Forever Together (Forever Love #2)

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Forever Together (Forever Love #2) Page 4

by Jade Whitfield

  I take a sip of the steaming hot coffee, burning my upper mouth as I do. Ok, that was definitely a bad idea. Taking a few deep breaths in, I can only hope the waterproof mascara I put on before leaving the house is still intact. It's typical that the first time I even bother to wear makeup in I don’t know how long, I blubber like a child.

  "Have I got panda eyes?" I ask in a small voice, for some reason widening my eyes. It's weird the way people do that.

  "Do you really think I’d let you walk around with fucking panda eyes? You know how much I hate them."

  "I don’t know; I've been a bitch."

  "No, you were hurt. Just be happy it was only six months, it could have been years." That statement definitely sobers me. Though Liv and I have discussed her past and what she’s been through, it always brings me back down to earth when I think of it.

  It’s hard to be able to understand something when you’ve never experienced it or anything like it. I have two incredibly loving parents. I've never really been through anything traumatic so I've never been able to comprehend the things Liv has survived. Just the simple fact that she is sitting opposite me, with a smile on her face and about to get married to the man of her dreams shows how much she’s grown as a person and has healed. It just makes me feel pretty pathetic that I completely fell apart because of something as stupid as a breakup.

  "I’m sorry."

  "If you apologize to me one more time, I’m gonna be dumping my coffee over you and then I’m gonna be pissed because this is a fairly ok cup of coffee. Trust me, I've been drinking some green tea shit for days now. I need this fucking coffee."

  "Green tea, huh?"

  "Yeah, Pam seems to think we all need to detox for the wedding. She can get fucked if she thinks I’m drinking that swill for the next six weeks. I’d rather walk down the aisle with a face full of pimples and limp hair than drink that slime."

  "Oh my God, your wedding!" I cover my mouth with my hand, feeling shitty all over again. "My Mom told me about it yesterday. I’m so sorry I haven’t been here."

  "Don’t worry about it. to be honest, I wish I’d have just gone to Vegas. I’m not into all the sappy ass shit."

  “You must be excited though.”

  "I'll be happy for it to be over. By the way, your bridesmaid dress needs to be altered. You weren’t here to pick it so I had to pick for you but don’t worry, it's not ugly or anything. You just need to get it fitted." Bridesmaid? Is she serious?

  "You're kidding, right?"

  "What, you think I’m not gonna put you in my wedding just because you’ve been going through some shit? Look, I’m gonna say this once and then we're gonna put this to bed. I don’t make girlfriends easily. Like, I've had two in my entire life and that’s you and Trina. That’s because girls are bitches, they backstab and lie and spread shit. You and Trina are the only best friends I've ever had. When I was going through my shit, Trina was there for me. She was patient and she didn’t push even though I know it killed her not to know sometimes. I’d like to think I’m offering you the same thing. I’m like a swan, they mate for life, I befriend for life."

  "A swan?" I raise my eyebrows in question.

  "Don’t ask, I’m trying to write my vows and it’s just a long story."

  At that moment, the small bell over the door rings to signal somebody entering the shop. I think nothing of it until I feel the hairs on the back of my neck rise. There’s only one person in the world that can ignite such a reaction from me. My heartbeat quickens, thumping out of my chest. I can feel the sweat beading on my forehead and if all of that didn’t start the panic, then the look on Liv's face would.

  "That fucking idiot." She growls before giving me a sympathetic look.

  "Brady Cooper, how many times must I tell you, no dogs allowed." Miss Annabelle’s voice or more importantly, the name she says has me going stiff, as if no movement would make me invisible.

  "But you let Mrs. Willis' dog in here, why not my Brian?" His voice sends shivers through my body and tears building in my eyes.

  "That’s because Mrs. Willis is blind."

  "Pretty dumb excuse if you ask me. I'd like someone to prove to me that she’s blind cause I swear I saw her walking down the street with no dog and she didn’t bump into anything."

  "Brady, just get the dog out."

  "Oh, don’t worry, we're going. Brian and I will take our business elsewhere." Just the sound of his voice sends my insides to mush.

