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Starlight Page 26

by Alexandra Richland

  “So, Aidan, how come I never see you at any parties around town?” Matthew asked after the waiter left. “You’ve been out here quite a few months already, haven’t you?”

  Aidan shrugged and took another drag. “It’s not really my scene.” The corners of his mouth lifted in a clever grin. “But I was at Romanoff’s when you performed with Desi Arnaz.”

  Matthew sunk lower in his seat and groaned. “Man, you were there, too? I’m never gonna live that one down.”

  “Come on, are you telling me you haven’t tried to imitate Desi’s moves once since that evening?” Nathan joked.

  Matthew winked. “Only in the bedroom when Connie asks me to.”

  “Hey, Nate, you’re not getting off that easy,” Aidan said with a chuckle. “I saw you dancin’ up a storm that night with Olivia.”

  “I exhibited pure talent, unlike this goof.” Nathan gestured to Matthew. “A real man knows how to dance with a woman and make her feel special, and I think I did a good job that night.”

  “So, Aidan, are you taking anyone to the premiere?” Matthew inquired.

  Aidan brought his cigarette to his lips. “Nah, this cat’s flying solo.”

  “Don’t worry, that’s what I’m here for,” Matthew replied. “I can hook you up with a real nice broad. I know plenty from my single days—blondes, brunettes, redheads—whatever you like.”

  Aidan shook his head. “Don’t worry. I’m good.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yeah, I’m sure.”

  Matthew shrugged. “Well, you know who to ask if you ever want to meet a nice girl.”

  Exhaling long and slow through his nose, Aidan stubbed out his cigarette in the ashtray in front of him. “Will do, man, thanks.”

  High-pitched shrieking interrupted their conversation. Aidan cringed as two girls wearing poodle skirts and pigtails skipped over to their table. One had blonde hair and the other was a brunette. They looked like sisters and couldn’t have been older than fourteen.

  Matthew extinguished his cigarette and corrected his posture. “Show time, fellas.”

  “Oh, my goodness, you’re Matthew McKenna!” The blonde girl clutched her notebook to her chest, regarding him with wide eyes. “I have all your records.”

  “Me too,” the brunette said.

  “Well, isn’t that wonderful,” Matthew replied.

  The brunette giggled. “Mr. McKenna, your voice is so wonderful and I think you’re so cute.”

  Aidan and Nathan brought their fists to their mouths, trying to control their laughter. It was clear Matthew was having difficulty keeping a straight face, too, but it seemed the girls were too busy ogling him to notice.

  Matthew folded his hands on the table, his welcoming grin still intact. “What can I do for you two beautiful girls?”

  Aidan had to hand it to him. Even though they had interrupted his lunch, he was still gracious. If Aidan was in that situation, he couldn’t say he would’ve been as accommodating.

  “Can we have your autograph?” the blonde girl asked.

  “Why, sure you can.” Matthew pulled a pen from the breast pocket of his suit jacket. The blonde thrust her notebook at him and he opened it to the first page. “And who do I make the first one out to?”



  The two girls turned to each other and put their hands on their hips.

  “I get the first autograph!” the blonde said.

  “No, I do!” said the brunette.

  “Hey, Matt, how about you write one autograph with your left hand and the other with your right hand?” Aidan flashed a mocking grin. “That way you can sign them both at the same time.”

  Nathan snickered.

  “Aren’t you helpful?” Matthew said, clearly holding back a smile.

  “Well, that’s what I do with my fans,” Aidan joked.

  The girls turned to him.

  “Who are you?” the brunette asked.

  Aidan squirmed in his seat. “Uh, me? Nobody.”

  The blonde gauged him with inquiring eyes. “You said you have fans. Are you famous, too?”

  Aidan shook his head. “I told you, I’m nobody.”

  “Girls, I’m surprised you didn’t recognize him.” Nathan slapped him on the back. “This here is Aidan Evans.”

  “Are you a singer?” the brunette asked.

  Aidan shook his head again. “I’m not famous.”

