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A Walk In The Wilderness

Page 13

by Nancy Hopper


  She woke up to the sound of a piano somewhere in the house. She decided immediately that it had to be the Baby Grand in the music room. David was playing, and the shadows were growing long outside her windows.

  She stretched, and got out of bed. She chose to wear a black velvet sheath with a deep neckline and long, straight sleeves, to dinner. She had suede heels to match, and she added an Austrian crystal necklace and earrings, to finish.

  She had noticed that Grace was dressing for dinner more than she had been, and though she had quickly followed suit, she thought that she ought to look especially nice, with David at home.

  She pulled her hair up into a twist and worked it, pinning, until the ends fell into a tumbling cascade over the crown of her head.. A bit of blush, lipstick, deep shadows and highlight, and mascara. A dab of cologne, and she was ready.

  She found David sitting in the fading natural light, playing a beautiful, haunting song. She looked out through the multiple French doors toward the pool, and smiled. It was a beautiful room. She and Grace never went in the music room, as David had not been at home.

  David was all in blue. He was sitting there completely unaware of her with his eyes closed, singing softly. She had forgotten just how captivating his music was. He was obviously playing ad lib -- whatever was in his heart, whatever poured out through his fingertips.

  It was incredible. It made her pulse quicken and pound. It caused her heart to lift and jump, and beat against her ribs. She sighed and cupped her chin in her hand as she put an elbow on the piano. She listened with her eyes closed and immediately got lost in the sounds. When she opened her eyes, she found that he was looking at her steadily, with a smile.

  “Why don’t you join me?” he invited quietly.

  Caitlin smiled and obeyed. It felt very intimate and close, to sit with him on the bench. It brought back memories of sitting next to Skyler, and she dismissed those. This was David. She shook off the cloud and closed her eyes.

  “Do you sing, Cait?” he asked softly.

  “Me? No.” she denied immediately, with a smile.

  “Are you sure? Or have you never really tried?”

  She shrugged, and let her eyes watch his strong fingers caress the keys. “Just didn’t do much, I guess.” she admitted.

  “A song will lift your spirit, every time.” he advised knowingly. A smile let her know that he believed it.

  “Listening to you play lifts my heart.” she divulged softly.

  He looked at her quickly, and smiled. “And looking at you lifts mine.” he answered with a lazy look. “You’re very pleasant to come home to, Caitlin.”

  Caitlin’s heart began to race.

  “I’m very glad that Mother’s fallen in love with you. But then, I had no doubt. I knew she’d fall hard for you.” he went on.

  He saw the pulse throbbing in her neck out of the corner of his eye and wondered at it. What emotion had his words stirred? He steeled himself to take the risk, never looking up.

  “What are you feeling?” he asked quietly.

  “What do you mean?” she asked stiffly.

  “You seem agitated. What did I say wrong? Or, was it wrong?” he asked, turning his eyes to regard her questioningly, for a long second.

  “No! Not at all!” she denied quickly. His perceptiveness panicked her. How could he possibly know? She increasingly felt his presence beside her, the smell of his intoxicating cologne.

  “My God!” she thought in wild, sheer terror. “I’m falling in love with David!”

  “Good.” he answered, still playing. “I can’t believe I have to leave again tomorrow night. Having you here makes me want to stay home and enjoy your company, Cait.”

  She looked up at him with hope and adoration in her eyes. What did he mean? Could he possibly be attracted to her? Or was she misreading friendship and concern? She could feel David’s spirit being poured out through his fingers into the music. He was depositing himself, his passion, his soul, into the music he was playing. And it was beautiful, beautiful.

  How could she not become enamored of David when he poured himself out that way for her to see, and feel, and hear? The music was wooing her, drawing her. Opening up her heart to the man. She was losing all will to deny these things.

  “I’ll be back whenever I’m able. I hope you won’t mind if I continue to call every now and then. Talking to you cheers my heart.”

