A Walk In The Wilderness

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A Walk In The Wilderness Page 2

by Nancy Hopper

  "No problem there." Patricia laughed incredulously as they all sat. "You were wonderful!"

  He smiled appreciatively, and took a long drought from the bottle. "I enjoyed myself immensely. What an audience." He sighed.

  "They were astounding, weren't they?" Roland agreed. "CD sales were most excellent. I think we're going to have to have another batch shipped."

  "That's good." Skyler said unconcernedly. "And what do you two ladies do for a living?" Skyler asked, turning to look at Caitlin with probing eyes.

  "I go to college during the day, and work at my uncle's inn, at night." She answered hesitantly.

  Skyler lifted an eyebrow. "Ambitious. What are you studying?"

  "Occupational Therapy." She answered, aware that she was blushing again.

  Skyler nodded. "A very good field to be entering." He congratulated.

  "I'm in her Ergonomics class. It's how we met." Patricia added. "And I work as a grocery clerk."

  Skyler nodded, and smiled. He was polite, but Caitlin couldn't help feeling that he must be extraordinarily tired, and bored.

  "So, are you hungry? Would you like to go get something to eat?" he asked inquisitively.

  Caitlin and Patricia exchanged surprised glances, and Caitlin saw Roland's head swivel to look at Skyler in a like manner. "We could go across the street to that restaurant or we could have something brought in, if you'd rather."

  "Actually, we ate before we came, but if you're hungry, please do." Patricia said regretfully. "You must be famished."

  "No. I generally don't eat after, or I'd put on weight in short order." He admitted. "Have you heard the CD, or was tonight brand new to you?"

  "Oh, I heard it." Patricia answered enthusiastically. "It was wonderful!"

  Caitlin could feel Skyler looking at her, and turned shy eyes to look into his deep gaze. "Yes, I listened to it last night." She said.

  He tipped his head, and a dimple jumped in his cheek. "Well, you came on tonight, so it must not have put you off." He said.

  "Oh, no. It was captivating." Caitlin assured him, feeling another blush.

  He stared at her with steady, warm eyes as he digested her answer. "Really? Are you willing to tell me why? What did you like best about it?" he asked finally.

  Caitlin looked at her lap in a panic, wishing she could bite the words back. How could one explain? "Well; it was just interesting. Diverse. The music was very good; and the words took me into another world."

  "It is very unique and exciting." Patricia added enthusiastically.

  "Do you know Jesus?" he asked quietly, still looking at Caitlin.

  She shot an uncomfortable look at him, but Patricia answered.

  "Yes! Of course, that's how I know Kathy. She goes to my college Christian group."

  Skyler gave her a weary smile, and drank a good amount of water.

  "Well, ladies, it's been a pleasure to meet you and talk with you. I hate to cut this short, but Sky has a big day tomorrow." The manager said.

  Patricia and Caitlin stood immediately. Skyler followed suit. He reached across the table to shake Patricia's hand, and smile at her. "Thanks for coming." He said it as though he really meant it.

  Then he turned to Caitlin, and looked down at her with those probing eyes again. "I hope you'll come to another show, sometime. If you do, let me know you're there, and we'll … catch up." He said. He shot a look at Patricia, to include her in the offer.

  "Thank you. It's been wonderful to meet you." Caitlin said. Why, oh why, could she never think of anything clever or interesting to say?

  Skyler kept looking down into her eyes as if measuring every word. It was unnerving. "Thank you." He said quietly. "I can say the same. I’d like to see you again."

  Caitlin removed her hand from his, and picked up her handbag. Roland walked them out, and handed each of them a packet at the door.

  "I'd appreciate it if you'd complete this survey and return it in the envelope provided. There are a few pictures to remind you of the show. We appreciate your coming tonight, very much."

  “I’ll … I’ll walk you out.” Skyler said abruptly. He pushed by his manager and laid a light arm across both girls' shoulders as they made their way out to the street.

  “I meant what I said in there, you know. I really would like to see you again. Would you come to another show? I can arrange it.” He mumbled quietly. He was looking at Caitlin. “and bring your friend, so you won’t have to sit alone.”

