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A Walk In The Wilderness

Page 7

by Nancy Hopper

  She looked up at him uncertainly. He seemed a gallant knight, and her only defense, at the moment. There was nothing to indicate that David had any motive beyond seeing to her safety, and teaching Skyler a lesson. She was content.

  The car pulled up in front of Kilpatrick Inn. David opened his own door and got ot. He went around, and held a hand to Caitlin as the driver opened her door, and she climbed out. Then, he held her arm protectively. He smiled down at her with a sparkle in his eye.

  “Don’t forget to look like you’re enjoying this, now.” he teased.

  “I never have been much of an actress.” she admitted softly. “I have to tell you, I’m still ... so frightened.” she admitted. She was embarrassed by the shakiness In her voice.

  David’s head swiveled toward her worriedly as she gulped back a sob. He turned her face toward him, and made her look up into his eyes as he held her shoulders.

  “Caitlin. I know.” he assured her softly. “Don’t worry, you can trust me. I won’t let them harm you. Now, listen. Hold up your head, and walk into this lobby as though you own the place. By the way, will you tell the clerk to hold your calls? I might get some sleep, that way.”

  “All right.” she agreed.

  “And don’t be alarmed if I do things to put suspicion in Skyler’s mind. It won’t hurt for him to wonder a bit about us.” he whispered, slipping an arm around her waist. She looked up at him, and he raised his eyebrows questioningly. There was nothing in his eyes but a friendly, teasing glint.

  She grinned, and shook her head. “You’re very naughty.” she accused.

  He chuckled in reply as they walked up to the front desk.

  Caitlin smiled at the clerk. “Hi, Lauren. Listen, will you hold my calls? I’m exhausted! If I don’t get some sleep tonight, I’m dead. I’ve got finals next week.”

  Lauren looked up at the swarthy, handsome stranger with his arm around Caitlin. His eyes were gleaming as he looked down at the pretty girl.

  “Sure.” Lauren agreed immediately. She wondered what she might do if Uncle William became interested in his niece’s whereabouts. This man obviously had plans for Caitlin, and Lauren seriously doubted that sleep was a part of the equation.

  “Thanks. See you tomorrow.” Caitlin said, with a sweet smile.

  David kept an arm around her, and whispered as they walked down the hall. “He is watching us, from just outside the front door. We’ll have to be a bit sneaky.”

  “I wonder where he stashed Connie?” Caitlin hissed as she put her key in her lock.

  “Lord only knows. As he's watching, I'll follow you.” he murmured as he followed her into her room.

  The place was like Caitlin, with the soft, lace eyelet bed covers and pillows, and the beautiful things she kept around her. He picked up a hand-sized heart fashioned from ruby glass, and looked at it absently. Then, he took another look around.

  Antique rocking chair. White lace. Dried roses. He smiled. Caitlin was a romantic.

  She opened her armoire, and took out a nicely folded nightgown. White flannel with tiny pink rosebuds, and lace. Then came a pair of jeans, a lavender sweater, some matching socks. She put them all in a canvas bag, and added a pair of brown leather boots. She reached into a drawer and put under-things quickly into the bag; but David was looking out the window, and didn’t even notice.

  She turned to him with a fleeting smile. “I’m ready.” she announced bravely.

  He smiled. He liked Caitlin. She was a proper young lady, and she was sweet. Not to mention innocent, and completely without guile. He loved her honesty. “All right. I’m down the hall in one twenty.”

  They opened her door slowly and silently -- and David looked up, and down the hall. No one was visible. He took her arm, and pulled her out. After closing her door silently behind them, they walked quickly and quietly down the hall to David’s room. Caitlin sighed as they opened his door, and locked it behind them as they went in.

  It appeared that they’d gotten away with it.

  “Hey. Everything is going to be fine.” he comforted her gently. She was visibly shaking.

  “Oh, but this is all so wrong! David, I should never have pulled you into this terrible mess!”

  He chuckled quietly. “You didn’t 'pull me in'. I thrust myself into the middle of it, Cait. With gladness. You must remember, I am well used to these games of Skyler’s, and it is not at all traumatic for me, as it must be for you.”

