaned into her ear. “I swear I didn’t have anything to do with Aidan being there.”

  “We’ll talk later,” Beth whispered. She didn’t want Will to overhear their discussion.

  As they entered the soundstage, Beth told Will that she and Olivia had some things to do before they shot the next scene. He still followed them to her dressing room and she ended up shutting the door in his face, amidst his protesting.

  Engaging the lock, she exhaled a deep breath and then faced Olivia. “How could you do that to me, Liv?”

  Olivia’s eyes grew wide. “Beth, I promise, I had no idea Aidan was going to be at the commissary today. It’s a popular place. It isn’t completely unlikely that he’d show up since he’s filming on the lot.”

  Beth observed her friend suspiciously. “But he said he wasn’t even hungry. And why would Nathan call him over, of all people?”

  “Well, Nathan knows everyone at the studio. Aidan is new to Hollywood and doesn’t have many friends. I bet Nathan thought it would be nice to invite him to sit with us for the social aspect. But if you want, I’ll ask him about it when I see him tonight.”

  “No, don’t,” Beth replied sternly. “I don’t want Nathan to know the extent of my feelings toward Aidan. After all, it isn’t proper for a woman to go after a man this way.”

  Olivia shrugged. “Suit yourself. But if Nathan knew how you felt then maybe he could help you with Aidan.”


  Olivia placed her hands on her hips, her gray eyes fixed accusingly. “Fine, but don’t think you’re getting off that easily, Missy. I can’t believe you thought I would go behind your back and do something like that. As much as I want to help you with Aidan, I wouldn’t set up a meeting without telling you first. I would’ve coached you beforehand on what to say and how to act so he knows you’re interested—without having you look too obvious, of course.” She gestured to Beth’s dress and smiled. “And I certainly wouldn’t have allowed you to wear that outfit.”

  Beth giggled and sat down at the vanity. “I’m sorry, you’re right. I just couldn’t believe my luck that out of everyone who walked into the commissary, Nathan called Aidan over.”

  A frown invaded her cheerful expression as she regarded her appearance in the mirror. Aidan looked perfect in the commissary while she showed up with an untidy bun and a tired-looking dress, which, although ideal for Claire, were not appropriate for making a good first impression on someone in whom she had a strong interest.

  “Anyway, Princess,” Olivia teased, repeating Will’s line from earlier. “I’m surprised you haven’t asked me what I picked up from your dear Aidan over lunch.”

  Beth perked up.

  Olivia smiled. “First of all, Aidan despises Will. He looked like he wanted to clobber him. And why would that be, you ask? It’s because Will put his arm around you. I’m surprised Aidan didn’t jump out of his seat and remove Will from the commissary personally. Secondly, Aidan barely made eye contact with you. I think it’s because he was too nervous to talk to you; another indication he likes you.”

  Beth rolled her eyes. “Oh, please, he barely looked at you or Nathan, either.”

  Olivia sighed dramatically. “Must I explain everything? Did you ever think that, much like yourself, Aidan is just shy, and would’ve preferred to speak with you alone? Maybe he found me and Nathan intimidating.”

  Beth giggled at the thought of anyone feeling intimidated by Olivia. “I know I’m not one to criticize, but he barely said anything the entire time, Liv. Don’t you think if he was worried about making a bad impression, or if he wanted to get to know me better, he would’ve tried to speak up more—you know, make friendly conversation?”

  “No one was forcing him to be there.”

  Beth remained silent. She couldn’t argue that particular point. As she thought it over, she reasoned perhaps her meeting with Aidan didn’t go as badly as she originally thought.

  A knock sounded on the dressing room door and a crewmember notified Beth she was needed on set. Her stomach knotted.

  “Well, let’s get this kissing scene out of the way.” With a sigh, she stood and followed Olivia out the door to a garlicky William Everett.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Aidan’s expression was glacial as he watched Will trail after Beth toward the exit like a lost puppy; except puppies weren’t calculating, vile, and pathetic, which were the adjectives that came to mind when he thought about the actor. Aidan found comfort in the fact that at least Olivia left with them so Beth had someone around to act as a buffer if she needed one.

  Ignoring the stares of the commissary patrons, which hadn’t let up since his arrival, Aidan thought back to Will putting his arm around Beth. It had taken all of his strength to stay seated and not tackle the guy. Although he felt proud of Beth for standing up for Olivia and herself, he would’ve been more than happy to do it for her.

  “So Aidan, don’t you have something to say to your wonderful friend?”

  Uncurling his fists, Aidan looked across the table at Nathan. An amused smirk took over his lips. “Yeah, you’re one sneaky bastard.”

  Nathan chuckled. “I’m just trying to help you. So now you know her name and you got to tal
k to her.”

  Aidan hooked his sunglasses onto his shirt collar. “How’d you know I liked her?”

  A clever smile passed across Nathan’s face. “Come on, Aidan, you asked me for her name at Romanoff’s, and I could tell you were nervous about talking to her after you turned down my offer to introduce you. It wasn’t hard to put two and two together.”

  “You know, you could’ve given me some sort of warning.” Aidan shook his head. “I sat there like an idiot and barely said anything. She probably thought I was rude.”

  Nathan shrugged. “Well, if you noticed, she wasn’t exactly that talkative, either. Regarding your other comment—if I informed you about my plan in advance, you might not have shown up.”

  Aidan frowned. “Maybe that would’ve been for the best. She probably wished I hadn’t barged in on her lunch with you and Olivia, anyway. And then Murphy showed up, basically telling me to get lost.”

  “I have no idea why Connie acted that way toward you.”

  Aidan gave his shoulders a flippant shrug. “It’s not uncommon for me to be treated like that around these parts.”

  “But Connie usually isn’t so …”

  “Selfish, superficial, and frosty?” Aidan smirked.

  Nathan laughed, neither confirming nor denying his description of the actress.

  Aidan leaned back in his chair, stretching his long legs out in front of him. “You didn’t tell Olivia about my interest in Beth, did you?”

  Nathan shook his head.

  “Okay good.” Aidan’s expression turned serious. “Keep it that way. I don’t want Beth finding out anything.”

  “No problem, but Olivia might have a hunch already. She’s very intuitive.”

  “Whatever, Nate.” Aidan ran his hand through his hair. “Just don’t help her along, okay?”

  “Relax. I won’t say anything unless you ask me to.” Nathan checked his watch. “Listen, as much as I’d love to stay and wait for your gratitude, I have a meeting with Luther in five minutes. Don’t forget to eat something, all right?” With a grin, he stood and headed for the exit.


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