A Walk In The Wilderness

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A Walk In The Wilderness Page 19

by Nancy Hopper

  She looked like a kid in a candy shop, and he didn’t have the heart to argue with her. He just watched her, and found his imagination running wild. The girl was sadistic.

  She went into a changing room with a number of outfits that put a choke in David’s throat. She emerged wearing a mixed suede and leather dress in white that hugged her body in diagonal stripes. The lump in his throat grew. She found a jacket with long fringe to match that was simply smashing. Then she came out in a red dress that turned his blood to fire. It, too, was fitted to the point of indecency. Then came a dress and coat in royal purple. David was blushing. It was very hot in that shop. The last was a black dress with a zipper up the front, very low cut.

  Caitlin looked at him expectantly, and shrugged when he just looked at her with heavy-lidded eyes. She went back into the room and came out wearing the black dress again. This time, the clerk had gotten her some boots to match, and the effect was quite startling for David. The dress was fairly short, and the boots just enhanced the stretch of her long, slender legs. It molded against her body as only soft leather can, and the zippers made a man’s imagination go off the Richter.

  It appeared that she was buying the white dress and jacket, too. And some white boots with clear, acrylic soles and heels. Very sexy. David sighed and walked to the counter. Added to the white came the red dress and the purple ensemble. He tried not to look as a skirt and matching corset in embossed royal blue leather landed on the counter in front of his eyes.

  “I’ll take care of the bill.” he said firmly in French.

  “Tres bien, Monsieur.” the clerk said, pushing Caitlin’s currency back at her. David handed over a credit card, and it was done.

  Caitlin looked up at him impishly, and smiled.

  “If you’re going to drive me insane, it’s the least I can do.” he said without looking at her.

  She smiled and took his arm. “Poor man.” she taunted.

  He hazarded a weary look at her. “You have no idea.” he assured her evenly.

  Caitlin pursed her lips and stared up at him pensively. “I will take the dress off if you would prefer that I not wear it.” she offered sweetly.

  “You’ll be lucky if I don’t take it off for you.” he countered in a low voice. He shot her an unreadable glance and put an arm around her as they left the shop.

  “Is that a threat?” she teased in an outraged voice.

  He set his jaw and put her packages under his arm. He didn’t look down at her.

  “David, I’m teasing. Have I upset you?” she asked worriedly.

  “Don’t worry about it.”

  She looked up at him, her cheeks flaming. She didn’t know what to say. He seemed angry, not tender and romantic, not sweet (as he always was), except when she wore leather.

  “I’m sorry.” she said immediately. “David, I’ll take them back.”

  “No.” he said, shaking his head. “I think I’d hate that even more. Just …” he laughed shortly. “Please forgive my short patience. It’s not your fault. I’ll deal with it.” he assured her tightly.

  She put a hand on his arm and looked up at him beseechingly.

  “David,” she begged. “I really don’t want to do anything that displeases you. It’s just that I love leather.”

  He smiled and actually looked into her eyes. “It doesn’t displease me. It pleases me far too much, actually. And I can’t do anything about it. That’s all. I’m sorry.”

  Tears welled up in her eyes and she blinked them back. David’s arm went around her and he kissed her brow. “Will you have a little mercy?” he chuckled. “You’re tearing me apart, Caitlin.”

  “Why? I don’t understand.” she railed.

  “I know, and I can’t think of any way to explain it to you.” he sighed. “Just don’t think that I’m being critical of you. I’m just trying hard not to fall on my face.”

  Caitlin was baffled, but she nodded anyway. Whatever trials David was facing, she had to maintain her peace. She knew enough to know that she didn’t dare kiss him, or make any such move. He was not that kind of man.

  She was certain that he cared for her, that he was attracted to her. And he respected her, obviously. She had to just simply pray that he would get around to it. It was all she could do. She didn’t understand at all why he couldn’t indulge himself.

