Poisonous Dream

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Poisonous Dream Page 14

by Yumoyori Wilson

  "I'm surprised you're shocked by this when you met Vinzent," Risuki mumbled, picking the pen up and scribbling a number.

  I blinked, trying to remember what Vinzent had to do with anything.

  "When you’re stronger, ask your host. That's your last number. I'm going away," he announced.

  I glanced down at the last number. "Is that a five?"

  "It's a six."

  "That looks like a five."

  "Shifters and their silly numbers. Why couldn't we stick with Roman numerals," he mumbled, scratching the number and writing it in Roman numeral form.

  "Thank you. You didn't need to interfere," I whispered.

  "Scarlet was worried about Makoto and asked me to come down here and check on all of you. Nightmare's been depressed too and it bothers me," he mumbled the second part.

  "Why don't you two just date?"

  "We're not together."

  "That didn't answer my question."

  "I think you have a cabinet to be focusing on."

  "You should just admit you like Nightmare and take her out. How about if one of the other gods steal her away?"

  "I'll kill them," he declared.

  "Uh huh," I replied, already tired of the conversation. I didn't get why he was so shy when from what I remembered from our trip on Earthala, Nightmare seemed madly in love with him in their familiar forms.

  I nodded, sighing before I moved toward the cabinets and immediately found the specific drawer. I noticed the locked number pad. I quickly tapped the code in, trying my best to stay awake. It unlocked it with ease. I opened it up and retrieving the file I needed, I opened the file, noticing how thin it was.

  They must have made this case very specific and put the remaining documents and health records in its designated area.

  "Most likely," Kai agreed, leaving my mind.

  I knew he was absolutely exhausted and needed to rest, leaving me to finish up.

  We finally found the name, our eyes growing wide. It was the last person I would have thought of. I nodded my head, closing the file and placing it back in the exact location I retrieved it from. I closed the cabinet, returning to the sheet of paper before I took a deep breath, setting it on fire and letting the ashes fall into the tray on the desk. I knew Karen didn't smoke but Katelizana did. I faced Risuki who was eyeing the ashtray. I bowed my head.

  "Thank you for your assistance, Risuki. You didn't need to interfere," I thanked, not knowing how else to share my gratitude for his interference.

  "It's fine. Raise your head. I don't like being so formal in my human form," he mumbled.

  I tried to obey, but a wave of dizziness hit me. I groaned falling forward.

  Strong arms stopped me from hitting the ground.

  "Hinotori?" I heard Risuki question, but I couldn't stay conscious anymore, passing out.

  The next morning, I'd woken up in my own bed. I had no idea how I got there but I assumed Risuki had brought me back. It would be a trying few weeks, but at least I'd gotten the information I needed.

  As long as I didn't use my teleportation skill often, I'd be okay when my flame returned to its normal power level.

  "Who is it?"

  "You have to confront her yourself. I'll text it to you," I replied.

  "Why text it?" Daniel questioned.

  I eyed the door. "Five seconds," I replied.

  Within five seconds the door clicked open— tyrian eyes meeting our gaze. He raised an eyebrow at me and closed the door behind him.

  "What you doing here? And you look like shit. Did you sleep?" Ryder questioned, concern blossoming on his face before he turned and greeted Daniel.

  "I did. All night apparently," I replied.

  "You need to take it easy. You haven't rested properly since we got here and you still haven't recovered from teleporting all of us," Ryder lectured.

  I smiled, nodding my head. "I'm fine, Ryder. Don't worry. I'll make sure I get enough rest," I reassured him.

  He eyed me for a moment, but nodded, turning to face Daniel. "Makoto's with her family this morning so you don't need to do any shift today," he announced.

  "Did you check on them?" Daniel asked.

  "Ya. I walked in while Arthur was tucking Mako and Kade in bed. They're both knocked out. Catherine said it would be fine to leave them be without attendance. Kade has ultra-sensitive hearing and awareness. He knows when someone unfamiliar approaches him from afar, so no one can get through the medical center during the day. If they tried, Kade would know," Ryder explained.

