Poisonous Dream

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Poisonous Dream Page 23

by Yumoyori Wilson

  Daniel nodded. "We didn't know how we'd get somewhere close to the castle that would be comfortable and secure for you to stay when we returned to Heila. We decided the castle would be the most suitable place, but we didn't want you feeling confined," Daniel explained.

  Marcus stood forward. "We noticed you were loving the way Knightwood looked and felt so we wanted to make something close to it," Marcus explained.

  EliaseAnne smiled, continuing, "And, since the castle is STILL trying to modernize, we wanted to give you a place that gave you a hint of Earthala, especially after our recent trip there. Scarlet and Junho helped choose all the furniture. Christian printed all our photos and put them in frames which are all over the living room and our rooms," EliaseAnne explained.

  Kai walked up to where I was. "We wanted you to feel at home. I could tell that you liked Knightwood’s coziness and the memories we shared there, so we wanted to make somewhere that gave you that same level of comfort and relaxation. I hope we can make more memories here with everyone," Kai finished.

  "You guys...dammit, I'm gonna cry." I giggled, wiping my tears.

  Kai smiled, leaning down to give me a comforting kiss, before he lifted me up and walked us over to our stools. EliaseAnne pulled out my stool, Kai setting me down. I took a deep breath of the scent of blueberry, maple syrup and bacon.

  "Breakfast!" I beamed. The others chuckled at my excitement as I dove right in, having missed Elias' cooking. Sure, the castle staff made amazing meals for me the whole time I was in the medical center and home, but food always tastes better when the ones you loved made it.

  "So...this is our new place? When you guys go for knight duty and stuff, you'll come back here, right?" I questioned, before taking a bite of my warm pancakes. I sighed at the rich taste, having missed my favorite dish.

  "Yup. This is our new home. We each have a room and there's even a home theater, game room, library, art studio and a miniature hair salon," Kai disclosed.

  "Theatre? Like the movie theatre down in Earthala? How did you fit one in here?" I asked in confusion.

  Marcus chuckled. "Firefly, it's a home theatre system so it isn't like the huge movie theatres for hundreds of people like on Earthala," he explained.

  "Ah, and wait. Hair salon? Daniel?" I looked at my angel shifter who was cleaning his glasses, all of us turning to face eye him.

  His face grew red. "Uh. I asked if we had space left if we could have one," he mumbled, placing his cleaned glasses on top of his head before shuffling to the kitchen.

  I grinned. "Are you still going to do my hair every day? Even if you have knight duty?" I questioned, he looked over his shoulder as he opened the fridge.

  "I'll make sure of it," he vowed, giving me a smile. He got a glass from the fridge, pouring a pink liquid into a glass.

  I stared at it for a moment, unsure what it was. "Is that medicine?" I questioned.

  The others snickered.

  "Princess, it's strawberry milk. Remember, I bought some?" Kai reminded.

  I eyed it suspiciously, unsure it wasn’t a scheme for medicine, remembering one of the nurses had forced me to drink a similar colored liquid to help me with my upset stomach.

  "It tastes yucky," I declared, narrowing my eyes at the cup.

  Daniel glanced at the others, looking confused.

  Ryder walked up to me pulling his purple stool out and sitting on it, a playful grin on his lips.

  "Makoto, what are you comparing it to?" he questioned.

  "The liquid the nurse gave me when my stomach was bothering me," I grumbled, returning to eat my food, nibbling on a piece of bacon.

  I noticed a pair of mismatched eyes peeking up from across the marble edge of the marble island opposite of me. I grinned, taking a piece and offering it to Nightmare.

  "MEW." She jumped onto the counter, walking till she sat next to my plate and began nibbling on the bacon.

  "Firefly, that's Pepto-Bismol. That's medicine. What Daniel has is actually strawberry milk," Marcus announced, walking over to my other side.

  "I don't believe you," I whispered.

  Kai sighed, walking over to Daniel. He took the glass from his hand, drinking one-third of it. He grinned, looking pleasantly happy.

  "It's safe, Princess," Kai confirmed, walking over and handing me the remaining pink liquid.

  I eyed him carefully, not sensing any malicious intent.