  “Now, unless you have another knight in shining armor to call on, why don’t you just hand over your key? I’ll give you mine in return, and we will say goodnight.”

  She nodded slowly, and he smiled. “Don’t answer the phone, whatever you do; or you’ll give away your location, and this will all have been for nothing. Here’s a card with my cell phone number on it. Just call, if you need me. I don’t mind, even if you just feel uneasy. I’ll come. All right?”

  Caitlin smiled uncertainly, and nodded. “Thank you, Mr. Majors. You’ve been incredibly kind.”

  He sighed and looked down at her, with his hands on his hips. “You’re welcome. Call me David. Now, you should get some rest; and we’ll have a good laugh over breakfast. I’ll get myself some clothes, and be out of your way.”

  Caitlin nodded numbly, and sat down in the armchair to watch him. He was very organized, and efficient. He quickly selected a pair of jeans, an ivory cotton fisherman’s sweater, some socks and briefs. Then, he tucked them under his arm, and turned to look at Caitlin. She looked peaked, and exhausted.

  “Are you going to be all right, Cait?” he asked gently.

  She nodded, and smiled. “Of course.” she assured him.

  “All right. Then say a prayer or two for me tonight, will you?” he asked with a chuckle. “I really want this to go well.”

  She smiled shyly, and nodded. “That’s the least I can do.” she agreed quietly.

  David smiled, and locked the door securely behind him on his way out.


  Caitlin found it difficult to sleep. She saw two-thirty. At three-thirty, the telephone rang, and woke her up. She lay perfectly still, with her heart beating wildly.

  It had to be Skyler, checking around for her. No one else would call at such an hour. She shivered and hugged David’s pillow closer, squeezing her eyes tightly shut.

  She managed a few hours of sleep after, and awakened to the sound of a tap on the door, at eight. She sat up, and then cautiously tiptoed to the door. “Who is it?” she whispered through the door.


  Clutching a blanket around her, she opened the chain just enough to be sure. David was standing outside, with damp hair and a grin. He was dressed in the jeans and sweater, and was looking swarthy and satisfied, if tired. She opened the door and admitted him, eyes wide. He came in, and she locked and chained the door behind him.

  David sat in the wing chair, and rubbed a hand over his eyes. Caitlin sat on the bed, wrapped in her white blanket, and waited with big eyes.

  “Tell me, Caitlin. What is this power that you have over men?” he teased dryly.

  She looked alarmed. Her soft lips parted in protest, and her eyelashes batted in confusion.

  He chuckled. “You do have a way about you, you know.” he chastised. “I was wondering why I was doing this, by the time morning came; but I knew also that I’d do it again in a heartbeat.” he sighed.

  “What happened, David?” she demanded tightly.

  “Well, he did come.” he chuckled. “When I answered the door, he was incredulous. Furious!”

  “What did he say?”

  “Not a word. He just started swinging.”

  Caitlin gasped, and ran to kneel beside the chair. Her soft, little manicured hands rested on his forearm in alarm. “Oh, David. Did he hurt you? It’s all my fault!” she gasped.

  “No, no. He didn’t hurt me.” he scoffed, as her fingers explored the slight, purple swelling on the point of his cheek. “But I’ll guarantee you that he did not appreci
ate finding me sleeping in your room.”

  “What did you tell him?”

  “He wanted to know where you were. I just asked him where he thought you might be, and smirked at him. Then, I advised him to leave you alone. I told him that I rather thought you wouldn’t be … amenable to his attention anymore; and that I’d be with you every step of the way, on that. I didn’t lie; but I gave him plenty of room to read between the lines. He’s quite convinced, I’m afraid, that I was in bed with you last night.”

  “I’m so sorry that he hit you.” she stammered, evading his eyes.

  David laughed. “I was expecting it, and I enjoyed myself. The look on his face was worth every bit of it.”