  When they got back to the hotel, she suggested a swim. David looked strained, but he agreed. They went to the pool without many words, and dove in gratefully. It was a nice distraction from the morning’s tension to feel the cool water swirl around them.

  Caitlin surfaced and felt David’s arms close around her.

  “I’ve been a bear to you, haven’t I, dear?” he asked with a rueful smile.

  “No.” she denied, putting a hand on his cheek. “I knew you didn’t want to see me in leather.” she admitted. “I just couldn’t help myself.”

  “I do want to see you in leather. That’s the problem.” he assured her with a laugh.

  She sighed. “I guess that I just don’t understand the problem.”

  He smiled. “I know. I will explain, when I can.”

  “Why don’t you see about putting me on a plane?” she asked impassively.

  He looked at her with narrowed eyes. “Is that what you want?” he asked hesitantly.

  “No, David. I’d much rather be here with you. But under the circumstances, I do feel that it would be best. For you. You don’t need any additional aggravation just now. I think your path will be smoother if you can concentrate on your work, and avoid further difficulties with Skyler and Will. I am only adding to the strain you’re under.”

  He shook his head. “What about for you?” he challenged.

  “I have had a good vacation here with you. Perhaps it’s time I go on home.” she suggested.

  “Mother is no doubt missing you, but not as much as I will.” he sighed.

  She looked at him with longing stabbing out of her eyes. “And I will miss you.” she assured him softly.

  “Will you, Cait?” he asked hesitantly.

  “You know I will.” she said.

  “Then it will make coming home to you very sweet. I hate to send you, but it was foolish of me to bring you here, I suppose.”

  “It’s been the adventure of a lifetime. But Skyler is unpredictable. You know it’s best that I go.” Her fingers dared to trace along his cheek lightly.

  He sighed. “I’ll see what I can do.” he agreed unhappily. She imagined his eyes darkened in color, in response to her caress -- but he turned away, so she couldn’t be certain.

  Caitlin was extremely puzzled by David’s attitude. She never knew what to think. At one moment, she could see passion in his eyes, and she was certain that he was ready to kiss her. The next, he was running as though his life depended on it.


  Caitlin was trying to decide what to wear that evening, and smiled. The white leather would make an impression, she knew. But she didn’t want to distract David when he was working, in all honesty. And she didn’t want to raise his ire.

  So, she chose the deep green velvet with the bolero jacket in silk and synthetic suede, and wore heels with it. She took some time with her hair and had it cascading over her shoulders in a sophisticated style. She was gratified when she saw David’s reaction. He looked stunned.

  “What? It isn’t leather.” she teased.

  “It may as well be. My heavens! You’re impossible.” he grumbled.

  “Why, David. Should I dress like a bum when you bought me all these lovely dresses?” she asked sweetly.

  He laughed. “God help me, I did this to myself, didn’t I? Caitlin, you’re impossible and incredible. How can you look so lovely and tempting?”

  She smiled and for once, did not blush. “You tell me and we’ll both know.” she teased. “You’re the man with the taste in clothes.”

  He groaned and rolled his eyes. “I can’t argue with you, because I distinctly remember picking this out. D
o you know what it does to your eyes?” he lamented in seeming pain.

  She laughed, and his arm went around her as they went out to the car.

  Will faced them with no small displeasure when he discovered they had arrived in David’s dressing room. “David,” he snapped, “You simply cannot do this, you are playing with fire.”

  “Calm down, Will. Caitlin has decided to go home. She’s getting on a plane tomorrow afternoon.”

  “Good. Then help me get you through tonight, will you? I’ll keep her here in the dressing room, and post the three guards outside.”

  “That won’t be necessary, Will. Caitlin will be backstage where I can see her at all times.”

  “No, she won’t, David. We can’t run the risk of a repeat of last night. Or worse! Having her there is like waving a red flag in front of Vaughn. Be reasonable.”

  “The only way I can know that she is safe is to have her where I can see her.” David insisted. “And that is where she will be. That’s how it is, or I will walk out of here.” he said evenly.

