Solar Sizzle

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Solar Sizzle Page 19

by Joan Bramsch

  "Better make that an hour,” Casey countered. “We don't want to..."

  "Get caught in the act?"

  Blushing, she could only nod. “And I have to call Maureen ... right now. I didn't say good-bye to her."

  He drew her into his warm embrace and kissed her urgently on her parted lips. “Hurry, darling. Please, hurry. I'll start packing."

  "Packing?” she squealed. “I forgot all about my packing.” She grabbed the phone and dialed. “Katie? Let me talk with Mommy, honey.” She tapped her foot in frustration while she waited. “Maureen? This is Casey. I'm with Shawn."

  "I figured as much,” her sister answered drolly. “What can I do for you? I'm busy packing for a silly big sister who thinks she can fly away for a wedding and a honeymoon without clothes. Lord, doesn't she know she'll have to cover up sometime?"

  "Oh, Maureen. You wonderful, wonderful, darling woman, I'll never be able to thank you for this favor."

  "What are sisters for, but to help when they're needed?” she answered, shrugging off Casey's grateful thanks. “I'll tell you one thing ... for once, I'm sure glad you've waited till after Christmas to put away your summer things. It makes packing so much easier."

  "I'll be back a little after one to pick up my luggage, Sis. That's when we have to leave for the airport."

  "Great! The party will just be getting warmed up by then,” she reasoned. “Your bags will be ready for you, honey. I'll take care of everything. Oh, do you want me to pack your p.j.'s?"

  Casey blushed furiously, but found the word she wanted. “No!"

  "Smart girl, Kathryn. I'll see you in a few hours then."

  "I love you, Sis. And thanks."

  "And I love you. Have a wonderful life, Casey.” Sniffing delicately, she broke the connection.

  Casey was blowing her nose just as Shawn came from his bedroom carrying a silky black bundle in one hand. “Are you all right, honey?"

  "Yes.” She wiped her eyes. “Maureen just wished me a wonderful life."

  Shawn gathered her against him. “I'll do everything in my power to make your life with me wonderful, Casey.” He kissed her with a warmth and tenderness that sank deep into her soul. “I promise."

  "Is that my sexy nightgown?” She fingered the fabric.

  "Mmmm, do you want me to pack it?"

  Casey laughed happily and hugged him with all her might. “You'd better cuz it's the only one I'll have. Maureen has promised she wouldn't pack my p.j.'s."

  "Smart girl,” he rumbled, echoing her sister's exact words. “Now, my love, we have just an hour. May I suggest we make good use of our time?"

  Casey's fingers crept to the front of his shirt and began to release each button with trembling, urgent motions. “I think that's a very good idea, darling. We only get one day at a time."

  "Or one night,” he whispered, lifting her high in his strong arms and walking into his bedroom. He kicked the door shut with his heel and slowly undressed her before he lay her down on his large bed. “I love you, my heavenly woman."

  "And I love you, love of my life."

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  Chapter 12

  They were packing the office papers when Connie came in a little after midnight. Behind her, three bellboys formed a small parade. They were loaded to their noses with boxes and packages.

  "Put them on the couch, men,” Connie ordered in a high-spirited voice.

  When they turned to retrace their steps, she was positioned at the door, giving them each a handsome tip and a dazzling smile. “Thank you, thank you, and thank you."

  It wasn't until she closed the door that she paid any attention to Shawn or Casey. They were staring at the mountain of merchandise.

  "Hi, you two. It's good to see you again, Casey. What's he doing? Making you work overtime?"

  Shawn still gazed at the piles of boxes. “Did you buy out the stores, Connie?"

  "Shot the budget to hell!” She giggled. “What are you doing with all the office papers? Did I lose something?"

  "No, we're packing to go home."


  "Yup. Casey and I are in love."

  "So what else is new?"

  "We're going to be married in a double-ceremony with two of our best friends.” He hugged Casey and kissed her tenderly. Their eyes blazed with happiness.

  "Ohhh, I'm gonna cry!"

  The couple came back down to earth and Shawn laughed. “You always cry at weddings, Connie, but it's not until tonight.” He glanced at his thin gold watch. “In eighteen hours, to be exact."

  "Only if Tommy doesn't kill me first!"

  Casey hurried to Connie and took her hand. When she thought of the harebrained idea she'd had about Connie and Shawn, she was truly ashamed of herself. The poor woman had a desperate look in her eyes. She loved Tom with all her heart. “Tom loves you, Connie. I know he does."


  "Truly! Now, let's get this stuff packed. I wish you'd bought some luggage to hold all your purchases."

  Connie shot Casey a sheepish grin. “I did. This afternoon. They're in my room."

  By twelve forty-five, they had all the baggage and office data loaded into a hotel van. At one-fifteen, they picked up Casey's luggage and got a royal sendoff from her rowdy, slightly inebriated relatives.

  "We're going to have some wedding reception. I can see that already.” Shawn was happier than he'd ever remembered. “We'll have to rent an entire floor at the hotel so they can sleep it off. Promise me, my pet, that you won't drink too much at our family celebration."