  Caitlin had no clue what to do next, how to respond. She ducked her head shyly, and tried to smile.

  “She’d love that, really. She’s just awfully shy.” Patricia answered for her, finally.

  “Fine. Then call me, please; because I have the strangest feeling I’ll not get her number.” He replied lightly. He gave Patricia a wink and a business card. “I’d better get back before Roland has a stroke.” He joked. “I’m very glad you came, Patricia, it was a pleasure to meet you.” He kissed Patricia’s cheek, then turned to Caitlin. “And lovely Caitlin, I’m begging you. Please, call me tomorrow.” He said, placing his lips gently on her soft cheek.

  She managed to lift the corners of her lips into a smile and give a hint of a nod, but that’s all he got.

  The girls left with a feeling of having been transported to another planet, then suddenly dumped back on the street outside the auditorium. They looked at one another with round, disbelieving eyes and giggled together as they walked to the car.

  "Well, that was certainly more than I bargained on!" Patricia laughed.

  "Seriously." Caitlin agreed. "I can't believe it!"

  "Oh, look. It's kind of a promotional thing. They're looking for people to start chapters of fan clubs, that kind of thing.” Patricia said, looking through the packet they’d been given. “Man, I could do that!. Can you imagine how cool?"

  "Yeah." Caitlin agreed. "I suppose so."

  "I think I'll apply. Why not? What a perk to get to see and talk to that gorgeous man whenever he comes to Scotland!. He's going to be big. Very big!"

  "No doubt. He's probably married, Patricia."

  "I don't care, it's more than I ever dreamed of, just to look at the man." She sighed.

  "He is awfully handsome." Caitlin agreed.

  Patricia sighed. "Well, married or not, he’s very taken with you! You simply must call him, so we can go again! Or shall I do that for you, too? Ah, come on. I'll take you home." She groused with a chuckle, unlocking the passenger door of her car, for Caitlin. “Figures, he only has eyes for you, and you won't even nibble.”

  Caitlin was feeling unusually quiet when she got home. She had a room of her own, next to her uncle's suite. Every now and then, she caught a comment from Aunt Vera about that. There weren't many options; their suite was extremely close, as it was. She unlocked her door, and went in with a heavy sigh. She opened the curtains and cracked the windows for a few moments, to let some of the springtime freshness pour in. It was so lovely to be able to have air coming in, again.

  She reached down to slip take off her high heels, and sighed with relief. Then, she took off her coat and let her hair down out of its French Roll. Shaking it loose, she shook her head and smiled. She was very ready to fall into bed, when she turned back the covers.

  When she came out of the bath in her flannel nightgown, she felt strangely as though someone was looking at her, but she knew that the feeling had to be ridiculous.

  She climbed into bed, and plumped her pillows up behind her back. Then she looked at the pictures and literature about Skyler Vaughn, again. They were doing a very good job of promoting him; but then of course, she was extremely impressed with the product.

  He was interesting, intelligent and very talented, as well as good-looking. She thumbed through all the information and stared at the glossy 8x10 for a long time before she turned out the light.

  Patricia was not in class the following day. Caitlin was almost glad of it. She was still thinking hard about the prior evening and all that had happen
ed. It had been wonderful, yet unsettling.

  She was drawn by Skyler’s music; and if she could have been honest, she’d have admitted that she was drawn by Skyler, himself. He had been very nice to her, really.

  She was a bit confused by his overture toward her, though. Why had he done such a thing? She supposed they could go again, together; if Patricia wouldn’t leave her alone with him! Caitlin had no intention of being toyed with by a passing musician.

  Still, there had been that one question that she’d left unanswered: “Do you know Jesus?” For she knew that Skyler had been asking her, though Patricia had answered instead. It annoyed her that she couldn’t quit thinking about it.

  She played his CD again the next evening, and mulled over her strange encounter with this most intriguing man. She couldn’t seem to bring closure to the interesting experience.

  She napped the evening away, and went to work that night feeling rather tired. The first hour went by slowly. It was another quiet night, hour after endless hour, with no business to attend to. She tried to study for finals.

