A Walk In The Wilderness

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A Walk In The Wilderness Page 14

by Nancy Hopper

Caitlin blushed and stared at him angrily.

  He smiled to soften his words. “If a man ever comes asking such a question, he really ought to have a ring in his pocket to back it up, don’t you think?” he challenged. “Then, you can at least see that he’s put a little bit of thought and money where his mouth is.”

  “I would hate to have to be so very calculating, actually.” she answered tersely.

  He grinned at her. “You’re a romantic, my dear. It’s easy to see. I suppose I should keep my advice to myself. You kept Skyler at arm’s length.”

  She smiled sadly. “Thank God.”

  “Indeed.” David agreed. He took a sip of tea and stared out the window.

  “What do you want to do today?” she asked brightly.

  He shrugged. “I don’t know. I’m pretty tired, still. I don’t feel like taking on much, really. If I’m wise, I’ll practice for a couple of hours.”

  “David, can I listen?” she asked instantly.

  He smiled. “Of course. That would be great.” he agreed. He laughed to see her eyes shining. “Do you like it that much?” he asked curiously.

  “Oh, yes. You’re simply tremendous.” she assured him. “Surely you know you're remarkable, David.”

  “Don’t go turning my head, now.” he laughed. He put an arm around her as they went into the music room. “I don’t need it.”

  “Facts are facts, David. I’d be lying if I said anything else.”

  He sat at the piano with a sigh. Caitlin chose the settee in front of the fire. He turned and watched her curl up there, with a smile. “You didn’t get much company from me last night, did you?”

  “You were snoring before I could say two words.” she confirmed.

  He chuckled. “Sorry.”

  “I’m not. You needed the rest. That’s what home time is for.”

  He shrugged. “Still, I’d rather have talked to you.” he said.

  He began to play, and Caitlin closed her eyes. There was nothing in the world that she would rather do, than sit and listen to him play. This time, it was Caitlin who fell sound asleep. The fire was so warm and cheery, and the music so peaceful.

  David looked over at her, and smiled to see her sleeping. Grace came by and looked at the scene. She and David exchanged an unreadable look. David did not smile, and he seemed to challenge his mother subtly. She just lifted her chin and gave him a look that seemed to hold a knowing smile. Then she went on to the kitchen.

  David left Caitlin sleeping and went upstairs for a nap, himself. He awakened to a tap on his door.

  “David, come to dinner.” his mother urged.

  “All right. Give me ten.” he yawned. Actually, he took twenty. He wanted to shower again before he got dressed. He had a long night of travel and work ahead of him.

  He chose a black shirt open at the neck, jeans and boots for the occasion. He knew his mother didn’t like jeans at the dinner table, but she’d have to make a concession for him. He didn’t feel like wearing anything else on the plane.

  He found Cait and his mother at the table, waiting.

  “Sorry.” he said. “Guess I should have gotten up a bit earlier.”

  “That’s all right.” Grace assured him.

  They shared a lovely dinner and chatted about things that didn’t matter. There was a sadness -- almost a strain at the table, because he was leaving just after.

  “How long will you be in France?” Grace asked quietly.

  “Two weeks. Then I may come home for a few days again, before we go into Ireland. I don’t know yet.”

  Grace smiled. “Well, darling, we’ll pray for that. I really feel that you need a few weeks’ rest.”

  He raised his eyebrows. “I’m beginning to think so, myself. I don’t ever recall being so short on patience.” he agreed.

  “Skyler would test anyone’s limits, I think.” Caitlin soothed.

  David laughed. “Yeah. I guess that’s true.” He looked at Cait, and shook his head. “I envy you, being here safe and sound from his tantrums.” he admitted.

  “When do you go, tonight?” Grace asked.

  “I have to be at the airport at six.” he said tiredly. “I go on at nine, so I’ll barely have time to change when I arrive there.”

  “You have to perform tonight?” Caitlin gasped.

  “Yep.” he confirmed. “Want to come?”

  She blanched. “To France?”

  “Paris. You could spend a few days and then fly back home.”

  “But won't Skyler be there?” she asked uncertainly.

  “He will. I’m thinking that perhaps we could drive him over the edge.” he suggested sweetly.