  She sat there looking at him, with tears and confused admiration in her green eyes. Her hair was like a soft, coppery cloud around her, to the waist, and her white gown and blanket made her look very sweet, innocent and pure. The rosebuds on her gown were the same color as her lips, and the leaves on the roses were the same color as her eyes. David began to realize that he was enjoying looking at her in a new, odd way; and purposely looked up at the ceiling, stretching his neck.

  “At least now, he’ll be more cautious. Don’t you think?”

  David nodded. “As long as you stick with me. He thinks you’re mine, now. He’s not happy about it, but it should cool his jets, just the same. You should also be aware that your uncle is now in the loop.”

  Caitlin rolled her eyes, and dropped her head in her hands.

  “Hey; don’t worry about it. He was a prince, actually. I think he likes me. He had no difficulty remembering Skyler and the discomfort he caused you last trip. And, he was amused by our plan.”

  Caitlin blushed furiously.

  “You’ll be glad to know that Skyler and his leather princess have been banished from the motel. Skyler for hitting me, and Connie for her mouth. She showed up and performed true to form, before it was over.”

  “Oh, boy.” Caitlin sighed.

  “Don’t worry. I’m in for the duration, lady. He’s not going to terrorize you anymore. He’s leaving town before I do, so you’ll be covered.”

  “David, you’ve been very kind. But you’re not obligated to take care of me. You’re a very busy man. You need your rest – and you don’t need all this.”

  He took her hand gently, and looked down into her eyes. “Listen to me carefully. I’ll rest better, knowing that you’re all right. If you aren’t taken care of, I won’t be able to rest at all. It’s best to let Skyler continue thinking that I have a vested interest in you. Just pretend for a time that you’re my best girl, and this will all blow over. What’s the harm?”

  She sighed. How could she explain? He made it sound so simple, and benign.

  He took her arm, and towered over her. “Cait. I’m not planning to pick up where he left off. I’m just in a position to help you. Relax, and let me. Will you?”

  She looked up at him in mortification. “David, I never once thought that of you.” she objected.

  “Good. I just wanted to be sure you know.” he said gently. “You are perfectly safe with me.”

  “It’s just that I’m afraid, now. Of him. Them.” she shivered. She was horrified to find tears springing up in her eyes, and covered her face with her hands.

  “Hey.” he soothed. He pulled her into his arms, and cuddled her gently. His hand smoothed over the crown of her head, the way he would have comforted a child.

  “It’s going to be all right. Just relax, and let me take care of this. Trust me a bit. Will you, Cait? That viper threatened you, and I don’t wonder that you’re scared witless! But they can’t hurt you. They’d have to come through me, first.”

  She laughed, and shook her head in wonder. “Are you a man, or a guardian angel?” she teased.

  “Maybe a bit of both, for the time being. Now, get yourself dressed and we’ll get some breakfast in you. Then we’ll put our heads together, and strategize about what to do next. I’ll wait outside.”

  As David opened the door to his room, a slight figure darted in, slipping past him. Connie came running at Caitlin with malice in her eyes. “You slut!” she shouted. “You’ve ruined Skyler for me, and I am going to make you pay!” she seethed, throwing herself at Cait.

  David pulled her chain up short, by grabbing her arms and restraining her. A nasty-looking hand gun dropped out of Connie’s hand onto the carpet. David squeezed until she stopped cussing and struggling.

  “Let-me-go!” she hissed. “You conniving bastard!”

  “Not a chance.” David denied smoothly. “Cait, honey. Call the desk and have them get the police here.”

  Within moments, Uncle William and the police joined them. It wasn’t long until Connie had been arrested, and hauled away. Caitlin had to answer a few questions, but David was there with her, and her uncle seemed very supportive. Finally, they all left, Uncle William showing the policemen out.

  When everyone was gone but David, Caitlin covered her eyes with trembling hands, and willed herself not to crumble. It wasn’t working.

  Warm, strong arms closed around her, and a gentle hand pulled her head down against a warm, solid chest. “It’s all right now.” he soothed.

  “David, if you hadn’t been here, I’d be dead.” she whispered brokenly.

  He just held her. Uncle William came back into the room, but David didn’t let go.

  “It’s over.” he assured her quietly.