  But Casey refused. “I'm a very happy drunk,” she insisted, giggling at the thought. “I do all sorts of outlandish things when I get tiddly."

  "Tiddly?” Shawn gasped. “Tell you what. I'll make a deal with you. You can get tiddly if I get to do what I want."

  Her eyes narrowed suspiciously. “What's that?"

  He grinned lecherously. “Fool around!"

  She laughed again and shrugged her shoulders. “Suits me."

  He hugged her tight. “Ah, you're a woman after me own heart, lassie."

  Soon they were flying at 33,000 feet toward Tucson. Shawn dozed in his seat. A beautiful woman was cuddled on each shoulder. Connie came close because she was still apprehensive about what she would find at home with Tom; Casey was nestling because she couldn't seem to get close enough to the man she loved. For the time being, the three slept in the peaceful, quiet night.

  * * * *

  It was five o'clock, Tucson time, when their plane landed. Shawn had arranged for another van to be at the airport, waiting for them. He had also insisted that Tom wait for them at home. Since he'd come to the Mainland Tom had shared Shawn's home. Although Tom had complained about wasting precious time away from Connie, Shawn was able to convince him to do it his way. He wanted no discussion until they could be assured of privacy.

  When Shawn pulled into the driveway, Tom was waiting outside the house. Connie almost broke Shawn's arm with her strangle hold.

  "I'm scared, Shawn.” Her voice filled with tears. “I'm so scared."

  "It'll be all right.” He pried her fingers from his arm. “Trust me."

  In that same moment, Tom tore open the door and gathered Connie into his arms, holding her as if he would never release her. “Connie ... Connie ... I'm so glad you've come back. God, honey, I've been so worried about you."

  By the sound of his choked words, Casey suspected there were tears in his eyes. She and Shawn stood aside, arms wrapped around waists, watching the other couple's homecoming. It was a touching scene. Tom and Connie kissed long and lovingly, oblivious of their audience. When they were finally convinced that they were together again, Tom lifted his gaze to Shawn.

  "Hey, O'Brien! How the hell are you?” His eyes danced toward Casey when he shook his friend's hand. “Who's your date?"

  "Tom Puka, meet Casey McDermott. As if you didn't know!"

  Tom gave an exaggerated groan. “Oh, no! Don't tell me. Not another Irish ..
. person."

  Casey loved him instantly. “'Fraid so, Tom.” She extended her hand. “I'm glad to meet you. Finally. I've heard a lot about you though."

  "And I know all about you too, Casey. But I didn't know you were coming for a visit."

  Before anyone could say anything, Shawn interrupted. “Come on, let's go inside. We'll get the luggage later.” Both couples walked arm in arm to the house.

  Tom eyed the suitcases. “What is all that stuff anyway?"

  Connie cuddled closer. “I did some shopping, honey. The rest belongs to the company and my traveling companions. Most of it is theirs. Honest!"

  Tom was not fooled for a minute. His “Oh, yeah?” made everyone laugh. But the three conspirators’ laughter was actually a release of nervous tension.

  Casey looked around her when they entered Shawn's home. By tonight, this would be her home too, she thought dreamily. The living room was large by anyone's standards, and handsomely furnished with earth tone couches and comfortable easy chairs. Heavy, walnut tables accented the country flavor. A large, flagstone fireplace and soft lighting added warmth and welcome. It was a beautiful room and Casey sighed happily after her quick inspection.

  Shawn drew her into his arms and kissed her gently. She melted at his touch. “Welcome home, darling."

  The four continued to stand in the center of the large room. Tom grew tense because he felt something was not being said.

  "Something's up, Shawn,” he began nervously. “What is it? What the hell have you been keeping from me?"

  Shawn laughed outright at his friend's apprehension. “Great news, Puka! Casey is not here for a visit. She's going to become my wife."

  "Well, I'll be damned!” He stepped forward to pump his buddy's hand. “You finally got some smarts, huh?” He kissed Casey on the cheek and hugged them both. “Best news I've heard since I've known you, man. When's the wedding."

  In one voice, they answered. “Tonight!"

  "Tonight?” he croaked.

  "Well, I had to come home to pick up my best man, Puka. Or we would have been married by now."

  Tom took Connie's hand in his and a wistful expression crossed his face. “You lucky cuss. I should be so lucky!"

  Shawn glanced over at Connie. She seemed ready to leap out of her skin, he thought. His upraised brow told Tom's fiancée, this was her cue. She nodded, then drew a deep, shuddering breath.

  "You can be that lucky if you want it, Tommy. We could have a double wedding."

  Casey was not sure Tom could even hear Connie's whispered words. Nerves made her voice nearly inaudible.

  But his head snapped up and he searched Connie's face. “We could?” he ventured warily. “But what about all the plans for our big wedding in June? How do you feel about that, honey?"

  His reply appeared to give Connie some added confidence because her voice was stronger when she answered. “Under the circumstances, I think I might be persuaded to push the date forward.” She fidgeted with his fingers, finally entwining hers into a tight knot. “In fact, I think we should."

