Poisonous Dream

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Poisonous Dream Page 8

by Yumoyori Wilson

  "How do we get her out of it?" Marcus asked.

  "I don't know," Kai replied. He looked to me for help.

  I took a deep breath. "Being dormant is like being placed in a silent dark room. You know you’re there, but you can't speak or hear. It's like a void where your essence just floats. You can think about what is going on and you realize you’re somewhere, but after a while, you don't really care. You drift and drift and sometimes forget who you are. The only reason why I returned was every day my mother would come over and read to me. She knew I loved stories and I guess to her, she thought reading a story would help my heartache after losing Rosalina. Eventually, it worked. That and Stryker's crying brought me back," I explained.

  "I was not crying," Stryker announced.

  I rolled my eyes. "Uh huh," I said out loud.

  "If Stryker’s trying to state he wasn't crying he so was." Kai grinned.

  I smiled. You've been ratted out, my friend.

  "I don't like you," Stryker mumbled.

  Uh huh. I love you too. Admit it, you missed me.

  "Hmph," Stryker replied. He usually drifted out of my mind, but this time he stayed.

  "So we have to be there for her and try talking to her like we did when she was in a coma," Elias concluded.

  "Yes. I think that will help. Once her spirits gain enough strength, they potentially can help as well. I think Midnight would be the strongest and potentially be able to locate exactly where Makoto is in her subconscious, since she herself had once been there when she wasn't fully a spirit," I hypothesized.

  "That makes sense and might work," Marcus agreed.

  "One problem," Kai announced.

  We all turned to face him, noticing the markings on his hands begin to dim, making us realize he’d just looked into the future.

  "What's wrong?" Daniel asked.

  "You need to fix whatever happened between you and Midnight," Kai directed to Daniel who frowned.

  "What did you see?"

  "The past. Not the future," he revealed.

  We looked at him wide-eyed.

  "I thought you couldn't see the past?" I questioned.

  You needed strong foresight to see both the past and present and the only person we knew who was capable was Scarlet Sinclair.

  "I can't normally. It just popped up when you said ‘Midnight,’" Kai admitted.

  I turned to Daniel. "Daniel. We need you to be more open. I know you don't like it and I know it's hard for you to share personal things that bother you for many reasons, but if you’re gonna fix whatever happened between you and Midnight, you have to be willing to step outside of your comfort zone," I lectured.

  "I know," Daniel replied firmly.

  I raised an eyebrow at him. "You know?" I questioned.

  "I'm not running anymore. I know what I did back in Minato was foolish of me and I'd placed my emotions ahead of my knightly duties. I should have been patient and waited to confront Midnight when I knew she and Makoto were in a safe environment, unlike what actually occurred. I take responsibility for that and I apologize for making all of you suffer. That was never my intention," he began.

  I wanted to reply, but he lifted his hand, continuing.

  "I'm not here to sulk or wallow about how shitty this is. You want me to be honest? I feel like shit. Thanks to me, the Princess we've spent cycles searching for and finally rescued with the goal of bringing her home safely, is now dormant and paralyzed. I had to see King Carter carry Ryder to his room after finding him passed out in the washroom. I had to watch Marcus walk around the grounds and fight the urge to see Makoto. I saw EliaseAnne crying and screaming while Karen comforted her, and I had to see Kai cry in Marcus' arms for the first time in cycles," Daniel revealed.

  We were all silent, unable to comprehend how he'd witnessed all of those encounters. I could feel the other’s confusion, but Daniel continued, ignoring our stunned expressions.

  "Every time I've tried to come to you all, I've seen you in those scenarios and couldn't do it. If you're angry, you have every right to be, but I'm done running. If I need to prove my worth to Midnight to get to Makoto, I will. I'll work twice as hard to prove myself as both her star knight and her lover and I will prove to you all that you can rely on me and don’t have to shelter me anymore," he declared, staring directly at each of us in turn.

  I could feel his determination and confidence with every word, the truth so powerful I could sense it deep within myself.