  But that wasn’t quite so. Skyler burst into the room, and stopped cold when he saw Cait in David’s embrace.

  “Where is Connie?” he demanded wildly.

  “The police arrested her.” Uncle William informed him with delight. “She tried to shoot my niece, and I’m going to throw the book at her. And if you don’t get out of my building and stay out, the same thing is going to happen to you.”

  Rather, Skyler marched over to stare defiantly up at David. “Get your hands off Cait.” he demanded.

  “Don’t, Skyler.” David warned tiredly.

  “Caitlin, come along with me. Connie’s in jail, so she can’t interfere. We’ll be married.” Skyler ordered haughtily.

  Caitlin closed her eyes and buried her face in David’s arm. “Are you mad?” she gasped. “Never, Skyler! Go away, and leave me alone.”

  “Look here, Caitlin. I’ve gone through a great deal to have you. I thwarted Connie for you!”

  “You threw me aside like a rag doll, and told her I was your cousin!” she laughed incredulously.

  “That was only to protect you. You see how she can be!” he protested wildly.

  Caitlin shook her head. “Skyler, I only came last night to be sure I was doing the right thing in refusing you. I’m sorry, but I couldn’t be more sure. I knew it as soon as I looked into your eyes last night, when you came out onto the stage. It really doesn’t even have anything to do with Connie, or all that’s happened now. I simply can’t love you, and I never will. Now David has come along, and I know exactly what I do want. Please, leave me alone. Leave us alone.” she said vehemently. Despite their agreement on the plan of action, she felt a reaction from David to her statement -- a slight stiffening.

  Skyler glared from her, to David. “Listen, Cait. Don’t decide now. You’re confused. David moved in, and turned your head at a time when you were vulnerable. It’s me that loves you. You can love me. I know you do love me!”

  “No, Skyler. That’s not so. This whole relationship between us has been something that you built up in your mind. Please, leave David alone. He’s just trying to protect me.”

  “He just wanted to get you in bed. He’s not going to stick with you, Cait.” he accused. He looked wild in the eyes, and desperate. “He's using you to get at me, can't you see that? He doesn't love you!” he scoffed.

  “Skyler, go away. Leave me alone. Go take care of your relationship with Connie.” she begged.

  “I don’t have anything with Connie! All I’ve got is a psychopath after me all the time, and a child support obligati

  “I am sorry.” Caitlin said again. She was not moved with pity. He'd just admitted that Jamie was his; he wouldn't be paying support, otherwise.

  “Sir, will you vacate the premises, or shall I call the police back again?” Uncle William asked pointedly.

  “I’ll go.” Skyler decided coldly. “But you certainly haven’t seen the last of me!” he spat at David. Then he turned, and stalked out.

  All three of them heaved a sigh of relief when he was gone. “Whew. Caitlin, my stars!” Uncle William whistled.

  “I know. Really, uncle, he seemed perfectly respectable, and a complete gentleman when I first met him. I am so sorry for all this. I do feel responsible.”

  “Naw.” her uncle denied. “I get loonies in here all the time. You know that. Don’t think anything of it. Still, I’m awfully glad that Mr. Majors here was kind enough to intervene on your behalf. Lord only knows what would have happened to you, if he had not been about. Tell me, Mr. Majors. What can I do to repay the incredible debt that we owe you?”

  David shook his head, a smile on his face. “Nothing. My reward was to see Caitlin remain safe. Please don’t make a fuss about it.”

  “Surely there must be some way that we can express our gratitude.” Uncle William insisted.

  “Not that I can think of. Unless it would be breakfast; I’m ready for something to eat.” he laughed.

  Uncle William brightened considerably at the suggestion.

  “You two go ahead and have a great time. I think I’ll try to get some sleep.” Caitlin suggested immediately.

  David looked at her with concern in his eyes. “Are you all right?”

  Caitlin was already finding it difficult to hide from the intense beam of those deep, blue eyes of David’s. “Yes, just exhausted. I didn’t get a great deal of sleep. I was awake past two, and then someone called at three-thirty. I just got a few hours, after that.”


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