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Starlight Page 21

by Alexandra Richland

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  “So Aidan didn’t try to kill Richard Rooney?” Beth sat in the living room with Nathan and Olivia, having just heard the truth behind Aidan’s incident on the Spike Rollins set.

  “No, he didn’t,” Nathan replied. “Where on earth did you hear such a thing? That’s just absurd.”

  Beth giggled. “You don’t want to know.”

  Now that she was aware Aidan merely got too involved in a scene and no one was hurt, and the blood on his shirt was just from a cut he sustained during the commotion, she hoped she could set the record straight with Connie and assist in spreading the truth around the studio. Aidan needed all of the help he could get in clearing his name.

  Beth refrained from leaping from the couch and hugging Nathan. “Gosh, I’m so relieved he isn’t fired from the film.”

  Nathan lifted his eyebrows.

  “Um, because it would be very bad for the studio and the, uh, director … to have to replace him at this stage,” she added sheepishly.

  Olivia gave a sly smile. “Right, the studio and the director.”

  Beth shot her a warning look.

  Nathan glanced back and forth between the two of them. “Beth, did Aidan make that good of an impression on you in the commissary?”

  Olivia brought her hand to her mouth to stifle a giggle.

  “All right, what’s going on?” A grin spread across Nathan’s face. “As much as I’d like to believe Beth is happy for Luther and Preston, something tells me there’s more to it.”

  Beth blushed. She had no choice but to tell the truth. She just didn’t know where to begin.

  Olivia stepped in. “Nathan, remember when Beth ran out of Romanoff’s in a hurry?”

  Beth cringed. Of course, Olivia had to bring up that embarrassing story as part of her explanation.

  Nathan nodded.

  “Well, let’s just say she didn’t simply decide to go for a nice evening run in her stocking feet. She was chasing after Aidan.”

  Nathan’s mouth fell open.

  “I caught him looking at me on the rooftop and, well, I …” Beth was at a loss for words.

  Nathan shook his head. “I pretty much know everything that goes on at the studio, yet when it comes to my close friends, I’m completely out of the loop.” He shrugged. “I suppose Aidan was staring at you that night because he was working up the courage to talk to you after I told him your name.”

  Olivia gasped.

  “Why did you tell him my name?” Beth inquired, struggling to contain her excitement.

  “He asked me,” Nathan said matter-of-factly.

  “Tell me everything,” she begged.

  Nathan leaned back on the couch. “There is nothing much to tell, really. On my way to the rooftop bar to pick up the water after Matt and Desi’s performance, Aidan stopped me and asked me your name. So I told him.”

  Olivia swatted his arm playfully. “And you withheld this tidbit of information from me, your girlfriend.”

  Nathan chuckled. “Well, to my credit, you weren’t technically my girl at the time. Plus, Aidan seemed nervous, so I didn’t want to say anything to anybody.”

  Olivia’s eyes narrowed. “If Aidan was interested in getting to know Beth, he must’ve been very happy when he showed up at the commissary and you just happened to call him over to sit with us.”

  Nathan winced. “Uh, let’s just say that when Aidan showed up at the commissary that day, it wasn’t entirely … coincidental.”

  Olivia slapped her hand on her thigh. “I knew it!”

  “But don’t blame him. The meeting was entirely my idea.” Nathan focused on Beth. “At first glance, it seems like you two are complete opposites, but Aidan is actually a really decent guy. Sure, he’s a little rough around the edges, but he’s more misunderstood than anything else. Anyway, I figured there was a chance you two might hit it off. Since I knew you and Olivia were eating lunch with me that day, I invited him as well without telling him, just in case his nerves got the better of him again and he decided not to show up.”

  Olivia giggled. “For such close friends, we really don’t communicate with each other very well, do we? From now on, let’s have no more secrets between us.”

  “Uh, right.” Nathan gave a small smile. “No more secrets.”

  “I agree,” Beth said.

  “Anyway, Beth, Nathan told me all about your meeting with Mr. Mertz. Saul told him everything.” Olivia made a face. “I can’t believe he wanted you to marry Will!”

