Vampire Princess Rising (Winters Saga Series Book 2)

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Vampire Princess Rising (Winters Saga Series Book 2) Page 19

by Jami Brumfield

  When an unfamiliar girl about their age entered the house Rebecca felt a small amount of trepidation as he heart skipped a beat. There was something oddly familiar about her but she wasn’t sure if that was good or bad. Rebecca turned to Savannah to see if she recognized the new guest. The stranger had long black hair, light skin, and violet eyes. Eyes like those that ran in Maverick’s family. Perhaps she was a long lost relative. The girl headed straight to Rebecca with two presents in her small hands.

  “Happy birthday, Rebecca.” She smiled warmly, but there was something dangerous behind her eyes. Even her wolf growled nervously in her mind, unsure whether they should trust her or not. By this time everyone else in the room had stopped to pay attention to what was going on between Rebecca and the new girl. She handed her one of the packages.

  Rebecca looked at the package wrapped in purple, her favorite color, and the package wrapped in pink that was still in the strange girl’s hand. It implied that she knew more about them than they did about her. It was not a good sign.

  She didn’t smell danger on the package but did on the girl.

  ‘She’s not a wolf, but I smell magic on her. She must be a witch,’ Rebecca’s wolf spoke to her in her mind.

  “Thank you. And you are?”

  “Oh, I’m sorry, I’m Miracle, your sister.” She took on an even more dazzling smile and everyone in the room got silent. It was one of those moments you could hear a pin drop or water dripping from the faucet without super hearing abilities.

  “My sister?” Rebecca asked, confusion in her voice.

  Maverick stepped forward and pulled Miracle’s arm back roughly. “This is not the time to make an appearance, Mira. Where’s Mysti?”

  Miracle pulled her arm back and offered a cold glare. “You said when they were adults. Officially, they turned eighteen five minutes ago.” She turned back to Rebecca. By that time Savannah had already joined her sister at her side and Lucky and Gabriel had moved in protectively behind the twins. “This one is for you, Savannah. I hope you like them, they’re hematite crystal bracelets for grounding and protection. I made them especially for you.” She handed her the pink wrapped present. To Maverick she said, “Mysti didn’t want to come tonight.”

  Savannah smiled at Miracle and then glared at Maverick. “You cheated on Mother?”

  Rebecca was already doing the math in her head. They were around the same age which meant he had to have cheated.

  “No. Mira is one hundred percent your sister. She was born from a surrogate,” Maverick answered the questions that were circling around in Rebecca’s head. “As I explained to Savannah earlier, your mother and I were having difficulty conceiving because of the recessive demon blood that runs in my family.” He whispered the last part, unwilling to share that detail with everyone.

  Rebecca looked to Savannah for confirmation and she nodded. “You did tell me that, but you never mentioned more siblings,” Savannah hissed.

  “No, I didn’t. I figured I’d disseminate that information slowly, but Mira’s impatience has brought this discussion on sooner than I’d planned.” Maverick tossed a grim look Mira’s way.

  “Don’t blame this on her. You should’ve told us when we first discovered you were alive. In fact, you should’ve told us you were alive ten years ago.” Rebecca was angry. She could feel the red creeping onto her neck and face. “You’re the most irresponsible adult I’ve ever met. How can you expect us to learn to trust you if you keep hiding stuff from us?” she whispered angrily.

  “Why did you think you needed to keep them a secret from us?” Savannah asked, irked by all the secrets and lies.

  “Because they were never spellbound. They were never stripped of their powers. They lived the life you should’ve lived.”

  “And why did they live outside of our family?” Savannah asked in hushed tones. “Why not have them live with us?”

  “It was the deal we made with the Convent of Souls. They would live with their surrogate family and we would get you,” Maverick answered.

  “You seriously expect us to believe that?” Rebecca asked, distaste bitter in her mouth. Believing her parents would simply give away their unborn children painted them worse than she had first imagined. It changed everything about what she remembered about both her mother and father. She wasn’t willing to give up those memories easily.