  Then, around one in the morning, a group of four men came through the lobby, talking and laughing quietly. Caitlin looked up and smiled at them fleetingly as they headed toward the elevators.

  “Goodnight.” She said politely.

  She realized then, that one of the men had stopped and was approaching the desk. She looked up to ask if she could help him, and encountered a pair of very dark, brown eyes. The words froze in her throat as he came near.

  “Caitlin, isn’t it?” he asked curiously.

  “Yes. Hello, Mr. Vaughn. I didn’t realize that you were staying here.”

  Skyler Vaughn looked at his companions, and waved them on. “I’ll be along later.” He dismissed them. Then, he turned back to smile at her. “I am. And I had no idea that this was the hotel which employs you. I’m so glad I’ve run into you! I had the sinking feeling last night as you walked away, that I’d never see you again. ”

  “My uncle owns the inn. He has been kind enough to allow me to work my way through college, this way.” She answered nervously.

  Skyler smiled at her thoughtfully. “How much longer have you got?” he asked.

  “This is my last year.” She admitted. She could feel a blush creeping up her neck.

  His smile broadened. “You don’t like talking about yourself one bit, do you? I wonder why?”

  Her eyelashes fanned over her cheeks. “Boring subject, Mr. Vaughn.” She answered tightly.

  “Not for me. You mustn’t assume that everyone shares your opinion, you know.” He chastised her lightly. “Especially when I’ve been praying for another opportunity to see you. Give me a break and take the clamps off a bit, will you?” he teased. She looked at him warily and he shook his head. “Now you’re looking at me the way a doe looks at a hunter. I wonder why?”

  Her blush was brilliant. Caitlin closed her eyes and wished that the floor would open and swallow her whole. She just shook her head.

  Skyler sighed, and crossed his elbows on the desk. “Listen, Caitlin. I’ve got all night, and there’s nowhere you can go to hide. Satisfy my curiosity, won’t you? I just want you to talk to me, a bit. Tell me about yourself.”

  She forced herself to look up at him. He was waiting patiently, with eyes that sparkled forcefully. “I heard a great deal from your friend last night, but there was precious little from you.” He urged.

  Caitlin shrugged. “They were her tickets. I was just along for the ride, actually. It was fitting that she get to do the talking.”

  He looked her straight in the eyes and just considered her carefully. “Well, tonight is a very different thing. Is it all right with you if I stay here and talk to you? Or would you prefer that I go?”

  Caitlin looked at him, shocked, and blushed furiously. “Well, I suppose it’s all right. I don’t generally have any customers in the middle of the night.”

  “But is it all right with you?” he asked pointedly.

  She couldn’t quite look at him. “Yes.” she agreed. She felt a bit like a bug specimen being pinned to an exhibit board, until he smiled again.

  “Good.” He said quietly. “Start by telling me what you’re going to do when you get out of college.”

  Caitlin shrugged. “Look for a job.” She said lightly. “Uncle has been very good to me, but it’s time for me to move on and get out of their hair.”

  He nodded. “What of the rest of your family? Where do you hail from?”

  She gave him a look that conveyed mistrust. “I have no one. I was an only child and my parents both died some years ago.”

  “I’m sorry, Caitlin.” He said quietly. “Perhaps you could find it in your heart and schedule to have lunch tomorrow with a lonely guy from Ontario.”

  She looked at him in almost sheer terror. She felt the blood drain from her face and then rush back forcefully into a blush.

  Skyler watched the emotions with quiet interest. Finally, she looked up at him with incredulous, green eyes and then looked quickly away again.

  He put his index finger under her chin and lifted it, forcing her to turn her panic-stricken eyes back to his. “Or dinner, if it’s early enough. I really won’t bite you. And I am a gentleman, I assure you. I am not married, engaged or otherwise promised, and you will be perfectly safe.”

  She tried to smile, and lowered her eyes. “All right. Dinner would be better.” She managed to say .