  I began to close my eyes, keeping them closed long enough to feel an arm softly landed on my shoulder. I opened my eyes to see Ryder's concerned look, Daniel right next to him.

  "Kai, seriously. Are you okay?" Ryder questioned.

  "I'm fine. I just need a little more sleep. I'll be strong enough to help Makoto later today with her stretches so don't try to talk me out of it because I won't budge," I stressed.

  They exchanged looks, but nodded.

  "Fine. But make sure you sleep from now till when you’re needed. We can get Karen to check on you if anything," Ryder suggested.

  "Sure," I replied. Of course, she'd know why I'm exhausted as fuck.

  "Get some rest, Kai. I'll go continue the research," Daniel reassured me.

  I nodded. "Thanks."

  "No, thank you," Daniel replied, taking his glasses off his head and placing them back on his face. He said farewell to both of us and left.

  I was already struggling to keep my eyes open, yet again. I felt Ryder gently push me to lay back down. He placed the blanket on me, a hand laying on top of my forehead.

  "Hm. You’re warm, but that's normal for a phoenix shifter," he mumbled.

  "I'm fine," I mumbled, already beginning to drift off.

  "Okay. But if you pass out, I'm kicking your ass. You'll worry Makoto, and EliaseAnne especially. She doesn't like when you get sick," Ryder pointed out.

  "She doesn't like it because she takes it upon herself to nurse me back to health for no reason. Elyion’s annoying," I mumbled, relaxing in the sheets.

  "Just don't push it, Kai. Seriously," Ryder replied.

  I didn't answer, already too far gone to fight the darkness that wanted to take me away. I heard a sigh, but felt something stroke my hair before I heard fading footsteps and a flick of a switch.

  I knew being forced to give a large amount of my phoenix energy was a risk, but I'd do anything for Makoto and at least my energy would be used for good. That was a little reassuring, even if I felt like shit.

  I finally allowed the darkness to claim me, glad to finally return to slumber.

  Good luck, Daniel.


  "Will it hurt?"

  "A little."

  "How little?"

  "Rosalina, you're being silly."

  "But it's gonna hurt. Isn't it like how those humans get those tattoos to copy how we have markings? They use that scary drill thing and there's blood everywhere. I've seen pictures."

  "Sweetheart, it's not going to hurt. Let your father remove that mark. Please?" Mother encouraged.

  "Do I get a prize?"

  "I'll take you down to the garden for a nice long walk with Nightmare and we’ll even bake cookies later."

  "Chocolate chip?"


  "Okay, let's do this!" I announced, hyping myself up.

  "Really, cookies? I said I'd take you out," Kade argued.

  I stared at him. "But it’s Mom and she's making me cookies. You didn't add that to your end of the bargain," I countered.

  "Dad! That's so not fair. Think of something to counter, Mom," Kade request.

  "You won't win," I vowed.

  "You two sound like when you were young," Dad groaned.

  "Dad! That's not helping me get the afternoon with Rosalina," Kade emphasized.

  Mother laughed. "You should bribe her with milk. A little birdy told me she likes chocolate milk." Mother winked at Kade who gasped.

ocolate milk?" he questioned in astonishment.

  I turned to face him. "YES! Chocolate milk! They even have strawberry milk and milkshakes!" I stressed.

  He blinked. "Mom! Dad! When Xavier comes back, can we go down to Earthala?" he requested.

  I beamed, turning to face my parents who both exchanged glances before they smiled.

  "Alright. We can make a trip down to Earthala," Father announced.

  "YES!" Kade and I cheered, laughing at our timed exclamations.

  "Okay. I'll get you chocolate milk and we get to spend the afternoon after you’re done with your exercises," Kade announced.

  I groaned. "I don't want to..." I mumbled.

  Kade raised an eyebrow at me. "Uh huh. Don't give me that. And don't pout like yesterday. I don't know how the guys are able to withstand that sad face of yours," Kade complained.

  I frowned, beginning to blink.

  "Mom! Stop her from doing that! OMG. Where's Kai? I'm getting Kai to convince her." Kade huffed.

  Mother giggled as Father shook his head.