  "Mako, just drink it," Ryder encouraged.

  "This feels like Deja Vu," EliaseAnne commented, walking over to claim her green stool.

  I finally took the drink, staring at it before glancing back at Kai. "If I die..." I began.

  "Just drink it, Mako," the others said in unison, causing me to giggle.

  I took a big gulp, needing a moment to taste the sweet liquid on my tongue. I grinned, drinking the rest. "It's like the milkshake! But less creamy and brain-freeze inducing," I exclaimed.

  The guys sighed in relief.

  "Can we eat now?" Marcus asked.

  "Let's eat," Ryder replied.


  I opened my eyes, lifting my hand to rub at my eyes. It took me a moment to re-orientate myself with the new kitchen, my mind almost thinking we were back at Knightwood.

  I turned to my left— Elias' emerald eyes met mine.

  "You still have food coma?" he questioned, moving a few strands of my hair that were stuck to my face.

  I placed my head back on his shoulder, still feeling tired. He placed his hand on my shoulder, rubbing my arm softly.

  "Did she fall back asleep?" Marcus questioned.

  "She still looks tired." I heard Ryder comment.

  "Hey Kai, you sure you don't want to go and rest? You seriously look like shit." I heard Daniel comment.

  I opened my eyes again, lifting off of Elias to look for Kai who was leaning against the wall, his hands in his pockets. Daniel stood to the side, a serious look on his face.

  Even with his glasses on, I could tell he was upset whereas Kai maintained a blank expression. I could tell something was off about him; his pale complexion and barely open eyes made my stomach drop in worry.

  "Something's wrong with Kai," I voiced, the sound still groggy with sleep. Everyone but Kai turned to face me.

  Before I could continue, my eyes grew wide as Kai fell forward. Daniel was the first to react, catching him before he hit the ground. In seconds, Marcus and Ryder were both at his side, Elias staying over by me.

  "Fuck. Kai? Kai?" Marcus called out.

  "Turn him over," Daniel ordered, his eyes glowing. Ryder and Marcus turned him over. Ryder held his head till Marcus got up and grabbed a pillow, placing it under Kai's head. Hope lingered in my mind, Lily and the others observing what was happening.

  Hope. I...don't know what to do. Even if I wanted to help I couldn't walk over.

  "Let me assist," Hope whispered taking over.


  I took a deep breath, allowing my magic to flow to Mako's legs which began to glow a bright gold. Four pairs of eyes stared at me; Daniel's eyes dimming before he closed them. When they opened they glowed a bright gold, Azriel clearly taking control because of my sudden presence.

  "Hope. You're not supposed to use magic," Azriel warned.

  I shrugged, hopping off the stool before walking and kneeling beside Kai; Marcus and Ryder both moved out of my way.

  "Hope," Azriel repeated.

  "Father said Makoto. He never said Hopefilinia couldn't use magic. I'm only using mine. Stop worrying and focus on Kai and Hinotori," I ordered, tilting my head in defiance.

  He frowned, but didn't argue. He knew I was more stubborn than Mako if I wanted to be.

  We both took turns analyzing Kai. His breathing was rapid and his body temperature was higher than the norm for a phoenix shifter.

  "His flame is low again," I mumbled.

  "And he's spiking a fever," Azriel noted.

  "Phoenix shifters rarely get fevers," Marcus pointed out.

s their flame is low," Ryder commented.

  I glanced at Elias who was silent, his eyes flickering on and off, EliaseAnne clearly wanting to take over, but Elias not allowing her.

  I returned my eyes to Kai, placing my hand on his forehead.

  "Strings of healing and temperament. Aid in cooling thy shifter in distress. Soothe his aches and pain and promote restoration and balance within."

  I continued to keep my eyes closed, but felt the thin strings release, the markings hidden on my arms felt warm. I finally opened my eyes— light blue and gold strings laid along Kai's arms and legs.

  My hand that was placed on his forehead had the highest number of blue strings. I had to take another steady breathe, being wary of using too much of my power. All of us spirits had a designated amount of magic we could use before we started taking from our host's supply. Since Mako was on magic arrest, I had to make sure I didn't bother her.