  Caitlin’s eyes searched his for some hint of how he felt about her. “I would love it, David.” she answered hesitantly.

  He gave her a pleased look, and smiled down at her. “Thanks. Then I’ll have something to look forward to.”

  Caitlin felt a great gladness filling her. She must mean something to him.

  “Time for dinner, you two.” Grace called from the doorway.

  “Coming.” David answered. He rose, and wrapped his arm under Cait’s as she stood. His fingers laced through hers to clasp her hand, and she looked up at him, questioning.

  “Shall we?” he suggested, showing her a dimple.

  She smiled, and nodded.

  Grace was quite gratified to see David paying such rapt attention to Cait, staying so close to her and touching her. It was very unlike the David she’d always known, and that, in her mind, was a very good thing at this point. She felt certain now, deep in her bones, that David was just biding his time, wooing Caitlin along.

  But then, doubts assailed her. They could just be very close friends. She couldn’t honestly tell whether or not there was anything deeper between them.

  He first seated his mother, then pushed Caitlin’s chair in, before he seated himself next to her.

  “So, darling. How long will you be able to stay this time?” his mother asked.

  He looked up at her as though almost angry that she’d reminded him. “I leave again tomorrow night.” he advised tiredly.

  Grace withered. “David, you’ve got to have time to rest. They’re working you to death.” she objected.

  “I know. After this tour, I’m taking a long break.” he informed her. “Bear with me, and I’ll be home soon. Maybe I’ll take you two someplace sunny.”

  “That would be a lovely change.” Grace agreed. “Just how long will this commitment last, son?”

  “Another two months, unless something changes.” he answered tiredly.

  “Is there serious trouble?”

  David looked up at his mother. “Skyler is having a bit of trouble. If they replace him, who knows? It’s touchy in some ways. The company that set up this tour doesn’t like substitutions, and they don’t like entanglements, and Skyler’s got plenty of those. I wouldn’t mind at all spending some extra time at home just now, but I really don’t want to rip it with this company, either. They arrange nearly all of my European tours.”

  Grace looked concerned. “It sounds serious.”

  “It is.” David confirmed. “It means millions, on this tour alone. But, I won’t work with Skyler again.” He smiled to lighten the atmosphere. “Enough about business. What do you two want to do tonight?”

  “What do you want to do?” Grace countered pointedly. “Cait and I do what we please every evening. You tell us. What’s your pleasure, dear?”

  He grinned. “How honest shall I be?” he teased. “Really, I think I’d be happy in front of the fire with a bit of good conversation.”

  Cait and Grace looked at one another and laughed. That was exactly what they did most every evening.

  “What?” he asked quizzically.

  “We’ll do it for your sake.” Caitlin teased.

  He gave her a narrowed stare. “What’s that mean?”

  “It means that we’re teasing you. You’ve just suggested our favorite evening.” Grace explained.

  David rolled his eyes and sighed. “Doesn’t happen very often for me. But I daydream about the two of you here with the fire, and the rain outside.” he sighed.

  Grace smiled and stood up. She felt it best not to dwell
there too long. Something might just interfere. “I’ll get the wood.”

  “You’ll do nothing of the kind.” David growled. “You go sit; and I’ll get the wood.”

  Grace raised an eyebrow, but she knew when not to argue with David. She took Cait’s arm and they went into the Library together. David smiled at the sight, and shook his head in wonder. They looked like they'd been companions for years.

  Once he had the fire roaring, he flopped on a settee and sighed.

  “How is the shoulder faring, dear?” Grace asked him worriedly.

  “It’s pretty good. Tight and sore, but it’s healing up.”

  Grace turned to Cait in explanation. “David tore some muscles handling a new horse, several months ago.”

  Cait nodded worriedly. “Does it hurt when you play?”

  “Sometimes.” he admitted. “I ought to put you to work on it. I’ll bet you could do me some good, couldn’t you?”

  She blushed. “Most likely.” she agreed.

  “What do you say?” he challenged her with a tired grin.