  Caitlin laughed. “Oh, David. I don’t know if I’m up to facing him, just yet.” she admitted. “And what if that beast is there with him?”

  David denied it with a shake of his head. “The child is very sick. She’s been staying close to home.”

  Caitlin digested the idea thoughtfully.

  “Why not go with him, Caitlin? I’ll be fine here.” Grace urged.

  Caitlin looked from one to the other. “But what would people think, me traveling alone with David?” she objected. “Wouldn’t that be bad for his reputation?”

  David looked at her with amusement. “I’m over here. You can ask me these things, you know.” he teased.

  She blushed, and looked at him askance.

  “It occurs to me that it could stir up some publicity because Skyler certainly won’t keep his mouth shut about us.” David agreed. “However, he’s already made all of those accusations in Scotland, and it didn’t do much harm.”

  “When you have a separate hotel room and when you do things correctly, people generally don’t have much to say. Besides, Skyler can’t throw any stones, and the management will be quiet. If they blat at me for having you there, they know I’ll point directly at what they let Skyler get by with. They’ll have no room to complain, at all.”

  “Do go, Caitlin.” Grace urged. “It will be good for you.”

  Caitlin shrugged. “I don’t know what to say.”

  “Then say you’ll get ready.” David urged.

  Caitlin laughed in disbelief. “Okay.” she agreed. How could one possibly say no to a trip to Paris? She finished her dinner quickly, and excused herself to get ready. Once upstairs, she paced her closet nervously. What should she take? What would David like? How formal should she be? She finally decided to take a variety of things. Grace brought her a fold-over suitcase that would be perfect for up to a week. Caitlin thanked her; and asked her shyly what Grace thought she should take.

  Grace smiled. “Why, darling. Look elegant and sexy, of course. You’re going to Paris.” she said. “It’s the city of romance. You can do it like no one else. Show Paris a thing or two.” she suggested slyly.

  Caitlin blushed and gave her a quizzical look. Grace just patted her arm and nodded knowingly. She left Caitlin to her thoughts.

  Caitlin raised her eyebrows. “Wow.” she sighed expressively. “I wonder what in the world that means.”

  She looked at her closet with a fresh eye. She had a good wardrobe because she sewed her own things. She took a black suit that was double-breasted and had a deep v-neck with satin lapels. She packed a lace shell to go under it. She took both the wide leg pants and a skirt to go with it. A white suit without a collar, and a very long coat, as well. Then, a ruby dress of rayon spandex that clung to every curve. A deep neck and straight sleeves kept it simple, but quite sexy. A violet dress in velour with silver sparkles, at a romantic ballerina length went into the bag, and a black sheath in a shorter length with a fringed shawl overlay. She smiled and put in the sparkling white dress with a handkerchief hem. A pair of white shoes, a pair of black, and she was set.

  For the trip, she put on her black leather pants, a black, fitted shirt with silver sparkles on it, and a short black leather jacket. She wore black, heeled boots to finish the look. She put on shadows and eyeliner, a dark berry lipstick, and a silver bracelet and
matching hoop earrings. After putting together her toiletries, she was ready to go.

  She descended the stairs and found David waiting for her with folded arms. His eyes were unreadable as he watched her long, slim legs clad in smooth, black leather descend. “Am I late?” she asked with a smile.

  He lifted an eyebrow. “Right on time.” he assured her evenly. “Are you packed?”

  She smiled. “Absolutely.” she said lightly.

  “I’ll have James load the car, then.” he said, turning away.

  Grace came out of the kitchen and surveyed Cait with sparkling eyes.

  “Oh, my.” she said with enthusiasm. “Now that’s what I call sexy.”

  Caitlin laughed. “Do you think so?” she asked uncertainly.

  “And then some.” Grace assured her. “I had no idea that you were capable of this.” she said expressively.

  “What do you mean? Do you think it’s too much?” Caitlin asked uneasily.

  “Well, let me just put it this way. I think that it would crumble the defenses of the most determined man.” she said with a chuckle. “No male could ignore you in that.”

  Caitlin raised her eyebrows. “Well. I had no idea I looked like that.” she said in embarrassment.