  Will put his hands on his hips and glared. “David, you have always been so reasonable. So good to work with. Don’t do this!”

  “Will, I have been ready to walk away from this tour for months. Skyler Vaughn is a pain and I’m tired of walking around on eggshells. I am sorry if he’s got a fixation on my woman, but it’s just too bad. She’s not going to sit in my dressing room behind a locked door like a prisoner, because Skyler Vaughn has got a problem.”

  “He says if you ever touch him again, he’ll sue you.” Will warned.

  “That would suit me just fine. I’d tell the court about the months of junk I’ve had to go through, and I’ll bet I’d win the case. And just think of all that juicy publicity, Will.” David goaded sweetly,

  Will sighed. “David.” he begged. “Please. We can’t run the risk of anything ruining the show. We can’t afford the risk of that kind of publicity. There is too much at stake.”

  “You’ve got ‘that kind of publicity’ waiting to pop out at the seams. You deserve it, for signing someone like Vaughn. And I can’t run the risk of anyone hurting her.” David countered. “I won’t go on if I can’t see her. It’s that simple. You will have her in the wings and she will stay there for the entirety of my performance, or I will not go on. You keep Vaughn away, and everything will be fine.”

  Will sighed harshly. “All right. All right, David. I guess I don’t have any choice. I’ll go talk to Roland.”

  “Do.” David said pointedly.

  When Will was gone, he looked at Caitlin. She was white, and shaking. He gathered her in his arms and held her tightly, rocking her in an effort to comfort her. “Caitlin.” he soothed.

  “It’s so horrible.” she gasped.

  “I know. Honey, it will end tomorrow. I’m sorry.” he said against her hair. “I’m very sorry. I should have known that the conflict would upset you.”

  “I wish it didn’t, David.” she whispered.

  “You wouldn’t be my Caitlin if it didn’t.” he chuckled.

  Will came in without knocking. David turned and glared at him.

  “All right, David. Roland and I understand one another. Skyler will not approach Caitlin, and you will not touch Skyler. Fair enough?”

  “I won’t touch him unless he breaks his promise. Does he agree, or does Roland?”

  “Roland vouches for him.”

  David laughed. “I don’t think Roland can in any way control his client.” he contended. “But that’s all right. You make sure he knows that I don’t care. If Skyler goes near Caitie, I’ll tear him limb from limb. This time, I won’t stop until he’s out of commission. Is that clear?”

  Will paled and set his lip in a pout. “I’ll tell him.” he said, flouncing out.

  “You do that.” David snapped. “And have the respect to knock before you barge in here.”

  He sat down and sighed heavily. Caitlin went to him and put her hands on his shoulders.

  “David, I wouldn’t mind staying out of the way for the sake of the performance.” she ventured.

  “No way. I wouldn’t be able to play.” he denied. “I would be constantly wondering if you were all right.”

  She sighed and put her arms around his neck from behind. He patted her hand, and closed his eyes to relax until time to go on. Caitlin sat next to him in the oversized chair, in comfortable silence.

  Muriel showed up to do David's make up, and made the atmosphere lighter as she prattled on about little things. She loved Caitlin, and made no bones about complimenting her. Before it was over, she had Cait blushing and David chuckling. It was just what they both needed to ease the tension.

  When her job was done, Muriel expressed regret that she wouldn’t be seeing Caitlin again. Then, Will called over the intercom, and they climbed the stairs.

  David looked grim, and Caitlin was a bit afraid, the truth be known. She wasn’t certain that her nerves could endure another showdown. But the stage area was clear when they arrived, and Will informed them that Skyler had already left the building. They had waited until he was gone before introducing David.

  David nodded his satisfaction and listened as the announcer talked about him. He squeezed Caitlin’s hand and winked at her. He looked at the three guards, as if to assure himself that all was well, and the area was secure for Caitlin. Then he went on stage.

  And things went very well. Caitlin listened to the sound of David’s voice, and marveled at the fluency of his French. David had created a very sweet, tender passion in the music that filled the atmosphere. There was an indescribable thickness to the air; a haunting longing that certainly was expressed in his voice as it filled the theatre; but it went far beyond that.