  “After I signed the marriage contract, I thought for sure my life was over.” Beth shuddered at the recollection. “I knew it was wrong, but I felt so pressured by Mr. Mertz. Thank goodness Nathan left a message for Mr. Stern or else I would be an engaged woman.” She looked at Nathan. “I apologize for not following your advice. I panicked.”

  He grinned. “I’m just glad everything worked out in the end.”

  “Are fake marriages really that common in Hollywood?” Olivia asked.

  “It happens all the time,” Nathan said. “For instance, Luther approached Tony Curtis when he first signed with the studio and tried to convince him to marry Piper Laurie for money.

  Tony admitted he was dating, and truly in love with, Janet Leigh. Luckily, Luther found that relationship much more profitable. He gave them his blessing and even promoted their union.”

  Olivia shook her head. “I can’t believe he holds such power over his contract stars.”

  “Regarding matters of the heart, as Beth learned today, he holds no such authority,” Nathan replied. “But he can be pretty persuasive, so people assume they have no choice. Make no mistake, though, if Luther doesn’t approve of a relationship involving his contract stars, he will pull out all the stops to ensure the courtship is terminated immediately.”

  They talked for a few more minutes and then Beth excused herself so Olivia and Nathan could say their good-byes in private. She retreated to her room and lay down on the bed.

  Now that she knew Aidan inquired about her and he didn’t really try to kill Richard Rooney, she looked forward to discovering if there was potential for something more between them. She also couldn’t help but wonder if he returned to the commissary after the incident on the Spike Rollins set in search of her specifically, or if their encounter had simply been a coincidence.


  Over the next week, Beth ate lunch in the commissary every day, but Aidan never showed up. Eventually, she stopped going altogether. She asked Nathan what was going on because he’d been in contact with Aidan several times, and he told her nothing was wrong. Aidan was busy filming some crucial scenes for his film and didn’t have time to socialize. Beth sympathized, but she still missed seeing him around.

  The day after Aidan’s incident on the Spike Rollins set, rumors circulated rampantly around the studio, overshadowing what happened between them in the commissary. Generally, everyone told variations of the same tale: The miserable Method actor attacked his defenseless young costar. Beth even heard exaggerations like Aidan snuck a gun onto the set and threatened to shoot anyone who disagreed with his acting techniques. Another story was that Aidan held Richard hostage at knifepoint because he asked for a tuna salad sandwich for lunch and received ham instead.

  Beth supposed people liked believing what they wanted to believe, regardless of how farfetched the tale. This was especially true in Aidan’s case. He wasn’t well liked to begin with because he obtained the role of Spike Rollins so easily.

  It wasn’t long before new gossip made the rounds and Aidan’s incident became old news. Unfortunately, even after Preston Adams confirmed Mr. Mertz didn’t fire Aidan from Spike Rollins, thus dispelling any rumors he committed a crime, studio employees still didn’t dismiss their suspicions.

  At first, Beth assumed Aidan avoided the commissary to steer clear of the crowds, but after considering the matter, she determined he didn’t seem like the type of person who cared what others thought about him. She hoped the reason
for his absence didn’t have anything to do with avoiding her.

  During the third week following her encounter with Aidan in the commissary, she and Will filmed the more elaborate scenes of Sparkling Meadow, including the final scene where their characters make their debut as a couple at a fancy ball hosted by Max’s parents. Beth was very proud of her performance so far and looked forward to the remainder of the shoot. The film would finish in less than two weeks, on the last day of July, and then she would begin shooting a second movie with Will, as per Mr. Mertz’s instructions.

  In other news, Mr. Mertz was so impressed with Olivia’s flashier creations for Sparkling Meadow he lifted her probation early and offered her a permanent position at the studio. Beth, Nathan, Olivia, Connie, and Matthew were dining at Ciro’s to celebrate Olivia’s new career, but because Beth still missed Aidan, she found it difficult to get into a commemorative mood.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Aidan grabbed Spike’s red windbreaker off the back of his chair on set and hurried to the exit. After three weeks of filming the most grueling and emotionally draining scenes he’d ever performed, only the lighter scenes in the movie remained. This meant he was finally free to see Beth.

