Poisonous Dream

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Poisonous Dream Page 17

by Yumoyori Wilson

  "Do you love the Princess of Heila?"

  I lifted my head to see the curiosity in her eyes as she stared down at me.

  "I love her with all my heart. I...once was unsure, not because of who she was, but because I didn't feel I was good enough. To be worthy of a woman who wanted peace for a world that had never been kind to her. I want to hear her laughter, not her cries in the middle of the night as she struggles to face a challenge that almost broke once before. She deserves the world, and if there's even a one percent possibility I can give her the ability to walk again...at least my job will be done and the others can give her everything she deserves in my stead," I declared.

  I stared into her eyes, hoping my answer was enough. I meant every word and I hoped she could sense the truth in them.

  She smiled, leaning back in the chair and closing her eyes. When they opened, they had returned to silver. "Rise, Daniel. Bowing of all sorts is annoying," Winterlya mumbled.

  I sighed, feeling slightly dizzy at the sudden drop in magic and increased levels of oxygen. It took me a few seconds to adjust before I rose to my feet. I waited for Winterlya to gesture for me to sit before doing so.

  "This information will stay with you alone. No one else shall know how you are to cure Makoto or where you retrieved your information. If disclosed, I will not hesitate to rid the world of your existence. Do you understand, Daniel and Azriel Moore?" Winterlya presented.

  "I, Daniel Moore, host of Azriel Moore, vow not to share the information disclosed within these walls to any human or shifter. I will live and die with the content revealed in an effort to heal my Princess, Rosalina Mackenzie Heart. May the Starlight gods be our witness. In stars we trust," I vowed.

  She nodded, taking a deep breath before she sighed. "There will be one more thing."

  "What is it?" I questioned.

  "In order for this to work, your gift will have to be involved. In my situation, I had someone else who has the same gift as yours accomplish this, but because there's only one of you, you’re going to be extremely weak afterward. Healing her will be hard on your body and make it difficult to use your gift for at least a few rotations. Are you willing to endure that?"

  "Anything for my Princess," I replied, confidently.

  "Excellent. The night is still young. Let's start from the beginning."



  "Mako. You can't keep ignoring Daniel."

  I crossed my arms, looking anywhere else but at my phoenix star knight standing before me with his arms crossed.

  "I don't want to face him right now," I whispered.

  Two days had somehow passed by without me realizing. I'd tried spending as much time with Kade as possible. Now that I'd retrieved my memories about him, reconnecting seemed like a breeze. It was almost as if we hadn't lost sixteen cycles worth of our siblinghood.

  He helped me in place of Kai who had been forced to sleep an entire day sleeping thanks to Daniel's mojo juju dust. I didn't mind, agreeing that Kai needed more rest. He looked a lot better today even as he narrowed his eyes at me.

  We were currently having a dispute about my apparently dismissive behavior, or what Kai called it— Operation Avoid Daniel At All Costs.

  I'd been purposely avoiding Daniel. I knew he had the best intentions, but I just couldn't face him. Not yet. I didn't know what was holding me back, but the moment I saw those golden eyes of his I adored and ash blond locks in their disarrayed appearance, I struggled to forget the idea of him being the first to reject my current situation.

  He loved perfection and no matter how many times Midnight, my other spirits or even my star knights attempted to convince me, I was not the woman they once fell in love with now that I couldn't use my legs without draining my energy.

  "Makoto, you know you're hurting him," Kai whispered.

  I closed my eyes, not needing to hear those words. I was well aware of what I was doing and my actions were doing more harm to our current rocky relationship than good, but I needed to be selfish, just this once till I had enough confidence to face him myself.

  "Kai...please." My voice cracked, trying to keep it together and not break down yet again. I was trying my hardest to stay strong, but it was difficult. Maybe some would think I was being an idiot or wanted me to suck it up and move on.

  But my mind was still struggling to grasp the reality that I wouldn't be able to walk anymore. I'd literally need a miracle and even if I could walk using my magic, power had a limit and if I wasn't careful I would surpass it and be in an even more dangerous situation.