  I could feel her still lingering with the others; all of them just as concerned as I for our phoenix shifter. It took a few minutes to stabilize his temperature. His breathing began to calm before he seemed to relax and fall into deep slumber.

  I sighed, resting back on my knees and allowing my magic to retreat— the strings lifting and circling around my arms until they burst into gold and blue sparkles, vanishing from sight.

  "He'll be okay, but seriously needs rest. His flame won't recover fast enough if he doesn't rest for a few days at least," I announced, rising to my feet.

  Marcus and Ryder helped pick him up— stating they would take him to his room.

  I glanced back at Elias whose eyes were glowing; Elias had lost the battle to EliaseAnne who was out of control.

  "Is he going to be okay?" EliaseAnne questioned, the pitch of her voice being a tad higher than Elias’ was.

  I nodded.

  "As long as he rests. He needs as much sleep as possible," I emphasized.

  Ryder returned without Marcus. "Marcus will stay with him for now," Ryder suggested.

  "I can stay with him," EliaseAnne replied.

  Ryder exchanged looks with Azriel who nodded. "Okay," Ryder agreed.

  Before I could say anything, the world began to spin, my legs buckled as my magic shut off.

  "HOPE!" the three of them yelled.

  A pair of arms caught me, allowing me to rest against their chest. I needed a moment for the dizziness to fade before I was able to open my eyes— Azriel looking down at me.

  "Oops." I gave him a weak smile, already preparing my mind, body, and soul for his rant.

  He just sighed, his shoulders sank in relief. "You never listen, you know," he mumbled, giving me a gentle kiss.

  I grinned against his lips. "That's what makes me awesome," I replied, feeling exhausted.

  Azriel scooped me into his arms.

  I relaxed, closing my eyes and debated if I should stay in control or let Mako take over. It took me a few seconds to realize the others had all retreated. Guys?

  I was greeted with silence, causing me to let out a mental sigh. Of course, give me alone time when I'm exhausted.

  "I'm going to take Hope to her room to rest. Keep me posted if Kai's condition worsens. Karen and Winterlya aren't here this weekend so we have to be extra cautious," Azriel revealed.

  "Got it," Ryder replied.

  "Will do," Elias replied, his voice back to its deep nature.

  Azriel turned and walked out the open door, carrying me back to our room. I'd dozed off, unable to fight the urge to sleep.

  When I woke up, I was in Azriel's arms, pressed against his bare chest. I stared at his left hand that was aimlessly playing with multiple strings— the holy threads making different knot works and forms in seconds. His other hand was around my waist, securing me in a protective hold.

  "You’re wasting energy like that," I mumbled.

  The strings paused midway through making what looked like a heart with wings; Azriel's eyes glanced down to meet mine.

  "Good evening, sleeping beauty," he whispered.

  "I wasn't sleeping for long...was I?" I questioned, unsure of the time.

  "It's night time." He grinned at my confused face.

  "Uh...hmm. I underestimated how tired I'd be," I mumbled to myself.

  Azriel sighed, shaking his head, but he had a wide grin on his lips. "Why are you so stubborn?" he questioned.

  "Admit it. My stubbornness is attractive," I purred, leaning up to give him a soft kiss.

  "Hmm," he hummed before he tugged on my lower lip with his teeth.

  I turned my body so I laid on top of him; his hands slid down to hold my hips. I stared at his chest for a moment, enjoying his defined chest muscles. I couldn't help but trail his shoulder blade marking with my fingertip. He shivered, his eyes closed for a moment. I knew the spot was sensitive, still unsure why.


  I returned my attention to him, ready to move my finger, but his wrist held my arm, stopping the movement.

  "It's fine," he reassured me.

  "Can I ask why your markings are so sensitive? You don't need to tell me if it's a difficult subject," I whispered, not wanting to step over my boundaries. I knew Daniel had issues with telling Makoto when she asked back at Knightwood, but I didn't know how Azriel would feel or if he'd want to discuss his past.

  "They were once burns," he whispered.

  I froze, blinking in confusion and tilting my head. "Burns?" I questioned.

  "Claire would smoke when Father was away on long trips. She said it was what helped her stay calm. On days where she was in a pissed off mood with Michael she'd call me and...well, our chest was her ashtray," Azriel mumbled, his eyes clouding with anger.