  I carry on staring at Liv, unable to turn around and look towards the counter out of fear. I wait for the sound of the bell above the door, almost pray for it. I clench my eyes shut, hoping beyond hope he doesn’t see me.

  "Oh, hey, Liv." My eyes pop open on hearing his voice, actually it's more on hearing how close his voice is.

  I look at Liv whose staring daggers over my shoulder. Before I can even stop myself, the temptation becomes too much and I turn around. The breath leaves my body on seeing him. He’s still as handsome as ever with his ruffled dark blond hair and chestnut eyes, only slightly lighter than my own. The minute his eyes meet mine, it’s as if my whole world tilts. They still have the same mischievous twinkle as before. It's only once I’m able to drag my eyes away from his I notice a light haired Pomeranian in his arms. Its pink tongue is hanging out and if it was in anybody else’s arms, I'd stroke and fuss it. Instead, it’s in the one person’s arms I don’t want to see, no matter how muscular and strong they look. It doesn’t matter how the navy blue t-shirt stretches over his torso or how cute his dimple is when his smile twitches. It doesn’t matter that he looks at me as if I’m still the only person in a room.

  No, none of that matters. Oh, who the hell am I kidding? It all matters. It matters how utterly amazing he looks whereas this is the first time I've so much as let my hair out of a hair tie in months. It matters that he still ignites the same tummy flipping feeling he has for half of my life, the same feeling that had me writing our names in love hearts and repeatedly signing my name as Cindy Cooper long before he saw me as anything more than a friend. It matters that my heart goes ten to the dozen in excitement while simultaneously breaking for what can never be. Most of all, it matters that my mind is being torn apart wondering whether to run out of the door as fast as I can to protect myself or to jump into his arms and smother his face in kisses.

  Finally, the situation sinks in and panic begins to rise inside of me at his close proximity and the situation as a whole. His eyes are still glued to me but I drag mine away, glancing around the coffeehouse for anything to ground me. The fight or flight instinct kicks in. Though I’m in no danger physically, my heart is at risk of being utterly destroyed. I quickly stand up, knocking into the circular table and spilling coffee onto the surface.

  "I... um... I need to get going, Liv. I'll speak to you... um... yeah, I'll speak to you later."

  "Cinders?" That name! He just has to call me by that name. I can still remember the first day in Kindergarten when he gave it to me.

  "But Mommy, I don’t wanna go to school." I cry, tears streaming down my face.

  "Honey, you have to go sometime and think about all the new friends you'll make."

  "Why can’t I stay home? I wanna stay with Aiden and Avery."

  "Oh sweetie. I'll come pick you up later. You'll have fun I promise. Now wipe those tears away and turn that frown upside down." She rubs her hands over my cheeks, wiping the wetness away from my tears. "I love you and I'll see you later ok."

  "I love you too." I say, staring at the floor.

  The moment she’s gone out of the room, I've never felt so alone in my life. I don’t know anybody here.

  "Hey." A little boy says, coming to stand next to me. He's dressed in a Spiderman costume and only his face is visible, his dirty blond hair almost falls over his eyes and sticks out of the material stretched over his head. "What’s your name?"

  "Cindy." I answer shyly.

  "I’m Brady. Today I’m Spiderman though."

  "I’m a princess
." I give him a small smile. "Like Cinderella."

  "Spiderman guards the princess. Come on, I'll take you to your castle, Cinders."

  I can’t take it, I need to get away, I need to breath. I rush towards the door, hearing Liv mutter an "Oh shit."

  I bang my hips into nearly every table that blocks my way but the pain doesn’t faze me. I just need to get away; I need to protect my heart because this guy can’t break it any more.

  Chapter 4


  The ringing of the bell above the door drags me out of the hypnotic state that I've been in since seeing Cindy so close up. She’s so fucking beautiful with her long black hair and those big eyes that just seem to show everything that she’s feeling. I’m feeling all kinds of stupid that the first time I have her in reach in half a fucking year I just stood there like a dipshit and stared. It’s the effect she has on me though; she brings everything to a standstill.