  Skyler let the corners of his mouth turn up. “Will wonders never cease?” he chuckled. “Very good. I suppose you take a long nap when you get home from school, don’t you?”

  “Well, actually, that’s my only sleep time because I work graveyard.” She admitted.

  “Will four o’clock work for you?”

  “That would be lovely.”

  “After dinner, perhaps I could convince you to accompany me to the concert again.” He suggested hopefully.

  “Well, yes. I could, actually. I don’t work tomorrow.”

  “I’ll pick you up at your door, then. What’s your room number?”

  “One sixty-two.” She said immediately. Then she wondered if she’d been wise, giving it to him.

  But he went on without reacting, and he got her to tell him all kinds of things about herself. He kept her talking until half past three. By that time, her blushes were fewer and farther between and she was talking with him quite freely.

  “I suppose that I should get upstairs and try to get some sleep.” He said, stretching wearily. “I’ll see you at four. And, thanks for letting me get to know you a bit.” He added with a teasing smile. “Goodnight, lovely Caitlin.”

  She watched him walk away, and bit her lip uncertainly. Now that it was over, a thousand questions and reservations filled her mind. She could hardly believe that she had a date with this incredible man! How suddenly he’d thrust himself into her life!

  Caitlin was still feeling dazed when her relief showed up at seven and she went to her room. She hugged herself as she went through her clothes for something to wear. She chose a teal dress with a Mandarin collar and cut, and frog closures down the front. She had suede heels to match, and her white wool coat over all would be very nice.

  Her day was long and tedious, as she anticipated the coming night. She didn’t get much sleep to speak of, and her classes were hard to concentrate on. At last, she was getting ready for her date.

  She answered her door at four sharp to a man wearing a forest green suit, a sea green shirt and black boots. He looked exceedingly handsome.

  His eyebrows went up as he took in the dress, her long, wavy auburn hair and her smoky make-up. She was a knock-out, and then some.

  “Hi. Can you come in for just a sec while I get my coat and let the desk know I’ll be out?” she asked with a sweet smile.

  “Sure.” Skyler agreed, stepping inside, but leaving the door open. He leaned against the door frame and watched her walk away. Her long hair swung to her hips, but didn’t completely conceal her ve
ry trim waist, hips and legs. He blew a sigh through his nostrils and tried not to think about what he was seeing.

  He looked at the hotel room and recognized that it was much like his own. Her bed covering was of her choice, obviously, and the placement of her personal objects showed that she was a resident and not merely a visitor.

  “Vicky.” She said evenly into the phone. “I wanted to let you know that I’ll be out this evening. Would there be a problem if I’m a little late getting back? I did try to reach you earlier. We could surely call it even from that deal when you went to the football game. Great! Thanks. I really appreciate it. I just don’t know, I’ll be going to a concert with a friend. It shouldn’t be terribly late. I’ll see you then.”

  She found herself blushing as she realized that he was scrutinizing her carefully. She got her coat and handbag from the armoire.

  His rental car was new and expensive. He opened the door for her and she felt like a princess. No one had ever done that before, for her. And the behavior continued as they went to the restaurant. His hand in the small of her back was warm and he opened doors for her, left and right.

  The restaurant that he took her to was very, very nice. Caitlin was glad that she’d chosen a dress that wouldn’t be a disgrace. The corner booth that they were shown to put them at right angles to one another. Skyler’s knee brushed hers as she sat down. She blushed and pretended not to notice. But the truth of it was, Caitlin was extremely aware of him. So much so that it frightened her.

  However, Skyler leaned back as though unaware of her discomfort and gave her a half-smile. “You look lovely.” He told her softly.

  The blush couldn’t be helped. “Thank you.” She said quickly.

  As the evening progressed, Caitlin began to relax. She found Skyler to be a very pleasant and attentive date. He was kind to a fault, and continued to ask a great many questions about her and about her life.

  Finally, she drew some boldness up within herself and took the reins. “Enough about me. Tell me about you.” She insisted.

  He shrugged. “I’m just a piano player from Canada, lady. I’m trying to put some music down and make a living at it.”

  “Do you have a family?” she asked.


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