  Kai sighed, his hands falling to his sides before he moved to stand in front of the high table I was currently sitting on. We were doing multiple exercises before I'd have to be allowed to go for a stroll and have a bath. Mother was going to have a late brunch with me once she finished her meetings and Father and Kade would join us for family dinner.

  Kai rested his hands on the sides of my thighs, leaning forward to claim my lips. I kissed him back, needing the distraction. Anything to ignore the ongoing depression that tried to reclaim me.

  We pulled apart, Kai pressing his forehead against mine.

  "Okay. But, promise me when you're stronger you'll confront Daniel. Please?" he whispered.

  I bit my lip, unsure if I could keep my promise, but I nodded, allowing Kai to pull me to rest against his chest and lifting me up in his arms.

  He didn't bother putting me in a wheelchair, simply carrying me back to room. He turned the corner and stopped, causing me to lift my head. He looked to be in a daze for a moment, prompting me to look at his hands. They were now giving off a bright orange glow. Quickly they dimmed and Kai began to blink rapidly.

  Before I could ask him what he saw, he turned around and headed toward the private washroom.

  "Kai?" I whispered, unsure if I needed to keep my voice low.

  "Princess, I think you're going to have your bath first unless you want to confront Daniel's family," Kai announced.

  "Daniel's family? Why is his family here?" I questioned.

  "We'll explain that to you later when we're all together. But for now, I’d rather get your bathing arrangements out of the way for the sake of time," Kai replied.

  He closed the door to the washroom; his eyes glowed amber and a large magic circle formed on the door, locking it.

  He turned to gaze at the large bath in the middle of the room— the tap beginning to turn to the left; hot water pouring into the oversize tub.

  "Wait...Kai. There are no clothes here," I pointed out.

  "There's a spare set of clothes for all of us in the bottom drawer. Your Mother thought it would be a good idea in this part of the castle just in case we needed to change," Kai explained.

  "Oh," I replied, my cheeks beginning to turn red.

  Kai and I hadn't seen each other naked. We'd shared a few kisses, but now that I was in his arms and would need to be stripped by him, I was embarrassed.

  He must have noticed my flushed expression. A grin formed on his lips and his eyes softened, their glowing amber reflection dimming back to their regular amber appearance.

  "Makoto, are you embarrassed?" he whispered.

  "A little," I replied, not seeing the need to lie to Kai.

  He kissed me gently on the neck, causing a small moan to escape my lips. "It will be fine. Just bathing, nothing more. I'll put extra bubbles in if you like?" He lifted his head to smile at me.

  I smiled in return, loving his way of comforting me to help me feel less embarrassed. "Bubble bath. Exciting." I giggled. I really liked bubble baths since having one when I first arrived at Knightwood. I'd read so much about them in books and now understood why humans young and old loved them.

  He lowered me onto a small bench in the corner of the room, opposite of the entrance to the indoor sauna system. For a castle, we had a lot of modern appliances and furniture, some I hadn't even heard of.

  Mother had explained that Father always got gifted the newest ap
pliances from the President of the United States or Realm Six King. I didn't see why Earthala went with President instead of being like everyone else using King and Queen titles, but the human populated realm did a lot things differently than us, some which I would never understand.

  Kai got the spare clothes laid out for me while he prepared the bubble bath— pink bubbles emerging when he poured some type of liquid. I grinned, lifting my head to watch the bubbles form. By the end, the water almost reached the top of the oversized marble bath.

  I bit my lip, wishing I'd be able to kick and move my legs in the bath like before. It made me realize how much we take for granted when the privilege is there. When it's gone, you crave even the simplest things.

  Kai returned to my side, noticing my change in mood.


  "Ah. Sorry. Not depressed or anything." I gave him a fake smile, but from the way his frown deepened, I knew he wasn't buying it.