  “It will be fun to see how David reacts.” Grace said thoughtfully. “You’ll have to tell me all about it.”

  Caitlin smiled at her affectionately. “Oh, Grace. Now, you mustn't be matchmaking.” she pleaded.

  “Why not? I want the best for my son. You’re all that any woman could ever dream of in a daughter-in-law.”

  Her words touched Caitlin’s heart. “Thank you, Grace. But, please. There is nothing between David and I. You need to understand that, and let it be.”

  Grace just laughed. “Is that so?” she asked sweetly. “Well. We’ll just see.” she encouraged with a naughty wink.

  Caitlin blushed and lowered her eyes as David appeared again, with James in tow. James almost stopped cold when he saw the woman in the foyer. Then he remembered himself and went by them, with his head down. He hurried up the stairs to get the baggage.

  David watched the action, with a stern face and shuttered eyes. He put a hand on Caitlin’s back, and looked down at her impassively. “Let’s go.” he said evenly.

  “Mum,” he said with a kiss on her brow. “I’ll see you in a couple of weeks. I’ll let you know when Caitlin is coming home.” He put on a black leather jacket of his own.

  “All right, dear. Take your time. I’ll be fine here. You two have a wonderful time together.”

  “We will. Thanks.” David said.

  Caitlin kissed Grace’s cheek and hugged her. “You take care. I’ll be back in a few days.” she promised.

  “Honey, you stay as long as you want to. And don’t you let that worm bother you. David will take care of you.”

  Caitlin laughed. “I’m not the same girl that Skyler hit on a few months ago. But I’ll be very glad of David, just the same.”

  David grinned at her. “Let’s hope you won’t have too much reason to be. Come on, now, before we’re late.” he urged.

  Caitlin nodded, and went through the front door. David watched her go down the steps, and couldn’t help it when his eyebrows went up. The back side of those leather pants was enough to put a male in orbit. Small, firm, and round. Sweet and enticing. Her legs were long and finely shaped, with smooth muscle that was extremely likely to draw the eye. The leather pants fit her like a glove, to the knees.

  David heard his mother’s low chuckle and turned to give her a slow, burning look. She just smiled.

  “Do have a good time, darling.”

  He couldn’t help grinning at her. “You’re a wicked woman.” he accused in a low voice. “Are you responsible for this?” he asked.

  “What, darling?” she asked innocently.

  “This new Caitlin.” he accused.

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about. We haven’t been shopping, if that’s what you mean. Perhaps you just don’t know all there is to know about her, David.” she suggested lightly.

  He sighed, and walked through the front door. “It would appear so.” he answered dryly. He joined Caitlin at the car, and opened the door for her.

  David was uncommonly quiet on the trip to the airport. Caitlin didn’t know whether to break the silence, or not. She’d never seen him like this, and she had no idea what he was thinking. He did not enlighten her.

  Finally, she began to crack. She didn’t know what had upset David, and she couldn’t take it. Her heart was breaking. “David, what’s wrong?” she asked in a whisper.

  He looked over at her sharply. “Nothing, why?”

  She shrugged. “You haven’t said a word since we left the house.”

  He sighed. “I’m sorry. I just have plenty to think about. And, I'm tired.”

  She gave him a look that penetrated to the core. “Please don’t lie to me. Tell me what I’ve done, and I’ll fix it if I can.” she implored.

  He looked at her for a long moment. “You haven't done anything, Cait. I’m just … very tired.”

  “Have you changed your mind about taking me to Paris? I can go back home if you’d rather.”

  “No. I'm just … thinking how I’m going to keep Skyler in line, is all.”

  “You didn’t seem concerned about it when you asked me to come. But I don’t mind. I’ll go home.”

  “No. Honestly, Caitlin. I want you with me. I wouldn’t have asked you, otherwise.”

  She smiled. “Thank you, David.” she said softly. “I won’t wear the leather again, if you don’t like it.” she said slowly.

  He looked at her and had to laugh. She was quite serious. “Caitlin. I like it.” he assured her.

  “You do? I thought perhaps it turned you off. You know, like you think I’m trying to be like Connie, or something.”

  That was even funnier. David couldn’t have stopped laughing if he’d wanted to. “You couldn’t look or behave like Connie if you gave it your all.” he assured.