  “Aidan is just being modest. He’s a major movie star and his latest motion picture is coming out next week.” Matthew signed his name as he spoke. “It’s called Spike Rollins.” He closed the book and peered up at the girls with a smile. “Make sure you tell all your friends about it and go see it yourselves, okay?”

  They nodded, their hypnotic eyes fixed on him.

  He gave the notebook back to the blonde girl and she handed it to Aidan.

  “Can we have your autograph, too?”

  A smartly dressed man approached the table. “Girls, are you bothering Mr. McKenna?”

  “No, Daddy,” the blonde girl replied sweetly.

  The father focused on the table. “I’m sorry, gentlemen, my daughters were very excited to come over here to meet Mr. McKenna because they’re big fans. I told them to be quick and not to bother you if you were busy.”

  “It’s not a problem, sir,” Matthew replied, his gregarious charm switched on maximum. “I was happy to provide them with my autograph.”

  “Come now, girls, back to our table,” the father said sternly.

  The blonde girl looked down at her notebook in Aidan’s hand. The earlier excitement in her expression vanished. “It’s all right. You don’t have to sign it if you don’t want to. I’m sorry we bothered you.”

  Aidan cringed. They were just kids and he had no right to be so cynical. He opened the notebook to a fresh page. “Hey, uh, what did you say your names were?”

  The girls’ eyes lit up and they repeated their names. After accepting Matthew’s pen, Aidan scribbled his name on two sheets of paper in the notebook, personalizing one to each girl. He should’ve felt flattered by their attention, but the truth was he didn’t think of himself as someone anyone should admire.

  He handed the notebook back to the blonde girl. “Here ya go.”

  “Thanks, sir.”

  “Uh, it’s Aidan,” he corrected with a quick half-smile.

  The father draped his arms over his daughters’ shoulders.

  “Who was that other young man you received an autograph from?” he asked as he escorted them back to their table.

  “I don’t know, Daddy,” the blonde girl replied. “Some actor named Aidan something.”

  Nathan and Matthew started laughing when the family was out of earshot.

  Aidan rolled his eyes. “Thanks for having my back, fellas.”

  “Listen, you better prepare yourself,” Nathan said. “Once your picture is released next week, your life is going to change, big time.”

  Nathan’s words weighed heavily on Aidan. He had shut himself off from the outside world over the last several months, immersed in filming and focused on realistically portraying his character. He never really considered how much his life was going to change after Spike Rollins’ release.

  Now that the film was complete and the Starlight publicity machine was out in full force, he realized just how big of a monster it was, and wondered what was going to happen to his anonymity, as well as any sanity he had left, after the premiere.

  The problem was he didn’t hide under his bed anymore like he did when he was a child. He now hid in plain sight, walking the streets or sitting in a crowded bar to deal with his pain and the past that haunted him. The thought of not being able to do that anymore scared him.

  Aidan looked at Matthew’s fountain pen clenched in his left hand. He extended it across the table. “Here’s your pen back.”

  Matthew waved his hand away. “You keep it. I’m with Nate. Your life is going to change big time and you’r
e gonna need it.”

  Aidan placed the pen on the table. The uneasy feeling in his stomach didn’t go away even after they moved on to other topics of conversation. He didn’t start acting for the acclaim, fame, or fortune. Now it looked like it was unavoidable.

  After they finished eating, the telephone at the table rang.

  Matthew picked up the receiver. “Hello, Matthew McKenna speaking.”

  Aidan and Nathan sat in silence as Matthew listened to the person on the other end.

  “Uh huh,” he replied after a few seconds. “Yes, of course, sir … Yes, Mr. Mertz.”

  Nathan’s eyes widened.

  Aidan looked at him curiously.

  Matthew extended the receiver across the table. “Nate, it’s for you.”

  Nathan accepted it after a subtle pause. “Yes, Luther?” He nodded as Mr. Mertz replied on the other end. When he hung up, he provided no explanation as to what his boss said that made him look so worried.

  Aidan decided not to press the matter.

  Upon the arrival of the check, Nathan insisted he would take care of it. Aidan and Matthew still offered to pay their share, but he wouldn’t accept their money.