  “It’s true.” Miracle smiled. “We were raised by our surrogate parents for most of our lives. But we were allowed play dates when we were younger. If you think real hard you might remember me or Mysti. It was back when you had your powers.” Miracle grinned mischievously. “We had so much fun playing magic school and we kept our parents on their toes with magical adventures they needed to save us from. I remember this one time you, Rebecca, decided you wanted to fight real pirates so we created them and they tore up the backyard trying to capture us. Daddy and Mommy were brilliant when they saved us.”

  Savannah and Rebecca glanced at each other. Hunter had joined the crowd after turning on some music to drown out the conversation that was happening between them. They all seemed confused and none of them remembered these two long lost siblings or even having powers.

  “They wouldn’t be able to remember you since the binding spell made them forget anything magical in their lives.” Maverick offered tightly, then sighed as he caught every one of his children’s pissed off stares. “It’s a long story. One that doesn’t need an audience. Would you like to follow me out back so that I can explain?” Maverick asked, not happy with Miracle’s sudden, unexpected appearance.

  Savannah, Rebecca, Hunter, Gabriel, and Lucky followed Maverick and Miracle out back. Rebecca stopped at the door and turned to Lucky and Gabriel who she knew would follow them for protection. “We’ll be fine,” she told them. “Can you keep the guests happy in our absence and touch base with Grandma?”

  Gabriel nodded reluctantly but he knew she was a simple telepathic call away. Lucky’s tick started in his jaw, showing his concern but after a moment he nodded too.

  “Lucky, I’m really happy you and my sister are getting close,” she told him as he started to walk away. “I agree with you. We’re better off as friends.”

  Lucky offered a half-grin. “Maybe you were meant to bring your sister into my life, for that I think we’ll always be friends. But we’ll see what happens next. I’m not willing to get my hopes up too much, she’s engaged.” He smiled and kissed her cheek. “Whatever happens, thank you.”

  He turned and followed Gabe back into the house. Rebecca turned and followed her sister out back. By the time she joined the group the tension was already thick.


  Savannah felt her blood boil as she looked at Maverick and Miracle. She fisted her hands at her sides to hide the shaking. It seemed the longer she waited for an explanation, the more frustrated she became. She was Maverick’s only real supporter among her siblings and he was making it very difficult to keep supporting him when he kept secrets from her. She was so tired of all the drama her father brought into her life and suddenly found herself thankful he hadn’t been in her life for the last ten years. The thought brought on an extra layer of guilt. “So, not only did you fake your death and in a way bring about our mother’s death but you also raised other children, our sisters, in secret?” Savannah asked, upset beyond belief.

  “If you want to point out the highlights, but surely you know there’s more to the story.” Maverick nodded. “No one’s perfect, Savannah. Everyone, including parents, make mistakes.”

  “I don’t think we were mistakes,” Miracle said pointedly.

  “Of course not, but how I handled things was,” Maverick spoke with a comforting fatherly voice and Savannah felt a small twinge of jealousy.

  “I think you’ve had your full share of mistakes.” Becca added when she joined them. Her hands were crossed in a self-protective self-defensive mode. Savannah looked at Rebecca and realized how much more confident she was now. She was stronger and Savannah felt wea
ker. It was an odd place to be.

  “And you might be right about that,” Maverick agreed. “It doesn’t change the fact that Miracle and Mystery are your sisters. They should not have to pay for my mistakes.”

  “Why would you hide them from us?” Hunter asked. “Seriously, I can’t see how hiding them would benefit anyone.”

  “He wasn’t hiding us. We’ve been in Europe being trained by our surrogates. We just came back last week and Father asked us to wait until after your birthday. I got anxious and couldn’t help myself. We had such wonderful adventures together when we were younger.” Miracle looked shy and guilty. “I got him on a technicality. He made us promise we’d wait to meet you after you turned eighteen.”

  “Mira and Mysti are technically the property of the Convent until they turn eighteen. At that point they will be able to make their own choices. I wasn’t the one raising them or hiding them. That was the Convent’s decision because you were not members of the magical society. That only happened once you broke the binding spell. That was why I could allow them to meet you.”