  I watched him strip his shirt off; his defined chest and six-pack on full display. My eyes lowered to his abdomen, following the lines down to those V-lines I apparently had an obsession with.

  I guess I did have an obsession, but let's be real. If you see anything in a shape of an arrow, you'd like to follow what direction it's pointing toward.

  I watched as he lowered his pants until he was just in boxers. The silk, dark orange material couldn't hide the bulge of his cock; the image making my own sex throb in response.

  "Princess, we aren't doing any strenuous activities. You're allowed to continue staring though." Kai grinned, looking extra pleased with my obvious attraction.

  I blinked, my face growing red at being caught checking him out. "Then...why are you stripping?" I stuttered.

  "We're going into the bath together. Easier and more fun with two people." He winked.

  "Okay," I replied.

  Calm down hormones. No sexy time. You had sexy time with Ryder on Earthala. You don't need it with Kai. Even though he's hot as fuck...and those abs...and ugh, those V lines pointing to the unknown. I wonder if his length is longer than the others. Hmmm.

  "Guess your talking out loud tendencies have returned," Rose greeted, yawning.

  I blinked; my eyes grew wide as I looked up to see Kai with the biggest grin, his white teeth showing as he tried not to laugh.

  "I did not just say all of that out loud," I whispered.

  "If it makes you feel better, I'll pretend you didn't. But to answer your question, mine is longer," Kai replied.

  I groaned, putting my head in my hands. Rose save me. Wait...ROSE! Are you okay?

  "Hello and yes, I am, love. Sorry, did I worry you?" Rose questioned, yawning again.

  Yes. I missed you. It's only been Midnight and Lily so far. I was worried.

  Even though two days had passed, Lily only made one other appearance to check on Kai and Hinotori. Midnight stayed with me in and out throughout the day, wanting to have some drawing time with Kai.

  "Hope and Lexi are still asleep, but we're all okay. Happy you’re coping. We're here if you need us. We'll get through this again," Rose comforted.

  Thank you, Rose. I thank the gods for having given me such amazing spirits. I meant every word.

  I lowered my head to my lap. Kai knelt down before me, his hand sliding against my cheek.

  "You okay?" he whispered.

  I smiled, nodding. "I'm just grateful...to have all of you. I was so afraid before, but it's nice to know regardless of my disability, you guys aren't going to leave me."

  "Never judge a book by its cover remember? You are beautiful inside and out, my Princess. We'll never abandon you. Now, why don't we enjoy some alone time?"

  I bit my lip, ignoring the tingling sensation that pulsed through me at his words, and those amber eyes that showed a glimpse of lust.


  "Kai, it tickles. No, hehehehe. Ah. Okay, Okay. I'll stay still. That so isn't fair," I complained, looking over my shoulder to see Kai's amused face.

  "I like playing dirty," he mumbled, his eyes lowering to my lips.

  I paused, inching my face till my lips lightly brushed his.

  We were both relaxed in the bath, my body on Kai's as he held me securely in his arms. Thirty minutes had passed and the water was beginning to cool. Instead of getting out before we got prune looking, Kai used his magic to make the water nice and toasty again before trying to tickle me to death.

  "Can we get out now?" I whispered against his lips.

  "Do you want to?" he replied.


  "Then we can stay until you’re ready. Though, we'll look like prunes after," he reminded.

  I nodded, giving him one more kiss. I turned to face forward, relaxing into his embrace.


  "Yes, Princess?"

  "I miss the others," I whispered. I knew it wasn't good to bring them up during our alone time, but I couldn't stop thinking about Marcus, Elias, and Daniel. I also wanted to make sure their spirits were alright as well.

  "You want to see Marcus after this?" he whispered.

  I lifted my head as he lowered his to look down at my shocked gaze.

  "But...we can't leave the castle grounds. Isn't Marcus outside the castle?" I inquired.

  "He's outside the castle property, but it's not too far. I can teleport us there, but you won't have long. You have an appointment with your mom, remember?"