  Matthew slid out of the booth first, buttoning his suit jacket with one hand. “Lunch was a ball, but this boy’s gotta scram, Daddy-o. I’ve got studio time in twenty minutes.”

  Aidan and Nathan looked at him like he’d lost his mind.

  He chuckled. “What? I’m trying to be a gangster like Spike Rollins.”

  Aidan smiled and shook his head. It seemed Matthew was an all right guy, after all.

  Nathan laughed. “I don’t think your older fans would appreciate that type of obscene talk.”

  Matthew’s lips held the hint of a grin. “I know I’ll never be as cool as my friend, Evans, but a guy can try.” He shook Aidan’s hand. “See ya next week. And Nathan, it’s been a pleasure, as always.” He placed his fedora on his head and left.

  Aidan picked up Matthew’s pen and twirled it between his thumb and forefinger. He craved another cigarette, but decided to wait until he returned to his apartment to have one. Standing up, he placed the pen into the back pocket of his jeans and said good-bye to Nathan, who needed to stay behind to make a phone call.

  As Aidan walked out of the restaurant, he came across Eve Arden in the parking lot. Fans swarmed her.

  “I’m sorry,” she said to the small crowd. “I don’t have a pen on me.”

  Aidan pulled out Matthew’s pen and extended it to her. “Here, take mine.”

  Ms. Arden accepted it with a smile. “Thank you. Would you like an autograph, too?”

  Aidan was relieved she didn’t recognize him. “No thanks. I don’t want to bother you when you’re off the clock.”

  She laughed. “Honey, I’m never off the clock. That’s the life of a film star.”

  Aidan hid his apprehensive gaze behind his sunglasses. “Well, anyway, thanks, but no thanks.”

  “All right,” she said. “Enjoy your afternoon.”

  “Yeah, you too.” With a frown, Aidan walked away from the crowd and mounted his motorcycle, savoring what he assumed was one of his last remaining moments of obscurity.

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Beth spent the afternoon on the day of the Spike Rollins premiere at the studio, getting ready with Connie and Olivia. Their hair and makeup was complete, and now, under Olivia’s guidance, they gathered accessories to complete their formal evening look.

  Peering at her reflection in the vanity mirror, Beth adjusted the white hat on the crown of her head. She felt she needed to give her appearance extra attention if she wanted to look good for Aidan tonight, especially after he saw her in such disarray last week.

  Her ankle-length gown was a pale pink off-the-shoulder Olivia original with sequins on the bodice and a chiffon skirt. Her hair was curled, exposing her neck. She accessorized with white stilettos, a white mink stole, white gloves, and a pearl necklace with matching earrings.

  Olivia was dressed similarly in a pale blue halter evening dress with lace appliqué, a diamond bracelet and necklace, and black pumps, which added several inches to her height.

  With a smile, Olivia handed Connie a magenta hat with black netting and ribbon. “Here, put this on.”

  Connie fastened the hat on her head and admired her appearance in the mirror. “Thanks, Liv. Looks good.”

  Connie’s hair was curled and pinned back from her face with diamond clips. She wore an iridescent magenta taffeta evening dress with a fitted halter bodice, asymmetrically gathered bust, and a full sweeping shirt. Her black heels made her tower over Beth and Olivia. Diamonds accented her gloves and matched her earrings. Her makeup was dramatic and glamorous.

  Beth and Connie were also required to wear white sashes with the words Starlight Studios written on the front in blue capital letters, as was every contract actress acting as an usherette tonight.

  On the red carpet, studio employees had to answer questions and acknowledge the fans situated on bleachers behind the press section with smiles and waves. It was all part of Mr. Mertz’s plan to charm Spike Rollins’ premiere audience, which was made up of many important industry professionals and press, in order to encourage favorable notices for the film.

  Beth hadn’t seen Spike Rollins and neither had her colleagues, but Mr. Mertz wanted them to pretend they had. She was proud to promote Aidan in any way she could, despite not seeing the film yet, because she felt confident in his abilities as an actor.

  “Aidan Evans is a magnificent performer,” Connie recited with mock praise. “His vibrant, raw approach to acting is phenomenal and Spike Rollins is one of the best films Starlight Studios has ever made.” She lifted an eyebrow. “Do I sound convincing, ladies?”