  “All these stupid rules are stifling. Do this, don’t do that! You must keep it a secret or you’ll pay the price. Whatever happened to having free will and being able to live freely?” Rebecca snapped.

  “Without rules our society will fall apart. I can agree with you, there are too many but before when there weren’t enough, humans and supernaturals were killed or tortured because of fear. It isn’t something we want to face again. Neither community will fair very well if that happens.” Miracle looked one hundred percent bought into the words she was speaking. It was almost as if she’d been brainwashed.

  “So again, lying is a necessity. But can you really stand here and tell me lies and deceit are a good thing? That they protect both sides? Because from where I stand, lies and deceit are what put Savannah in the predicament she is in right now,” Rebecca growled.

  “None of that can be changed.” Savannah knocked Rebecca off her soap box. “It happened and cannot be changed.”

  “Not if I have anything to say about it,” Hunter mumbled under his breath.

  “What’s done cannot be undone, Hunter. Don’t waste your time trying to change the reality we live in now.” Savannah squeezed his hand affectionately. He was a wonderful, caring brother and she knew if he continued this ridiculous search for a cure he would lose out on so much his life had to offer.

  “So from where I’m standing, this convent falls on the side of evil,” Rebecca stated, attempting to get the conversation back on track. Savannah was sure the warning in her sister’s tone was directed at her.

  “Not at all!” Mira stuttered. “The Convent of Souls wants all supernaturals and humans to live freely amongst each other, neither needing to hide their true selves. It wants to unite the world, not divide it like the Authority.”

  “No offense, but you sound a little brainwashed there,” Rebecca stated coldly.

  “And so the Authority is any better?” Mira asked briskly.

  “Neither one sounds like a good organization, if you ask me,” Rebecca answered, slightly harsher than she intended.

  ‘Be careful, young wolf. Don’t let an Authority member hear your thoughts on the matter.’ Siren made a whispered warning suggestion in her mind.

  ‘I have a right to my opinions, Siren.’

  After a few moments of silence on all sides Savannah reignited the conversation. “Miracle may share our genes, but she’s not our sister. She’s a stranger,” Savannah stated. The moment the words were out of her mouth she felt a little guilty over the harshness of her tone and statement.

  “A stranger we’re willing to get to know better with time.” Rebecca added to soften the blow.

  “A stranger I don’t know if I want to know. Especially since she was raised by our evil father. There’s no telling how dangerous she is,” Savannah spoke warily.

  “Um, hello, you do know I’m right here.” Mira pointed out with an irritating wave.

  “We are aware,” Savannah and Rebecca said in unison, arms crossed.

  “Welcome to the party and thank you for the gifts,” Rebecca said as Savannah smiled and plucked her gift out of Miracle’s hand. “But you must understand how confusing all of this is for us.”

  Miracle lowered her head and nodded. “Mysti said to wait. I’m so sorry. I just had to meet you all again.” She looked up with those violet, hopeful eyes. It was hard to ignore her enthusiasm.

  “Were you in Europe training in the family business?” Hunter asked. Curiosity killed his inner cat.

  “Yes, at the Stone Hedge Academy.”

  “Good, at least you’ll be able to protect yourselves.” Rebecca looked happy about the news. One less person to feel responsible for, Savannah guessed.

  “Maybe you could show us a few tricks?” Hunter was quick to ask.

  “Magic is not something to joke about, but I’d be happy to help with your training.” Miracle smiled enthusiastically, obviously excited about the opening Hunter extended.

  “We better get back to the party before everyone starts worrying about us. You’re welcome to stay, Mira.” Rebecca went back into the house.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Mira, and I look forward to getting to know you better.” Savannah tossed a look over at Maverick. “You still have a lot to explain, later.”

  She also headed inside, leaving Hunter, Maverick, and Miracle behind her. When she made it into the main party room she started looking for Lucky, only her eyes didn’t find him first. Her vampire prince, Viktor, was standing in the middle of the room in all his dazzling glory. Martina and Celestia flanked either side of him. He was dazzling in a crowd. She offered him a soft smile. She wasn’t sure how she felt about him being here. Part of her was happy to see him and the other part of her was worried.