  "The moment Rosalina is around, it seems he reverts back to his child self," Father whispered to Mom.

  "It's cute," Mother replied.

  "We can hear you," we said in unison, looking at each other before we laughed.

  "Alright. How about this? Allow me to remove the loyalty mark, Kai will come in and help you with your physio session and Kade and I will finish some realm work. I may need your Mother's help as well. When you're done, you can spend the first half of the afternoon with Kade and the remaining half with your mother. Then we can have a private dinner? How does that sound?" Father proposed.

  Kade and I exchanged looks before we nodded in agreement.

  "Deal!" we said together.

  Father smiled, Mother nodding in approval as they rose from their chairs next to my bed. Kade was sitting next to me on the bed and Nightmare was sleeping on my lap. My family spent all night catching up on the sixteen cycles we'd missed while we were apart.

  I explained everything that had happened during my cycles at the facility, even about the cycle that I had to deal with being paralyzed and dormant.

  It was still a hard topic to talk about, but it felt easier to explain to my family. After Father, Mother and Kade all reassured me they weren't going anywhere, no matter if I could walk or not, I was willing to disclose everything.

  Some parts were still difficult to explain— Lily's death, my cycle of dormancy, and I gave a brief summary of what happened between Samuel and Midnight. I wanted her to explain, but she'd ended up falling asleep, unable to keep up with our conversations.

  Kade had mentioned Midnight was having nightmares, leading to me explaining her relationship with the Archangel and King Aspen's underlying plot to play with Midnight's emotions to make her stronger and emotionless.

  I explained how she'd only become more interactive since meeting Elias and Eli. And that it was with Eli being a spirit, which made her comfortable with expressing her emotions. She still hesitated with some topics and didn't know how to react in certain situations, but she was learning and I couldn't help but share how proud I was of her progress.

  I explained the remainder of the cycles and the rescue mission that occurred in the dungeon and how my star knights saved me before the ugly bear guard attempted to rape me. Kade and Father had furious expressions at that part, but I didn't let it stop me from explaining the rest. Mother had to remind them that it was in the past and had been prevented thanks to my star knights.

  Once I was done catching them up on all the events that had occurred after my initial rescue to the details of Leo's exam and the arrival of Jeffrey, Father decided he wanted to remove the royalty mark that had plagued me for all these cycles and replace it with my designated royal mark.

  "Are you ready, Rosalina?" Father asked.

  "Yes," I replied, feeling a bit nervous, biting my lip. I felt a hand squeeze mine, glancing to my left where Kade gave me a small smile.

  "It hurts only a little. I'll hold your hand if it helps," he suggested.

  I smiled back, tightening my hold on his hand. With my memories unlocked, which we confirmed must have been due to my death and crossing the Space In Between, I remembered how Kade was very protective of me and didn't like seeing me hurt in any way.

  Mother gave me a comforting pat on my head before she stepped back to give Father space. He gave me a reassuring smile before his face grew serious, closing his eyes as magic began to build around him.

  “Rosalina Mackenzie Heart, my only daughter and princess of our glorious land, Heila. As of today onward, I revoke your bond to Blair Aspen, King of Latelia. I, Arthur Heart, current King of Heila with my queen and your mother, Catherine Mackenzie Heart, bless this renewed royalty mark that will be yours and can be used when it is your turn to take the throne when that time arrives. No one can prevent you from using your spirits or any other methods of defense and no other royalty mark can be placed in its stead. With this royalty mark, let the Starlight gods grant you wisdom, strength and love toward the people of our Realm and to work together with the other future royals to create peace across the realms and across the galaxy beyond our knowledge. Pledge your agreement, Makoto, and the gods and Mother Galaxy are thy witnesses," Father proclaimed, smiling at the mention of my preferred name.

  I smiled back, sitting taller as my magic began to pool in my chest, which already began to warm up.

  "I pledge to this agreement and vow to help bring peace across the realms, galaxies beyond, and promote unity among the royal and future heirs of our Realms. The Starlight gods are my witness. In stars we trust," I vowed, closing my eyes and tightening my grip on Kade's hand as my chest burned. I tried to ignore the pain, waiting for the burn to end.