  “I’d be glad to.” she agreed.

  He sat up, looking relieved, and stripped out of his shirt without the slightest delay. Caitlin kicked off her shoes and knelt down beside him without daring to look at the skin displayed.

  “Do you want to get into something more comfortable?” he asked.

  “Well; perhaps it would be best.” she agreed. She gave him a fleeting smile and left the room.

  Grace looked at David and gave him a knowing smile. His eyes were watching Cait’s slim, shapely legs as she walked away.

  “Don’t you start.” he warned as she chuckled. She noticed that his eyes were still on Caitlin.

  “Well, David. One can hardly help it.” she chided lightly.

  He rolled his eyes and looked at her wearily. “Indeed.” he agreed.

  “Are you in love at last?” she asked softly.

  He looked at her, surprised by her boldness. “Mother, you know better than to ask me a question like that.” he warned.

  “Why?” she laughed.

  He chuckled. “Because there’s a timing to things. If I were, I’d tell her first; don't you think? There wouldn't be much point in confessing to you if the lady wouldn't have me, now would it?” he asked.

  Grace smiled at him. “If you weren’t, she wouldn’t be here.” she accused.

  David gave her a long look. “Mother. She needs a home. She needed you.” he explained patiently. “That’s all there is to it.”

  “That may be, David. But it’s you that she truly needs. And wants.” she added sweetly.

  He gave her a sharp look. “She didn’t say that to you.” he accused.

  “No. No, she hasn’t said it. But I know. I’m not sure that she’s realized it, herself.” Grace said quietly. “If you don’t love her, David, you need to be very careful. She could grow very close to you without even realizing it, and be hurt.”

  He was silent for a time, looking at her. Then he stared at the fire. Grace just smiled. She knew that she wasn’t going to get any more out of him tonight. But again, she had planted seed for him to think about. And he hadn’t denied a thing. But he was exasperated by her honest comments.

  Caitlin came downstairs wearing a green velvet tunic that made her eyes blaze, and matching slacks. She looked very cozy with her hair falling down her back.

  She smiled at David and pointed to the floor. She had a bottle of rubbing alcohol and a bottle of oil in her hand.

  He obliged her and put a throw pillow under his head. His eyes looked up at his mother and she smiled. He smiled back, all ire forgotten, and then closed his eyes.

  “Is that sore?” Caitlin asked evenly.

  “Uh. Yes.” David winced.

  “Sorry. How far down your back does it go?”


  “And down your arm?”

  “To the elbow.”

  “And up the left side of your neck?”

  “Yes. How did you know that?”

  “It’s my business to know. Now, you just try to relax.” she ordered efficiently.

  David closed his eyes and tried. Her fingers were very strong and talented. She knew exactly where the fluids were collected, where the pain was, and how to massage it for the most effect. It was simply wonderful to have that shoulder worked over. He could feel the tightness simply melting away.

  The three of them talked a bit, as she worked. It took her an hour before she’d done all that she wanted to do. Then, he convinced her to do the rest of his back. She blushed, but consented.

  Grace watched with amused affection. After another half-hour, she excused herself to go to bed. David looked up at her with a look that told her he knew what she was doing. She smiled innocently and bade them a good night.

  Caitlin felt a bit awkward continuing the back rub with Grace gone. “She turned in early tonight.” she commented uneasily.

  “Hmm.” David admitted. He smiled to himself. Drat her, his mother had him thinking about things he’d rather not have to think about. Like Cait’s fingers on his back. Like the fact that they were alone together and the fire was burning.

  He was silent until she finally patted his shoulder. “There. That should hold you for a bit.”

  He rolled and looked up at her. “Thank you.” he said heartily. “Caitlin, that felt absolutely incredible.” he told her, in a voice that surely conveyed his relief. He shivered. “Let’s move closer to the fire.” he suggested.