  He gave us a half bow, something we never saw Daniel do unlike his counterpart, Azriel. "I'm sorry for losing my way and I'm determined to earn your forgiveness and trust. I'll show you that I want to help our Princess," he vowed.

  We remained silent for a long time— Daniel maintaining his bow the entire time.

  "Rise Daniel," I commanded.

  He rose, staring right into my gaze.

  I smiled. "I forgive you and I’m glad you're not leaving us," I confessed. I noticed the others exchange glances, smiles on their faces.

  "We forgive you," they all said in unison.

  "Thanks, guys," Daniel whispered, smiling in relief.

  "Is there anything else we need to talk about?" I asked, relieved that we'd put this behind us.

  "Competition," Daniel announced.

  We looked at him with a confused look.

  "What competition?" Marcus asked.

  "Kade said every cycle, a competition is conducted here in Heila within the castle. A few royals are ordered to test their skills in front of the King of Heila and the opposing King with both their families or any invited guests. Apparently it's a friendly game, but from what I’ve researched there have been deaths," Daniel explained.

  I could feel the tension grow in the room.

  "Who's participating this cycle?" Kai asked.

  "Cecelia will be facing Makoto."



  "Fuck no. Who's fucked up idea was that?!" I exclaimed.

  "You noticed how Michael wasn't in Earthala when we were down there?" Daniel pointed out.

  We quickly nodded. Scarlet had mentioned he had some personal matters to attend to.

  "Michael was here in Heila requesting to participate and take Cecelia’s place. That witch of a woman already registered Cecelia and would not approve Michael's spot.”

  "Can't your father say something?" Elias questioned.

  "That woman has Father wrapped around her fingers. Why do you think Cecelia gets away with so much bullshit? As long as she says Cecelia deserves to participate even though she hasn't been sworn to be a part of our family, Father will stand by it," Daniel explained.

  "Makoto can't participate in this competition. It's vicious and if she can't walk, she's a sitting duck. I know she's strong with her magic, but again, she can't avoid anything," Kai stressed.

  I knew Kai had mentioned having to participate in the competition during our mission tracking Makoto. For Kai who was a powerful phoenix shifter to complain about this event, that meant it was a real problem.

  "How long till the event?"

  "About two rotations. That's what Kade informed me about last week," Daniel disclosed.

  "We can't stress Makoto or rush her. It will be a trigger for her," Kai acknowledged.

  We all nodded in agreement. I'd only scanned the file before searching for Daniel, but I saw the nonstop therapy and rehab had pushed Makoto to the edge the first time around.

  "We need to work on Makoto coming out of dormancy. Till then, we’ll work with her spirits if they start taking turns with helping Makoto like they did back then. I think for now, Kai and Ryder should try talking with Midnight and the other spirits," Elias suggested.

  "I should wait?" Daniel asked hesitantly.

  "I don't think it's wise for you to talk to her immediately and apologize. You don't want it to look like your apologizing out of pity. Just make your presence known and make her realize you're not running away or avoiding her. Midnight is perceptive. She analyzes beha
vior and may react or respond with an ulterior motive," Elias explained.

  "Ulterior motive?" I asked.

  "I don't think Midnight went off on Daniel without reasoning. She did so to make Daniel realize what he really wanted. Of course, whatever happened in her past still contributes to the way she's been acting around Daniel, but from what Eli heard from Scarlet, Midnight met Michael and acted just fine."

  "Wait, what? Midnight met my brother?" Daniel asked, shocked.

  "Hot springs. Scarlet was there with your brother. Midnight was walking the halls with Nightmare when they met. She didn't show any signs of disgust or anything. She merely said you guys looked pretty identical minus the fact he's taller than you and has long hair," Elias explained.

  "It must have been when I was showering," Daniel replied, more to himself than us.

  "If you're saying she didn't react to Michael then your hypothesis could be right," Marcus stated.

  "Let's just focus on making them comfortable and continue the magic infusions. I know we aren't healers, but if there's a way we can infuse our energy and convert it into healing energy we can provide some assistance," Kai suggested.