  I can’t believe she’s running, like literally fucking sprinting out the door, her ass wiggling in the short dress thingy she’s got on. I probably shouldn’t be staring at her ass right now but what's a guy to do when it’s in front of his face? I practically throw Brian into Liv's arms, ignoring the daggers she’s throwing at me with her eyes. Yeah, I knew she was gonna be pissed at me for coming here but once Noah told me her plans, I couldn’t stay away. I'll just have to take the shit she throws later. The thought of being so close to Cindy, of being able to talk to her was just too damn tempting though. Who could blame me?

  I dodge all the table corners that Cindy seemed to bang into and throw myself through the door after her. She’s near enough running down the street, not even so much as looking behind, although she’s got to know I’m there. She’s so aware of me, just as I am of her. She’s a fast little walker, I'll give her that but I’m faster, my high school football career finally coming in handy as I catch up to her. Just as I’m nearly close enough to touch her, to pull her into me, her foot goes over itself in her ridiculously sexy shoes and her hands start fucking waving in the air as she goes down. I don’t think, I just throw myself at her, grabbing her around her small waist and pulling her towards my chest. The sparks that zap my skin on contact nearly have me letting go. Still the same old reaction I see. I tighten my grip not wanting to drop her, not wanting to let go... ever.

  Shit, now this is nice. I can feel her small warm body through my shirt and her nails digging into my bicep. I should have thought of this before, tripping her up and then catching her. It’s one way to get her in my arms that’s for sure. She almost seems to be comfortable until I’m guessing she realizes where she is. Her eyes widen like saucers and she goes stiff like a board. Do I drop her or stand her up or something? I’m not really sure how to handle this reaction considering I was expecting her to be like "Oh you're my hero" and swoon.

  "DICKWAD WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?" I turn to find Liv storming towards me with Brian held out in front of her. She can’t go holding him like he has some kinda disease, he'll get a complex. "Oh my God, Cindy, are you ok? What the hell did you do you fucking idiot?" She turns on me and I’m man enough to admit that I flinch. What can I say? She’s a scary chick.

  "I didn’t do nothing. She fell." I nearly hold my hands up in surrender before realizing she’s still in my arms.

  I stand up, bringing her with me and stand her on her legs. She looks to the floor refusing to meet my eyes and my heart drops a little. It wasn’t supposed to be like this, she was supposed to see me and remember how fucking lovable I am.

  "Are you ok?" I ask, stooping my head so that I can see into her face.

  "Yes, thank you for catching me." She answers in a small voice.

  "I’ll always catch you, you should know that." Her head shoots up at my familiar words and she stares at me for what seems like for-fucking-ever before giving me a small smile. YES! Feels like Christmas and the hope I was beginning to lose grows even more.

  A bark causes me to drag my eyes away from hers to Brian who’s still suspended in front of Liv.

  "Why the hell are you holding him like that? Pass him here." I snatch the dog from her hands and she primps her hair.

  "What can I say? I’m more of a people person and the last time I held your damn rat in a wig he peed all over me."

  "He can’t help it you know; he just gets excitable."

  "I get excitable too, over shoes and purses and hot cops who happen to be my fiancé, but I don’t pee myself."

  "I should hope not." I say, taking a step back and focusing back onto my dark haired beauty, already missing the feel of her in my arms. "This is Brian by the way. Brian, say hello to your Ma-... to Cindy." I hold his paw up to do a little wave, officially saying goodbye to my fucking man card forever.

  She lets out a little giggle that’s like music to my ears and starts rubbing the spot behind Brian’s ear that he loves. See, It’s her motherly instinct! She soon has him eating out of her hands and panting all over her. I know how the poor little guy feels.

  "Hello Brian, you're just a total cutie pie." Ok, now I’m jealous. How is it that it’s me trying to win her back yet the dog is getting on better than I am? Hey, if he makes her less jittery and doesn’t remind her that she was actually running from me a couple of minutes ago, then it’s all good in the hood.

  "Well, it was good seeing you Dickwad, it was such a surprise." Liv quips sarcastically, rolling her eyes. "Me and Cindy have to go now though."