  “Then why such a change when I put on this outfit? I don’t understand.” she insisted.

  He sighed harshly and ran a hand over his eyes. “Well.” he said, then stopped abruptly.

  “What?” she asked innocently.

  “Cait, don’t make me talk about this, now. Please? It’s just hard for me to leave home. Let it be, if you will. Everything will be all right. I'm sorry I'm so moody.” he said tiredly. “It's really not your fault.”

  Caitlin’s eyes filled with tears. She lowered her head, and nodded slowly.

  “Thanks.” he said gruffly. He didn’t notice the tears, and Caitlin managed to hide them in the dark car. The silence continued until the Bentley pulled up to the private jet.

  David opened her door and helped her out. He seemed all right, but he was distant too, and he just wasn’t talking. Caitlin simply couldn’t understand what had gone wrong. She smiled at him, and went up the steps into the plane.

  David stared at James pointedly, and James quickly got into the Bentley again, averting his eyes from the girl. He really wasn’t into losing his job, especially for a reason that he couldn’t explain to Jana.

  David followed Cait up into the plane, while their luggage was being stowed. When they sat down, he looked at her and saw the tear stains on her cheeks. She had no idea that her makeup had run. He dropped his head in his hands and cursed himself.

  Her hand rested on his forearm in concern. “David?” she asked worriedly.

  “I’m just getting a headache. I’m sorry, Cait.”

  “Can I get you anything to take for it?”

  “No. No, thanks. I’ll be all right, I’m sure.”

  Caitlin settled back in her seat, wondering if the entire idea of going to Paris with David was an incredible mistake. She kept her silence and sat there, too miserable for words.

  After take-off, David seemed to regain his composure a bit. He smiled lazily at Caitlin and took her hand in his. “Thanks for put
ting up with me.” he said softly. “I don’t mean to be a bear; really, love.”

  She looked up into his smiling eyes, and felt the tears come welling up again. She looked away quickly, and squeezed her eyes tightly closed.

  “Hey. Caitie. Honey, I’m sorry.” he murmured. He pulled her into his arms and held her tightly. He kissed her temple and picked up salty tears. “Oh, man.” he said wearily. “I’ve really done it now, haven’t I? Caitie, what you must think of me.”

  She silently wept against his chest, and tried to squeeze it all back inside. But it was rather like trying to put toothpaste back into a tube.

  “There will be no living with Mum, if she finds out I’ve made you cry.” he teased. “And for no good reason.”

  “I don’t know what’s wrong with me.” she blubbered brokenly. “Maybe I should just go home.”

  “No. No, I don’t want you to go home. Listen, Caitie. Maybe I should just tell you the truth. Hmm? About the black leather.” he suggested in a tight voice.

  She looked up at him fearfully. “Okay.” she said hesitantly. The truth she could handle, she thought.

  He chuckled, and closed his eyes. He let his head fall back against the headrest. “Black leather on a woman built the way you are built, is … too much to expect a man to resist. It’s sadistic. It’s very cruel. It’s beautiful, but it’s … too much for me. Men have buttons that women easily find and push. Comprende?” he asked dryly.

  She was looking at him uncertainly. “You mean ... you like it too much?”

  He closed his eyes. “That’s what I mean.” he agreed. “It’s very sexy. I can’t believe you wear that in public, and get where you want to go without being accosted.”

  She laughed nervously. “I have had a bit of trouble from time to time, now that you mention it.”

  He looked at her and grinned sardonically. “Do me a favor. Don’t make me hit anybody, will you? It’s dangerous to abuse my hands. Save the leather.” He whispered. He handed her his handkerchief, and managed to wink at her.

  She laughed in embarrassment. “I am sorry. Really, David. It’s just very comfortable.”

  He sighed. “I know. Think nothing of it.”

  Caitlin sat in silent wonder. He thought it was that sexy, that he couldn't even talk about it? She bit her lip to stifle a smile. If David was so attracted to her body, even because of the leather -- perhaps it could bloom into something deeper. Something sweeter. Something more permanent. She smiled as she thought of Grace’s innuendo. She certainly knew David better than anyone! Perhaps it wasn’t so far-fetched after all.


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