  I heard Mother gasp, causing me to open my eyes. I blinked in confusion at Father and Mother's stunned faces.

  "Aww no, I screwed something up, didn't I."

  Kade snickered, but removed his hand out of mine to shift onto his knees to face me. "No, sis, look at your chest," he encouraged.

  "It's ugly?" I exclaimed.

  He rolled his eyes. "It's not. Just look at it. I promise it's not ugly at all. It's very beautiful," he reassured me, a look of admiration reflected in his facial expression as his blue eyes stare at my chest.

  I sighed, taking a deep breath before I looked down, my eyes growing wide as my jaw dropped. The royalty mark was absolutely stunning. It was in the shape of a rose, the markings glowing a light pink. The outer petals were incredibly detailed, showing the little lines and creases of the petals that blossomed outward. There were six different colored vines that connected to the middle— purple, gold, green, blue, orange and red. They glowed just as intense as the rose, seemingly going across my chest and intertwining around my neck.

  Lastly, the middle of the rose had my initials— R.M.H. I knew the 'M' in the middle probably referred to Mackenzie, but somewhere deep inside I hoped the gods meant Makoto, a name I didn't think I'd ever give up.

  "It's beautiful," I whispered in awe. I wanted to touch it, but it still burned and would be tender.

  "Give it an hour or two and it will settle. The magic will calm and it will look like any other marking. I'm impressed," Kade explained, smiling proudly.

  "I agree. No one has been able to create their own royalty mark unless sworn in," Father praised.

  "I wonder, does that mean Rosalina will be the future Queen of Heila?" Kade questioned. He didn't sound jealous or mad. In fact, he sounded happy and his face showed his pride.

  "Most likely. Are you fine with that, Kade?" Mother questioned.

  He shrugged. "Sis would be a better Queen than I would be King in my opinion. After all she's been through, she's selfless and doesn't have intentions of revenge while other people would be driven mad to get payback. I think our people will love and adore her. They've missed her just as much as we," Kade replied.

  "As long as I can ban bowing," I mumbled.

ree pairs of eyes met mine.


  "Yes. I'm banning it," I announced, firmly.

  Mother snickered while Dad tried to muffle his chuckles with his hand.

  "What?" I asked.

  "Sweetheart, you can't ban bowing." Mother laughed.

  "Why? If I'm a Queen, why can't I ban it?" I asked, confused.

  "Why would you want to ban it in the first place, Rosalina?" Father asked.

  "Because! It's...uh...annoying! You don't need to bow to me. Just because I have power or wear a crown shouldn't determine someone's worth or need to bow to give respect. If they pledge to you, that should be more than enough recognition. Unless they do wrong or show disrespect then bow in apology and forgiveness for their actions would be required," I explained my theory.

  Mother and Father stopped laughing, exchanging looks as my words sunk in.

  "Yup. You'd totally be a better leader than me," Kade whispered in my ear.

  I giggled. "But you still have to help me," I replied.

  He grinned. "I'll go write up the law against bowing in the castle." He winked.

  "Perfect!" I replied.

  "I think regardless of what we say, they'll make it happen." Mother shook her head, but was still smiling.

  "I have to admit, I like her reasoning. But of course, she's our child so we shouldn't be surprised," Father announced proudly.

  "That's boasting, Dad," I pointed out.

  He shrugged. "I'm allowed," he replied, giving me a wink before he made his way to my side and placed a kiss on my forehead.

  "Now, you need to rest or at least take a nap. Royalty marks take a lot of magic," Father encouraged.

  "But. I'm not tired," I countered, frowning.

  Mother smiled, coming over and giving me a kiss on the forehead. "You're not tired, yet. Give it five minutes and you'll be knocked out," she explained.

  "Hmm," I replied, trying to assess if what she said would happen or not. I looked back at the new royalty mark, unable to stop the smile that grew on my face. My star knights.

  "Take a nap, sis. We’ll come and check on you later." Kade gave me a kiss on my nose, causing me to laugh.


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