  "Go?" I ask, slightly panicked at the thought of not being in touching distance of my beauty anymore.

  "Uh huh, we gotta go." She threads her arms around Cindy’s and shoots me a glare that tells me I’m gonna get a ton of shit later.

  Cindy looks towards Liv and then back at me, gnawing on her full bottom lip. There’s a torn look on her face before she smiles sadly at me.

  "It was good seeing you Brady." She says, looking away quickly.

  "You too."

  "See ya Dickwad, hopefully not too soon." With those parting words, Liv walks off, her arm pulling Cindy beside her.

  I can’t help but stare after them. I’m fucking praying she looks back. If she looks back, then I know she wants me still. I just need one look. Come on, come on! Just one look and then that’s it, nothing will stop me, not that it was going to anyway. Just as I’m about to turn around, my heart at my feet, she turns. Her dark hair whips around as she takes a quick glance at me. Our eyes meet and that fire rages in my belly, the same adrenaline I always got in High School before a big important game. I shoot her a cheeky wink that has her snapping her head back round, but not before I see the small smile on her face. Oh yeah, the Bradymeister is totally still in there.


  "Please don’t poop in my hand, please don’t poop in my fucking hand." I chant, throwing the door of my electric blue Toyota Tundra open at the side of the road in front of the grocery store and running towards the large green concrete flower pots on the pavement. I don’t even think before dropping Brian in one to do his business.

  I stand in front of him to protect his modesty, I don’t need no nosy fuckers spying on the little guy. I'd put him on the pavement, but the way I see it, I wouldn’t wanna shit in the middle of the street, at least the flower beds are comfortable on his paws and give him a little privacy.

  After a few minutes, I turn around to see him wagging the feather duster he has for a tail, his long pink tongue hanging out the side of his mouth.

  "Hey boy." I say, leaning down scooping him up while reaching into the pocket of my dark blue jeans for one of the poop bags I carry round with me.

  Holy fuck! How can something so dinky make something so fucking stinky. I should be happy since this could have been on the passenger seat of my truck. If it wasn’t that I happened to look towards him at the right moment and saw his eyes bug out and his front and back legs coming together, it would have been. My boy Brian just does it wherever the fuck he wants. Everyone keeps telling me to send him to one of those stupid training scho
ols but the way I see it, kids don’t get potty trained till they’re what, two? And Brian’s only like ten months old so I think we have a while to go yet. Plus, they got all kinds of big fucking beasts there. What if one of those German Shepard’s or Labradoodle or whatever the fuck there is eat him? Or worse, what if they try and have babies with him? Brian’s too young to be tied down so some Pug baby mama. That’s exactly what I tell everyone as well though, what’s so funny about that shit, I don’t know.

  Covering my hand with the bag, I grab the poop and can’t help looking from it to Brian and then back again. How the fuck is it even possible? The dog weighs like four pounds and the poop is at least half that. I soon throw the bag into the garbage can to the side.

  Walking back to the truck I feel my phone buzzing in my pocket and the ringtone I set especially for Noah sounding out. Yeah, it just gets better and better every time I hear that chipmunks voice singing "It’s a cock, it’s a cock at the end of the line".

  "Oh my." Some old lady says, walking past with her hand on her chest and her eyes wide. She obviously loves it too.

  "Thank you, ma'am, one of my better ideas." I say, nodding my head with a smile on my face while holding the phone up. Whoever said old people ain't down with it was talking shit. They always react when they hear it.

  "Yo." I answer.

  "Brady, what did you do?" Noah’s voice growls.

  "What did I do? Let’s see, Brian just had a crap on a flowerbed, had some coffee, saw Liv and Cindy, walked around a bit, picked up some nails from the hardware store and I think that’s it. How about you, bro?" Totally handled that well, I’d give myself a pat on the back if I wasn’t holding Brian.

  "Oh, well I had a call from my fiancé threatening to cut my fucking balls off for telling you where she was with Cindy. Why the fuck would you go there when I told you to leave them be?"

  "It was an accident?"

  "Brady." He sighs like this is some kinda chore.


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