  We all nodded in agreement.

  "Aside from the seriousness of everything, you guys okay?" I whispered, glancing at my group of friends.

  "I feel a bit better after getting to talk to you guys," Daniel admitted.

  "Feels nice to see you guys," Marcus confessed.

  "It's lonely in the psychiatric ward," Elias mumbled.

  I frowned. "I'll have a talk with Karen today. The rules in there are outrageous for only allowing one person to visit. You've been cooperative for a while now. You should be discharged soon."

  "They also don't let Eli read her manga," Marcus whispered.

  "What? You mean her manga or hentai?" Kai asked.

  "Why does everyone know I have a hentai collection!"

  We turned to see Elias’ eyes glowing bright green, his cheeks red.

  "You have it all on one shelf with cute miniature figurines. It's too innocent looking to not hide hentai books," Daniel pointed out.

  "And the fact you order in bulk. Earthala doesn't disclose the contents like when you buy sex toys," Marcus reminded.

  "Mako's been reading them, hasn't she?" I questioned.

  "Yup. She stole Merry-Go-Lucy volume two from your shelf, if you didn't notice, Elyion." Kai acknowledged.

  "What! That's why I couldn't find it when I was packing," EliaseAnne huffed.

  I snickered, the others trying not to laugh at EliaseAnne’s frustrated look.

  "We’ll come visit every day, Elyion, till you get discharged, so don't feel lonely okay?" Kai whispered.

  EliaseAnne's eyes blinked before she side-glanced at the wall, avoiding our gaze. "Okay. Thanks, guys," she replied before retreating, Elias taking over.

  "That would be nice," Elias added, giving us a small smile.

  "If I'm having any issues, I'll talk to you guys," Kai announced.

  I smiled, nodding. "And I'm ready to be more of a leader. I know I've been busy with Anya's death anniversary and haven't been doing my best to keep up with all of you, but I'll work harder to guarantee we don't go astray again," I vowed.

  The others nodded in approval, returning my vow with wide grins.

  "No more running," I proclaimed, lifting my left hand and placing it on my chest. The marking on the back of my hand felt warm, glowing a soft purple at my declaration.

  "No more running," they replied in unison, lifting their hands and placing them on their chests, all their markings giving off a soft glow in their designated colors.

  I knew the next couple of weeks would be a challenge, but we would face it head-on. We'll bring our Princess back.


  I played with the bracelet on my wrist, staring at the shiny surface of the metallic pink and midnight blue beads. Once in a while, I aimlessly touched one of the six charms— each charm represented us.

  From what Kai had informed me upon waking up this morning, Elias and EliaseAnne were still in the psychiatric ward being treated for the panic attack they had when we had potentially died. Actually, we did die or so I was told. We died a couple of times and after help from everyone, we finally stabilized.

  So far, only Lily and I had woken up. Lily only stayed awake for two minutes before she went back to sleep. I bet she was wondering if Hinotori was okay, and when satisfied, drifted back to sleep.

  When I'd woken up and understood the situation we were currently in, I knew exactly why Makoto was hiding. I knew where she was, but I didn't want to bother her. We all could feel how depressed she was and how she regretted her actions.

  I hadn't told Kai that I knew how to reach the dark place within us. How could I have forgotten when I'd been there for so many cycles? I just knew Makoto didn't want to think right now. The least I could do to show my support was check on her before I went to sleep.

  We didn't need to exchange words. It was as if we were two balls of light that represented our essence in the vast darkness within ourselves. Kinda like a soul. All I would do was brush lightly against her, nothing more. That was enough for her to know I was here if she needed me or any of the other spirits.

  We'd experienced this ordeal cycles ago, back at the facility and it was the hardest trial we'd experienced. Having to go through it again made me upset for Makoto, but I also felt determined to help her once again.

  She'd accepted me and taught me so many things. Thanks to her, I was a spirit and could truly feel and enjoy this new world we'd been hidden from due to Blair Aspen, who we’d thought was our savior and Owner until a few rotations ago.