  The crowd seemed to part as he made his way to her side. “I see my princess has arrived.” He kissed the back of her hand and turned her wrist over and kissed the inside as well. Shivers slid down her spine and electric up her arm. His purple eyes never left her blue ones.

  “Viktor. I didn’t invite…I mean, expect you here.” Savannah stumbled over her words under Celestia’s scrutiny.

  A storm seemed to pass through his eyes for just a moment. The smile on his face never wavered despite the obvious emotional battle he was having under the surface. His exterior never changed from jovial. “When you didn’t come home for the party we were throwing you, your mother suggested we check on you here. I hope that’s all right?”

  “Of course. I should have called. I had no idea it was getting this late or that you were throwing me a party. My behavior was inconsiderate.” She cast a worried glance toward Celestia.

  He smiled brighter and patted her hand. “It was a surprise, silly. No need to feel bad about it.” Savannah noticed that the wolves were watching them with careful eyes. They may be in an unofficial truce, but it didn’t change the way both species felt about each other. That would take far more than a blood pact. She was impressed with the way Viktor was handling being surrounded by wolves with ease.

  ‘I’m a prince and a diplomat. I know how to behave in tenuous situations. I also know how important this truce is,’ he answered her thoughts in her mind. ‘Being my princess you will need to become an expert in diplomacy as well. As vampire royalty we cannot afford to continue to display the stereotypical behavior we have become famous for. My number one goal is to create a new, more positive idea around vampires.’

  That was surprising. Even Savannah viewed vampires as dangerous and deadly. ‘How in the world do you plan to do that?’

  ‘One day at a time. We will change the stereotype one day at a time and with the help of the Convent of Souls.’

  He smiled and pulled her closer to his side possessively. “Either way, we’ll reschedule your party at the mansion and spend the night here if you prefer.”

  “I would, that would be wonderful and very gracious.” Savannah looked excited, which mad
e him grin wider.

  Rebecca walked toward Savannah, a growl low in her throat. Gabe, Lucky, and Hunter fell in behind her. “Is everything okay here, Savannah?”

  Viktor glanced between the two sisters. “You two are almost identical in all ways.”

  Savannah managed a weak smile. “Rebecca, Gabriel, Lucky, and Hunter, this is my fiancé, Viktor.”

  Chapter Thirty-Six


  Rebecca eyed the vampire guests suspiciously. She had to play things right, they were in a truce at the moment. She didn’t need to jeopardize that agreement over the unexpected visit of a fiancé and sire to their birthday party. Technically, they were family of sorts, the black sheep side of the family. She didn’t like it but she accepted it until things could be changed.

  “Nice to meet you, Viktor. I’ve heard so little about you. And you are?” Rebecca asked the Hispanic woman who stood on the other side of the engaged couple.

  “I’m Martina, your sister’s image consultant.” She offered a hand to shake but Rebecca simply nodded. It was understood that touch was tricky in the supernatural world. If a hand was offered but declined feelings were not hurt.

  “Nice to meet you. What brings you to our lovely home?”

  “To celebrate your birthdays of course.” Celestia gave that familiar maniacal smile. “And to remind you the voting is tomorrow.” She added under her breath. “I do hope you’ll be there to support us.”

  Rebecca offered a tight grin. “I wouldn’t miss it.” She would love to see Celestia fall on her face in the election but from all early counts she will win by a landslide. The vampires liked the idea of re-imaging and the change. For better or worse, whether Rebecca liked it or not it seemed that Celestia’s plan was coming together nicely. If she won the election the next step would be to put the truce in writing. Now she was simply showing support, but when it was in writing the protectors and the authority would be involved in seeing that peace was kept. Siren growled. ‘Put the claws away, Siren.’ The idea was beautiful but the centuries of bad blood between both supernatural species meant more bloodshed before things got better.


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