  “I’ve got to know you better. I’ve got to feel your touch. I’ve got to find a way to share you, the glory of your presence. The tender love I know. Show yourself, make yourself known. To everyone. Come, Lord and claim your own.” he sang, impassioned.

  Then suddenly, Caitlin began to feel strange. She felt someone, or something near her. She looked around, but the guards were all relaxed and steps away. And then, she knew.

  She sucked in her breath and shook her head, as though to clear it. There was a powerful, wonderful Presence around her, reaching out to her, permeating her being. She closed her eyes. She knew that it was Jesus. And suddenly, she realized that she could understand every word that David was speaking, though he continued to sing in French.

  “He is the one, the only one who can save. He alone can make the darkness flee. He is the only one who can set you free. He shed His blood for you, He gave His life up willingly. And after death was conquered, he rose again. Lord of Lords, and King of Kings. He’s come here for you tonight because He loves you eternally.”

  Caitlin began to tremble. What was happening was simply incredible. She could understand David’s beautiful words. It was Jesus, and it was miraculous.

  “Will you receive Him?” David was asking softly. “You have only to make the choice. He will never force you, but He longs to hear your voice. Say, ‘Jesus, won’t you come in, come into my heart? Be my Lord and Savior, I’ll set myself apart. To you I offer all that I am. And I will love you forever, my Lord’.”

  “Now, Holy Spirit. Go deep into these hearts that cry out for you.” He urged, in a raw whisper.

  Caitlin shrugged, and shook herself as if to be certain it was real. It was happening to her personally, even as David spoke it. She could feel Him coming into her spirit. She could feel herself yielding. She knew that her heart had answered the call, and though she was a bit afraid, she knew that she had to. It was her time, now.

  This was what David had been waiting for. This, of course, had kept him from her. She hadn’t become a Christian until now, and he couldn’t join himself to her and love her, unless she did. Anything less would undermine the ministry he had chosen as his life's work.fs

  This presence so sweet, was melting her heart from the inside out. She smiled as s
he knew for certain that she now wanted Jesus, with or without David. She covered her face with her hands and sighed. Tears poured and she shook with emotion. Joy filled her heart like nothing she’d ever felt before. It was indescribable. She sank to her knees, where she was, and lifted her hands in worship and surrender, and supplication.

  She heard David chuckle, and felt his eyes on her. She opened her eyes and looked at him. He was watching her, with a smile and the glint of gladness in his eyes. He clearly knew that she had just accepted Jesus.

  “Oh, my God.” he sighed. “Thank you, Lord. Thank you, so much.” He closed his eyes and went on playing. He had to. But his eyes kept straying to the girl in the wings. He could feel the Holy Spirit brooding over her. Still, the exultation that he felt over Caitlin’s salvation spilled into the music, and a dynamic power flooded the hall as David played like he’d never played in his life.

  When it was over, the musical tones drifted slowly away into silence. The crowd was stunned by the power and majesty of David’s work. Then, they erupted into shouts and applause. David stood up, and bowed.

  “If you just received Jesus, or if you want to do so, raise your hand now. Someone will come to pray with you. For this reason, I won’t be doing an encore tonight. Please minister to one another. Let’s put the salvation of those the Lord wishes to touch tonight above our enjoyment of the traditional encore. God bless you all.” he said softly.

  There was more applause, and then there was a hum of activity. Caitlin looked out at the audience from behind the curtain and saw a sea of hands go up. She gasped in disbelief and turned to greet David as he came into the wings. “David, look.” she urged.

  David looked out over the audience, and smiled. Then he turned to look down at Caitlin. “And you.” he added with great satisfaction.

  She smiled shyly. “Yes. And me.”

  He looked up and shook his head, as with wonder. “Thank you, Lord.” he sighed. Then he pulled Caitlin into his arms, and held her while he prayed.


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