  "Yes. I remember. I won't be long! Wait, aren't you still tired?" I gave him a concerned look, worried he'd exhaust himself.

  "I feel much better after being forced to sleep against my will by a certain angel spirit. Now I know why Ryder gets so mad," he replied, looking irritated.

  I giggled. "You needed it. Okay, as long as you don't overexert yourself," I emphasized.

  "I won't. Do you have enough magic? There's a trail that will lead you to where he is, but you'll need to walk a few steps," Kai cautioned.

  "I do. Kade hasn't been letting me use my magic during therapy. I can try." I gave him a determined look.

  He gave me a deep kiss; his arms slid around my stomach, which made me moan.

  "Okay. Let's get ready. And next time we share a bath, we’ll do more than just kiss, Princess," he whispered, claiming my lips once more.

  Yes. More than just kissing...


  "Alright, Princess. Take this trail and it will lead to where Marcus should be chilling. He doesn't have knight duty or anything so I don't see why he wouldn't be here. FYI, He may be in dragon form," Kai cautioned.

  I nodded, analyzing the thin path between the tall grasses blowing softly in the warm breeze. It felt nice to be outside during the day and to enjoy the new scenery.

  Father and Mother had been alternating roles, relieving the other so they could spend as much time with me as possible. Father wanted to help me with therapy and reserved the weekend for us.

  He'd known an acquaintance who'd suffered the same condition as I and had helped them learn to use their magic to provide leg function without draining the caster. Regardless of what was ahead, it felt nice to be outside the castle walls and view glimpses of Heila. But I was more excited to see my dragon knight.

  "I'll be here. Call me if you need me," Kai reassured me.

  I glanced back to see his satisfied smile, noticing he looked a tad tired. "You should nap," I suggested.

  "Hmm. Maybe." Kai shrugged, walking back to sit on a bench.

  "Nap, pretty please?"

  "Hmm. If you say it like that, I can take a small nap." He laid down, putting his hands behind his head.

  I smiled, moving my wheelchair up to the bench. He opened one of his eyes, raising his eyebrow at me. "Thank you for listening," I whispered, leaning down to give him a heated kiss.

  He groaned, his tongue briefly slipping into my mouth as his left hand went through my hair. "You’re welcome, Princess," he replied, his husky voice continued to have an effect on my body which tingled in need.

  I didn't know how long I'd b
e able to keep up with the tension growing between us, but I needed to fix what was going on with Daniel and the others before I gave into those temptations.

  He finally released me, both of us out of breath. He moved a strand of hair that fell from its place and into my face, putting it behind my ear before pressing a kiss on my forehead.

  "Go see Marcus. I'll take a nap. Don't take too long. Date with Mom in two hours," Kai confirmed.

  "Yes, sir." I giggled at his playful grin. I made my way back to the path, ready to wheel myself to wherever the trail led when Kai called out to me.

  "One more thing, Princess."

  I looked over my shoulder, wondering what else he had to say.

  "No lovey dovey stuff in the fields." He winked, making my face flush.

  "I won't! Ugh...so embarrassing. What if someone can hear him?" I mumbled.

  "I can hear you," he announced.

  I looked up to see him grin before he laid back down. "Meanie," I mumbled.

  "I love you too," he replied, his eyes still closed.

  I smirked. "I love you, Kai," I whispered back, turning my attention back to the trail ahead before beginning to make my way.

  It didn't take long till I reached the end of the path, stopping before a field of sunflowers. I stared in awe, unable to comprehend the beauty before me. The beautiful yellow flowers dance in the warm breeze that greeted me.

  I wore a pair of pink jean shorts; my white V-neck top was at least thick enough material to cover my pink bra. I bit my lip, fear crept through me as I wondered if I could do this. It had been a long time since I'd used this skill and I didn't want to fail after only a few steps.

  Just a few steps and I'll just see if I can see Marcus. If not, I'll just go back.

  "I'm here if you need me, Makoto." Lexi's soft voice entered my mind.



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