  The first day back on set after his incident was tense and he’d received mixed reactions ever since. Preston and Nathan didn’t treat him any differently, but most people on the set and studio backlot lowered their eyes when he walked by. Then there were those who made a point of glaring at him to establish to everyone they weren’t intimidated, or maybe to prove to themselves they weren’t. As usual, Aidan ignored them.

  Mr. and Mrs. Rooney were the worst. They requested a personal security guard to stand with their son at all times when he wasn’t filming, in case Aidan tried to “finish what he started.” Richard was fine around him, though. In fact, they got along well. Unfortunately, as soon as the cameras stopped rolling, Mrs. Rooney always yanked her son away so Aidan didn’t get any time to socialize with him.

  During filming, if Aidan ever felt he was losing control, he thought about Beth to keep grounded. Preston said it was the best work he had ever seen from any actor he’d ever worked with. Nathan watched the dailies one evening and was impressed with his performance, too, so he knew he was on the right track.

  Mr. Mertz watched the rushes every day, but Aidan hadn’t heard any feedback from him at all. In Aidan’s opinion, no news was good news. It wasn’t like he desired Mr. Mertz’s approval anyway. Preston and Nathan were proud of the work he’d done, and he was proud of himself, which was all that mattered––aside from one other person’s opinion, of course.

  Aidan couldn’t believe he had lasted this long without seeing Beth. Tossing the red windbreaker over his shoulder, he put on his sunglasses and began his trek across the studio backlot. Nathan said she ate at the commissary every day, so that was his first stop.

  When he entered through the main doors, whispers began immediately. He hooked his sunglasses onto the collar of his T-shirt and scanned the room. His thorough search for Beth came up empty, but he did spot Connie eating alone at a table in the back. Despite his better judgment, he headed toward her with the hope she might be able to assist him. The fact he even considered talking to her proved how desperate he was.

  “Hey, Constance.” Aidan tried his best to mask his disdain.

  Connie dropped her fork into her salad bowl and regarded him coolly. “Hello.”

  “Listen, uh … I was wondering if you could help me out.”

  Connie scoffed. “And if I don’t, will you threaten my life like you did to poor Richard Rooney?”

  Aidan ignored her comment. “I’m looking for Elizabeth Sutton.”

  Connie flashed a wicked smile and picked up her fork. “Now, why on earth do you think I’d tell you where she is?”

  “Look, I know you two are friends and I need to speak with her.”

  Connie stabbed her fork into her salad. “I refuse to put my friend’s life in danger.”

  Aidan bit back a curse. If he made it through this conversation without telling Connie off, it would be the performance of his career.

  “She’s not in any danger around me,” he said, angry she would ever insinuate such a thing.

  Connie rolled her eyes and brought a baby tomato to her mouth.

  Burt Lancaster approached the table, eyeing Aidan suspiciously. “Is everything okay here, Constance?”

  A table away, Ernest Borgnine stood from his chair, looking ready to step in if needed.

  Aidan glared at Burt, holding stares from everyone in the now silent commissary.

  “Yes, Burt, everything is fine.” Connie batted her eyelashes. “Thank you.”

  Burt threw a warning look at Aidan before walking away. Ernest sat back down and continued eating. Murmurs echoed throughout the commissary.

  Gripping Spike’s jacket in his hand, Aidan rested his forearm on the table and leaned toward Connie. He stared frankly into her eyes, knowing she was his only hope right now in finding Beth. “Please, you gotta help me.”

  Connie’s expression softened. She lowered her fork and looked down at her salad. “Truthfully, Aidan, I’m not sure where she is right now. She hasn’t been eating at the commissary lately.”

  “But she’s okay, right? Like everything is … okay with her?” Aidan cringed at how lame he sounded.

  Connie’s eyebrows furrowed. “Yes, she’s all right. I’m having dinner with her tonight, actually.”

  Aidan refrained from asking where they were dining. He didn’t need a repeat of Romanoff’s. With a resigned sigh, he stood up straight and ran his hand through his hair. “Thanks, Connie. I, uh, appreciate the info.”