  Caitlin watched as he moved the settee up within four feet of the giant hearth and stretched out full length on it again. He patted the seat at his waistline and pulled her to a sitting position next to him, when she tottered close. She looked down at his face and found her eyes drifting to look at his bare chest. The strong muscles, the smooth, brown skin. The dark hair. The breadth of his shoulders and the defined muscles. She looked away quickly.

  His hand on her arm turned her eyes back to his. “Are you happy here, Caitie?” he asked tiredly.

  She let the corners of her mouth turn up. No one had ever called her that. “Very much so.” she assured him. “Your mother is delightful.”

  “What am I? Chopped liver?” he accused, stifling a yawn.

  She laughed. “Hardly. You’re the knight in shining armor who saved my life and spirited me away to his castle.” she dramatized.

  He laughed. “I lured you here with money and the promise of security. But your version sounds much more romantic.” he conceded.

  She smiled. It was very cozy and romantic there before the fire.

  “Let’s see how much you trust me these days.” he suggested.

  “How’s that?” she asked uneasily.

  “Put your feet up on the chaise.” he instructed. “Now, lean back and get comfortable here with me. There’s plenty of room for both of us and I’m too tired to misbehave. Come on; I just want to relax with you. I can't do that with you sitting there, stiff as a board.”

  Caitlin felt her nerves snapping as his strong arms pulled her back against his chest, and nestled her in his arms. She sighed when she realized that he was only going to cuddle her there. His strong, muscled arms around her were so warm and comforting, and his breath in her hair made her wish things she shouldn’t. But he didn’t even touch her with his lower body. He just held her, and stared at the fire.

  She sighed and relaxed, her head on his shoulder. The fire was beautiful and warm. She smiled as she realized that David was already asleep and snoring.

  David woke up at ten the following morning. He was alone, still on the settee, and he’d been covered with warm blankets. The fire was blazing and it was raining outside. He sat up and stretched. Then he remembered the prior evening with Caitlin in his arms, and he groaned. He should never have done anything so stupid!

  He got up and dragged up the stairs to his bath. He laid there for a long time, thinking about his dilemma. His mother had become his worst enemy in regard to Caitlin. Oh, how she had
enjoyed leaving them alone in front of the fire, David with no shirt, Caitlin stuck rubbing his back. She’d been hoping that the time alone would turn the tide.

  David was getting to be pretty sure that Grace was right. Caitlin wasn’t immune to him. He would have to be careful, indeed.

  Caitlin joined him in the kitchen, and made some tea. She sat down and smiled at him, wearing a beautiful plum sweater and some stretch pants. David just watched her moving around the kitchen and then he turned his eyes out the window to watch the rain.

  “When do you leave?”

  “Right after dinner.” he sighed. “I’d give just about anything to dump this tour, Cait.” he sighed.

  “Because of Skyler?”

  “Yep.” he agreed.

  “I’m sorry it’s so rough. My! You’d think that Skyler would simply blow up, or something. Did he ever get Connie off his back about paternity?”

  David turned lazy eyes up at Caitlin. “You’re too innocent for words, Cait. There is no need for a paternity suit. The kid’s his.”

  She blushed. “He said he didn’t know.”

  “He knows.” David assured her. “They’ve lived together for the three years I’ve known him. I wouldn’t be doing the tour with him if I’d known they weren’t married; it was bad enough just watching him dally with every pretty girl he could interest. It’s not good business to have my name linked with someone who’s obviously headed for disaster. But I had just found that out, when I met you.”

  Caitlin sat down and looked at him blankly. “Why do they let him go on as a Christian artist if he’s not married and was living with a girl? Especially someone like Connie! He did say he was paying support, didn't he?”

  David shook his head. “He makes them money. They just try to keep it quiet. It's easy for them to pretend they don't know.” he explained tiredly.

  “How dare he ask me to marry him?” she hissed.

  David gave her another lazy look that made her feel witless. “Skyler is seldom sincere, Cait. Those magic words have a way of engendering trust in a woman. And once you have her trust, you can more likely get what you really want.”


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