  Olivia giggled. “Very convincing! You’ve memorized your lines well.”

  Beth knew Connie wasn’t thrilled with praising a film she hadn’t even seen yet, starring a man whom she didn’t particularly like, but she was still a good sport about it.

  Olivia squeezed Beth’s shoulder gently. “Are you ready?”

  Beth sighed. “As ready as I’ll ever be.”

  Olivia had told Beth about a blind item she’d read in Hilda Hooper’s column about Aidan visiting the Venus Rising rehearsals to see Lydia, but after hearing Beth’s story about their conversation, she said she was convinced Ms. Hooper was stretching the truth. Beth was still nervous about seeing Aidan tonight, though—a fact which she had shared with Olivia.

  A knock on the door signaled the arrival of their escorts for the evening. Olivia rushed across the room and invited Matthew, Nathan, and Jack inside. All three men looked dashing in their black suits.

  Mr. Mertz instructed Jack to accompany Beth on the red carpet so they could promote their musical together and get the public excited for its early 1954 release. Beth was thankful Lydia was out of town on personal leave and not attending the premiere.

  Matthew captured Connie in his arms, his expression full of longing and enchantment. “You look spectacular, my love.”

  Connie stood on her tiptoes and placed a sensual kiss on his lips. He whispered something into her ear that made her giggle.

  Nathan brought Olivia’s hand to his lips and kissed it. “Darling, you look stunning.”

  Beth’s attention was diverted from her friends as Jack stepped toward her and politely kissed her cheek.

  “Hello, Beth.”

  She nodded. “Hello.”

  “You, uh, sure clean up nice.” He shifted on his feet.

  Beth smiled weakly, hoping Aidan wouldn’t have the same reaction toward her. “Thank you.”

  Jack placed his hands in his pockets and the two of them remained on the fringe with an air of discomfort between them. Working together on Venus Rising was one thing, but being set up on a date, even if it was only for publicity, was another experience entirely.

  “So, are you excited about the premiere tonight?” Beth asked, hoping to break the ice.

ck shrugged. “I guess so. It’ll be interesting to see Aidan’s performance since he’s all anyone has been talking about at the studio for months. They say he’s great in the film, but many people are hoping he’ll be horrible.”

  Beth frowned. “That’s not nice.”

  “You can’t blame them,” Jack replied. “I heard he’s difficult to be around and he has a huge ego. I’m not surprised he hasn’t made many friends since coming out here.”

  Beth was surprised by Jack’s negativity and hoped to sway his opinion. “That’s strange. I’ve heard many positive things about Aidan.”

  Jack made a face. “In any case, he’s just not someone I would associate with.”

  Beth fell silent.

  Thankfully, Nathan approached them, ending their debate. “Jack, Beth, shall we leave now?”

  Jack smiled at Beth and motioned to the door. “Miss Sutton, your chariot awaits.”

  On their way out, Olivia handed Beth and Connie their sashes, which they would put on upon their arrival at the theater. With her arm linked with Jack’s, Beth left the dressing room and followed her friends outside.

  The drive to the theater was pleasant. The men talked sports while Beth, Connie, and Olivia discussed the exciting night ahead. Only when their limousine approached the Egyptian Theater did Beth’s stomach churn. Traffic was horrendous due to the huge turnout. The slow crawl to their destination didn’t help her anxiety regarding her impending reunion with Aidan.

  Teenagers made up most of the cheering crowd. They lined the streets behind the velvet ropes set up along Hollywood Boulevard and were additionally held back by police. Beth assumed Aidan must’ve been pleased with all of the attention and detail Mr. Mertz put into his premiere.

  The limousine pulled up in front of the theater next to a red carpet rolled out from the curb all the way to the entrance, and the group prepared for their grand arrival. Beth placed her sash over her head and across her chest, adjusting it under her stole so the lettering was in the front. Connie did the same.

  When the driver opened the door, a wave of screams inundated the car. According to Mr. Mertz, Matthew was to emerge first, followed by Connie, because they were the most famous couple in the group.


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