  I continued to play with the beads on my wrist, happy to have some type of distraction. I hoped EliaseAnne was okay, but I worried about the others as well.

  I'd only seen Kai today, Ryder had been in a meeting with Matthew and the other older adults. Marcus was still outside the castle and Elias and Eli being in the psychiatric ward apparently made them unable to leave until given approval.

  As for Daniel, I didn't know what to think yet. In one way I regretted snapping at him. If I had waited till Heila...maybe we wouldn't be in this predicament. Maybe we wouldn't have to work twice as hard to get our legs to work again. Maybe, Makoto wouldn't be so sad.

  I still felt Makoto was my other half, and the worst thing to feel and witness, was when she was sad. It affected all of us. Even I who had locked my emotions for so many cycles, only allowing myself to feel and love again, felt hurt and depressed.

  I was trying to be more positive, but I was struggling.

  Daniel never meant harm, but he was hurting Makoto. Maybe to him, keeping his past hidden in an effort to not burden Makoto looked ideal, but it was eating at Makoto's conscious, making her doubt if he loved her. I knew he did, but he was holding back and that was something I couldn't support.

  After Samuel, I vowed to never let myself feel that heartache from a lover. That included protecting Makoto as well. I didn't mind her having multiple love interests; it made sense due to her having five spirits. But, they would have to give her one hundred percent.

  Now that we were in this situation, I feared we wouldn't meet Daniel's expectations. In fact, deep inside, we felt like we would only be a burden. It was a thought I tried to ignore, but as I sat there alone in the dimmed room, I struggled to not believe my dark thoughts.

  I felt like we were in a dream. A dream caused by this poison that lingered in our veins. A poisonous dream that kept us trapped and the dark thoughts were caused by this figment of our imagination. The hardest part of this dream was realizing each time I opened my eyes and tried to get out of bed, that this wasn't actually a dream at all, but reality.

  I heard the door open and close, yet I continued to aimlessly play with the beads on my wrist. I didn't see the point of showing much interest in anyone other than Mako's knights, and even that depended on which one it was.

  So far, I really liked Kai. I kne
w the others were currently busy and I'd only been awake for a few hours, drifting in and out of sleep the last five hours, but I'd at least seen Kai twice, and he reassured me he'd be back later to bring some stuff for me to do to make the time go faster.

  It made me really happy.

  I heard the footsteps, keeping my eyes on my wrist.


  I frowned, unsure of the voice that had called out my name. I ignored them.

  "Hmm. Elias did say you were shy. I should have brought Nightmare," the person continued.

  Elias said I was shy?

  I lifted my head up to see who it was, my eyes growing wide before I tilted my head in confusion. "Male Makoto?"

  He snickered, brushing his hand through his brown locks as his turquoise eyes twinkled in amusement. "Jeez, I know me and Rosalina look alike, but we’re not that identical. I'm taller," he announced, using his hand to gesture the difference in height.

  "Oh." I took a moment to think about his argument. "So...Makoto's Twin."

  "Older brother."


  "We seriously don't look that alike."

  "Brown hair, turquoise eyes—"

  "There are many shifters with brown hair and blue eyes. Marcus' friend Junho is a perfect example," he argued.

  "Hmm. Twin number two then."

  "Midnight. I'm not Junho's twin. He's not related to me." He sighed.


  "Just call me Kade, please?"

  "Kade, Makoto's twin who looks like Junho."

  "Sure." He shrugged his shoulders, already looking tired of our debate.

  "Do you like unicorns?"



  "Uh...not really."

  "Definitely not a twin." I shook my head in dismay.

  "I said that," Kade countered.

  "Mako likes unicorns. She has a figurine, unicorn onesie collection and a unicorn float. She'd like her unicorn float in here," I pondered, glancing around the plain room to see where the float would fit.

  "You think that would help?" he asked, his voice growing serious.

  "Maybe. Mako...sad. I'm sad too," I whispered.


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