  I frowned, using a pinch of magic to move off him and sit on my knees.

  "Hope," Azriel scolded, noticing I'd used magic, going against my so-called "orders."

  I didn't give a flying fudge about that right now— anger bubbling within me as I felt my magic thunder within. I hadn't realized Midnight was lingering in the back of my mind till I heard her voice.

  "Hope?" Midnight questioned.

  One second, Midnight.

  "She did what? She used your chest as a fucking ashtray!" I hissed.

  Azriel sighed, maneuvering himself so he too was sitting on his knees, facing me. His hands gently held my arms, rubbing them in an attempt try to calm me down.

  "Claire had issues, Hope. A lot of emotional distress and a few mental that she didn't want to acknowledge or seek treatment for. I get why you’re upset," he consoled, his golden orbs held a sense of regret, which only contributed to my growing rage.

  "Azriel Moore. You cannot fucking tell me that it's fine for your stepmother, a woman who was supposed to take you in as her own and treat you fairly, to use your chest to put out multiple cigarettes! Your father said nothing? Michael said nothing? What else did she do to you?" I argued, clenching my trembling hands.

  Azriel hesitated, looking away. I followed his gaze to the nightstand, noticing the pair of glasses neatly placed next to the night lamp.

  "You had perfect vision," I whispered.

  He turned his attention back to me, taking a deep breath before he nodded. "Daniel and I had perfect vision till we were five. Father had to go to Distala, Heila, and Winterlyn for business and was gone for a rotation. Michael did something that sent Claire searching for some type of punishment that would really teach Michael a lesson. We couldn't find where Marissa was and Daniel was afraid she'd injure Michael to the point he wouldn't recover. When we returned she had a jug of bleach and was trying to pour it into Michael's mouth. I took over and pushed Claire. It was enough to get her off Michael, but before Michael could move me out of the way, she used her magic and aimed the remaining bleach from the container right at my eyes. By the time Marissa woke up and got to Michael and I, the damage was done."

  I sat there, speechless. Makoto had woken up before he'd begun explaining, listening in with Midnight— both of them unable to speak. Azriel gave me a sad smi

  "It didn't take effect at first. Claire had simply said there was an accident and well, my father believed her. Marissa couldn't vouch for me because she wasn't there and Michael and Father were already having issues. Whatever Michael would say, he wouldn't take it to heart. It wasn't until six rotations later when we had an eye exam that the healer noticed."

  He sighed, ruffling his ash blond locks, staring up at the ceiling.

  "After Claire's death, Father asked us what really happened during his trips. Apparently Michael had kept a log of every argument, down to the time and area of the home it occurred in. Once I had a more detailed exam with the healer, she was able to make a general timeline as to when my vision had gotten damaged which matched Michael's log of the incident. That's why now with Freila, he lowered the number of his trips and if he has to go somewhere for a long duration, he takes her with him," Azriel concluded, lowering his head to face me.

  "Did he say sorry?" I questioned, my voice flat. After finding out all of what Claire had done, he should have at least repented.

  "Mako. Go rest," Midnight whispered.

  I could feel Mako's hesitation, she was just as intrigued to find out more, but she should have been resting, especially when I was still in control.

  "I'll tell you everything when you wake up," Midnight reassured her.

  "Fine," Mako replied, disappearing from our mind, Midnight staying behind.

  "No," Azriel replied.

  "What?" I countered.

  "He didn't apologize. I guess it was kind of a shrug and move on it's in the past thing. That's what threw Michael over the edge and one night we packed and left. We left notes and Marissa took us to Heila. That's when we met the others. Michael decided he wanted to go to Earthala to study criminal justice and ended up meeting Jaxson and joining PINC."

  "Have you spoke since?" I questioned.

  "Michael and Father’s relationship is pretty non-existent. He only goes to visit Freila cause she's lonely. Daniel and I...we've tried. But, just entering the realm brings the memories back and I just can't handle it. I've only seen Freila twice, but she knows we're her brothers. I just use the excuse I'm on an important mission and Michael's busy catching bad guys down on Earthala," he replied.


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