  This was it ... and all three people tensed while Tom just looked baffled.

  "I have some rather important news for you, Tommy,” she whispered. “I'm pregnant."

  Her announcement caused Tom to collapse onto the couch, white-faced and shaken. Connie rushed over to Shawn and grabbed his arm.

  "See?” she cried, frantically. “See, I told you he'd be upset. Look at him. He's in shock."

  Shawn patted her shoulder, trying to calm her down. “Shh, Connie. Be patient. Just give him a minute to assimilate the news."

  They all continued to watch Tom, hoping he wasn't going to pass out. But he began to talk in a dazed voice instead.

  "Well, I'll be damned. I'll be damned! It worked,” he mumbled. A wide drunken grin washed over his tanned features and the color came rushing back into his face. “It actually worked!"

  Connie was almost beside herself. “What worked, Tommy?"

  Tom continued to talk right through her words. He hadn't heard anything! “Mama told me it would work, but I didn't really believe her. But, by golly, it did!” he crowed. His glassy-eyed stare lifted to lock with Connie's tear-misted gaze. “You're gonna have a baby!"

  Casey glanced up quizzically when she heard Shawn's quiet snicker of delight. That man! Now what in the world did he see that was funny? she fumed, feeling a close sisterhood with Connie.

  By now Connie had had enough. She raised her voice to break Tom's trance-like state. “What are you jabbering about, Tommy Puka? You tell me this instant!"

  And instantly, Tom jumped up and hugged Connie until she had trouble breathing. He kissed her soundly, then explained. “Mama sent me special herbs from her kahuna. I've been seasoning your food with it for weeks. And it finally worked! Isn't that wonderful, sweetheart?"

  "Are you nuts?” she exclaimed.

  Casey had an irrational thought. Did everyone use that phrase?

  Connie repeated her question, then added another. “How could that be? You know I've been using birth control."

  "And I've been trying to get you to marry me ... quickly."

  Connie stood with her hands on her hips, her mouth gaping. “You wanted me to get pregnant?"

  "It was my last-ditch effort. I was scared to death that you'd change your mind ... or find someone else,” he confessed softly. “I love you."

  Connie's tears spilled down her pale cheeks.

  Casey's emerald eyes grew misty, and she suspected Shawn was not untouched by the poignant scene when she heard him sniff and saw him brush his hand across his face. The two watched silently when Connie lifted her face to kiss the man she loved.

  "You crazy Hawaiian,” she crooned, kissing him again and again. “God, I love you."

  Shawn tightened his hold on Casey's waist. Then he leaned closer to whisper against her ear. “Looks like we'll be having a double wedding after all."

  Respecting the couple's need for privacy, and wanting some for himself, he led Casey down the hall to his master bedroom.

  "Did you know what he was doing?” Casey whispered insistently.

  Shawn shook his head. “No, but I suspected something was up when Tom began to quiz me on Connie's health last week. The man was desperate to make her his wife.” He buried his face in her flaming curls. “I know the feeling, baby."

  Although Casey's body grew weak with desire, she gently pushed him away. She had to know what happened. “What exactly did he use? And what is a kahuna?"

  Moaning loudly about the liabilities of having an intelligent woman for his mate, he finally answered. “A kahuna is a combination country doctor and high priest. They make very effective herbal medicine, and no one knows exactly what the secret ingredients are,” he told her. “But they specialize particularly in potions for sexual prowess and fertility.

  "Like many of the older generation Islanders, Mama Puka believes. And Tom was willing to try anything, I guess!” He chuckled again. His dark eyes gazed off into the distance as if he had traveled to another place. “Ah, Mama gonna be one happy lady. Two her sons, married same day ... and each to woman of his dreams."

  Tenderly, he drew Casey against his length. With exquisite gentleness, he captured her face between his warm palms, tracing her serene features with his thumbs. She began to drown in the dark, smoldering depth of his gaze. Breathlessly, she stood on weakened legs while he outlined the fullness of her lower lip with the tip of his moist tongue.

  "I love you, Shawn.” Her words floated from her heart on whispering wings of passion.

  "I love you, Casey. More than I'll ever be able to tell you or show you."

  "But you won't stop trying?"


  The kiss they shared was one of total commitment. It was a pledge of their love and devotion. Believing they would share a lifetime together, they knew they would only have one day ... or one night at a time.

  Coming into each other's arms, they began their journey. For forever
and a day.

  * * * *

  About the Author

  Joan Bramsch is a successful creative writing instructor, author, editor and publisher in both traditional print and electronic books—Ebooks. Her feature stories, interviews and articles appear in major international magazines and newspapers, both print and on the Internet.

  Six of her best-selling adult novels—numbering near one million copies that placed fifth to first on the Waldenbook National Best-Sellers List—have been published in ten languages for worldwide distribution. She continues to write exciting adult fiction, as well as stories for children, and how-to and parenting books.

  A veteran parent and teacher, Bramsch also serves families in 88 countries from her web site and via her Empowered Parenting eJournal.

  * * *

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