  “You’re … welcome, Aidan.” Her reply was spoken slowly, as if she couldn’t believe the words were coming out of her mouth. Flashing a small smile, she picked up her fork again.

  As Aidan made his way to the exit, amidst all of the stares and whispers, he wondered if he would find the backlot outside covered in snow and ice. Since his encounter with Connie ended on a somewhat cordial note, he was sure Starlight Studios, which he often referred to as Hollywood Hell, had completely frozen over.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Beth, Nathan, and Olivia arrived at Ciro’s at nine o’clock on Friday night.

  “Another famous Hollywood hotspot!” Olivia surveyed the nightclub’s exterior with wide eyes. “I wonder who will be here tonight.”

  In spite of her job at the studio, Olivia was still in awe of every celebrity she encountered. Lately, there was only one person that could get Beth’s excitement that high. She assumed Aidan wouldn’t be here tonight, but refused to let his absence dampen her evening. She was here to celebrate Olivia’s great news and her friend deserved her utmost attention and support.

  Like Romanoff’s, the nightclub was packed with Starlight Studios employees. As the live band played an Artie Shaw tune, Nathan guided Beth and Olivia through the crowd to a table right in the middle of all the action, where Connie and Matthew sat with Marilyn Monroe and Jane Russell. Although Beth respected Marilyn, she knew not many people in the industry took the actress seriously.

  Connie, Jane, and Marilyn wore silk taffeta, off-the-shoulder cocktail dresses in black, red, and white respectively, as well as white gloves. Beth looked down at her royal blue cocktail dress with velvet and jet bead trim, and then at Olivia’s rustling mint taffeta halter dress. Thanks to her friend’s perceptive fashion sense, they fit right in.

  Matthew stood and walked around the table to pull out a chair for Beth. Nathan helped Olivia settle and then the two men took their seats. While Matthew ordered more wine from the waiter, Connie introduced Beth and Olivia to Jane and Marilyn.

  “Nathan, darling.” Marilyn fluffed her blonde curls. “You look fantastic in that navy blue suit.”

  Olivia shot Marilyn a look of annoyance. Beth smiled. No matter how gorgeous Marilyn was, Nathan was clearly smitten with Olivia and no one else.

  “It’s nice to see yo
u again, Marilyn,” he replied cordially.

  Marilyn blushed and took a sip of her wine.

  Matthew lit a cigarette. “So, besides Olivia, because we all know she’s living the good life now, how is everyone else doing?”

  Nathan pulled a package of Lucky Strikes from his pocket. “Work is busy as usual.”

  “The same is true for me,” Beth chimed in. “I’m finishing up Sparkling Meadow over the next two weeks and eager to start my next project, even though I don’t know the details yet. At the same time, though, I’ll miss playing Claire.” She smiled fondly. “Except for falling in love with Will Everett, she and I are quite similar.”

  “Yes, we’re all well aware of Will Everett.” Jane smirked at Marilyn. “Some more than others.”

  Marilyn giggled. “Oh, Jane, he’s old news.”

  “Haven’t you been seeing Joe DiMaggio?” Connie asked over the live band, which now played a sprightlier tune.

  Marilyn shrugged. “Yes, but it’s not like we’re married or anything. With all the new men at the studio who’ve caught my fancy, I simply can’t settle down yet.”

  Connie smiled. “Oh, really. Like who?”

  Beth took a drink of water, enjoying the conversation.

  “Lorne Parsons, Jackson Rainer, Joseph Lox.” Marilyn’s eyes lit up. “And the most intriguing new actor at the moment, Aidan Evans!”

  Beth choked on her water, launching into a series of coughs that earned her curious stares from her tablemates. She set down her glass and thumped her hand against her chest.

  “Sorry, it went down the wrong way,” she said, her cheeks burning.

  Beth’s embarrassment was overpowered, though, by the sickening notion that maybe Marilyn knew Aidan as well as she did Will.

  Jane scoffed. “You’ve got to be kidding me! It’s common knowledge his attitude is abysmal. And didn’t you hear what happened on the set of his motion picture? He attacked the director.”

  “He didn’t attack the director,” Beth interjected, eager to dispel the nasty rumor.


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